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    • Dag 30

      Und ganz am Ende- am Kap

      29. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Puh- this is high! Went to see the „0“m- stone and the end of the world (Spanish „Finisterre“) ! Did I mention that I am afraid of hights? 🥴
      But I went there and did the pictures! Now I am
      Looking for shells!
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    • Dag 31

      Before my plane arrives

      30. august 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I spent the last day with Davide and partly with some of his friends in Muxia and Fisterra! Muxia is officially the religious point zero of the Camino (while Finesterre is the geographical end of the journey!)! However for me Santiago de Compostela was the final point of the way and the rest was just an add on!
      We had a nice dinner to watch the sunset- although the sun was hiding behind clouds! In the night I drove back to the Airport, slept 2 h in the car and started my flight back home via Barcelona (where a mega thunderstorm shook us up)! Ready to finally get back home to my family- can’t wait!
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    • Dag 9

      Cabo Finisterre

      20. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      There are different spellings of Finisterre/ Fisterre. But the basic translation is Finis Terra - the end of earth, or end of the world. This has been an important place even before the pilgrimage of Saint James / Santiago, with pagan and Celtic roots. And because the world was flat, of course this was the end.

      It was a lovely walk up to the lighthouse, quiet in the morning and everything seemed so fresh. I met Sandra and Mary, the nurses from the UK 🇬🇧 who I had met on the way to Muxia. Back into town, I checked out of my pension, went to the tourist office for my Camino Fisterre certificate, and grabbed a snack at the mercado before catching the autobús 🚌.
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    • Dag 41


      15. oktober 2022, Spania ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      I've spent almost 2 days here in Fisterra. I love the sea...even when it is a bad weather day. Yesterday rained just a bit. Luckily it stopped shortly after I got here and I was able to walk out to the lighthouse and kilometer 0. Later on, I walked to a suggested beach to watch the sunset. There wasn't much to see of the sun, but it was still beautiful.
      Today has been raining all day. I've only ventured out for breakfast and now dinner. It's been a nice "vacation" day.
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    • Dag 17

      Cabo Fisterra....das Ende der Welt ❤️

      12. mai 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Was für ein mystischer Ort ❤️❤️ Cabo Fisterra....das Ende der Welt ! Man ist sprachlos und dankbar 🙏

      Viele Jacobspilger sitzen einfach auf den Felsen und man sieht ihnen die Dankbarkeit und teilweise auch die Strapazen an , diesen Teil des Weg geschafft zu haben !

      Der Stellplatz mit spektakulärem Blick aufs Meer und den Leuchtturm 🌅❤️ was für ein schönes Fleckchen Erde !

      Und der Spruch auf dem Zettel am Jacobskreuz hat mich sehr berührt.....❤️ Wie wahr.....


      HEUTE ❤️❤️❤️🙏
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    • Dag 22

      Ankunft Nr 2 - Freitag Nr 4

      2. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Diesen Ort würde ich nur mit zwei Menschen teilen wollen

      This place i would share with to people only

      Meinem allerbesten Pilgerfreund Martin aus Tschechien

      My good best pilgrim hetero friend ever
      Chec 🇨🇿 Martin 😍😉😜

      And my unreachable
      Und den unerreichbaren


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    • Dag 24

      Zeit für Glaube, Liebe und Gott

      4. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Habe den Tag heute für mich gebraucht und wollte mal nix mitteilen.

      War durchgängig von 07:10 beschäftigt und viel erledigt, organisiert und Juhuuuuuuuuuu sogar vin ich jetzt für die Ewigkeit tätowiert. 😳

      Nach dem Termin, habe ich es sogar noch rechtzeitig in die Pilgermesse geschafft und vor einem Jahr, hat man mir nicht zu viel versprochen, über Schönheit dieses Kirchenortes.

      Die Messe war in spanisch und teils englisch. Am Ende wurden wir, um den Altar versammelt, mit der Hand auf dem Kopf vom Pastor gesegnet. Tränenmoment.

      Die Bilder sollen es beschreiben, das Video das Gefühl wiedergeben. Ring und Tattoo für mich an diesem Ort passend und sehr wichtig.

      Und jetzt habe ich schon wieder gegessen, der Nebel hat sich seit gestern aufgelöst und nun 3,5 km hoch zur Aussicht. Mal schauen ob es was zu sehen gibt.
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    • Dag 64

      Muxia (Bike day 31km)

      15. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Another day for the pictures to do most of the talking because I’m running out of adjectives to describe the beauty of what we are seeing.
      We ventured off the Camino track to Muxia because it needed too much concentration on our bikes with narrow and at times rocky paths. The roads were stunning and much more pleasant to cycle. More lovely food, another beautiful sunset …
      We are so blessed!
      Take note of the location of the church right on the rocks - stunning!! It is the church of Our lady of the boat. Tradition says that Mary met St James here and helped and encouraged him in his preaching in Galicia.
      The stones are a monument commemorating the oil spilled from the tanker “Prestige”
      Tomorrow we will tour the Muxia area and relax and reflect
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    • Dag 15

      Tag 14 & 15: Finisterre, das Ende der 🌍

      19. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Da wir nicht mehr die 4 Tage für den Fußmarsch nach Finisterre übrig hatten, fuhren wir mit dem Bus für zwei Tage dorthin. Die alten Römer dachten, dass hier das Ende der Welt gewesen wäre, weil das Kap Finisterre sehr weit im Westen Spaniens liegt und man von dort aus nur noch Meer sehen kann...
      Hier konnten wir am ersten Tag einen kleinen Strandurlaub machen. 😍 Das Wetter war absolut traumhaft und es gibt dort herrliche, einsame Sandstrände an denen man gefahrlos im wellenlosen Ozean baden kann. Gleichzeitig hat man eine großartige Sicht auf die Berge! Es ist so ruhig und friedlich, sodass man versteht warum hier Hippies teilweise in Höhlen leben, nachdem sie ankamen und nie wieder gehen wollten. 😅
      Wir haben (ausversehen) eine tolle Wanderung gemacht und uns den Sonnenuntergang über dem Meer angeschaut.... und dabei 2 Dosen Tinto Verrano und ein Schokocroissant ohne Schokolade innen (😑) verdrückt. 😄
      Wir waren auch noch im dem Hippie Café, welches mir noch vom letzten Mal im Gedächtnis geblieben war, gegessen. Das war auch mega!
      Am nächsten Tag hat es wieder wie aus Eimern den ganzen Tag geschüttet. 😆 Es wurde also nichts aus dem Strandtag auf den wir uns so gefreut hatten.
      Trotzdem ging es durch Regen und Wind zum Kap, ein würdiges Ende-der-Welt-Wetter, für das Ende unserer Reise. 😆
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    • Dag 36

      Finisterre / Fisterra

      2. oktober 2023, Spania ⋅ 🌬 70 °F

      Earlier, we were on the bus to in Finisterre/Fisterra, traveling along the coast for several hours.
      As we had to load EVERYTHING UP in our packs….that means things I bought for family. My pack is a bit bigger then it was. It’s taller then I am now!! Lol
      As we passed one town on a beautiful beach after another I was smiling! I couldn’t take decent photos out of a bus window but I wish I could!
      And there are Horrarios! ( my favorite thing here along the coast!) we even saw a ‘field’ of them!. So many alongside houses on a hill I couldn’t resist making comment to Tammy (who I had promised that I would not mention Horraios to anymore 🤣) She just chuckled and shook her head.
      We’re at in Finisterre/Fisterra ( Galacian dialect ?). Ordering food at 3:19pm as we need to hike at 6:30pm up to the light house to be at the end of the world by 8:15pm, sunset🌅 with headlamps ( charged) and wine ready to go. 🌅🌅. A great finish!!!
      I need to make comment here: Tammy has been so amazing,. I wasn’t in the right head space after Phil’s death when I left for this trip. Daily she made arrangements for our next stay- reading reviews for great, incredibly affordable stays ( $19-$34/ night!!!) picking longer or shorter walking days to keep us on our time line. Tammy helped with food translations, a definite weak spot for me here, made arrangements for moving luggage ( whole other story 😊). She has done so much!! Thank you, Tammy!!❤️
      Another big help the first 2 weeks was Natalie, from Belgium. She teased 😉 and pushed me on!! ‘ Ah Come on!!’ (With her great Belgium/French accent). 😃❤️
      I was so much in a fog in the beginning, and I hadn’t been out of the country in over 10 years, I lost my phone ( it fell out at a bus station), wasn’t accustomed to watching for ARROWS ( yellow and how you follow the Camino/ just a bit important!! ), these two were directing me at first. 🤣.
      I wasn’t much use to them. I feel I am in the groove and solid now and it’s time to go home.
      All of the challenges, the difficulties, the fun, beauty, many many miles were the Best recipe for my mind set at the time!
      Thanks to my husband, Ron for encouraging me to make this journey!
      ****** Back to today
      This early evening we bought a bottle of wine, our proprietress had wine glasses and an opener. We walked the about 3+km up and then down and the up was about 10 flights of stairs. A good evening walk ( see the monument/marker) up to the light house at the point Fin de Terre (the end of the earth) . It’s a separate Camino, so that marker there actually shows mile point 0.00.
      We sat, opened the bottle of wine, chatted, laughed*** and at times sat quietly. **We were laughing because we had grabbed a GREAT seat! No one else had nabbed. …. Yep! Really great view….. right next to the septic system with a crack in the lid. Phew! Hahaha
      Tammy asked if I wanted to move while we were both laughing. My response,” Why move, all we have smelled for the last 2 weeks in highlands has been cow*****. 🤣🤣. I put my rain coat and back pack over the crack, the breeze shifted a bit and no problem.👍👍. Hahaha
      The view, wine and companionship was a perfect end. A little chocolate, a little wine…. And an amazing peaceful view!!
      Boats heading out to sea to fish the night catch. Clouds that were billowy sheep one moment and a school of fish the next. We didn’t get the dramatic colors one might hope for but it was the majestic peace, I feel we wanted. I am so grateful for such a journey.
      One more night in Santiago de Compostela tomorrow. Then home. Hopefully, done with adventures for this trip. But….. one never knows…. 😉
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