Hospital de Órbigo

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    • Dzień 28

      To Hospital de Orbigo

      27 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      September 27

      Today was a shorter day (10 miles) to Hospital de Orbigo, a place we only walked through five years ago, and a town with a fabulous medieval bridge that Alan couldn’t wait to see again.

      The bridge is one of the longest and best preserved medieval bridges in Spain and is one of the most famous landmarks along the Camino. It is known for a legendary jousting tournament.

      In the year 1434, a knight from Leon (Don Suero de Quinones) was scorned by the woman he loved. As a result, he challenged any knight who dared to pass over the bridge to a jousting battle. Knights from all over Europe took up the challenge and Don Suero successfully defended the bridge for a month until he had broken the 300 lances he had pledged to use in its defense. Thus, he retained his honor, although it doesn’t appear that the lady changed her mind. He later travelled on to Santiago to give thanks for his newly restored honor. There are indications that Cervantes may have used this story as inspiration for his character, Don Quixote.

      The Great Parts of Today

      1. The AMAZING sunrise!
      2. The birds chirping this morning
      3. Meeting Anna from Russia
      4. Alan seeing the bridge again
      5. Running into Candi as she entered town and then joining her for dinner.
      6. We have comfortable beds. 🛏️

      Tomorrow, we walk to Astorga. 🙂
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    • Dzień 8

      La flecha

      12 maja, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Sommigen vragen of het lastig is om je route te vinden naar Santiago de Compostela. Het antwoord is "Nee". Er zijn duizenden gele pijlen (flechas) uitgezet over de verschillende camino routes. Vaak eenvoudig van aard, geschilderd op een muur, een paal of op de weg. Soms op een officieel bord. Er zijn zelfs pijlen gemaakt van stenen.
      Je hebt ze in alle soorten en maten en zelfs een blinde zou zo bijna zijn weg kunnen vinden naar Santiago. Buen Camino!
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    • Dzień 29

      Astorga! And Less than 300 km left!

      16 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      Today we walked to Astorga. It is a lovely town with a cathedral and a building designed by Gaudi. And, maybe most importantly, a shoe store! I sad as it was to say goodbye to my previous shoes, the soles were completely torn up. They had to be replaced.

      We had a wonderful time at our previous location. Our hosts were completely lovely. Dolores, the woman who ran the lodging facility, was so lovely. She gave us and our new friend from Chile big hugs when we left this morning. We made friends with a wonderful woman from Chile. She walks faster than us, though, so I’m not sure if I’m going to see her anymore!

      Walk today was only 15 km. It was pleasant and through countryside. We arrived in Astorga fairly early. We went to a shoe store. They had the same brand of shoes I have been wearing but not the same model. They probably gave me a blister between my big toe and second toe! So I have been doctoring the blister and I relaced the shoes. Hopefully that will solve the problem and my shoe issues will no longer be a problem.

      We went to that which was lovely. We had an audio tour. It rained on us even though it wasn’t supposed to rain once we were here in town. Of course, we were not carrying our ponchos when we were out being tourists. All of the restaurants in town are closed because today is Monday. Not Sunday, but Monday. Apparently that’s a thing too! So we and all the other pilgrims in town are at a pizza place tonight. But Pizza is a good all purpose food!

      We were looking at a map for tomorrow, and we have a steady, uphill climb going to our next location, Rabanal. We were surprised to see that the day after tomorrow is the day we go to Cruz de Ferro where are we will be leaving our rocks on the big mound where everybody else leaves that rocks! It’s actually pretty exciting to have made it more than 2/3 of the way now!

      We were very excited when we saw a mileage marker that was 369 km. Unfortunately, about 5 km later we found a mileage marker that said we had 375 km to go! I think it just goes to show you that you can’t really trust those mileage markers! According to our guide book, we have 256 km to go!
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    • Dzień 19

      Tag 18: León - Hospital de Óbrigo

      9 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Nach dem gestrigen Pausentag war ich heute wieder deutlich fitter. Sowohl mein Knie als auch meine Achillessehne fühlten sich normal an und so startete ich, gemeinsam mit Mike (UK) und Andreas (GER), um 6:30 Uhr in León. Andreas ist Tischler aus Berlin und läuft seit 2 Tagen mit uns.

      Eigentlich hatte ich mit den beiden abgesprochen, ab León mein eigenes „Tempo“ zu gehen, also mehr Km/Tag, als in den letzten Wochen. Die Entscheidung war Konsequenz eines seit Tagen in mir wachsenden Gefühls, mal wieder länger für mich allein sein zu wollen.
      Doch am Morgen waren Mike und Andreas „zufällig“ um die gleiche Uhrzeit wie ich startklar, obwohl ich früher als sonst aufbrechen wollte.
      So liefen wir die ersten Kilometer zusammen, auch wenn ich am liebsten alleine gelaufen wäre. Trotzdem war die Gemeinschaft der beiden nett und wir kehrten nach den ersten 20 km in einer Herberge für jeweils zwei wärmende Kaffees ein… Man, waren wir durchgefroren!

      Der Weg führte heute hauptsächlich an und auf einer wenig befahrenen Landstraße entlang. Da hatte der Wind leichtes Spiel mit uns, der Kopf dadurch eher weniger.
      Als Motivationsanker wurde für mich heute das Bergpanorama am Horizont, was uns mit seinen schneebedeckten Gipfeln schon mal einen Gruß sendete. Denn in 1-2 Tagen geht es hoch in die Berge, da freue ich mich schon wahnsinnig drauf!

      Nach insgesamt 36 km erreichten wir dann die ‚Puente de Óbrigo‘, die für mich schönste Brücke auf dem Jakobsweg! Wahnsinn, was die Römer überall in Europa gebaut haben…
      Was mich an diesem Bauwerk so fasziniert hat; die Brücke bestimmt 200m lang. Sie mündet in eine alte Handelsstraße, auf der ich geradezu die Kutschen und Rittertuniere aus vergangenen Tagen hören konnte…

      In der danebenliegenden Herberge trafen wir Simone (ITA) wieder - was eine Freude! Gemeinsam freuen wir uns jetzt auf das Pilgermahl!
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    • Dzień 8

      Leon to Hospital de Orbigo

      28 września 2018, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Hey from Astorga, Spain. I left Leon on Friday morning. I had a 4or 5 mile walk through Leon and the industrial areas just to get out of the city. The days walk was abreast a major highway heading west...pretty much the major truck route from Leon to Astorga...so, not a lot of scenery. I ended the day at the municipal albergue in the town of Villadangos del Páramo. It was the usual bunkroom accommodation and a pilgrim meal. I left around 730 in the morning...a bit more of a pleasant hike as now I am out of the meseta and heading into the hills again. I arrived in the town of Hospital de Orbigo and had to decide to hang there or hike the 16k to Astorga which is a larger city. I decided to stay put as the room situation did not look good for Astorga that night. Another albergue but in a 4 person room which is better than a 20 bed dorm. I pretty much hung out with my roommates for the afternoon...two guys from Australia, and one guy from Germany who pretty much lives out here. Dinner was with two Australian women who I run into each day who wound up in the same albergue. That’s it for now....thank you as always for checking in! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 25

      Stage 22 - along the way

      26 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today the Camino was back to its verdant, more interesting style after days of straight and flat.

      So many highlights, including the most beautiful supermodel chickens in a cafe we stopped at, the stunning Hospital de Órbigo (with its bridge that legend has it saw 300 knightly fights when one guy got turned down by a girl and decided he had to defend his honour by challenging everyone else to a fight in the 1400s!), and the most gloriously hippy food and rest stop in the middle of nowhere! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 26

      Ur jousting me

      17 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Compared to the Meseta, towns are beautifully spaced now, and I came, in time, to Hospital de Orbigo and its wonderful bridge.

      I was completely in my head until I got here, and it pulled me into the moment where I stayed the rest of the day.

      I was looking at the wooden stuff on the grassed side, making another Knights Tale joke to myself when I realised, later confirmed by a sign, no that is an *actual* jousting set up. Brilliant.
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    • Dzień 20


      5 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      ⛽ 💲 Costo CARBURANTE
      1,58€ A LITRO
      ⛽ 🪙 PAGATO
      46,00 €
      ⛽ 📐 LITRI
      29 circa

      518 KM circa
      20 Km/l circa

    • Dzień 34

      Camino Day 24: León to Hospital deÓrbigo

      4 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Total Distance: 41.5km
      Step Count: 58k
      Blisters to date: 2
      Tortillas to date: 21
      Injuries: shin splints

      Blippin’ longest day ever walking! Not just on the Camino but in my lifetime! - to date anyways.

      What was meant to be a 34km day (a bit of a stretch for my leg and the longest day I’d have so far) ended up being 41km! All the guide books and trail info about this stage were wrong as confirmed by the locals later.

      The walk itself was flat, uneventful, serene, with minimal stops, a very early start and some rain during the morning. I ended up walking the whole day with a Mexican woman who’d asked me in León if she could stick with me just to make her way out of town. It would be dark and she didn’t want to get lost but we found our way out easily thanks to another pilgrim who was heading out at the same time.

      Grumpiness kicked in after 30 odd KMs when I realised I still had another 8 to reach my destination but all the aches and pains disappeared in an instant when we arrived! Hospital de Órbigo was by far one of the most beautiful arrivals to a village with its long Roman bridge and the beautiful love story surrounding it (el Passo Honroso)! ❤️

      We were also going to stay at an Albergue run by Venezuelans which to my surprise was all dedicated to paintings by pilgrims. It was so colourful and reminded me of posadas by the beach back home! 💛💙❤️

      Lukas and I spent like an hour painting and then went to enjoy a well deserved dinner with Tim and then lots of sleep! The next day would be a short one 😊
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    • Dzień 3

      Der Weg sorgt für dich

      26 września 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Die Entfernung von Virgen del Camino nach Hospital de Orbigo entlang einer Schnellstraße beträgt 21 KM. Ich entscheide mich für eine alternative Route durch das Hügelland, dem Camino Paramico. Dieser ist landschaftlich sehr reizvoll und ursprünglich, aber 10 KM länger. Wir treffen freundliche und gesprächige Landwirte. Gesprächsbarrieren werden durch Gestik und Improvisation überwunden. Man fühlt sich wie in einem Pantominen-Theater. Die Einheimischen warnen uns vor imaginären Bahnübergängen, gefährlichen Tieren und Sümpfen sowie vor morschen und nicht nutzbaren Sitzbänken.
      Außer den tollen Menschen, die wir treffen, erfreuen wir uns an Früchten am Wegesrand. So essen wir süße Feigen, Brombeeren, Trauben, Äpfel und Birnen.
      Hospital de Orbigo ist ein kleines Dorf. Es entstand um das 12. Jahrhundert und wurde von Rittern des Johanniterordens als Pilgerhospiz gegründet. Älter als das Dorf selbst ist eine ab dem 10./11. Jahrhundert auf römischen Fundamenten errichtete 20-bogige Brücke über den Rio Orbigo. Berühmt wurde die Brücke durch den Lanzenkampf des Ritters Suero de Quinones. Im Heiligen Jahr 1434 gelobte der Edelmann, 15 Tage vor und nach dem 25. Juli, also dem Tag Santiagos, mit neun Genossen gegen jeden über die Brücke kommenden Ritter zu kämpfen. Durch die edle Tat wollte er sich von einer Halsfessel befreien, die er jeden Donnerstag als Zeichen seiner unglücklichen Liebe für eine Edeldame anlegte. Don Suero und seine wackeren Freunde besiegten der Legende nach 166 Ritter. So konnte er sich von seiner Liebesfessel befreien.
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    Hospital de Órbigo, Hospital de Orbigo, 24286

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