San Anton mendia / Cima San Anton

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    • Dag 86

      Getaria... ein pudelnasses Erlebnis

      11. juni 2023, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Getaria liegt nur ein paar Kilometer von Zumaia entfernt am Golf von Biskaya.

      Das besondere an diesem Städtchen ist, dass der Hafen durch eine auffällige Halbinsel, die in den hohen Felsen Mont San Anton ausläuft, geschützt wird. Will man hoch zum Leuchtturm, hat man einige Höhenmeter zu überwinden. Obwohl der Getariako Itsasargia, wie er in Baskisch heißt, nicht für Besucher zugänglich ist, erhoffen wir uns oben vom Felsen eine gute Aussicht.

      Also machen wir uns mit unseren Bikes auf den Weg nach Getaria, immer entlang der Küstenstraße. Die Wetterprognosen verheißen später am Tag Regenschauer, aber wir sind guter Dinge, dass wir noch trocken zurück kommen. 🙈

      Wir kämpfen uns erst nach oben auf den Felsen, irgendwie sieht es hier aus wie Klein-Gibraltar, und dann runter in den Ort. Es ist Sonntag Mittag und Getaria platzt aus allen Nähten. Unser Vorhaben, vor unserer Abfahrt aus dem Baskenland noch ein paar Pintxos genießen zu können, löst sich schnell in Luft auf. Es ist tatsächlich nirgendwo auch nur ein einziger Tisch zu ergattern.

      Also schauen wir uns noch ein wenig in der Altstadt um, bevor wir wieder unsere Drahtesel besteigen, um zurück nach Zumaia zu fahren.

      Unheilverkündend zieht sich der Himmel immer mehr zu, und schon bald prasselt der Regen nur so auf uns hinab. Die Küstenstraße bietet keinerlei Schutz, und wir haben nicht einmal Schutzbleche (Mountainbikes mit Schutzblechen sind natürlich uncool 🙈).

      Schon bald tragen wir nicht mehr einen trockenen Faden am Körper, sogar die Geldbörse in der Tasche ist durchgeweicht... und unsere Sneaker taugen bestenfalls nur noch als Wasserschuhe. Aber irgendwie macht es auch eine Menge Spaß... der Regen ist zum Glück warm... und wir feuern uns gegenseitig an, noch ein wenig schneller ins Camp zurückzukommen... wo wir uns erst einmal trockenlegen müssen. 🤣

      PS: Unsere Sneaker sind immer noch nass... und ich musste nun doch noch Wäsche waschen, was ich eigentlich gar nicht mehr wollte.

      Schön war's trotzdem und sicherlich unvergesslich.
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    • Dag 8


      24. mai 2017, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Today's walk was about 30 km again. Several big ups and downs, some gorgeous coastal scenery, and a bit of re-routing to get us across the superhighway/autovía/toll road. It's called the A-8, and it wasn't here the last time I walked through. We went through two coastal towns, Orio and Zarautz. I remember that in 1995 our family had spent a few nights in Zarautz-- it's a less expensive (and much less beautiful) place than San Sebastián. But the waves were great, I remember how our kids loved them. And they are still huge and crashing.

      The last 4 km into Getaria were alongside the coast, squished between the narrow road and the cliff over the water. Pavement is always hard on the feet but at least this was beautiful. I started talking with a very stylish French woman. She was either starved for company or delirious from the sun because she told me my French is excellent. She does the camino the fancy way --sag wagon, rooms in nice hotels, food waiting at designated rest stops. Lots of ways to do this thing.

      I'm at an albergue and so far we are about 12. Mostly men, though there is a Finnish woman and another American. The guys are French, Romanian, Italian and US. I expect this will be an ear plug night. No complaints and a lot of gratitude. Not a bad way to end the day!
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    • Dag 2

      Camino Del Norte - Day 2

      10. juni 2017, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Day 2 - Camino Del Norte
      San Sebastián to Getara
      Distance 25km
      Total ascent/descent 520m

      Another hot day 26C. I was gas mark 8 judging by the amount of water I drank today. 6 litres would be a good guess.
      I set off from my hotel in San Sebastián at 7am and walked along the promenade to be meet by the aftermath of the Spanish kids partying all night. They were still stood outside some of the now closed bars. .
      As usual, the yellow Camino arrows disappeared. Eventually got on the way to be met with a 500m ascent. Just the sort of thing you need first thing in the morning.
      Once on the ridge, I walked on minor undulating roads and through fantastically shaded woods. I met a few peregrinos and chatted briefly. I also walked briefly with two English ladies who decided to experience a short walk on the Camino. They seemed in awe of actually meeting a peregrinos. Just as well that they were stood upwind of me as they would not have enjoyed the essence of a pilgrim.
      Mainly views of the Bay of Biscay followed until after another long descent, I arrived in a lovely village called Orio (not the chocolate biscuit).
      I stopped for a brief lunch and followed the estuary to the sea. You've guessed it, another flipping steep incline. By the time, I got to the top I was absolutely knackered and the full heat of the day was beginning to take it's toll.
      I decided that this was far enough as I was outside a camp site recommended in my guidebook. Alas, flipping guide books lie. No places for peregrinos on the campsite.
      There was a stunning view from the campsite over Zarautz and onto Getaria around the other end of the bay.
      I followed the steep drop down onto the beach front and made my mind up to walk another 7km to Geteria. I already knew that all the albergues in Zarautz were full. The promenade was beautiful and the beach was packed out. I got a lot of funny looks and the Spanish have a habit of bumping into me. They generally lose particularly with my 10kg rucksack.
      I followed the coastal path to Geteria and got into this stunning town just as a triathlon was starting out. An amazing site and included in my photographs.
      I wound my now weary way through the town towards the albergue and you guessed it again....another steep incline.
      I arrived at 2.30pm after 7.5 hours of walking. The kind hospilado gave me a wonderful chilled slice of melon.
      Admin sorted. Clothes washed and hanging out to dry. Feet are okay. Small blister on each foot which I am not surprised at considering the amount of time on roads and cobbles.
      Planning my next section tomorrow. Should be around 25km passing a town called Deba. I will likely carry on a further 5Km to a hamlet called Ermita Del Calvario (great names).

      Weather is showing 26C again tomorrow and it is Sunday so food may be scare.

      Hasta luego.

      Again, thank you for supporting B.I.R.D

      If you haven't please think about it. Go to the just giving site under Mick Byrne and it explains why I am doing this.
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    • Dag 3


      14. september 2017, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We had all kinds of weather and every type of terrain today. The rain was pounding as we left San Sebastián, donned in our wet weather gear. Although it gradually abated, the natural trails were very muddy and slippy. The asphalt sections were quite a relief

      Things picked up after Orio and we took the alternative route into Zarautz. I took the road route last time, but this one (following the GR markers at Camping Zarautz) is so much nicer. The sun was shining and it was great to take off our shoes to walk in the sea.

      We chatted with lots of very nice people today. My scratched legs from yesterday's bushwhacking were a source of great amusement, especially when one guy asked if I'd been attacked by an animal!

      Once again, a swim in the sea was a great way of easing the aches and pains. All in all, a tiring day with a very happy ending.
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    • Dag 1

      Erste Etappe durch 27km

      9. april 2018, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Strecke: 27 km; HM: 900; von San Sebastian nach Getaria. Der Weg ging großteils über Stock und Stein an der Steilküste entlang. 900 Höhenmeter sind wir gelaufen. Es war wunderschön. Das Wetter hat gehalten. Leider war es sehr matschig und rutschig weil es die Tage viel geregnet hat. Beine sind noch dran. Weh tun Sie aber trotzdem. Jetzt nur noch warten bis die Herberge aufmacht.Les mer

    • Dag 14

      Dag 14: San Sébastian - Getaria

      21. oktober 2016, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Afgelegde afstand: 50 km
      Totaal gefietst: 988 km
      Afstand tot Santiago: 778 km
      Weer: Nog steeds nazomerweer
      Emotie: 🙂

      Gisteravond las ik voor het slapen gaan een stuk over synchroniciteit. De theorie dat alles in het universum aan elkaar verbonden is, dat energie dat je uitstraalt terugkomt en zelfs dat je onderbewust invloed kan uitoefenen op wat je uitzendt en terug wil ontvangen. Toeval bestaat in elk geval niet.
      En dat de camino doet wat het wil blijkt wederom vandaag. Ik vertrek een klein half uurtje later dan gepland omdat ik in gesprek ben over toevalligheden en de samenloop van zaken. Mijn plan is langs de Décathlon te rijden en vandaar uit de stad te verlaten. Mijn knie (en arm) is stijf en het fietsen valt tegen. Ik volg de GPS en kom in centrum van San Sébastian terecht. Terwijl ik op de stoep tussen al die mensen de route sta te bekijken lopen op hetzelfde moment Justine en Nikole (ze kwam gisteren langs terwijl we aan het praten waren) voorbij. Hoe die dingen werken! Vanuit een andere slaapplaats, zelf vertrokken en tussen zoveel mensen elkaar treffen. Het wordt dus tijd voor koffie in een gezellig organic winkel-cafétje. Nikole wil beginnen aan haar wandeling en gaat na een bezoek aan de VVV op weg. Wij lopen nog even door de stad, op zoek naar een kaart (alleen de app en fietsen is niet te doen) en veters. In de hoop dat de sportwinkel veters heeft gaan we naar binnen, het is een winkelcentrum en mijn fiets met bagage laten staan voelt niet goed, dus op de roltrap er mee en naar binnen, de winkel in! Na het shoppen wil ik eigenlijk weer door maar het is inmiddels lunchtijd en we besluiten op een terrasje aan zee nog wat te drinken. We zitten nog geen tien minuten en...Nikole loopt langs. Uiteindelijk wordt het 15.00 uur, een paar biertjes, een halve tosti en een gedeelde schaal calamari.
      Ik merk dat me er bij neerleggen dat de dag anders loopt dan gepland en niet echt opgeschoten te zijn me nog wel wat onrustig maakt. Vandaag is het al vrijdag en eigenlijk gaat het veel te snel. En aan de andere kant komt het eindpunt in zicht, en kijk ik uit naar Jorien en de dagen samen. Maar de dag was goed zo. Ik fiets nog zo'n 40 km, het landschap en de energie is zo anders hier. Kilometers fiets ik direct langs zee en ruik het zout. Met een Spaanse wandelaar deel ik een 24 persoons hostel. Ik zit op de goede weg. Het komt zoals het komt. Maar morgen toch maar weer een stukje vooruit, op naar Bilbao.
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    • Dag 4


      11. mai 2017, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      A 26km walk today from San Sebastián. Very enjoyable, some good chats along the way. I'm staying in Getaria tonight - a really nice town with a busy port and two beaches. Another little swim today - great for the aches and the blisters.

      I'm having a hotel night tonight at the Hotel Itxas Gain Getaria. It's a family-run hotel and the people are so helpful. They recommended that I have dinner at the harbour - the cafes grill fresh fish each evening. Fantastic!
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    • Dag 7

      Walkingn to Getaria, Gipuzkoa in Basque.

      4. september 2017, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Left San Sebastián at sunrise and enjoyed a beautiful walk along the coast to a small village called Getaria. Not unlike the west coast of Ireland, landscape wise. However, grapevines and sheep with bells and medieval villages are not like Ireland.
      I walked with a rather eccentric English man, well being English is an impediment in and off itself. However he is a gardener so we had a shared interest. He has never driven, has no cell phone and has no pets. I did not ask any personal questions except for his name after about an hour.
      I am a dab hand at going into bars and ordering pinxtos and tonight I drank Txacoli, which is a local wine. There are lots of vineyards here. It cost 1.90 euros a glass, so under $1.85. Tasted good too. Cidra is only 90 cent but that "should be put back in the horse", as my Dad used to say.
      A swim before dinner then off to my bunk bed, one of 40 in a full mixed dorm. 12 euro a night, without sheets. Thank goodness cousin Nuala gave me sleeping bag and liner.
      It was a really "Buenos Camino" today.
      I can not decipher the Basque language but everyone speaks Spanish also.
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    • Dag 118


      19. september 2018, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Walked around the coast road to Getaria, another small town along the coast. After walking down the 439 steps we then walked along the 2km seafront and then a further 4kms into Getaria. Well worth it, as it was a beautiful little place.
      We enjoyed a visit to a small anchovy factory and joined a demonstration being given to Aussie and NZ tourists- fascinating to see the old processes being used - all by hand and the anchovies were really tasty.
      Enjoyed some tapas in a little bar prior to getting back to Zarautz beach for the late afternoon sun.
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    San Anton mendia / Cima San Anton, Isla de San Anton, Cima San Anton, San Anton mendia

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