Mansilla de las Mulas

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    • Dag 36

      Carrión-San Nicolás-Bercianos-Reliegos

      25 april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

      First off, my feet are doing so much better. Thank you all for your prayers! While still tired and somewhat painful (especially a couple of new blisters), barring a new issue, I don’t think they’ll cut my walk short. I think this is the most days I’ve walked in a row without a rest day.

      Walking on the Spanish meseta, sometimes I forget where I am. It feels so familiar, so much like home. Until I walk over a small hill into a Spanish village or look north and see mountains (definitely don’t have those in Kansas!) It’s very evident that some of the villages are impoverished and likely wouldn’t exist if not for the Camino. In some places, cats far outnumber the children I see. There must’ve been a front blowing through- the wind was persistent and cold for a couple days before finally relenting. Feels like home!

      I’ve officially cross the halfway mark of the Camino. Yesterday I walked through Sahagún. Though it’s apparently a little past halfway, they claim the title and give out a certificate (for a few Euros). It’s crazy to think how far I’ve gone. In many ways I’ve settled into the routine of getting up, eat, walk, stop for coffee or food whenever available or when I desire, check into albergue, shower, laundry, groceries, sleep, repeat.

      So far today I’ve walked 363km since April 2, which is about 226 miles. I’ve bussed 45 miles thus far, though tomorrow I intend to take another bus about 15 miles into Leon- I’ve heard it’s a pretty boring walk. I’ve been amazed at what my body is capable of over the last few weeks. It’s a fun place to be. And at times when it’s hard, there are little notes of encouragement along the way (“que valiente eres”- how brave you are!)

      Just in the last few days I’ve started to think in terms of “when I finish the Camino” instead of “if I finish.” There are still hard days, but overall I’ve been enjoying myself. My mom encouraged me to let my mind rest- apparently it takes 3 weeks for me to get to that spot!
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    • Dag 17


      9 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute die 40 km Marke geknackt, um genau zu sein 40,7 km.

      Ich Depp hab nicht gewusst dass es zwei verschiedene Wege zur Auswahl gab und ich bin natürlich auf dem längeren gelatscht 😂😂😂😂. Die letzten 10 km waren echt ein Kampf für die Füße, den Rücken und gegen den inneren Schweinehund. Und nach jeder Kurve oder Anhöhe hoffte ich das nächste Dorf wenigstens schon sehen zu können 😭😭😭 Aber irgendwann hatte es ein Ende und ich habe nach mehreren geschlossenen Herbergen dann doch noch in einer das letzte Bett ergattert. Fünf Frauen und ich 😲 Hilfe!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Muss mich unbedingt noch outen 😂😂

      Ansonsten gibt es heute nicht so viel zu berichten. Heute viele negative Gedanken gehabt. Z. B. Das hoffentlich bei der Parade in Moskau einfach jemand diesen scheiß Putin abknallt 🤔 aber bleibt wohl auch nur ne Hoffnung. Beim Frühstück heute liefen Nachrichten mit Bildern vom Krieg 😠 und nach wieviel Wochen oder Monaten soll wohl nun ein Ölembargo kommen?!? 🤔

      Ansonsten wird mir immer bewusster was ich nicht möchte. Naja wenigsten was.

      Morgen erreiche ich Leon größere Stadt, brauch Tabak der ist fast leer 😭😭😭😭und ein paar andere Sachen. 24,6 km bis zum Nachschub 😲😱

      Jetzt mampf ich noch ne Schokolade und dann

      Gute Nacht 😴 😴 😴 😴 😴

      P. S. Hab zwei Schokoladen gegessen 😂😂
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    • Dag 29

      At Mansilla de las Mulas

      8 maj, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another beautiful day! About 19 kms, cold to start and now (4.30) positively hot! But it very quickly cools off when the sun goes down….or before really, as it is light till after 9pm. The walk itself wasn’t spectacular, just continuing on by the country road, but very comfortable….a few undulations, one stop for coffee/colacao where we also ate our picnic supplies in their outside tables, as getting food there was so slow!

      Then we sauntered into town about 2.30. We are in separate accommodation from R and R tonight, and we saw notices for theirs as we entered and explored, as it is where we stayed last time and had such difficulty finding…so we sorted that out, and had a beer together, before we left and found our place - a really gorgeous Albergueria del Camino, right in the centre and have a beautiful room. Each time we have stayed here - this is the third - we have had different hostals and I think this is the pick of the 3…easy to find, happy friendly hosts and great room. Dinner and breakfast here.

      We have a funny history with this town as it was where I had the dread first encounter with bedbugs and it was blacklisted in my mind, but last time was great and I revised my view, and this time confirms it even more. Amr has gone off with a huge bag of clothes to the laundromat - so glad my cold weather clothes will be washed as have been wearing them constantly, and we will be all set for León where we arrive tomorrow, our last walking day.

      When he returns we will walk round and revisit the town….which we did…Met R and R and had a drink with them, as we had dinner at our place at 7pm, like last night, just for residents as they are otherwise closed today. And we have just come back from a spectacular dinner…we joined 3 others we know - Phil from last night, and Erin and Gwen a Canadian aunt and niece (Gwen was one of the bedbug women that Amr helped!)…and the dinner was different from the perennial peregrino menu. We started with a salad which had peach and goat’s cheese delicious, and I had leeks with bacon grilled. Amr had hake perfectly cooked. Excellent. Now off to bed, but no heating needed, but I think cold in the morning.
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    • Dag 24

      Von el burgo de ranero nach manzilla de

      26 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Da bin ich wieder. Also erstmal allen Vätern einen nachträglichen schönen Vatertag. Nun zur heutigen Etappe. Sie erstreckte sich über ca 18,5 km und war relativ eben und die Landschaft bzw Flora und Fauna, sehr schön. Bei wolkenlosen Himmel, und brennender Sonne ging es nicht ohne hohen LSF und Hut. Der erste Zwischenstopp war nach ca 12 km möglich, da dies die einzige Ortschaft zwischen dieses Orten war. Nach einem leckeren cafe con leche und einem Madalena, ging es auf die letzten 6 km zum Zielort. So langsam geht der Weg durch die meseta dem Ende zu. Morgen geht es weiter nach León. Erkenntnis des Tages: Auch mit kleinen Schritten kommt man ans Ziel. Fortsetzung folgt.Läs mer

    • Dag 26

      Tag 26 Mansillas de las Mulas nach Leon

      27 maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der Weg Verlauf war heute wieder besser. Heute ging mir durch den Kopf wie gut doch bis jetzt alles klappt. Einen großen Anteil daran hat mein Freund Angel der mir immer wenn ich ein Problem hatte geholfen hat. Sei es als mein lade Kabel defekt war und er mir über Amazon ein neues an die Herberge schicken ließ oder bei Buchungen die er mir schnell erledigt hat. Es ist gut wenn man Freunde hat auf die man sich verlassen kann. Leon ist eine Wunderschöne Stadt und die erste bei derrem Anblick ich sentimental geworden bin. Leider gibt es hir auch sehr viele Touristen. So langsam nähere ich mich der Hälfte meines Weges. Bin gespannt was morgen passiert.Läs mer

    • Dag 26


      30 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      I guess a good night's sleep without the cacophony of a room of snoring maestros is a good thing because today was a great walk. It ended up just shy of 13 miles along a quiet country road. The path was tree lined with a tree planted every 10 feet on the edge of the path for all 13 miles. The longest row of trees I have ever seen.

      The weather has been cool in the mornings; 36-40 degrees most days. That makes us walk at a pretty good clip when we start off. Today we averaged 3.2 miles an hour and got to our albergue plenty early. It is run by a brother and sister and is maybe the nicest we have stayed in. They are super friendly and focused on you enjoying your stay. When they purchased it, each room slept 12. They decided fewer was better and changed the 4 rooms to sleep just 2 each. Our room is large with 2 balconies and a table and chairs with a great view of all the pilgrims going by.

      The people you meet on the Camino is one of it’s greatest gifts. Today we played leap frog with Ju from Arizona, had a great talk with Steve from Texas who just retired as an ER doctor, met Mechail, a nice young lady from Louisiana and reconnected with Emily who we had not seen since Logroño. Having a common experience seems to open people up to conversations quickly and making new friends is easy.

      Tomorrow we head into León for two nights. We are excited to see one of Spain’s great cities and we hope to check up with other pilgrims we haven’t seen for a few days.

      Buen Camino
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    • Dag 29


      3 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Po pysznym śniadanku, spakowaniu i opatrunkach ran ruszyliśmy w drogę równie płaska jak wczoraj. No może troszkę pagórków się pokazało no i temperatura była troszkę większą bo zaczynaliśmy od 9 stopni Celsjusza.
      Przechodziliśmy przez El Burgo Ranero słynące z owiec, mówi się o nim również owcza stolicą Hiszpanii czy może nawet Europy. Owce byly zajęty czymś poza miastem także żadnej nie spotkaliśmy, za to spotkaliśmy bar z pięknym zimnym piwem i jajkiem na twardo. Tak na prawdę to było jedyne miejsce,w którym można było się zatrzymać później znów meseta. Dzisiaj słońce było mocne także wizja gorączki Antoniego pojawiała się parokrotnie przed oczami. To na tyle.
      Jeszcze jedna obserwacja. Rezerwacja miejsca do spania jest magią i czarodziejskim wydarzeniem. Gdy dwie osoby,które się nie rozumieją zawsze dochodzi czynnik rąk, ruchów mięśni twarzy, wyglądu oczu i tak dalej ale gdy to wszystko odbywa się przez telefon to zupełnie wszystko się zmienia. Po wyczerpaniu 75% zasobów językowych tzn 3 słowa i pozostaje tylko jedno na zakończenie rozmowy robi się bardzo interesująco ale do tej pory magia powoduje że mamy gdzie spać a powinno to być niemożliwe 😁
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    • Dag 34

      Day 25-Reliegos

      30 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Well, here I go again...our short days are the next two days, not today. Today was a 13 mile day and a bit hot. We decided to transport some of our stuff to our next location to give my neck and Pat's knee a break. Pat, ever the gentleman, carried just what we needed for the walk in his backpack and I went packless. Our stuff was already in our room when we arrived.

      We've noticed that the mountains are getting closer. I guess we are the ones that are getting closer to the mountains. We also saw a herd of sheep today. It's been awhile.

      What we've mostly seen along the meseta are sunflowers and corn. And flies. I'm not sure why there are so many flies. Maybe it's all the stinky pilgrims. Not us, though.

      We ran into a lady today that we were with on Day 1 at Auberge Borda. She said she's meeting up with another lady in León that we've known since St. Jean and haven't seen since Pamplona. It looks like there's going to be a reunion for alot of us in Leon.
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    • Dag 34

      Day 25 - Reliegos

      30 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Ok, 13 miles today, we have two easier days, 8 miles each and then a day off in León. We both are having minor issues, as would be expected, but the day off cures a lot off it.

      Walked : 276 miles
      To go: 224 milesLäs mer

    • Dag 22

      Mansilla de las Mulas

      6 maj, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Today’s weather was so beautiful that 26km felt like a breeze. Tonight I’m in a private room with Eric and Ashley and we had a great dinner with some pals from New Mexico and Australia. Also made friends with the gato gang.Läs mer

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