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    • Dzień 9

      O Porrino to Pondeverde

      12 lipca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Well, pushing that many kilometers may not have been a good idea with a broken blister, ouch.
      I was so tired (and my knee and blister were really troubling me) that I did not write up this day until after my Camino ended, hence a lack of information, sorry. I knew that I wanted to be in Ponteverde for the evening to make sure that I had enough time to fit in the Variante Espiritual, starting the following day. What I hadn't banked on was walking my farthest ever, 40km. I stopped in the afternoon to book ahead as I knew that I needed to be sure of a bed.
      Before that, I met a lovely German lady and we walked together, chatting for about half an hour, my first conversation for hours. I decided to walk on at the next rest point as I had a lot further to go.
      Passing through Rendondela I then had a very steep climbs which eventually ended in a forest. Was very grateful to find a drinking fountain part way up to replenish my water supply.
      Nearing Ponteverde, I met a young Spanish pilgrim who had passed me earlier. We chatted as we walked on at quite a pace. On entering Ponteverde we went our own way, I still had a distance to walk as I had chosen a hostel on the it had been over 13 hours since I left the hostel that morning. I'd had better days 😉
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    • Dzień 18

      Ghost Story: Barro to Caldas de Reis

      17 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      I took a wrong right turn trying to find my off-stage accommodation in Barro. Then I took two more right turns to end up about a quarter mile from where I started. Two brutal uphill miles walking while trying to reach an unresponsive landlord, and I was toast. My total miles today was to 14.5 and the equivalent of 23 floors. I’m past tired. Again.

      Now, I’m chilling in a house with some definite “Shining” vibes. I’m pretty sure the young guy I’m renting the room from inherited the place. The deceased parents’ stuff is still everywhere. Think dark, formal, old furniture. Think mahogany paneling and candles. I am completely alone, but I’m pissed about getting lost, so I figure the least this guy can do is let me lose his laundry room. I go looking for a washing machine, and instead find two rooms with musty old beds and dressers partially covered in plastic. I find a chest freezer. A really, really big chest freezer. I think, ‘Jeffrey Dahmer could fit, like, four bodies in there. Whole.’

      Back in the room, I count the track and field trophies on the dresser. Thirty five.I count again. Thirty seven. “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

      I’m creeping myself out. Just because the downstairs pantry is filled with, like 10 jars of pickled garbanzo and white beans and there is a bloody raw steak on a plate in the fridge (for me?) does not mean crazy people live here. I will just lock myself in my room and wait for the host to arrive around 10. But, there is no lock on the door.

      There are times I just have to say, ‘Quit it,’ so I just stop thinking about the little guest notebook and the glowing review of the host’s piano playing. Cause, there is no piano in this house. I assume I will have nightmares here, but instead I dream I am a professional ice skater and Owen Wilson wants to marry me. Benefit of exhaustion. I’m too tired to be scared in my dreams.

      I am awakened the next morning by noise in the house. “Hello?…Hello?” I’m thinking it’s either the host, finally, or my baggage transfer service.

      Nope. It’s some guy from a construction crew wandering down the hall with a window casing. “We’re just here working today,” his boss tells me.

      I hightail it out of there.

      Not a great stay, but certainly memorable. But really…who was that steak for?
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    • Dzień 2


      23 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      I'm in Mos now. My time here has been lovely, though. I'm so tired I've not explored much. It was great to shower and change into a skirt. I got an octopus lunch and walked around a bit. It's a cute little village. It does not even have a convenience store.

      I'm happy I got a space in the only albergue here. I was third in the queue here, but the 1st was a teenage Spanish school group. I have to make sure to start walking before them tomorrow. They are a noisy bunch. The beds come with a cloth liner and no blankets. This is just one step up from camping as they have provided the bed, roof and walls. The mattress and pillows are wrapped in a plastic liner. It squeaks a bit to move. Ah well, it's an experience!

      I'm heading to bed super early tonight. My body hurts everywhere and I'd like to get as much rest as possible. I've clocked up over 40,000 steps and 27km today. This should be my longest walk of the trip.
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    • Dzień 2


      23 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I'm starting to talk to myself out loud. I must look like I'm on my mobile to others. It's helping me to sort through my thoughts. It's so interesting how I'm alone most of this walk. I like it but I also thought I'd see more people walking. I've not seen anyone for an hour. It's really freeing not having to make too many decisions, just walk and follow the markers. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 17

      A day - Day 13

      20 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Woke Up: Casa Alternativo
      Destination: O Porrino

      As promised we were woke at 7, but not with any music, dramatic opera. It was as if we were preparing for war.

      I guess in someways we are. Either we are body or mind, or in my case both.

      Breakfast was by sunrise outside, lit by candles. Big fan of breakfasts by candlelight. Enables a slower mindset for the day.

      I couldn’t eat the breakfast - was bread! But I had decided on a late one when I got to O Porrino.

      With my arrival times lately being at least 90 minutes over the eta. I decided on getting just to o porrino today, with the intention of getting to Redondela tomorrow. A classic stage.

      However leaving at 8am, I underestimated how long it would take me to get to the city. Meaning I got to the town at 10:30.

      And I’ve booked my accommodation so there’s no going on. But it’s okay. I could do with an afternoon of nothing - including sightseeing.

      And there’s not much to do here! And I could do with doing some washing - repacking etc.

      Did feel the loneliness again, setting off. I was the second to leave. The two Brazillian gentleman left first. Then me, then 4 germans and 1 Dutch who met on the Camino’s and are now walking together left after me.

      I thought I’d made a good pace despite the first steep climb back to the riverside Camino. - And I bumped into a Spanish gentleman walking to Fatima still with a head torch on who wanted me to take a picture for him - But they’d caught me up within the first 45 minutes, but they had brought Otto the dog from the albergue for a walk to O Porrino. So I walked with them for a while, but it was clear I couldn’t match their pace so I slunk to the back.

      It felt a bit crappy for a while. But I remembered I belong to the Camino, right now, not people. And of course the lessons I’ve been telling myself for years now, that it’s only my pace that matters and the fact I’m still going.

      Yes I miss my original Camino family. But I also needed the challenge of no one. Just me and my actual brain. And body. And I’ve got it!

      I knew it was going to be tough so I don’t know when I am surprised exactly.

      But as I’m having all these thoughts coming into O Porrino, Louisa calls me, checking in. She’s up ahead in Pontevedra, and who has also broken away from the group she was walking with.

      I find a brunch spot! And wait there till the albergue opens. I want to get there early to bag the bottom bunk, not a fan of the top ones.

      I do. And I manage to get the first laundry too which I share with the next Pilgrim, Victoria 🇩🇪. We exchange feet horror stories and take care of our feet. Hang our clothes, eat trail mix before heading out for some food. We headed only towards a lil tiny kebab place, nearby. But I felt lightheaded and shakey as soon as I got there. Possibly low blood pressure, possible just tired. But it made me mild panic - so I took my food to go.

      Although so close to the end now, I’m more dubious of my food. And my appetite is lower, when worrying if it’s okay to eat. Never had an issue before, but then I’ve never had to keep my body right for multiple days hiking on the trot.

      Grainne 🇮🇪 messages me to say that she got super ill between Caldas de Reis and Padron. And that she needed a doctor to come to the hotel, to inject her to stop her vomiting! She doesn’t know what caused it but told me to be weary of that stretch, to keep out of the sun etc. and careful of what I’m eating/drinking. She’s also not going to make the final day to Santiago now, she will take a bus. This knowledge. - I think - gives me psychosomatic symptoms of illness.

      Anyways, I feel a little better back at the hostel. And aiming for an early night.

      So today is just a day.

      PS: Lora cut her Camino short due to an illness, and flies home today.

      Body check - as per usual
      Highlights/Small things:
      O Call from Louisa
      O Finding the immediate steep hill much better than i thought
      O walking with Otto for a lil while - dog
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    • Dzień 11

      Hola Espana

      10 czerwca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Was a brutal night , our housemates were a group of VERY noisy Italians. They crashed in and out as late as 130, and as early as 430. In between were some fireworks sounds, just to mix it up. Glad to see a big pot of coffee at the breakfast table! And, the owner of the fortress hostel too, as it turns out this overflow hostel is created at his home. Over breakfast we get some advice, information, tips and recommendations we wouldn't have otherwise. So, a silver lining.

      And we walk across 1886 built International bridge, 400 metres across the Minho and from Portugal into Spain.

      The city of Tui is much bigger and busier than Valenca, but beautiful too with wide avenues in the old section and a spectacular cathedral. Which is unfortunately closed as we arrived early. A somewhat surly attendant did not provide the stamp for the credentials, merely pushed the stamper towards us. He has likely already seen far more pilgrims than he wants to. There is a sizeable increase in the numbers of walkers around us, cyclists too. Starting here gives you the 100km needed to earn your Compostela, hence it's popularity.

      There seems to be a diversion from the regular path which creates some confusion, but we ultimately sort it out. We're expecting to do about 22km today, so aren't too keen on any additional distance.

      Some bright spots today were bridges, such as the serene forest glade around the Ponte das Fevres, where the patron saint of Tui fell ill on his way to Santiago in 1246. It's such a peaceful memorial spot. There's a few other romanesque bridges too. The design is so esthetically pleasing and structurally sound at the same time, I so enjoy form AND function.

      However, we toil along some pretty industrial boring long stretches as the day heats up. In good time we come across what we think is our first furancho, a uniquely Spanish event where a winemaker will sell their extra wine to the public. Often food is offered, and there are some strict criteria around dishes offered and opening season. We intend to search for another one in a day or two, but it's a refreshing stop nonetheless.

      On and on and on...it's late and we're quite sore when we arrive in Mos, at Cafe Flora where a few pilgrim rooms are added above the downstairs bar restaurant. And happily meet up with Chrismi, a Korean man we met at casa Carolina a few days ago. We had dinner together, and Chrismi declared he and Brad to be brothers, as they were born in the same year.

      And that's as far as our nights gone, as the end result according to the Google oracle, is 32 km travelled today. Way too much walking!
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    • Dzień 8


      23 marca, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      A windy night yesterday, the old windows in the farmhouse were rattling, and I was convinced we were going to wake up in Oz. We had a sleep in and departed at 8 am. It was hot, hot and hot today... no cloud and 29 Celsius. We walked through the beautifully empty streets of Valença and then crossed the bridge over the river into España. Stopping briefly at Tui cathedral for a stamp, we continued on until we reached the first hostelry at about midday Spanish time. Pliar decided to have a beer and was anyone's. We carried on for another few kilometres before we had to stop, so P could have a midday Inga. A short while later, refreshed, we continued onto O'Porriño and stopped at the nearest hotel. We negotiated the room down from 70 to 50€, before collapsing on the bed. Around 7 p.m., we donned our glad rags and headed into town. Stumbling across a fantastic little bar named Underground, we had a few drinks and the best pizza ever. All in all, a good day ;-) Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 8

      Valença - Mos

      17 lipca 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      7. Etappe

      26,4 km

      Heute war ich dann wieder allein unterwegs. Eigentlich wollten wir uns abends wieder in einer Herberge treffen, aber da es heute wieder gut lief, bin ich dann doch noch weiter gelaufen.

      Private Herberge

      Casa Flora

      Hier hat mir die Herbergsmutti noch persönlich meine Wäsche gewaschen 😅🙏
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    • Dzień 17

      Tui to Porrino

      27 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      First time we were up and out walking before sunrise, but it was still around 8 o'clock. Spain is 1 hour ahead of Portugal.
      It was nice walking through the old part of town while it was foggy and not yet light. It stayed foggy for a couple of hours and it was a nice walk mainly on dirt tracks through forests, crossing a few Roman bridges out in the middle of nowhere.
      Staying in a double room at the Pension Maracaibo, which is on the main shopping/restaurant street. Went for a walk down the street after dinner and bumped into the Scottish lads and a few of the other travelling circus of peregrinos we keep catching up with.
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    • Dzień 7

      O Porrinho

      20 lipca 2018, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      TUI - O Porrinho

      (10,5 km)

      Heute bin ich nach dem Frühstück gegen 10 Uhr entspannt gestartet und war bereits nach 1.5 Std am Ziel..irgendwie werde ich immer schneller...😄

      Die Gegend hat wenig romantisches zu bieten... es ist geprägt von Industrie über Industrie...

      Wenig Natur auf dem Weg..kurz vor O Porrinho wurde es wieder grüner.. dann gab's zur Belohnung ein schönes 2. Frühstück..

      Dann zum Hotel und anschließend zum Wäsche waschen...

      Hier gibt's nicht viel zu unternehmen ...
      Morgen starte ich 6Uhr Richtung Rondela über Vigo... ca 26 km..

      Da ich so schnell laufe nehme daher morgen den Umweg über Vigo...sonst wäre ich wieder so schnell da... und als Bonus komme ich nochmal ans Meer.. das motiviert mich eh gleich doppelt.😁☀️👍

      Bis morgen 😘😘
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