Autonome Region Navarra

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    • Tag 10

      Day 9 Over kneebreaker mountain to Viana

      15. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Kneebreaker was not that bad! And the temperature when we started out this morning was 62 degrees, so it was a beautiful hiking day. We hiked past olive trees, almond trees, grape vines. We are staying in an apartment tonight in Viena with Stacie and Caroline from Canada, who we met our second day on the Camino.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 10

      Day 10 On to Logrono, a bigger town!

      15. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We have hiked 153.5 kilometers of the Camino so far! We took a short day, hiking to Logrono today so we could relax and enjoy the bigger town. Enjoyed lunch on the main square and then tappas par excellance for dinner on famous Laurel Street. Having a great time! Going long tomorrow.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      On the way to the Alto Del Perdon

      17. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      As we left Pamplona this morning we walked through barley fields lined with red poppies yellow flowers purple thistles blooming peas on the pod. Mostly on a nice gravel road as we made up our Ascent to the top where we will find windmills and the famous Camino Pilgrim sculpture.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4–5

      Day 3- Roncesvalles to Zubiri 21.9km

      16. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      A different awakening this morning, the brother singing in the abbey then walking through the dorms singing buenos diaz and bonjour. Lovely breakfast this morning in the restaurant, orange juice, coffee, toasted baguette with cheese slices and ham, apples and a beautiful tea cake which we wrapped and took with us for morning tea. Leaving Roncesvalles we take the woodland path for many kms, quite cool in amongst the trees but very easy walking. After 3km we come to Burguete, the first of many beautiful basque villages. A few more kms of beech forests and open countryside, and we cross a few streams. Just before we approached Viskarret/Biscarret we had to cross the river by stone blocks. We stopped and patted the horses as we entered town. After a few more Kms of woodland we had another climb but rewarded with beautiful views from the top. As we started our descent to Zubiri we were welcomed by a food and coffee truck. Time for a break from our packs and a few refreshments before attempting the dreaded last few kms. We had to watch every step during this last stage as many parts of the trail is eroded, very slippery rocks and uneven ground. Many close calls during this section but we manage to get to the bottom injury free. We then cross the bridge into Zubiri and after a shower we head to a little cafe for a few well deserved beers.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Bring on the bulls Pamplona!

      16. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Pamplona! I’m here! Why am I crying??
      Lawd I couldn’t stop crying!!


      Upon arrival at our hotel I felt weary and grateful. My legs were like spaghetti noodles. The hotel was awesome!

      I took a long hot and then a cold shower to reset.
      I rubbed my legs out hoping they would stop throbbing …………..and cried!

      Amy brought me a tasty cold Estella beer from the bar and delivered it to my room.

      After I cleaned myself up, I met up with some of the group to head out for Pintxos (Pinchos) bar walk.

      I walked with one trek pole to help support my knee and weight while walking.

      Walking through the streets of Pamplona was a nice introduction to the Spanish bar culture. The food and beverage were great and very reasonably priced. The architecture was fabulous.

      The cadence in how you order and communicate vino tinto con lemon and point at various Pintxos to order was fabulous! The scene was reasonably priced.

      Btw, I never had this drink vino tinto con lemon. Amy ordered it. It’s red wine with lemon soda and ice. It’s super refreshing!

      I chatted with various folks that are walking the Camino and listening to them inspired me and lifted me up. I went and had dinner with Amy and you guessed it …….I cried! Amy listened and lifted me up! 💜
      After dinner I was hopeful that maybe I could recover the next day but I didn’t know.


      I woke up and felt physically wiped out and a little bit better physically and emotionally. Not 100%, but better. It was a full rest day in Pamplona. I slept in. Chores needed to be done like laundry, get some euros, a stop at the pharmacy for medicine for my legs and some compression socks and knee sleeves. We also needed to book more accommodations for our stage stops after we leave pamplona. We had no place to stay.

      Amy checked in on me 😊 and went to have cafe con leche and start planning our next stage. I soon followed her down to the bar for Tortilla Espanol.

      It’s kinda like an egg and potato frittata, it’s super yummy and satisfying. They have different flavors. They salt the eggs perfectly!

      I sat with Amy to discuss our next stage. Our guide Nancy came to meet us and check on us and our planning. We are headed to Obanos tomorrow. The walk will have an ascent and descent.

      I did laundry, chatted with others on the Camino and now off to meet Amy for Pintxos, beer and wine! 🍷 💃🏽….

      Feeling lighter and happier. 😊 still crying literally!! 😊

    • Tag 13–14

      Casa Magica Villatuerta

      18. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Arrived at albergi Casa Magica after a full day of walking across the beautiful countryside through Olive groves and vineyards and orchard and wildflowers. Inclines and declines but not too tough, especially with a few rest stops in the villages, or at a stand in the middle of a Olive garden. I followed a blue butterfly today for a while. It helped me go up the hill.

      We had a lovely homemade vegetarian paella for dinner with wine, a 3 course meal including wine for $18.

      Now time to bunk up with our fellow pilgrims for the night so we can get up and out before 8.

      Only 665 more km to Santiago!

    • Tag 5–7

      D4- Zubiri to Pamplona 21.9 km

      17. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      As we left town we went over the bridge over the Agra river and followed the road up the hill. We passed a magnesium plant on the right. There’s a fair bit of up and down today. About 2.8 km from Zubiri we came to Illarratz. There was no services here but as we left we past the old church/abbey on the right, Eskirolz/Illarratz Abbey built in the 12th or 13th century. At the 6.1km mark we came to Aquerreta/Akerreta. apparently the hotel in this town was used to film the way with Martin Sheen when he met Sarah and she gave him the nickname boomer. We walk a fair way today alongside the river, and with a little shower or two there is quite a few muddy paths to overcome. After 9.3 km we arrive at the town of Zuriain and as we head over the bridge we are greeted by the most fabulous cafe. The queues were huge but we all be enjoyed a hot coffee, the tortilla looked delicious but we had not long since had breakfast. After coffee we continue on up the hill and come to a road, where we have to walk on the edge of the road for 2 or 3 hundred meters then back onto the the river walk. There was a man selling different fruits from a cart for charity so I bought a huge mandarin, best I’ve ever tasted, so sweet and juicy. A bit more up hill climbs and slippery down hill sections then we came to a town on the outskirts of Pamplona. We bumped into Chris and Kate from New Zealand and bought some sandwiches and yoghurt at a nearby supermarket and had lunch in the park watching some kids play soccer. We went off track then as our accommodation was 1.5km before Pamplona. We seemed to walk the suburbs for ages then finally arrived at our hostel. We had trouble with accessing the room as there was no reception and everything was done remotely, different experience all together. The access card to the room finally worked and we freshened up and went next door the a little working man’s pub for a burger and refreshments.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 6

      D5 - rest day in Pamplona

      18. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Rest day today, although we still did a fair bit of walking. We found a place just about 1.5km from city centre of Pamplona. Had a sleep in this morning then walked into town and had some coffee in a little cafe in the square. We then made our way to line up to get into the municipal hostel for 11 euros each. Dumped out packs on our beds then out to explore the town. We went to the Pamplona cathedral and had a look around inside, the photos don’t do it justice. The architecture is just amazing. We wandered around town taking in all the beautiful buildings, narrow streets and alleyways. We met up with Chris and Kate for a few wines and pinchos, very delicious. While we were wandering around we watched some of the cyclists and runners that were competing in a triathlon. There was lots of activity going on, bands playing in the street, groups of people sitting around on the ground enjoying each others company and lots of little bars with people coming and going.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 14–15

      Stormy weather

      19. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Today we are officially one week in the Camino, walking around 135km, and it was an adventure. We left the Casa Magical albergi behind early for an action packed 25 k walk to Los arcos with Trina, Kathy from Atlanta and our Dutch friend Fred from Netherlands.

      It was a beautiful day with lovely weather until we got the last 8 km in an open stretch with no services, water, homes or protection. Just vineyards, Olive groves, a wine fountain, an artist camp, farmland and wilderness, all beautiful, exept our approach leading us closer to the ominous storm clouds containing thunder and lightning.

      As we walked through the fields of wheat, barley, and wildflowers, we scoped out ditches to duck in of needed. We didn't touch the metal on our treking poles. We kept walking because there was no other choice, really. We made it to the town of Los Arcos around 7 pm, soaking wet, 40,000 steps later. As we arrived a man warmed us if the danger "pericola!" Before is... the city Streets were fenced off for the running of the bulls in the for their fiesta tonight around 8pm.

      We were soaked and cold and wanted to get through to find a bar to call a taxi. I looked at our map app and it would be a 40 minute walk to our hotel. No way. We decided to watch for a while, bulls were a symbol I was looking for on the way and here they are stopping is in our tracks.

      I had a beer in my pack we bought 4 hours ago. We shared it in my old metal cup I brought to drink rosado from the famous bodegas Irache wine fountain earlier on our route today.

      We hid behind the fence with a group of local senoritas dressed in red and white and watched the festivities of bulls and boys running and jumping over the fence for a bit, then called the hotel for transport. Another 10 minute walk to get to that. Progress.

      As we arrived we were deliriously laughing. We didn't know we were staying in a truck stop outside of town near the highway. Well at least we could get a hot shower, put up our feet and not sleep with a dorm room full of other Pilgrims.

      This surprise destination feels like luxury after our long day, complete with a loaded convenience store filled with jamon Ruffles, candy bars and $5 bottles of vino tinto. Plus a bar restaurant where we had a not so great dinner, but happy to have it. I'm not sure how they gather a 3 star ranking, but it is clean and friendly and convenient... if you are in a car. A Camino, not so much.

      So grateful for a place to rest and not be struck by lightning today or trampled by bulls. Today was not the day for that.

      Life is good! 🐂♉🐂

    • Tag 12

      We have a plan - Obanos

      17. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We moved on from Pamplona and headed to Obanos..

      The path was very populated at the beginning of the morning and day.

      We reached the top standing next to humongous wind turbines and the state of the Pilgrim. We celebrated with smiles enjoyed conversation with others from all around the world . It was also very emotional.

      We decided to stay in Obanos. It was a lovely Pension’ run by an elderly couple. They were sweet, firm and very hospitable. They made us dinner in their home and we sat at their dinning room table.

      The couple cooked I t he kitchen for us and pour us some wine. Maria & Pedro. We’re so lovely and humorous. 💜

      Amy made it fun with Spanish- English chit chat with the couple. I sat and listened picking up a few Spanish worlds here and there.

      Maria said she had done the Camino a couple times and it’s very heavy. Shared some stories.

      Maria and Pedro pool looked luscious - and it’s was cold 🥶. I plugged my whole body into it. My knees and hips were killing me. The cold pool provided relief! Yay!!

      Next morning….

      Off to Villatuerta - We had a plan the next morning to pack our day pack as light as possible and send the rest with luggage transport. We heard the trail was less intense and so we wanted to go light. Have an “easy” day!🤣🤣🤣

      However luggage transport arrived 30 minutes early and wasn’t going to wait for us. We packed in a chaotic state. Cramming anything and everything in our luggage nit wanting to carry it.

      We did the best we could under pressure AND when all was said and done we had way too much to carry that day. It was weird irony that we had gotten the lesson on packing light and was prepared to do so and then the Camino said one more day you can walk with your crap on your back ! 🤣

      We had a few stops on our way to Villatuerta. One town we arrived in had a small church where I went to go visit and pray and meditate. They had a pilgrim meditation. It moved me very much. And……. I cried! 🤣🙌💜. I met a woman from Scotland that started talking about letting go very interesting conversation and I/we met a guy named Fred from the Netherlands. He is kind and caring.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Navarra, Autonome Region Navarra, Navarre, Navaro, Naparroa, ナバーラ, 나바라 지방, Наварра

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