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    • Dia 37

      Windy and Rainy Walk to Triacastela

      24 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 46 °F

      Today we walked 22 km or so to Triacastela. It was super windy and quite rainy at times. The trail was beautiful, sometimes through farmland and sometimes through the woods. It was pretty cold, especially when our gloves and shoes and hats got wet. I’m not an expert on wind speed but the gusts up on top of the ridge today were hard enough to knock us off balance!

      We stopped for hot chocolate and a sandwich when our fingers were getting super cold. It helped a lot!

      We saw a few cows out grazing but many cows were in their barns in the little villages. We were surprised to see the pilgrim monument we took a picture of. Poor pilgrim looks like he’s been fighting the wind since the Middle Ages.

      We were glad to get out of O Cebreiro. It’s cute but it’s a place that has a “we don’t really like pilgrims” vibe. The innkeepers and residents were not friendly at all. I kept waking up at 4, then 5, then 6 because I was anxious to leave. Triacastela is cute and our Belgian innkeepers are nice!

      Can you believe that tomorrow night we’ll be in Sarría, the starting point for 100 km pilgrimages? We have to be sure to get two dated stamps in our pilgrim’s credentials each day to qualify for a compostela, a certificate of completion, at the end of our Camino. It should not be hard; each day we’ll get a stamp at our lodging place and at any bar (coffee shop) or church we stop at. The distance markers we are seeing are now in the 130 km range! In Galicia, the markers are very precise, measuring the distance to Santiago in thousandths of kilometers, which means each marker tells you the precise number of meters to St. James’ tomb in Santiago.

      Edit: Here in Triacastela we are in such a nice pension (inn). We just went out for a wonderful dinner (for 13€ each we got first course, second course, water, wine for me, and dessert). David’s been fun, joking and having a great time, and I’m having a great time with him. Still, sitting by the fire at the inn before we go up to our room he asked, “What country are we in again?” We choose to be upbeat and joyful in spite of our challenges but sometimes it’s hard to watch his cognitive abilities slip away 😢.
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    • Dia 25

      climb to O Cebreiro and on

      4 de maio de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Today I walked 21 miles and climbed about 700m total. It felt so good to finally have some climbing to do after the flat mesetas. When I arrived to the top of O Cebreiro (where many stay for the night after the climb), I was resting, having a drink, and 5 separate people offered to buy me a drink because they were so impressed by how fast I walked up the climb😂. If only they knew the climbs the Sierra Nevada has. After that ego boost and since it was only 11:30 when I arrived to the top, I decided to push on about 7.5mi to the next town with an adequate stay, Fonfria (where I write this). For the next two hours, it rained hard and pilgrims were few and far between since many chose not to walk in the rain. It was nice.Leia mais

    • Dia 30


      20 de setembro de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Patti und ich sind 24 km bis nach Samos gelaufen, durch ein wunderschönes Tal, aber viel Auf und Ab. Wir schlafen im Kloster, aber es ist weniger spektakulär, als man annehmen sollte. Natürlich kein WLAN und kaum Steckdosen, aber ich habe ja die gute Powerbank :).Leia mais

    • Dia 13

      A Balsa from Hospital de la Condesa

      30 de outubro de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Spain changed to daylight savings time last night. Nice to see light at 7:30 instead of 8:30. Did laundry when I woke up. Got breakfast at the town bar, and started walking around 10. It was ups and downs all day, but an overall loss of altitude coming down from O Cebreiro.

      This was a very mixed up day weather wise. Started out in a light drizzle, then a good stretch of sun, then high wind and hard rain, then sun, then rain again as I finished the day’s walk a little after 5. I’m thinking of adopting that old fisherman’s proverb “the worst day fishing is better than the best day at work.” With this much practice it has become easy to get in and out of my slicker. I can do it without taking my pack off and don’t even stop walking any more. A few other people walking, but not as many as previous days.

      I’ve been working through some physical problems as I walk. My walking style has adjusted accordingly. At home I usually walk if not briskly, at least at a good consistent pace. For a long haul like the camino, that pace has been causing me some problems as I get into shape. I’ve found that I do much better if I walk slower. It’s more like I’m moseying the camino rather than walking it. Today felt much better. I’m sure I’ll finally get in shape about the time I get to Santiago!

      Tonight I’m staying at a nice family run albergue. A Dutch man and an Italian woman opened this albergue 10 years ago. They have a young daughter who speaks multiple languages. I had a very nice vegan meal by myself, I’m the only one staying here tonight. I like supporting the smaller family run businesses.
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    • Dia 9

      Quick break in Tricastela

      18 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Got a bad cough. It's driving me mad as I'm trying to suppress it. Very damp day. Beautiful villages and scenery. Feet are very sore. Blisters. One of our group left in a strop about having to obey rules. Then turned up again late last night. Seems the grass isn't always greener after all... And I don't suppose there are many other places to stay at this time of year when it is so popular here.Leia mais

    • Dia 39

      Day 38. Alto de Poio to A Balsa

      22 de junho, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Looking forward to a short day. We left in a dense fog this morning. About 50 degrees and misty. It finally cleared after we had our first breakfast. The trail had loose gravel and slate rock on a steep descent. We made it to Tricastela, one of the larger villages. Found an ATM to withdraw some money. Was afraid there would not be any in these small villages and it is a Saturday. As we left town, we saw a very old building. The door was open and a man was sweeping the floor. He directed us to an English version of what the building used to be, a smelting shop in the Middle Ages. As we kept going, we passed pastures with cows and their calves. One group had 10 babies laying around. Walked by a barn and a donkey put his head out. He let me rub his head. Our Alburgue is in A Balsa, called El Beso. It is a vegan establishment. Very rustic. We were the first to arrive, so we had our choice of bunk beds. This time we both took a bottom. Had our showers. The shower had a button you pushed for lukewarm water that lasted 15 seconds, then you keep punching for more water. This is the first one like this that we have come across. Today we walked 10.35 miles (23711steps). Our last sign said we were 131 km (81 miles from Santiago! One of our friends from the start of our journey, Rachel, got in today and she sent me a picture. She is 76 years old and did it by herself. She is from Indiana! Wish we could be there with her!
      Today I’m grateful for an easy day, grateful for my friend Rachel finishing her Camino, and grateful that I was able to talk to both my son and mother!
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    • Dia 35

      Day 34, O Cebreiro to Fonfria

      26 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      What a difference a day makes! We woke up this morning to find O Cebreiro shrouded in mist with last night’s magnificent views completely obscured by cloud. Even though it had been hard to climb in yesterday’s heat, I was hugely grateful to have seen the village in all its glory. Given its elevation I imagine today’s misty conditions are more common.
      We were in no rush to get on the road because we only had a 12km walk so we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast at the bar where we’d eaten dinner last night. We tried to pop back into the church before we left but found it locked this morning.
      For much of today’s walk the weather was cool and the visibility limited though gradually we got a better peek at the mountains which had been hidden by cloud for much of the morning. The wild flowers on the route seemed more like the vegetation you’d see in England and Ireland, perhaps because the climate here is cooler and wetter than earlier sections of our walk.
      We’re staying at an albergue which has been highly recommended by Nick, the vegan chef from Brighton, who we met at Verde. He shares a birthday with me and spent it here (when I was still in Pamplona in my first week of walking). Soon after we arrived, Fiona and I sat out on the terrace with a lovely view of the hills and had a very wholesome bowl of lentil soup with some of the local cheese. The sun is shining but it’s pleasant rather than scorching. The cheese we’re eating is the same variety as the one we ate in such quantities yesterday but we’ve discovered it’s not goats’ cheese - it’s described as raw cows’ cheese and is a local speciality served with honey.
      We know a few people who are staying here tonight, including our Canadian friend, Anna, and I’m looking forward to our communal meal this evening.
      We have a room to ourselves which does feel like a treat, especially since a couple of our Camino friends have got bed bugs in the last few days in different municipal dormitories. We were thinking the municipal albergue was an essential part of the Camino experience - now I’m not at all sorry to have skipped it.
      Dinner was held in a traditional thatched Galician building and was a very enjoyable affair. I sat next to a 78 year old Australian called Paul who described himself as a 10 pound pom although in fact he’d emigrated as a geology graduate to work in the nickel mines. He lives in a remote desert area of Australia north of Perth where his nearest town is 450 kms away. This is his 8th Camino - he always cycles - and he is taking it easy this time. We talked about faith, the Catholic Church, the advantages of life in a remote Australian town and the sale of council houses in UK. It felt very typical of the sort of meaningful conversation you can have with a complete stranger on the Camino.
      Before we retired to bed, I used the pharmaceutical vending machine to stock up on moisturiser although impressively, foot treatments and bandages were also available. And finally we got tempted to try the local
      Liqueur which is very like Bailey’s but perhaps a bit less sweet (I fear I look like Boris Johnson in the photo recording this moment) before a quick catch up with Anna and off to bed.
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    • Dia 28

      La Portela he Valcarce to Santa Maria

      16 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      I left this morning at 7 ish had my breakfast. It was a nice stay room was warm and bed was comfy. I continue to walk. I was expecting to do 29 miles today. I didn't really see if this was halfway. I am just worried about having a place to stay no more alburgues. Although I did book one for 15 dollars just in case I can't find a hostel. I have been through 2 nice communities. Peregrinos are popping out. I don't feel alone. So I passed these communities, and they seem to have numerous hostel surely they must have some vacancies. Yesterday, it seemed that many weren't walking
      already began to sprinkle. It is cold. Have my rain poncho on. It is so green everywhere. Water is coming out of the hills as well springs from rocks. Sprinking heavily now. Stopped and got coffee again to warm up. I noticed so many homes had gardens in their yards. I also noticed numerous mini vans driving on the side roads. Roads are not as wide drivers are courteous of each other, let each pass safely in opposing directions. I think this is how elderly get into the larger cities to get necessities. Most homes have chimneys and smoke coming out. It probably is nice and warm. So charming and so many homes that look as though no one lives in them anymore? It was a tough one today rain, cold, wind, going up on steep paths and roads. It was very muddy, and had to pull out kiking sticks. Numerous areas I was alone. Faster peregrinos would pass. I would feel okay. Don't like looking at the phone for time or distance walked. I thought I checked on a small community that had a hostel and an alburgue. Tried the hostel yea they have a room for me. Took nice, long, hot shower and just layed there on the bed. Had a warm meal and layed down for sleep. What a day. One church I passed abandoned and locked up got the name of it and googled it it was built in the 14th century. Wow. Oh, the area I entered is called Galacia. Patricia they are also known for there lentils and seafood. There are so many more pictures.
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    • Dia 38

      Sporty Climb to Start

      4 de julho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 52 °F

      The albergue in Hospital de Condesa was lovely. Much better than I expected for 8€.
      And I enjoyed watching locals hang out, chatting at the bar in slanting sunlight while cows strolled along, bells jangling and happy dogs at their heels.

      A fine evening with cool air for sleeping and a quiet crowd... I'll never take non-snorers for granted again. It's so nice.

      The morning was misty and cool, but is burning off quickly to give us sparkling green views of rolling hills and mossy dwarven forests. The trail didn't mess around, jumps right into a very peppy climb for about 2km... But then coffee. Yay, coffee!

      No pan de chocolate at 1st breakfast, but possibly the heftiest tortilla I've yet seen!
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    • Dia 23

      On the way...

      12 de abril de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      با مهدی مسیر رو که کاملا کوهستانی شده ادامه دادیم. هوا دیروز و امروز بارونی و سرد شده. دیروز که یک ریز بارون بارید و مسیر هم بیشتر سربالایی بود بعد از حدود ۱۶ کیلومتر به یه خوابگاه پناه بردیم. هردو خیس شده بودیم. وقتی مناظر رو با هفته پیش مقایسه میکنم اصلا نمیفهمم که کی و چجوری از یه منظره بدون کوه وارد کوه‌ها شدیم. خیلی به تدریج مسیر عوض شد. چالش‌های روز اول بیشتر فیزیکی بودن و اینکه انگیزه داشته باشی علی رغم درد های مختلف برای راه رو ادامه بدی. ولی کیلومترها زودتر میگذشتن. الان ولی حدود ۱۵۰ کیلومتر از مسیر باقی مونده و شاید بشه گفت چالش ها ذهنی هستن. من که دیگه درد خاصی تو پاهام حس نمیکنم موقع راه رفتن برعکس روزهای اول. ولی یه خستگی به مرور زمان توم جمع شده و بعضی جاها میاد سراغم. خیلی مهمه که مواظب انرژیت باشی تا در طول زمان افت نکنه. تغذیه هم خیلی مهمه.

      دیروز تو خوابگاه یه خانوم انگلیسی حدود ۷۰ ساله دیدیم که خودش به تنهایی از دی ماه پیاده‌روی رو شروع کرده بود و مسیرهای مختلفی رفته بود. دیدن آدم‌ها و شنیدن قصه‌هاشون به آدم کمک میکنه تا از شر غروری که به مرور تو آدم شکل میگیره رها بشه.
      به تعطیلات عید پاک داریم نزدیک میشیم و رفته رفته به تعداد آدم‌های تو مسیر هم اضافه میشه. شاید لازم باشه از چند روز بعد خوابگاه‌هارو از قبل رزرو کنیم. باید حواسمون به این موضوع باشه.
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