Plaza de la Constitución

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    • Dag 5

      Altstadt Donostia / San Sebastian

      28. februar 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      "Der meistbesuchteste Teil Donostia / San Sebastians, ist ohne Zweifel die Altstadt. Sie liegt zu Füßen des Berges Urgull, eingepfercht zwischen dem Hafen und der Einmündung des Flusses Urumea und wurde nach einem großen Brand im Jahre 1813 errichtet. Ihre Straßen, voller Läden und Geschäfte, Restaurants, Bars und Cafés für die sog. pintxos (kleine Häppchen)." Quelle In Spain

      Gegessen haben wir leckere spanische Spezialitäten, das Personal fröhlich, laut, spanisch halt.

      Eigentlich wollten wir zurück ein Taxi nehmen, aber nach dem Essen doch lieber laufen. So sind es heute über 10 Kilometer per Pedes geworden. 😏
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    • Dag 291

      San Sebastian,

      4. april, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      oder auch Donostia, wie die Stadt im Baskischen heißt.
      Der Campingplatz liegt etwas außerhalb, dadurch überwiegend sehr schön ruhig. Man hört einen Bach rauschen und zwischendurch ein paar Schafe "mähen". Nur morgens gegen 7 Uhr zwitschern dem Jörg die Vögel zu laut, ich musste ihn heute nicht wecken.

      San Sebastian liegt wunderschön an der Concha Bucht und hat dadurch einen tollen Badestrand mitten in der Stadt, fast neben dem Rathaus. Auch wenn das Wetter heute toll war, wir wollten lieber die Stadt erkunden.
      In der Kirche "Basilica Santa María del Coro" gibt es eine kleine Kunstaustellung zu besichtigen.
      Auf der "Plaza de la Constitucíon" sind die Balkone an den Häusern durchnummeriert, da sie früher als Logen für die Zuschauer der Stierkämpfe auf dem Platz dienten.
      Nachdem wir in der Stadt eine kleine Bäckerei gefunden hatten (um später dort einzukaufen), sind wir einmal am Wasser entlang um die Altstadt herum gelaufen.
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    • Dag 5

      Day 4 - Donostia or San Sebastián?

      15. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Woke up ridiculously early & watched Netflix & wrote my blog whilst Jackie slept like a baby. Just before 10am we popped out for coffee and toast at the cafe at the end of the road and by 11am we were on the road again.

      We were heading for San Sebastián, but I had a couple of stops planned along the way. The first was Ermita de San Juan de Gaztelugatxe which is a picturesque small church on an island connected to the mainland by a man made bridge and made famous because it appeared in an episode of Game of Thrones.

      We arrived about an hour later and parked up in the busy car park and went to investigate. There were a lot of people dressed up in walking gear & we discovered that it was a 1.2 kilometre hike down a steep rocky pathway to the church. We decided to give it a miss, particularly as our legs still ached from the previous day’s exertions of well in excess of 10 miles. Instead we found a vantage point overlooking the island and took a couple of photos instead.

      Next stop was the harbour town of Lekeitio. We took the scenic route which took us through through forests and up and down mountains on steep winding roads & about 90 minutes later we arrived at the harbour front. We were just about to abandon Pearl on the harbour, when 2 kindly locals told us the police would give us a ticket. Luckily for us, as this conversation was taking place, someone drove out of a parking space & we dived in. Minutes later a police car cruised past.

      As we got out & walked along the harbour, we both instantly fell in love with the town. The harbour was full of boats and was lined with multicoloured half timbered old buildings housing restaurants & Pintxo bars. At the end of the harbour was a spectacular looking sandy beach and the town was dominated by the huge late-gothic Basilica de Santa Maria de La Asunción.

      We walked along to the Basilica, but found again it to be closed, so we stopped at Cafe Marina Bar for a glass of beer. We didn’t have a pintxo because Jackie had decided she wanted a proper sit down meal this evening. Whilst supping our beer we started to look at the possibilities of staying in Lekeitio for a couple of days at the end of our trip.

      Around 2pm we reluctantly left Lekeitio and chose the coastal road to San Sebastián. This 2 hour journey followed the coast of the Cantabrian Sea through several seaside resorts until we finally arrived in San Sebastián. The first disaster was that Apple Maps decided to take us to completely the wrong location for the car park we had been advised to use. Eventually google maps got us to the correct underground car park and we found a space.

      San Sebastián is officially known as Donostia-San Sebastián and all the signs and maps call the town Donostia (which I’d never previously heard of) with San Sebastián being a secondary name. I have looked it up, but it’s too confusing to worry any further about.

      It was then a half mile walk with all our luggage into the heart of the old town & to our Pension Irune. We had to let ourselves in because we were late. After a quick shower & a change of clothes, we headed out for the evening. The old town is a busy maze of narrow pedestrianised streets full of shops, restaurants and Pintxo bars. We had a quick reviving beer, then headed out to explore the seafront including the beach, which has been described as ‘one of the best city beaches in the world’ & one of the main reasons for us visiting. It was by now a bit too late & overcast to make an honest assessment.

      In addition, San Sebastián frequently tops lists of the world’s best places to eat, so after our walk we headed back into the old town to imbibe in a couple of beers and wines and a cheeky pintxo each. Jackie had one with sardines & I had a goat’s cheese one. Again delicious. We then found a suitable (fairly posh) restaurant called Ubarrechena. We ordered a bottle of Rioja, a starter of a Fried Egg pintxo to share, then Jackie ordered a sirloin steak whilst I had a veal steak. It was all very lovely.

      At 9pm we returned to our Pension Irune to see the lady in charge, who gave us a discount card for the car park, but it still cost us the exorbitant fee of €56 for 48 hours. 30 minutes later we were both asleep.

      Song of the Day : Take me to Church by Hozier.
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    • Dag 2

      Pintxos et al

      12. august 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Paragem obrigatória em San Sebastián para jantar, a última e única vez que tínhamos vindo foi em pleno COVID. Voltámos ao Borda Berry para o Orsotto de puntalette, kebab (que é uma costela caramelizada) e um salmorejo, deixamos para uma próxima o entrecotte. Próxima paragem Bar Sport, mesmo ao lado para um pintxo de foie, um mini hambúrguer, e lulas na brasa. Terminámos na Viña para o clássico cheese Cake (que é bom, mas não tão bom como o que Finisterra).Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      San Sebastien

      27. oktober 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Après nous partons trouver un lieu pour dormir mais sur le chemin nous voyons de splendides paysages. Nous trouvons un endroit avec une vue splendide d’un côté la mer, d’un autre les deux et encore de l’autre les montagnes. Le soir nous regardons un magnifique coucher de soleil en attendant Janine Viallet et Daniel.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Day 5 — La Concha Beach

      15. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      We had a fabulous night sleep & both woke up at 8am. It was 10.45 am when we finally left our room & headed out for the day. First stop was a little cafe for coffee and a croissant, then we returned to the car park to retrieve our beach mats & sarongs.

      As planned we then hit San Sebastián’s famous La Concha Beach. It is a crescent of soft yellow sand around the bay. We found our spot & settled in for the day. The beach was busy, but at no point was anyone sat too uncomfortably close to us. The beach was also super clean to the point that I assumed that eating, drinking & smoking was banned on the beach. The sea was cold but not too cold to have a wee in!

      Around 1pm, Jackie decided that she could do with a drink. I found a bar under the arches, but because there were no customers & because I am a tight-arse I assumed it would be exorbitantly priced. I gave Jackie the bad news, but she was now on a mission & went back to the bar, returning with 2 pints of beer at the cost of just €3 each. Not being a tight-arse, I went back for a couple of further rounds.

      We left the beach at 6.40pm and I can safely say that San Sebastián and it’s beach lived up to all its hype. It had been a superb day.

      It was too late to go back to the Pension to get ready to go out, so we hit the Pintxo bars in the old town instead. We visited 5 different Pintxo bars drinking beer and wine & sampling an array of Pintxos………..when in Rome! Jackie had mainly fish & seafood Pintxos, whist my selections included mushrooms, ham, sausage & goats cheese. All cracking little bite-sized delights. In our eyes, San Sebastián also lived up to it’s culinary critical acclaim.

      Just after 9pm we retired to our Pension.

      Song of the Day : San Sebastián by Alien Ant Farm.
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    • Dag 4

      Seeing San Sebastian

      24. juli 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Hoje acordámos e depois de comermos um pêssego no quarto, fomos a pé até à praia da Ondarreta, e de seguida até às escultura El Peine del Viento, ao contrário do que esperávamos, não estava muito vento....

      Voltámos para trás e apanhámos o funicular que sobe ao monte Igueldo, onde no topo há um parque de diversões! Aproveitámos aqui para comer uns churros com chocolate, apesar dos 30ºC que estavam 😋

      Quando descemos do monte voltámos para o hotel para pegar no carro e ir até à zona histórica da cidade, que é um pouco mais longe. Quando chegámos lá, demorámos meia hora a conseguir estacionar o carro 😢 quando finalmente estacionámos fomos diretas aos pintxos, que eu vou falar mais à frente.

      Depois de almoçarmos passeámos um pouco pela zona histórica, onde vimos a parte velha, a câmara de San Sebastian, a Catedral de Buen Pastor e a icónica praia da Concha. Por fim voltámos para o carro e fomos fazer a pausa de meio da tarde ao hotel.

      Depois de descansar um bocadinho voltámos a sair, mas desta vez a pé, até à zona velha para jantar pintxos também! Jantámos muito bem apesar de vários sítios estarem agora fechados (porque era domingo à noite). Depois voltámos a pé para o hotel para desmoer o jantar e fomos dormir!
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    • Dag 3

      San Sebestián

      25. september 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      San Sebastián was full of red carpets, with film crews and journalists trying to jostle for the best position for the film festival!

      Donostia is the local Basque name for San Sebastián and there was an interesting bit of sand art celebrating this.

      Fun Fact: A number appears above each window that overlooks the Plaza de la Constitución. This dates back to when the square was used as a bullring, with numbered spectator boxes available to rent.
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    • Dag 2–3

      Tag 1 Urun nach San Sebastian

      20. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Der Start meiner Pilgerreise auf dem Camino del Norte von Urun nach San Sebastian begann mit einem Paukenschlag – oder besser gesagt, mit einem regelrechten Sintflut. Die Nacht zuvor tobten Wolkenbrüche, als hätten die Wettergötter beschlossen, einen letzten Test meiner Entschlossenheit zu machen. Der Regen prasselte so heftig auf das Dach, dass ich mir Sorgen machte, die nächste Sintflut wäre unterwegs.

      Am nächsten Morgen brach ich bei strömendem Regen auf. Die Elemente hatten sich offenbar verschworen, meinen Weg so rutschig und schlammig wie möglich zu gestalten. „Scheißwetter“ wäre noch eine Untertreibung gewesen. Aber die wahre Überraschung des Tages war eine Dame aus Montreal, die ich unterwegs traf. Diese beeindruckende Frau, gut in den Siebzigern, zog keinen Rucksack, sondern einen Koffertrolley hinter sich her. Bergauf. Im Regen. Während andere Pilger mühsam ihre Rucksäcke schulterten, zog sie beharrlich ihren Trolley durch den Schlamm. Ein Anblick, der mich gleichermaßen amüsierte und bewunderte.

      Der Weg war eine rutschige Angelegenheit. Meine Schuhe suchten verzweifelt nach Halt auf den glitschigen Steinen, während mein Verstand unermüdlich mein Gewissen bearbeitete. „Was machst du hier eigentlich?“ fragte es ständig. „Warum hast du nicht einfach den Bus genommen?“ Doch genau in solchen Momenten passieren die kleinen Wunder des Camino: Ein Jogger kam mir entgegen. Auf den unebenen Steinen, die für mich eine Tortur waren, schwebte er scheinbar schwerelos vorbei, wie Jesus auf dem Wasser. Eine beeindruckende Demonstration menschlicher Leichtfüßigkeit oder göttlicher Eingebung, wer weiß das schon?

      Gerade als ich dachte, San Sebastian sei in greifbarer Nähe, wurde ich eines Besseren belehrt. Noch ein letzter Hügel, eine letzte sportliche Herausforderung warteten auf mich. Der Weg ging steil bergauf und dann genauso steil wieder hinunter. Jeder Schritt wurde zur Prüfung meiner Ausdauer und meines Willens. Aber schließlich erreichte ich San Sebastian – erschöpft, durchnässt, aber glücklich.

      Der Abend belohnte mich mit köstlichen Tapas, die alle Anstrengungen des Tages vergessen ließen. Während ich gemütlich in meinem Bett lag und auf den ereignisreichen Tag zurückblickte, fühlte ich mich erfüllt und dankbar.

      Für alle, die mehr von meinen Abenteuern sehen möchten, werde ich einen Link zu meiner Google Drive-Seite einfügen. Da ich bei Fine Penguins nur zwei Videos und 20 Fotos hochladen kann, findet ihr dort die vollständige Story und viele weitere Bilder. Bleibt gespannt!

      Euer unermüdlicher Camino-Pilger
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    • Dag 3

      San Sebastian

      11. juni 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today we set out for a soggy day in San Sebastián, a pretty little coastal town to the east of Bilbao.

      The weather today was horrific but Kent and I are not ones to complain....

      Off we started on the tram (where they play classical music while you travel), over to the bus company to start our 1.5 hr drive to San-Seb.

      Our day in San Seb mostly involved walking and eating. We decided to do a Pintxos trail of 7 (yes 7!!!) bars. The first was closed which is not surprising in this region (ie continental Europe!!) as we find places tend to be closed more often than open!!! We ended up doing 3 bars as after 3 glasses of wine and only 3 nibbles to accompany them, things were starting to get a bit hazy. My Spanish however was really rather good!!

      The sun decided to come out so after a stroll, and an ice cream we headed back to Bilbao for yet more be hopping and Pintxos.
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