Provincia de León

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    • Dag 26

      Day 25 Up to Cruz de Ferro & Molinaseca

      31. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      It was 42 degrees when we headed up the mountain at 6:30 am in order to be on our way to the highest point of the Camino de Santiago at sunrise. Using headlamps and flashlights, we made our way, hearing owls hooting in the dark. We arrived at Ferro de Cruz, the Iron Cross, the highest point on the camino at 8:30. Its elevation is 1530 meters, and the temperature was 36 degrees at the top. If you are wondering , I was wearing four layers of clothing. People leave rocks at the site, symbolizing burdens they leave behind. The trip down the mountain was steep, rocky, and ankle rolling. I've attached the elevation graph
      I'm not exaggerating when I say it took 7 hours to climb down the mountain to the beautiful town of Molenasaka. We were exhausted. We entered the town of Molenasaka over a bridge. People were out soaking their feet in the mountain stream fed river. We joined them. This is a resort town. People are out enjoying the weather, good restaurants, beautiful surroundings. We enjoyed lunch and dinner, sitting outside next to the river.
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    • Dag 28

      Von Astorga nach rabanal del camino

      30. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Buenas, sooo nun bin ich auch in rabanal del camino angekommen. Ein uriges Pueblo mit historischen Backsteinhäuschen, eine fast 1000 Jahre alte Kirche welche absolut nichts mit den typisch spanischen und prunkvollen Kirchen gemein hat. Dieses ursprüngliche hat ebenfalls seinen Reiz. Gegenüber liegt ein besetztes Benediktinerkloster, wo man ebenfalls übernachten kann. Die Mönche sind sehr hilfsbereit und nett, kümmern sich fürsorglich um Pilger, die Hilfe egal welcher Art benötigen. Fazit des Tages: Man ist auf dem camino niemals alleine.Les mer

    • Dag 30

      Tag 30 Rabanal de Camino nach El Acebo

      31. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute war ein sehr emotionaler Tag .
      Was aber eigentlich normal ist da es heute zum Cruz de Fero ging.
      Aber nicht das davor stehen sondern der erste Anblick von weitem war das besondere.
      Der Weg und die Landschaft haben sich auch wieder verbessert.
      Was allerdings nicht auf die Beschaffenheit zurückgreift.
      Sondern eher darauf das es wieder weg von der Straße ging.
      Die Wege selbst waren heute bestimmt von losem Gestein was zum gehen eher schwierig ist. Ich fühle mich immer noch sehr gut und unheimlich ruhig und ausgeglichen.
      Morgen geht's nach Ponferrada wo ich dann 2 Tage bleibe.
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    • Dag 78

      Lago de Carucedo

      29. juni 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Trop bonne journée passée à proximité des montagnes de Las Medulas⛰️. À cause de la météo, le trajet pour s'y rendre n'était pas des plus agréables. Des nuages☁️, du brouillard😶‍🌫️, de la bruine,... On devait effectuer plusieurs stops sur la route pour profiter de beaux points de vue, mais on a fait uniquement le premier puis nous avons zappé les autres, ça ne valait pas le coup ☔, trop de brouillard. Le temps était tellement déréglé que nous avons dû allumer le chauffage🌡️ dans la voiture... Fin juin, en Espagne, ça fait bizarre quand même!

      Une fois arrivé au Lagon de Carucedo, c'est simple, il y a 3 centres d'intérêt :
      - Le lagon : fait ☑️. avec une séance paddle en fin d'aprem (le temps que le ciel se dégage et que la température s'y prête plus).
      - La meson (l'auberge) El Lagon : fait ☑️. Entrée🥗 + plat🧆 + boissons🍻 + dessert🍰 pour 16€ par personne, et c'était bon, même si on a eu du mal à comprendre ce qu'on commandait. En effet, bien qu'on se débrouille en espagnol, pour comprendre les plats au restaurant il faut connaître le vocabulaire des ingrédients🤌🙊🇪🇸. Et quand il n'y a pas de carte écrite comme c'était le cas ici, on commande un peu au pif quand le serveur vient nous voir! 
      - La Fabrica : fait ☑️. Une taproom spécialisée dans les bières aromatisées au miel🍯🐝. Les boissons étaient très bonnes, les plats aussi (mais pour les plats on n'en pas commandé beaucoup, et on ne s'en souvient pas trop car il était 4 pintes o'clock 🍺🕓😵‍💫). Le lieu et le staff son super sympa, ils ont même une carte de fidélité qui offre un t-shirt👕 et une casquette🧢 une fois terminée. On était sur la bonne voie pour la compléter, mais l'hydromel à 14° était trop ambitieuse et nous a forcée à rentrer ! 
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    • Dag 27–28

      Day 24 to Foncebadón

      1. juni, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nice day with beautiful views... and a stee climb to Foncebadón. Absolutely loved the hill... good workout. Saw cute Teepee tents at El Ganso and Rabanal del Camino is a cute little town.

      At the El Druida hostel met Mark & Jay from Pennsylvania... Mark's wife died 5 years ago after 8 years of being very sick and 2 years in a wheelchair... we had a good cry together...Les mer

    • Dag 19–20

      Day 18 Astorga - Foncebadon

      14. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      24.6 km (538.2 km from start). 1734 calories. 31.000 steps. 5.6 km/h (according to Apple - around 730.000 steps since day 1)

      Astorga hostel was one I wanted to try. Old, with special atmosphere. Wooden floors and walls - you could hear everything - and everyone in that place. No dinner or breakfast - just old fashioned pilgrim hostel.

      Monday in Astorga was like Sunday anywhere else in Spain - everything was closed. Looked for pizzeria - wanted some junk food. Ended with durum with chicken 😡 - couldn’t find decent restaurant open. Astorga - I don’t need to come back.

      Started day in 870m above sea levels - ended in 1420m. All that in 24 km. Easy day on Camino today. Tomorrow I am getting to Camino’s highest point - 1500m above sea levels - then it will be down the hill. My knees are already complaining 😂

      Staying at another old fashioned pilgrim hostel in Foncebadon - so high in the mountains there is 5G connection, there is both dinner and breakfast, all my clothes is being washed and dried. There is absolutely nothing to complain about 😇

      PS. First picture is me at day 1 on Camino - and day 17. Never had a beard in my life - keeping it or not?
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    • Dag 25–26

      Day 22 to San Martín del Camino

      30. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Great sunny day. Ended up doing 31km instead of 25... cause we took the scenic route! Hope I did not break the new Pilgrims.

      We had 2 beer stops! Great on a hot day...

      And of course now the drinking starts!

      Met a couple from New Zealand... they lived in Grahamstown... first time that someone recognised the SA accent/Afrikaans.

      Great to be walking again
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    • Dag 21–22

      Day 20 to Mansilla de las Mulas

      26. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So I think you just get used to the walking... like when you run a lot and get used to long runs.

      Tried to out walk the Americans today... did not feel like their company... Just needed space and quiet.

      In the end just took a long break at small town... and saw group of kids... they look 12... but are probably 18...

      Arrived at Albergue and had to wait till 14:00 for a bed...
      Vincent & I were first in line.

      Sexy young guy (like in Jo's age!!! So @Anet... don't get any ideas!) also waiting... so I said to the boy he mustn't worry - he's young and sexy and will find a bed!! Embarrassing Vincent terribly 🤣

      Luckily the young boy found a bed!

      Ps. Also a little bit weird to think I've not slept in the same bed in 20 days!
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    • Dag 29

      At Mansilla de las Mulas

      8. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Another beautiful day! About 19 kms, cold to start and now (4.30) positively hot! But it very quickly cools off when the sun goes down….or before really, as it is light till after 9pm. The walk itself wasn’t spectacular, just continuing on by the country road, but very comfortable….a few undulations, one stop for coffee/colacao where we also ate our picnic supplies in their outside tables, as getting food there was so slow!

      Then we sauntered into town about 2.30. We are in separate accommodation from R and R tonight, and we saw notices for theirs as we entered and explored, as it is where we stayed last time and had such difficulty finding…so we sorted that out, and had a beer together, before we left and found our place - a really gorgeous Albergueria del Camino, right in the centre and have a beautiful room. Each time we have stayed here - this is the third - we have had different hostals and I think this is the pick of the 3…easy to find, happy friendly hosts and great room. Dinner and breakfast here.

      We have a funny history with this town as it was where I had the dread first encounter with bedbugs and it was blacklisted in my mind, but last time was great and I revised my view, and this time confirms it even more. Amr has gone off with a huge bag of clothes to the laundromat - so glad my cold weather clothes will be washed as have been wearing them constantly, and we will be all set for León where we arrive tomorrow, our last walking day.

      When he returns we will walk round and revisit the town….which we did…Met R and R and had a drink with them, as we had dinner at our place at 7pm, like last night, just for residents as they are otherwise closed today. And we have just come back from a spectacular dinner…we joined 3 others we know - Phil from last night, and Erin and Gwen a Canadian aunt and niece (Gwen was one of the bedbug women that Amr helped!)…and the dinner was different from the perennial peregrino menu. We started with a salad which had peach and goat’s cheese delicious, and I had leeks with bacon grilled. Amr had hake perfectly cooked. Excellent. Now off to bed, but no heating needed, but I think cold in the morning.
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    • Dag 29

      Von rabanal nach el acebo.

      31. mai 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hola Freunde des caminos. Das wichtigste zuerst. Heute bin ich das erste Mal seit 14 Tagen eine Etappe ohne Schmerzen im linken Schienbein gepilgert und hoffe, dass es so bleibt. Die Etappe führte heute in die las montánas, welche sich im Gegensatz zu den Etappen durch die meseta als abwechslungsreich darstellte. Die Gebirgszüge und Täler, die mit einer üppigen Vegetation überzogen sind, zeigen ein atemberaubendes Panorama. Ein absoluter Höhepunkt und sehr emotional, war der Besuch des cruz de ferro ( einfach mal googlen). Der Abstieg runter ins Tal nach El acebo, war schon eine echte Herausforderung. Steile und schmale Wege gefüllt mit Schotter und grossen Kieselsteinen, forderten absolute Konzentration, damit man keinen Abflug ins Tal machte. Erkenntnis des Tages: Es gibt keine Probleme, nur Herausforderungen.Les mer

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