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Top 10 Travel Destinations Ourense
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    • Day 17

      Sardinien Puzzel completed ✔️

      October 11, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wir sind am Sonntag im Norden von Portugal angekommen und haben hier drei Tage bis in die späten Abendstunden gepuzzelt. Zu sehen ist unser Segelboot inklusive der besten Crew aus dem letzten Sommerurlaub auf Sardinien☺️
      Das Home Office wird während der Reise bei schönem Wetter nach draußen verlegt. So lässt es sich am besten arbeiten😊
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    • Day 4

      Abendessen in Portugal

      April 26, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute Abend waren wir in einer Charrusqueira Essen und was es hier trotz wie in 🇩🇪 gestiegener Energiepreise für 22 EUR zu Essen u. Trinken gibt, treibt einem die 😪 in die Augen: Zwei Salate, Spare Ribs und Schnitzel pur, Pommes, Reis und 1 Liter leckerer Weißwein 😀 Was läuft bei uns falsch..🙄Read more

    • Day 8

      Peneda Gerres Tag 3

      September 3, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Heute morgen beim Frühstück hatte es noch etwas geregnet, aber dann zeigte sich die Sonne☀️ und sie blieb auch.
      Wir brachen zu einer Fahrradtour🚴‍♀️ auf, um uns einige Sehenswürdigkeiten anzusehen und etwas zu Cachen.
      Gefühlt fuhren wir nur aufwärts, was sich nachher beim Höhenprofil auf Komoot auch bestätigte.
      Ein Castell, verschiedene Kornspeicher, Brücken, jede Menge Hunde und noch viel mehr haben wir sehen können. Außerdem hatten wir das Glück Wildpferde und Wildrinder und Ziegen zu sehen, die einfach so auf der Straße trotteten🐴🦌🐂 Am Ende kamen wir noch an einen Wasserfall mit einem Gumpen, da stürzten wir uns dann direkt mal hinein🏊‍♀️. Kurz vorm Ziel kam dann doch noch der Regen🌦, nach einem tollen Essen im 🍽Restaurant in der Nähe des Campingplatzes lassen wir den Abend im Zelt entspannt mit Buch📚 und Gitarre 🎸ausklingen.
      Interessant war der Restauntbesuch. Die Karte bekam nur Gregor. Den bestellten Wein bekam er auch und wurde gefragt, ob ich auch Wein dürfte und das Wasser bekam ich. Auf Gregor s Frage, dass er auch gern ein Wasser hätte lachte der Kellner laut und ging. Gregor bekam dann einen Schluck von mir ab, sonst hätte ich wahrscheinlich keinen Wein von ihm bekommen. 😅🍷
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    • Day 29

      Im Regen gestartet....

      January 6 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      und mit Schnee geendet.

      Heute haben wir auf unserm Weg nach Portugal den dritten "reinen" Fahrtag hinter uns gebracht.

      Zwischenzeitlich sind wir 2100km näher an Portugal als vor drei Tagen 🤸🏼

      In Frankreich hat es noch wie aus Eimern geschüttet. In Spanien wurde das Wetter langsam besser.

      Nach einer Fahrt durch endlos erscheinende Agrarflächen in Spanien, sind wir der Grenze zu Portugal nicht mehr fern.

      Unser Stellplatz für die Nacht liegt heute auf 1200m. Es hat leicht geschneit und um uns herum sind Berge.

      Wir hoffen mal, dass uns der Schneefall nachts nicht überrascht.

      Die Wettervorhersage jedenfalls sagt uns eine kalte aber schneefreie Nacht voraus.
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    • Day 10

      Day 46 - A Gudiŋa - 26 km

      November 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Weather: 1 - 13 degrees and sunny. 🌞🌞🌞
      Clothes: Same as yesterday
      The walk - feels like three days in one - 7.30 am start.

      Let me start by saying that the sun has been shining all day and the sky is a wide bright blue.

      The morning - and what a morning.
      The route again consisted of tracks and trails that went through the most wonderful mountain scenery - but today had so many more ups and downs which were much steeper than yesterday - finishing in a long long uphill to the border of Galicia. I didn’t take many photos- after all how many beautiful sections can I post - but just concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, carefully navigating rocks and streams, and climbing up, up and up. It was a real workout. Phew. 😮‍💨
      As I went higher the frost was still present quite late in the morning. I am so pleased with my clothing which continues to keep me snug and warm. At one stage this morning I was reminded of Tibet and walking around Mt Kailas. This morning was not that hard…. but still hard. And truth be told I was worried about how long this uphill stretch would be - would I be ok?
      The way was well marked but at times very rugged and along what looked like dry and not-so-dry stream beds; and overgrown with trees so that I could barely see the sky if I happened to look up. My eyes were mainly looking for where to put my next step.
      I kept wondering if I had in fact wandered off the path to some new unknown land. I guessed even if I was off track I would end up somewhere where there were people- but it felt more like I would be walking / climbing like this forever and end up in the middle of nowhere with no help around to be found. It was one of those stages that feels like it will never end …. and then it suddenly does.
      Thank goodness for my online map so I could regularly check that I was actually on the route. This section would be impossible in the rain and probably just miserable if the weather hadn’t been so good.
      Never have I been so happy to see the tiny sunny meadow at the top of a mountain that is the border to Galicia.
      The middle section
      And of course once in Galicia the way was very well marked and water obstacles had bridges, stepping stones or raised granite blocks creating a dry pathway.
      In Galicia the way markers tell you how far you are from Santiago - kilometres and metres. The marker at the border said I had 244.471 km to go.
      The pathways from now on were wide and clear and of course still beautiful with many streams and small rivers. In Galicia you hear the sound of running water most of the time and there are plenty of fountains so no need to carry lots of water. There were also a lot of fat cows in small meadows along the way.
      I finally got to Vilavella about 13 km from Lubián - which still felt like a long way to go. I stumbled across a very expensive and flash hotel/spa and drank two coffees. Did I mention that all the Bars till now had been closed - this was my first coffee of the day. ☕️☕️. Another reason it felt like a tough morning.
      I had food with me so had sustained myself throughout the morning. However there were no more food stops till Lubián. So I got some cheese and a tomato from the shop a few doors from the hotel and some bread from the bakery around the corner. Perfect for a picnic or two later in the afternoon.
      Last leg to A Gudina.
      Initially this section was along more picturesque and ancient tracks but soon left the lush country and climbed into rocky hills. I had quite a few stops for rest and food. The country was so different from this morning- here it was high up in open rocky country under an expanse of blue sky. Stunning in a new and different way.
      Eventually with a few more down and up hills I got to A Gudina. This is another town with interesting architecture and many stories to tell.
      I followed my notes and found the Albergue only to find it had moved - but not too far away. It’s located in some sort of centre next to the swimming pool and is completely new with excellent facilities. It’s warm and it even feels like there is under floor heating in the dorm. There is one other pilgrim- Spanish Juan. We met in Vilavella. I’m not sure which route he took - I just followed the arrows- but he arrived before me.
      Given that I had been eating on and off all day I didn’t actually need a meal. However I went to the local Bar for a vino and tapas and to use their Wifi. 🙏
      A pretty amazing day. It took me 10 hours to walk 26 km but I feel OK and nothing hurts - and the first 6.5 km were really slow and hard - took around 3 hours.
      Today I learnt that as long as I have plenty of breaks I can now successfully do longer distances and more challenging routes. Tomorrow is 18 km so I can have a more relaxed start to the day. I wouldn’t have been saying that at the start of the VDLP. 😅😂

      Buen Camino

      PS. I have found the people in Galicia friendly and Camino focussed. Today I crossed paths with two older ladies who greeted me and asked about my Camino. I explained I was from Australia, had started in Sevilla and was walking solo. They asked - what if I fall over somewhere and hurt myself. I pulled out my phone (indicating I could call for help) and they were happy with that. By the way this conversation was made up of a few Spanish words from me and context, gestures- along with words - from the ladies. It always amazes me how we humans can communicate even when we don’t really speak each other’s language. ❤️
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    • Day 12

      Day 48 - Laza - 14.1 km

      November 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Weather: 7 - 11 degrees, cloudy
      Clothes: The same but no rain jacket.

      Desayunos - Breakfast
      The temperature this morning was a surprising 7 degrees - Juan and I both said it was ‘hot’. 🥵 😂
      I think the Bar opened at 7.30 am just for us. Last night the hostess seemed to say that she expected us there at 7.30 am for breakfast. I was only 10 minutes late (Juan arrived 5 minutes after me) and a different lady was standing out the front seemingly looking for us - looking a bit tired and grumpy. And I didn’t blame her.
      Anyway, the coffee and toast was such a treat - particularly as there was no coffee at all yesterday and only coffee at lunch time the day before. I heartily thanked our hostess and she seemed to cheer up as she wished us a Buen Camino.
      I have read that coffee can be a pain killer and also that people who drink coffee are less depressed.
      All I can say is that my mood this morning was vastly improved over yesterday (all day) and the morning of the day before. Although I did sleep for about 12 hours yesterday afternoon and evening- my no coffee day.

      The walk - a very happy day
      The weather today has been perfect for walking. Cloudy and warm but still cool enough to stay refreshed while walking.
      The route today is about 2.5 km more uphill to the small village of Portocambo and then down the other side of the mountain to Laza. We also passed through a number of very small villages which have some completely tumbled down houses as well as some that have been lovingly renovated. In one tiny village there is a self serve stop for pilgrims (chair, table, snacks, coffee- though it was cold) and also a very upmarket Casa de Rural for those wanting a more comfortable mountain holiday.
      The trail was a mixture of bitumen and dirt side roads through mixed forest with lots of views over the near and far mountains. It was a beautiful day.
      The closer mountains are mainly pine plantations with small sections of mixed forest.
      The sounds today are - boots on gravel, boots on pine needles, boots on grass: walking poles clicking on the road: babbling rivers: a few bird songs: lots of silence.
      Right now I am about 3 km from Laza sitting on an outcropping of rock listening to the river and looking at the view over the valley to the mountains beyond (in between writing). It’s coming to midday and there is no need for me to hurry anywhere. I love these shorter days where I don’t feel I have to hurry to a destination and can stop as many times as I like for as long as I like.
      Laza is a lovely little town. There was a souvenir shop near where we picked up the keys for the albergue and I bought myself a souvenir scarf to replace the one I left behind - similar colours too.
      The Albergue is brand new - they haven’t completed putting in the bunk side lights. But everything else is great. There are keys for every door - and we even have wifi- unheard of in municipal albergues. I think the Galician government has spent some time and money upgrading their albergues. I imagine that the Camino Sanabres will become much more popular as the Frances is now so busy.
      Juan and I are having the usual late lunch together. He is probably going to do the 33 km stage tomorrow so this may be our last walking day together.
      It’s now later in the afternoon and I am sitting in the lounge area on a couch with my peppermint tea finishing this entry. Luxury.

      Buen Camino

      The body
      This morning I felt tired in my body and felt the need for more rest. The last few days have had some very steep climbs and challenging terrain. Doing a short day today has left me feeling refreshed and able to continue. I will have a rest day in Ourense in three days time - two shorter days and one long day. Then fun in the hot springs.

      Reflection on Campobecerros
      As I was walking this morning I came across a memorial for three people who had been shot by the fascists in 1936. I imagine that trauma can stay in a town for generations. Was that one of the reasons I felt a bit depressed there?
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    • Day 48

      D44 to Laza

      April 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Good Friday! A nice easy 16k almost all down hill. Really enjoyable. Got my pilgrims meal lunch, with wine, of course. That lead to a nice nap 😊 Then pretty much planned my way to Santiago by next Friday. 3 - 30ish km days but it should be good, 😬🤞 been lazy for a bit but have what it takes. It was a different stretch to plan, either that or I just was not seeing it. I expected many more and larger albergues as it it where several paths merge and also were people can start to get the final 100k and their completion certificate.Read more

    • Day 14

      Day 50 - Xunqueira - 15 km

      November 9, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Weather: 8 - 14 degrees and predicted rain ☔️

      But it didn’t rain 🙏🙏🌈

      Today the walk is around the edge of what is called an ‘agricultural plain’. It’s green and flat with open green fields and copses of mainly Birch trees. From the look of the Birch groves I think the trees are grown and harvested for fuel. I thought I would be walking across this plain but the route is more around the edge in the foothills. So plenty of beautiful pathways and plenty of short ascents and descents.
      At a village early in the morning there was a sign to an archeological site of a castle. I walked up the short steep road and found a picnic site overlooking the whole valley. Definitely the best place for a castle but any remains are probably still beneath the soil.
      There is definitely evidence of a milder wetter climate - more small villages to pass through, and many more vegetable and flower gardens in and around the villages.
      In one village there were a lot of renovated corn storage ‘houses’. These little houses are on legs to keep the rats away from the grain.
      And I saw my first communal laundry - lavadera - beautifully restored. When I walked in Portugal we actually saw a couple of local women using their communal laundry. The women said they felt famous around the world because all the pilgrims took photos of them.
      The rest of the walk was along old roads and tracks through that beautiful Galician mixed forest. I completely took my time and stopped many times to just be with the landscape.
      I arrived at my destination at 1.30 pm. The Albergue is the first building as you enter the village (and well sign posted). As usual the door is open. I am so grateful to the Galician government for providing these amazing Refugios.
      Soon after I arrived two women arrived - one was Luna, the Korean woman from a couple of weeks ago, with a new friend, a German woman who lived in Spain for 15 years and is married to a Spanish man. It’s so funny when people who I think are ahead of me suddenly turn up again.
      When I went to look for lunch it looked like this small village has an early siesta - but I eventually found somewhere open for a vino and empanada. That kept me going for a while.
      Later I went to the shop with the ‘girls’ and on the way back saw the church was open. There were two women reciting prayers. It was good to sit and listen. At first I felt restless and like I didn’t belong but after a while something settled and became quiet. When they were done they went out another door and I followed into the church courtyard. I found them in a room where they put a stamp in my Credential. I walked back to the albergue feeling a bit different - somehow strengthened and more myself at the same time. A lovely ending to the day.

      Buen Camino

      PS: It was really hard choosing photos for today. Too many interesting and beautiful sites.

      Reflection on connection
      I love to stop often and for longer periods to actually connect with the bit of country I am standing on - to say hello to the landscape, the trees and bushes and grass; to allow the landscape to enter my being.
      On the days I hurry on (distance, weather, my frame of mind) I don’t feel as good - like I’ve missed something important, ignored an important relationship.
      The three French people from yesterday said that they walk longer distances because they get bored hanging around small villages. That made sense yesterday - but today I realised I could take a very long time not going very far and have an incredibly interesting time. 😂
      We are all different.
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    • Day 15

      Day 51 - Ourense - 23.4 km

      November 10, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Weather: 10 - 18 degrees. Some cloud.
      Clothes: short sleeve merino, light wind fleece and rain jacket to start until it warms up. I have been walking in shorts since the rain the other day.

      The morning
      Since my two caffeine free mornings l am a little more anxious about my morning coffee. Last night I asked the rather depressed looking Bar host if they were open in the morning. He said 7.15 am - which sounded like a strange time and I wondered if I understood him correctly. Anyway this morning I made my way to the Bar in hope and fear. 😂. Yes it was open!
      It looks like the host is not well, and just sitting on a stool is a great difficulty for him. I forgave him any grumpiness and sent as much love and as many blessings as I could. May he regain good health and the subsequent happiness that brings.
      While one coffee was good I believe today is a two coffee day and I knew there were plenty of stops between here and Ourense. The body is telling me it needs a rest day so I have booked two nights in Ourense before walking the 22 km to Cea.
      I had my second coffee in the first village I passed. ☕️
      It was so peaceful sitting outside looking at the trees and hills and sky. I could have sat there for a long time.

      The day
      Another day in lovely Galicia - a few paths and tracks and then mainly along a minor road but still beautiful.
      The sky is blue with clouds. The weather pleasantly cool. The road not too busy. Lots of variety - shady lanes - villages - then the hills to one side.
      The day has turned into a bit of a Bar crawl - first stop was for coffee - second stop (still in the morning) Tinto de Verano with a tapas of the best tortilla I have had. The egg still soft but cooked around the yummy potatoes. When I said to the host that it was too early for wine he said a definite No! And remembering all the guys who have a shot of spirit with their morning coffee I thought - When in Spain ….
      And the drink - lots of ice, a little wine and tonic water with a couple of spritzed lemon peels. Perfect. The best.
      I think all discipline has left the building. I can see a completely indulgent day ahead and a day off tomorrow, so no pressure. Double perfect.
      As I was sitting with my vino I saw another pilgrim, head down seemingly scurrying by. I was so happy I have the time and inclination to sit and dream at least for some of the time.
      Third stop in another village for a decaf.
      The walk into Ourense is a long one through the outskirts - at first just countryside with houses, more like an extended village- then an industrial area - then what would have been a small separate village in the past (very cute) but has now been enveloped by Ourense - and then through what is a regular city scape until we get to the old town.
      I stopped at 2 pm for lunch in an ordinary Bar / Restaurant. I needed the break before I did what I thought was the last hour to my hostel. The meal was delicious. The food and beverages today have been the best so far.
      I wasn’t that far away after all and soon came to Hostel Grelo which is great. The owner - named Santiago - speaks English. He did my laundry for the usual price(€5 wash and dry), told me how to get to the hot springs tomorrow, and told me about the Chestnut Fiesta tomorrow with lots happening in the old town and a concert in the evening. I had seen posters for this event along the way - a great day to be in Ourense.
      After settling into the Hostel I went for a walk in the old town. It seems to be quite different in character and energy to anything before.
      It’s great to know I don’t have to get ready to walk tomorrow - just take the day as it comes.

      Buen Camino

      The light in Spain
      The autumn light in the north of Spain is very gentle and lovely. The mornings and evenings seem to always have a pink hue and the days are golden - when it’s not foggy or rainy. All quite extraordinary and a daily delight.
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    • Day 6

      Ourense, Natur und Wellness

      May 9 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute war Fahrtag. Zuerst gab es einen Zwischenstop in Ponferrada. Dort ging es zurück in die Zeit der Templerritter. Wir besuchten eine gut erhaltene Templerburg. Man denkt ja, sie steht mitten auf einen Berg, diese hier befindet sich mitten in der Stadt. Vorher gab es noch eine Herausforderung die uns ca. 20 min. Schwitzen ließ. Das Lösen eines Parklücke an einer Säule. Wir kamen uns vor wie in einem exitspiel. Letztendlich nahmen wir einen Tip und fragten eine Passantin. Es war ganz einfach, man mußte noch das Autokennzeichen eingeben und nicht nur die Parkdauer. Die Fahrt hierher nach Ourense war eine sehr angenehme Fahrt. Zweiter Zwischenstop war ein Mirador zur Silschlucht, großartig. Unser Quartier ist mitten in der Natur ebenfalls an einem Fluss gelegen. Die Gegend hier in Ourense ist unter anderem bekannt für ihre Thermalbäder, welches wir heute noch ausprobierten. 5 Becken um die 35 bis 38 Grad.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia de Ourense, Ourense, Orense, Província d'Ourense, オレンセ(オウレンセ)

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