Provincia de Segovia

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Provincia de Segovia
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    • Hari 3

      Carmelite Monestry

      30 Juli 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      This monastery and church is home to Carmelite nuns. Inside you can see where St Teresa was born and lived as well as artefacts from when the monestry was founded. Most of the convent remains in cloister but you can see the very spot where she was born, now a chapel in the Baroque church.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 6–7

      Schlafen und Wandern am Jarosa-Stausee

      6 Oktober 2023, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Wir finden einen schönen Platz zum stehen nahe Guadarrama. Bleiben für die Nacht und gehen am Samstag wandern. Schöne Gegend, herrlicher Weitblick von der Kapelle (Ermita del Altar Mayor). Erweitern spontan unsere Route zur Basílica de la Santa Cruz mit großem Kreuz, weil wir die von weitem gesehen haben und unbedingt sehen wollten. Waren dann erschöpft und sind in ein Restaurant eingekehrt. Mussten etwas Ausdauer und Muße mit den Kellnern haben. Waren schlussendlich aber satt, wenn auch nicht ganz zufrieden. Aber es war ein schöner und entspannter Tag.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 37

      Vegas de Matute

      28 Maret, Spanyol ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Unser Hochzeitstag! also zuerst mal gemütlich Frühstücken und dann weiter. Auf der nächsten Passhöhe fliegen wir fast weg. Dann erreichen wir unser Tagesziel. Ein schöner Ort. Der Abend endet in einer Dorfkneipe. Sehr laut bei den Spaniern, aber urig.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 34

      Dull and boring by design 🥱

      28 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We went for a lovely SAFE walk around the quaint little village in the morning. There’s so many ancient buildings and interesting things like lookout towers and lots of sheltered seating areas all around the village. It’s like they really care about making it a pleasant place to live here.
      Bliss made friends with a sweet natured local horse that was penned inside someone’s back garden. The poor thing was being plagued by flies. It was starting to get hot so we headed back to the sanctuary of Ivy and continued on our way. It was going to be a scorcher so we decided we would just try to get as far towards Portugal as we could and settle in an aire along the way. The aire we found was nothing to write home about so I went bother. It was purely somewhere to get our heads down. No drama today!
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    • Hari 33

      Braking Bad

      27 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Chapter one: Ivy gets her new handbrake (eventually!)
      Monday finally arrives and we head off early to the Iveco garage with our fingers crossed that it wasn’t going to cost an arm and a leg and they would get it done quickly so we can get going. Darren went in while I waited in the van with Bliss and quickly came back saying the receptionist was abrupt and quite rude. Well in my experience that seems to be a requirement for receptionists as most that I’ve met have been the same. Full of their own self importance! We are told to go away and come back after they have had their siesta at 4pm and have ordered and received delivery of the new handbrake cables. We took a drive to the nearest village to pick up a few supplies from the local shop and wait the five hours before going back to the garage. It was a scorching 30º day so it wasn’t a pleasant wait. When we went back to the garage we hoped that we would be on our way pretty soon but unfortunately the wrong part had been ordered and we had to wait for the correct part to be delivered before they could fix Ivy. The mechanics were all rude and obnoxious to be frank. I’ve never experienced such bad attitudes from a business in all my life. It really was like they were doing us a favour extremely reluctantly and we’d done something that seriously pissed them all off! Anyway finally at 7pm Ivy was all fixed, our bank balance was £250 lighter and we were able to go on our way. We were charged for 3 hours labour when we knew it only actually took an hour as we were sat inside the van while the work was done but at least we have a working handbrake and we can get on with our adventuring.

      Chapter Two: A drama a day
      We headed for our place to stay for the night which wasn’t too far away. We arrived at a lovely well maintained old village that had a free aire on the outskirts. We immediately went for a walk with Bliss as we’d all been cooped up in a hot van all day so we really needed some fresh air and exercise. There was a lovely country path that led us through a wide open grassy area with trees all along it, there was a few cows with their young on the grass so we quietly passed so as not to disturb them. We made it to the edge of a large lake and Bliss wasted no time in getting in to cool off. She leapt around like a young puppy, I guess she was relieved to feel the cool water on her belly after such a long hot day. We turned around to get back to Ivy feeling tired and ready for bed. Halfway back we came across the cows that we seen earlier but now they were all moving along the path slowly with their babies in the same direction as us so we hung back to give them space. Then one of the cows stopped right in front of us with her calf so we stopped too. She stood and stared back at us for what seemed like an eternity daring us to come closer, not moving apart from the occasional stamping of her feet. “Oh dear, what are we going to do” she’s not moving away and she’s protecting her calf. All we want to do is go back to Ivy and go to bed. Then as we continue to stand quietly and wait for her to move on we suddenly notice that coming to her to the left is the most ginormous muscle bound ginger bull with knackers the size of basketballs!! 🏀 Oh shit!! Not another bloody drama! So... we back away as quietly as we could and when we’re far enough away that we think we can make it to the fence we leg it, climb the fence and manage to circumnavigate the herd. Back at the van we vow, no more risk taking for a little while.
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    • Hari 10


      3 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      The aqueduct cutting through the town was built by either the Romans or Satan, depending on who you believe, 2000 years ago. The remainder of the town was built around it and basically housed many of the dukes and royals of Spain from the 14th century until the 1800s. The cathedral was built in the 1600s but wasn’t furnished until hundreds of years later!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      Salamanca, Spain

      20 Mei, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      On the way to Salamanca, we detoured to Segovia and the Roman aqueduct, over 2,000 years old - super impressive! We had a guide take us around and point out some interesting things we'd have otherwise missed.
      After that, we wandered around and found a cafe to eat at and watch the world go by. Useful fact: by law, all cafes/restaurants in Spain and Portugal have to have a free toilet for customers.
      Quick stop to see the walls around Avila (world heritage site).
      Walking tour of Salamanca, a university town. First uni established by the Catholic church about a thousand years ago. Still a very Catholic town.
      We walked a few metres of the famous
      Camino de Compestela (which is about 800kms, half way point is in Salamanca.) There is a sign on the ground that looks a bit like half a sun to point out the way to walk.
      Tapas dinner in the town square. Not that flash! Restaurants don't open for meals until 9pm, so we took what we found.
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    • Hari 27

      Segovia orientation walk

      10 Oktober 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      This morning Gabriele took us an orientation walk across the old city. We revisited the aqueduct and then started to wander up the narrow streets towards the centre of the old town. We looked at the architecture of Segovia, saw the Moorish influences and passed through the Jewish quarter, making our way to Plaza Mayor and the Cathedral of Segovia, which is very impressive.

      We passed through the old gates of the city and made our way to the Alcazar (or Royal Palace) which is in amazing condition. As we did a tour of the Alcazar and climbed the tower after our orientation walk, there will be a separate entry to follow.

      We stopped for refreshments and sat on a lovely terrace at the visitor centre next to the Alcazar. I went to get Ian and I a cold drink and noticed some ‘pastries’, so I ordered a couple of them. Turns out I ordered Torreznos, which are Iberico Spanish Pork Scratchings - they were absolutely delicious but obviously more salty than sweet!

      After our drinks break we wandered along the city walls a bit to the Puerta de San Andrés, where the walk ended. Some of us headed back to the Alcazar for a visit, then enjoyed lunch on a lovely terrace with umbrellas at a restaurant near the Puerta de San Andrés.
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    • Hari 3


      30 Juli 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      1hr out of Avila, you’ll find Segovia. It’s most stunning site is the Roman Aqueduct. This aqueduct, although no longer in use, helped to bring water from the mountains into the city.

      We walked up through the winding Main Street and had lunch in a restaurant facing the main square. The food was INCREDIBLE. After lunch we toured the incredible Cathedral and learnt about its history. It is the last Gothic cathedral built in Spain.

      Just outside of Segovia is the St John of the Cross Monastery. Here we celebrated Mass with pilgrims from the Brisbane Diocese. We also got to view the Alcazar Castle!
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    • Hari 20


      4 Juni 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Hoje fui visitar um amigo na cidade de Segóvia.
      Peguei o ônibus na Estação rodoviária Moncloa às 09h00 e por volta das 10h30 estava na rodoviária de Segóvia.
      Meu amigo Marco Bottacin foi me buscar e iniciamos o passeio pela cidade.
      Começamos lógicamente pelo Aqueduto de Segóvia. Declarado como Patrimônio da Humanidade pela Unesco em 1985, o Aqueduto de Segóvia é a obra de engenharia civil do período romano mais importante da Espanha.
      Este monumento de pedras, que se mantém de pé há mais de 2 mil anos, é considerado um dos mais significativos e foi construído pelos romanos no século 1º, ao pé da serra de Guadarrama, 90 quilômetros ao norte de Madri.
      O Aqueduto de Segóvia é formado por 167 arcos de pedra granítica, que erguem a sua grandiosa estrutura para formar um dos maiores símbolos de categoria artística e arqueológica ainda existentes na terra. 
      Este local, como vários outros tão antigos, guarda muitas lendas e hoje, vamos contar duas delas.
      A seguir fui conhecer a magnífica Catedral de Segóvia. A Catedral de Santa Maria de Segóvia, conhecida como a “Dama das catedrais” por suas dimensões e elegância, foi construída entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, sendo uma das construções góticas mais tardias de todo o país e da Europa, já que foi erigida entre 1525 e 1577, quando na maior parte do continente se difundia a arquitetura renascentista.
      Infelizmente minha visita à parte interna foi muito rápida com poucos detalhes.
      Após uma cervejinha seguimos para conhecer o Alcázar de Segóvia.
      Situado na confluência dos rios Eresma e Clamores, a primeira referência que existe por escrito de sua existência é cristã e data do princípio do século XII.
      Foi construído sobre um rochedo, o que indica seu original uso militar. Serviu de residência para Alfonso VIII. No século XIII o edifício adquiriu um aspecto gótico com a intervenção dos arquitetos de Juan II e de Enrique IV. A última fase arquitetônica foi no ano 1587, através do arquiteto Francisco de Mora, possivelmente em colaboração com Juan de Herrera, que realiza o Pátio Principal e La Escuela de Honor (escola da honra). Em 1764, Carlos II estabeleceu aqui o Real Colégio de Artilharia. O edifício tem numerosas passagens secretas que descem até o rio e o comunicam com alguns palácios da cidade.
      Após a visita do Castelo meu amigo me levou para conhecer sua comunidade o Real Sitio de Santo Ildefonso, onde almoçamos e depois fomos a uma feira livre de produtos locais, onde comprei um queijo 🧀 de ovelha artesanal.
      Foi um dia muito especial.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Provincia de Segovia, Segovia, Segobia, Província de Segòvia, Ségovie, セゴビア, Segóvia

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