Ronda Bullring

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    • Dag 24

      Museum of Ronda

      27. september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The first thing we encountered as we wandered the beautiful narrow streets of Ronda was their Museum, which is housed in a most beautiful building that used to be a palace - Palacio De Mondragón - which has been beautifully maintained. Turns out Friday 27 September was “World Tourism Day”, so we had free entry into the museum. There was an exhibition upstairs that took you through the history of Ronda and about the different groups that invaded, overthrew or built particular aspects of the city. What I was most interested in was the architecture and design of the palace, including the courtyards, fountains and mosaic work. The views across the valley weren’t too shabby either.Læs mere

    • Dag 24

      Full day in Ronda - part 1

      27. september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We headed out about 9.30 this morning. First we went to the Tourist Information Centre to find out where the path to the bottom of the gorge was, but they don’t open till 10am, so we just decided to cross the Bridge and find our own way there. Turns out it wasn’t too difficult, and it was well sign posted. We found the entrance to the walkway off Plaza Maria Auxiliadora, and followed it down on the western side of the gorge. We also went off the main path onto a side branch that was less well maintained, and this path that took us down until we were nearly under the bridge. It also afforded great views of the waterfall.

      We headed back up to the main walkway, and continued to descend into the gorge until we were in the best spot to get a great shot of the waterfall and bridge. Most of this walk was done in the shade, and while the temperatures were low 20’s. We then started the climb back up. On the way we saw some school kids being taken up in a tethered hot air balloon in the valley below, the balloon was getting up to about 50 to 60 metres, and then descending again to take up another group of students, who all seemed to be enjoying the ride immensely.

      After our epic walk into the gorge and back again we had a coffee and a bit of a rest. We then decided to just wander the streets and see what we encountered.
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    • Dag 23

      Exploring Ronda

      26. september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Once we had unpacked and put on some washing, we set off to explore the town of Ronda. We walked across the Puente Nuevo (bridge), which was very crowded with tour groups. We were able to locate our apartment from the other side of the gorge quite easily. We decided to follow a walking path that went behind the Parador Hotel, and took us around past the Plaza de Toro (Bull Ring) and the Alameda Del Tajo, a lovely shaded square. We also passed the Plaza de la Merced, and then wound our way through the narrow streets, coming across the Plaza Del Socorro which was full of cafes and restaurants. As it was warm, we went in search of ice cream, which we finally located at Plaza de España - I had lemon, strawberry and mandarin sorbet, which was delicious. Ian chose an ice cream of nuts and caramel we think!

      We were trying to find a supermarket so we could get some milk - when Ian asked the guy in the ice cream shop, he offered to sell us a bottle which was very kind. He also explained that there was a supermarket express down a street we had walked - we hadn’t noticed, as our focus had been on locating ice cream! We also have a lovely etching gallery in our street which had some beautiful pieces, we will return tomorrow to purchase one.

      We headed back to our apartment to relax and watch the sun set over the bridge and gorge, before heading out for dinner at our local tapas bar. I am loving this town, it is really something special.
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    • Dag 23

      Ronda apartment

      26. september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We got into our apartment, and were slightly overwhelmed by the view, which we have from nearly every room. We were pretty happy with the apartment. It is spacious and comfortable, and has great views. Also, it is located in the heart of the old town, where all the action is.Læs mere

    • Dag 23


      26. september 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We arrived in Ronda around 1.30pm, and José gave us a quick tour around the city pointing out some of the key landmarks and recommending a couple of restaurants. He then dropped us off in our street which is right near the bridge (Puente Nuevo), the centre of all the action. As we were a bit early, and the apartment was still being cleaned, we walked up the street to a local tapas bar and decided to have some lunch - it turned out to be a great decision, as the food was fabulous, the wine and beer cold, and the two young guys who ran it really friendly.

      Our apartment was ready by 2pm, but as we were having fun trying a range of tapas, we weren’t in such a hurry and, as we only had to walk about 25 meters down the road, there was no rush.
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    • Dag 85

      Besuch der Stierkampfarena 🦬

      6. januar 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Heute stand Kultur auf dem Programm. Wir besuchten die berühmte Stierkampfarena von Ronda. Sie gilt als eine der ältesten und eine der schönsten ihrer Art. Die Anlage gilt als Vorbild für die meisten Stierkampfarenen der Welt. Außer uns waren nur wenige andere Besucher vor Ort und so konnten wir uns alles in aller Ruhe anschauen. Über den Audio Guide erhielten wir interessante Erklärungen auf deutsch.

      In der Bar Las Maravillas kamen wir bei 11 Grad im Schatten in den Genuss köstlicher Tapas:

      Gerne hätten wir auch nochmals das direkt ggü. der Arena gelegene urige Restaurante "Pedro Romero Ronda" besucht, das wir aus 2016 kennen. Aufgrund der Wanddekoration mit ganz vielen Bildern berühmter Stierkämpfer hat es eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre. Wegen der aktuell hohen Inzidenz (Andalusien 700, Spanien 1.400) essen wir aber ausschließlich draußen und so kam ein Besuch nicht in Betracht 🙄.
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    • Dag 40

      Stierkampf in Ronda

      20. marts 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute ist Frūhlingsanfang, das hat auch der Petrus gemerkt, und uns schönes Wetter geschickt.
      Noch auf dem Campingplatz in Setenil konnten wir unser WoMo mit dem Hochdruckreiniger von dem gröbsten Schmutz, der sich in den letzten Wochen daran festgeklebt hat, befreien.
      Die kurze Fahrt nach Ronda bei Sonne, Wolken und Sturmböen verlief reibungslos. Wir fanden in Ronda auch sofort einen Platz, um uns "nieder zu lassen".
      Ronda ist wieder eine "weisse Stadt", so wie unzählige andere. Aber auch sie hat ihre Besonderheiten und liegt auf der Top-Ten Liste der Reiseveranstalter ganz oben.
      Die vielen Touristen und geführten Touren bestätigen dies.
      Die Stadt liegt auf Hügeln, die von tiefen Schluchten umgeben sind, verbunden durch atemberaubenden Brücken.
      Natürlich findet man etliche Kirchen und Museen, jedoch muss man für alles Eintritt bezahlen.
      Der Zufall wollte es, dass wir in eine Kirche traten, in der gerade ein Gottesdienst statt fand (die Türen stehen immer offen). Im Gegensatz zu unseren Gotteshäusern war dieses voll mit Gläubigen besetzt.
      Das Wetter war zwar gut, aber die 15 Grad und der Sturm liessen die Temperatur frostig wirken, so suchten wir ein hübsches Kaffee, um uns wieder aufzuwärmen.

      Wusste jemand, dass Ronda eine der Hochburgen des Strierkampfes ist ? Hier wurden die ersten und besten Stiere, Pferde und Matadore ausgebildet. Noch heute sei es eine Ehre für jeden Matador, wenn er hier in der einzigen runden Arena auftreten darf. Wir haben die Arena besucht und viel über den Stierkampf, seine Entstehung und heutige Bedeutung gelernt. Zum Beispiel, das nicht nur der Stierkämpfer (Matador), sondern alle Teilnehmer einer Corrida, die etwas mit dem Stier (Toro) zu tun haben, als Toreros bezeichnet werden.
      Wir bummelten weitere Kilometer durch die belebte Stadt und kamen gerade zu unserem mobilen Zuhause zurück, als Petrus die Schleusen wieder öffnete.
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    • Dag 13

      Ronda - die Brücke am Abend

      8. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Sehr hübsch! 🥰🥰

    • Dag 19

      Real Maestranza de Caballeria de Ronda

      18. januar 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      A very long name for the bullring, which was across the street from our hotel. We took an audio-guided tour of the bullring and museum, which was more interesting than we had expected. Ronda is the birthplace of modern bullfighting and this was the first purpose-built space for fighting bulls in the world, built in 1784. It can seat 5,000 spectators and is the largest ring size in Spain, although it felt a lot smaller than I had pictured. The bullring only has one fight per year, in early September for the annual fair. Neither of us would have been interested in seeing a bullfight anyway!

      There was a long hike at the base of the gorge that we had considered doing but John had enough activity for the day and I had come down with a chest cold. John had a cold a few days ago with just minor sniffles. Living in close quarters it was inevitable that John would share his germs. We can escape the extreme cold at home but not the common cold virus!
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    • Ronda

      21. februar 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Ronda ist eine Stadt auf einem Berggipfel mit einer atemberaubenden Lage oberhalb einer tiefen Schlucht. Diese Schlucht teilt die Neustadt von der maurischen Altstadt. Die Puente Nuevo, eine Steinbrücke über der Schlucht, bietet einen tollen Aussichtspunkt über die Schucht.Læs mere

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