Santa Colomba de Somoza

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    • Dag 25

      Goodnight Irene

      11 juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Seems more rain is coming tomorrow so I am planning for a bit of a rough day doing 25km and having a meeting with Destiny
      Cruz de Ferro is only 8km away....

      And I might have found a way to include maps of stagesLäs mer

    • Dag 39

      Rabanal del Camino

      23 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Today was a steady uphill climb, tomorrow we will go up and over the mountain ⛰️, 11 more miles down, we are getting closer. Was bummed that Bar Cowboy was not open in El Ganso as we passed through... maybe next time. Look at the grande beer Dave found last night...Läs mer

    • Dag 25

      Etappe 21 - Ponferrada 1

      6 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute morgen ging es gegen 8 Uhr nach einem Kaffee und einem Orangensaft auf den Weg.
      Die Nacht im Acht-Bett-Zimmer war von Toilettentourismus und Schnarchern wieder einmal völlig daneben, leider.
      Der Weg zum Cruz de Ferro war sehr abwechslungsreich. In Foncebadón habe ich eine kleine Pause eingelegt.
      Als ich nach ca. zwei Stunden das Cruz de Ferro gesehen habe, lief mir ein Schauer über den Rücken. Für mich war das ein ergreifender Augenblick. Nicht nur mir, sondern vielen Pilgern standen Tränen in den Augen. Meinen von zu Hause mitgebrachten Stein habe ich abgelegt - vielleicht auch viele Dinge mit.
      Von 1504 m ging es erst langsam und dann ziemlich steil bergab. Über Manjarin bis El Acebo haben meine Knie auch mitgespielt.
      Der letzte große Abstieg von Riego de Ambros nach Molinaseca hat es aber in sich.
      Deshalb habe ich in El Acebo entschieden, mit anderen Pilgern nach Molinaseca mit dem Taxi zu fahren. Es war für mich die richtige Entscheidung, denn ich möchte die kommenden Tage weiterlaufen.
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    • Day 31 - Astorga to Rabanal - 20km

      29 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today was supposed to be somewhat easy (even though it was a steady climb up), but it was so hot and no shade that the last few kilometres were difficult.

      I started out before sunrise and the full moon was out. It was so huge in the sky, the pictures don’t do it justice. I had a couple yogurts before leaving but they weren’t sitting well in my stomach. I am used to leaving without any food and then eating an hour later. I had extra from yesterday, so decided to try and have it. Not again.

      The first town was about 5kms away and I stopped and had a toasted sandwich, not wonderful, but better than nothing. I had a nice visit with Caryn (from Steveston BC) and then I was off. There are quite a few Canadians on the camino at this time. I kept making stops in the towns every few kilometres. The scenery has definitely changed to mostly trees, just none of them were nearby or big enough to provide shade.

      When I arrived, I had immediately asked if they did laundry. It cost me 8 Euros, but well worth it. I was in no mood to wash and everything was dirty. So I gave her my clothes, and I went to the bar next door and had lunch. I sat with Lisa and Jenna joined us. We had a great time chatting and getting to know each other. Lisa is from Texas and Jenna is from North Carolina. After lunch, I wandered up into the town to find the spot where Joerg and I sat waiting for the albergue to open. I found it, and asked someone to take my picture there. When we were here in 2009, the monks were out of town, but they were here today so I was treated to Gregorian Chants and Vespers in the church. There was a pilgrims blessing but it wasn’t until 9:30pm so that was too late for me to wait up.

      I came back to the albergue just after the service and had another great time visiting with Jenna and Lisa. We sat outside chatting and laughing until 9pm. I had no time to write this blog, which is why you are getting it a day late.

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    • Milestones!

      22 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      When I started my Camino on August 30th, I had 779 km to Santiago. Today I have less than 250 km left to go!

      This has been a journey of faith, a time of prayer, and a time to really challenge me on many levels. While I am here solo, the adage is true, you are never alone on the Camino! I do not just have fellow Pilgrims walking with me, but I also have the Blessed Mother, St. James, my Guardian Angel (often working overtime! 😄), and Jesus with me every single step of ”The Way!”

      Be blessed!
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    • Rabanal to Cruz de Ferro

      23 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Friday was a long day. I started in a nice little town, Rabanal. While the sun is getting up later and later, the moon made a beautiful appearance early in the morning as many of us traveled out of Rabanal.
      We climbed to the highest point on the Camino, Cruz de Ferro, or “Friends of the Way”. Here pilgrims have carried a rock the entire Camino representing their burdens. Once you make it to Cruz de Ferro, there is a tall pole with a cross on top of it, “The Cross of Iron” this is where you lay down your burden (rock). It is so interesting to me that for many pilgrims, this is not a faith journey. They may be searching for something, but few are here for a time of contemplative prayer. But as pilgrim after pilgrim reached the cross, I saw the tears, the moments of silence, many kissing their rock before laying it down, patting the pole, and looking up at the cross. There was joy. This is a place that gave many pilgrims on the Camino a meaningful moment.
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    • Dag 15

      Sad to say goodbye

      14 augusti 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today I walked 20km from Astorga to Rabanal. It was a relatively easy, straight, level path for most of the day, so I had time to think and reflect. It was a sad day for me as I learned that the vet would be coming to put down our family dog, Winni, today. She was old and her health was declining. I spent a lot of time with Winni in my early 20s, taking her for walks in the park whenever I was home for a visit or living at home. She was a good companion, and I’ll miss her and her presence at the house. I’m glad I could take time on the walk today to think about Winni and grieve saying goodbye.Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Astorga - Rabanal del Camino (21,4km)

      13 juli 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Die meisten unserer treuen Weggefährten, die wir bisher auf dem Camino kennengelernt haben,  zog es noch einige Kilometer weiter nach Foncebadón, was angesichts der sehr beschwerlichen Etappe, die uns morgen bevorsteht, sinnvoll gewesen wäre. Was uns aber in Rabanal del Camino haltmachen liess? - das prächtige Refugio Gaucelmo, welches direkt hinter einer alten Tempelritter-Kirche liegt (und sogar Erwähnung im Wikipedia-Eintrag zu Rabanal del Camino findet). Diese Herberge, geführt von einer englischen Jakobsbruderschaft namens Confraternity of Saint James, ist die älteste Herberge zwischen Astorga und Ponferrada! Tom, Richard und Lizz nahmen uns warmherzig in Empfang und luden uns um 16.45 Uhr zur obligaten Tea-Time im schönen Garten der Herberge ein. Danach ging es zur Vesper mit den Benediktinermönchen, die zur Erzabtei St. Ottilien in Bayern gehören. Die Andacht bestand aus einem gregorianischen Gesang und Lesungen in verschiedenen Sprachen; Michael hielt die deutsche.
      Die Wanderung führte uns heute aus dem Städtchen Astorga hinaus und auf meist einsamen Landstrassen durch die Maragateria hoch zu dem auf 1150 Metern liegenden Dörfchen Rabanal del Camino. Von hier aus geht es morgen hoch zum Cruz de Hierro und dann - vermutlich der schwierigste Abschnitt unserer gesamten Reise - 900 Meter runter nach Molinaseca. Wir sind gespannt!
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    • Dag 33

      Rabanal del Camino

      20 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We climbed quite a bit today, even though it was a gradual incline. We can feel in the air, it will be cool this afternoon and cold tonight. Our cool Max sleeping bag liners will be put to the test for warmth for the first time!

      The mountain ridge is much closer now. We were lucky with the weather today. Several periods of light rain, but no downpours! One more rainbow 🌈 was spotted.

      After our coffee break we met David from Marion MA. He started his Caminoa few days ago in León!

      We also met a couple from Holland who started walking today in Astorga, continuing their Camino started several years ago, walking two weeks at a time. Now they have a full month to walk to Santiago.

      We cruised today, starting around 8:05, and finished just about 1:00 pm, 20.1 km in 5 hours with one break.

      Tomorrow we will pass Cruz Ferro and later, Alto de Céréales, the highest elevation on the Camino!
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    • Dag 33

      Rabanal del Camino

      7 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wyjście z Astorgi ciągnęło się przez miasto dość długo z delikatnym podwyższeniem. Pierwszy postój na chwilę zamyślenia w Ermita del Ecco Homo(co chyba znaczy oto człowiek), bardzo malutkie ale dobre i ciepłe miejsce. Później już w większości polna droga w górę jakby droga przygotowywala nas do następnego trudnego etapu. Wioski, które mijaliśmy zdecydowanie różniły się klimatycznie od do tej pory oglądanych. Dolina Bierza zasłynęła dość niedawno bo dopiero od późnych lat 80tych doskonałym winem, dzięki swojej lokalizacji winogrona dojrzewają prawie miesiąc wcześniej niż w innych okolicach, niektórzy porównują je to Chianti z Toskanii. Również interesujące jest to, że duża część ludności mieszkającej w tej dolinie i górach należy do Maragot kultury. Są to pozostałości barbarzyńsjich plemion z północnej Afryki,którzy przywędrowali do Hiszpanii razem z Arabami.
      Większości budynków w mijanych wioskach jest zbudowana z nieregularnego kamienia i często ma okrągły kształt.
      Na około 2-3 km tuż przed Rabanal droga idącą stromo pod górę miała siatkę na której pielgrzymi zostawiali wplecione krzyże z drobnych gałązek. Bardzo to było poruszające.
      Nasze schronisko było dosłownie na przeciwko XII wiecznego kościoła Iglesias de Santa Maria de la Asuncion. Jest on prowadzony przez Benedyktynów. Wieczorem można posłuchać modlitw w formie Gregoriański chants. Ponoć Templariusze mieli tutaj mały fort. Chroniło to pielgrzymów od zbójów i wilków, których ponoć było tutaj bardzo dużo.
      A propos templariuszy to jeden z kolegów pielgrzymów Dexter z Australii zwrócił mi uwagę że przechodząc dnia poprzedniego przez Hospital de Orbiego przechodziliśmy obok bardzo małego kościółka który miał inny symbol tzn inne kolory krzyża. Było to miejsce należące do zakonu mnichów zbrojnych St.John of Jerusalem lub Hospitaller. Dokładnie się na tym nie znam ale wydaje mi się jedną z różnić było to że Templariusze mogli używać swojej potęgi militarnej kiedy im się chciało a Hospitaller tylko w obronie biednych.
      Ciekawe jest również to że wiele ambulansów w domu ma ten sam krzyż jako symbol i St.John w nazwie.
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