Terradillos de Templarios

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    • Tag 20

      Day 20: To Terradillos de Los Templarios

      31. Mai 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      I left the monastery about 7:20 this morning and surprisingly almost immediately ran across a restaurant that was open. So, I sat down a bit for breakfast. Really, it was just bread and coffee because I knew I had about an 18-mile day ahead. Then I headed out of town past a nice tribute to the pilgrims and an old Roman road headed off somewhere. (They don’t build them like that anymore…) I then continued my trek through the Meseta.
      Pretty soon I was out of town and beginning a 17k segment that is stated in the guidebooks that is often without any services. No water, no food, no toilets, nada. Fortunately, it was a flat, easy (if long) walk past grain pastures etc. After a few kilometers there actually was a nice Guardia Civil officer parked in case anyone needed help and a little further there was a pavilion that fortunately was open. It made for a great rest and refresh place. I ran into a couple of members of my more recent pilgrim family (Collin from Austin and Kelly from Atlanta). Of course, I had to photograph some of the beautiful wildflowers along the way as well as the creative rock work from previous pilgrims. As I walked the final hour or so towards my final stop of the day thunderstorms were building around me and the temperature dropped. The cool was nice, but the thunder was a little disconcerting (my metal hiking poles and I were the tallest objects around…), although, the darker sky’s did make for some nice photos. I made it to my albergue “Jacques de Molay” before the rain hit. After dinner it wasn’t too many hours before I was tucked into my bunk to write this and then off to sleep.

    • Tag 14

      Twelth stop - Terradillos

      12. Mai 2018 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Carrión -> 26km -> Terradillos de los Templarios
      The whole day's walk was done with a 30km/h WNW wind blowing in our faces - not fun at all. But we finally arrived at this templar town full of history. The sun is out and we can finally enjoy the gardens!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 21

      Terradillos de los temlarios

      14. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The rain finally caught up to us 😭 but we started with a rainbow sunrise!!

    • Tag 15

      The Mental Camino

      22. Mai 2019 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Walking solo on the Camino has presented a unique opportunity for me to indulge my introverted side. (Some may laugh when I say that I am an introvert but I do test out as introverted on the Meyer-Briggs Test.)
      In my daily life at home I am only able to cultivate solitude in short intervals—in prayer, reading, walking or swimming perhaps.

      But here on the Camino I am truly alone for the first time since age 15 when I traveled alone to France for eight weeks. I was so homesick then! I wrote so many letters to my mother, but I didn’t feel lonely as there were one or two fellow boarders to hang around with.

      But here on the Camino I can truly be alone and I am enjoying it very much. I have not bonded with any pilgrims except perhaps with Neii, the 72-year-old Brazilian man who has shared several kilometers and shelters with me over the last ten days. Neii is a gentle, sweet soul and I truly enjoyed his easy company and conversation. But I found myself yearning to be alone again after two days of companionship, and have left Neii for the second time to walk his own Camino apart from me.

      I have met several pilgrims with whom I have whiled away a meal or a morning together, but I am always relieved to be on my own again after an interval of interaction. Socializing requires an energy that I would prefer to not expend right now, as if it were a precious life force which I am guarding for my own use at present, and am loathe to share it, and perhaps that is the reality of the Camino at present for me. Funny how we tend to think of the Camino as a time of fellowship with other pilgrims all sharing the same direction and intent like a large school of fish, but not always is the introspective side expressed in accounts by pilgrims, I suspect.

      While walking I am enjoying a new depth of contemplation in the rhythm set between breath and footfall. I hear the birds and especially love the sound of the swallows, the cucus and the twitterpating sparrows. The swallow song I associate strongly with Spain and their song keeps me company in the cities as well as in the tiny villages. I stand in awe and watch the storks feeding their fledglings in their huge nests on top of the churches, usually the highest point in any village.
      I savor walking alone through the cathedrals, spending as long as I want in each chapel, retracing my steps whenever I want more detail. Having no companion, I am delving more deeply into the history, culture and religious iconography all around me. It has been wonderful.

      I have not really bonded with any Camino family which is interesting as I thought being a solo pilgrim I would surely gather like-minded pilgrims around me to share this experience. Not so, and as I move deeper into the Camino I suspect the desire for solitude will grow stronger, and I begin to see how one might evolve into a hermit. I think I am a hermit right now on this Way, but I am only halfway through this pilgrimage, so how my mind unfolds going forward will be interesting to observe.

      Watching the hypnotizing scenery of the Meseta as it passes by the windows of the bus reinforces in my mind the reasons I did not want to walk it. I know for many pilgrims the Meseta is the mystical, magical walk through endless prairie where one gets to explore the inner landscape because the outer flatness of the landscape offers no stimulation or distraction for the mind. But I don’t need that outer reinforcement in order to go inward. I’m already there in my state of solitude.

    • Tag 7

      Tag 5 geschafft

      14. Juni 2018 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      War das eine unruhige Nacht! Puhhh! So viele die laut am Schnarchen waren und dann mein Highlight, ein Chinese der morgens um 4.45 Uhr in seinem Bett sitzt in einem Raum mit weiteren 20 Leute die schlafen wollten und mit seiner Frau telefoniert! Wirklich! Danach ging dann das Wecker klingeln an verschiedenen anderen Stellen los! Also was nützt es, aufstehen und laufen! Da zuerst eh eine Strecke von 18 km durch die Meseta anstand, war es sogar gut so früh los zu laufen. Denn sobald die Sonne ganz aufgegangen war, war es direkt auch sehr heiß. Hatte aber nette Wegbegleitung durch Sarah. Ich hatte sie direkt an meinem ersten Tag in Burgos getroffen und irgendwie sehen wir uns immer mal wieder auf dem Weg oder abends in den Herbergen. Und heute passte es echt gut die 18 km nicht allein zu gehen. Insgesamt bin ich heute 26,13 km weiter gekommen und hab somit meine ersten 105 km geschafft💪🏻krass! Und das alles nachdem ich gestern mental echt nicht gut drauf war. Mal schauen wie es morgen wird! Hab extra ein Einzelbett in einer Herberge genommen mit nur 5 Betten in einem Zimmer. Aber ich hab das Zimmer mit den Schnarchern von letzter Nacht erwischt😱suuuper toll! Nicht!!! Jetzt werd ich gleich erst einmal noch hier nach dem goldenen Huhn 🐓 suchen gehen, da ich in einem Ort bin wo sich früher die Templer niedergelassen hatten. Der Legende nach sie wegen dem Huhn, das goldene Eier legt so reich geworden sind. Es macht echt Spaß die Geschichten hinter den Orten zu erfahren...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 19

      Terradilos de Los Templarios - Jour 19

      29. September 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Voilà une bonne nuit de sommeil 😴 finalement!! Je me lève très tôt pour pouvoir faire un bout de chemin sur ce 15-16 km que l’on doit faire sans stop. On s’était entendu hier moi et Mary Louise auquel l’on n’était pas obligé de s’attendre alors je finalise ma préparation et je décide de partir seul ce matin.

      Les premiers 5-6 km sont ennuyants, car nous marchons sur la route, mais le ciel est tellement beau à regarder avec toutes ses étoiles✨!! Le temps s’éclaircit alors je pourrais profiter encore du lever du soleil. J’en profite aussi souvent que je peux, car c’est tellement beau à voir. J’arrive éventuellement au premier endroit que l’on peut arrêter, mais je vous avoue que ça paru tellement long ce 16 km.

      Je m’occupe de mes pieds comme d’habitude et repars après un bon café. La suite est tellement plus facile sans que je sache pourquoi... un regain d’énergie peut-être?! La vue est pas mal pareil tout le long de l’étape d’aujourd’hui. Ce qui veut dire des champs à perte de vue. J’arrive au deuxième arrêt à Ledigos et prends un instant pour enlever mes souliers quelques minutes avant de continuer mon chemin pour le prochain village, car ça donnera près de 30 km pour aujourd’hui. J’aimerais bien être à Léon dans 2 jours, mais ça ne sera pas facile. Si je veux me rendre là-bas et bien ça, veux dire une moyenne de 33km par jour! J’arrive à un premier gîte et j’aperçois Éloïse alors je lui demande comment est le gîte et elle me dit que c’est très bien alors journée finie pour moi!! Je vais faire mon lavage, douche et ensuite je me joins à Éloïse, Sophia de l’Allemagne et Victor de Santagio (Espagne). Je commande un spaghetti... J’en ai eu pour mon argent en tout cas!! Les glucides ce n’est pas ça que je manque!!! Je me repose une bonne partie de l’après-midi pour aller éventuellement au souper plus tard. Un Français de Normandie m’a déjà demandé d’aller manger avec lui. Je crois qu’il veut parler français un peu ce soir!! Finalement, je décline, car je n’ai pas très faim avec l’assiette de spaghetti que j’ai mangé en milieu d’après-midi et en plus j’avais une conversation intéressante avec Éloïse.

      Je finis cela en relaxant dans mon lit, car demain je veux faire une longue étape pour que l’autre journée soit courte pour me rendre à Léon.

      Bonne nuit!

    • Tag 20

      Etappe 18: Terradillos (-378km)

      21. Oktober 2016 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute gibt es kaum Fotos.

      Unser holländischer Mitpilger hat sich heute morgen in der Unterkunft so den Kopf angestossen, dass wir wegen der Platzwunde erstmal zu einem Gesundheitszentrum sind. Wurde genäht und er darf zum Glück weiterlaufen.
      Dennoch haben wir beschlossen, diese Etappe mit dem Taxi zurückzulegen und einen - wohlverdienten - Ruhetag einzulegen. So sitzen wir bereits jetzt schon in der Sonne auf der Dachterrasse 😁
      Die anderen aus der Gruppe (sind mittlerweile an die 12 Leute) kommen dann später hier an, dann kann es morgen wieder mit allen zusammen weitergehen.
      Aber jetzt wissen wir, dass unsere Tagesetappen 20 Minuten mit dem Taxi sind 😕

    • Tag 25

      Terradillos to Bercianos- 15 miles

      16. Oktober 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Pretty warm this morning so I left my fleece packed as I thought I would need to take it off shortly anyway.

      It's only rained once since I've been in Europe, and that was just a sprinkle, so rain tomorrow will be a blessing of sorts. Since I leave well before daybreak, my headlamp has been reflecting light off the dust particles floating in the air and I can see them near my eyes so this is really dry. Throat and nasal cavaties are pretty dry. Wildfires are creating issues here as they create issues in the states. Wonder if any have made the national news?

      As I was trying to navigate through a small village in the dark looking for the yellow directional arrows I noticed a group of three women approaching me with packs on. Going in the right direction, I asked. No, was the reply and we all walked back to the intersection to find the arrows. Nice group of elderly Welsh women (I suspect all were in their late 70's or possibly older). Anyway, one was having foot problems and I was chatting with one of the others about what life was like in Wales. Interesting to say the least. We had a break together at a small cafe and I shared half of my huge, but stale, sweet roll with the one having foot issues. We shortly parted ways as I needed to keep moving.

      Saw some interesting sights in addition to the typical Camino scenery - one thing of interest was the meeting of the Camino Madrid with the Francis in Sahagun. Thought there would be a traffic circle or something, but did not see any increase in pilgrim activity nor was there a marker that I could find. Just the map. I will admit that I did not waste my time looking for something that might not exist so I took a couple of pictures of the city gate and the attractive bridge over the river (right now it is barely a creek).

      The day turned out warm, ran across a couple that I had met several days ago, and finished in Bercianos where I was told that there were no washing machines in town (population of 450) so did the barest of necessities to get by. Just hope the stuff dries on the line as it is going to rain early and stuff pinned to my pack is not going to dry.

      I am two days from Leon so with the rain we'll see if walking in the rain is much fun. I know when I walked on the mountain, it was no fun at all so I suspect a similar emotional situation will occur tomorrow.

      Seeing more greenery and with the rain, flowers just might jump out of the ground.

      Buen Camino

    • Tag 15

      Etappe 17 Villalcazar nach Terradillos

      21. April 2017 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute hat man so richtig gemerkt, dass die Ferien in Spanien zu Ende sind. Obwohl das Wetter perfekt zum laufen war, hatte ich kaum Leute um mich. Zumindest bis Carrión, wo ich auf John und Julia traf, mit denen ich dann auch eine Weile ziemlich entspannt unterwegs war. Wie so oft, kamen dann beim Frühstück in der nächstliegenden Bar noch ein paar Leute von gestern dazu, was das laufen auf den langatmig monotonen Wegen dieses Streckenabschnitts wesentlich angenehmer machte. Inzwischen sind wir in Terradillos de los Templarios angekommen und warten auf das Dinner, das hier schon ab 18 Uhr bestellt werden kann. Die Spanier essen sehr spät, weshalb das eine angenehm frühe Zeit ist. Mal sehen, was es heute so gibt. Bisher war das Essen in den Herbergen nicht berauschend. Aber wir sind ja zum pilgern hier und nicht zum essen ;-).

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