Villafranca Montes de Oca

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    • Giorno 26

      Lose your mind, find your soul.

      7 ottobre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      "Loose your mind, find your soul." That's my favourite Camino graffiti for today. I don't know about the finding your soul bit but I can see how the first bit is possible. I'm about a third of the way through this journey and waiting for the big shift where this stops being about my body and starts being about my mind. I don't think this theory (first third body, 2nd third mind, last third spirit) is working for me. I think it's been mind and body from day one and will be until I reach some level of fitness that I am still a long way from reaching.

      So tomorrow I'm looking forward to a day in the forest and today I had to focus on every step that my body didn't want to take which was all of them.

      Good news, I'm Covid free so can hostel and socialise again although I'm blaming Covid for today's weariness. And my bag got lost and is now found after spending a night without me, so definitely always keep your essentials with you, and your pjs and your newly acquired collection of Spanish drugs.

      I found myself a pork knuckle and veges for dinner tonight. Suitably yum and only 10 euros with a Vino Tinto.

      PS. A RAT test only cost me $4.50 so why do they cost so much in Australia?
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    • Giorno 13

      Etappe 10a - Villafranca 2

      24 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Habe ein kleines Hotelzimmer gefunden, gar nicht teuer. Super Unterkunft nach der letzten Nacht. Vergleiche ich die Preise der Herberge mit meinem kleinen Zimmer: Schnäppchen gemacht!!!
      Kleiner Rundgang, immer wieder Regen. Kirche leider geschlossen.
      Abendessen mit zwei Deutschen, welchen ich immer wieder begegne.
      War ein super Tag, obwohl anstrengend. Heute Nachmittag zwei Stunden im Bett waren eine gute Regeneration.
      Mal sehen wann ich morgen wach werde und wie weit mich meine Füße tragen.
      Vielleicht komme ich bis Burgos. Sind ja " nur " 36 Kilometer.
      Buen Camino
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    • Giorno 22

      Belorado and Villafranca Montes de Oca

      21 settembre 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Day 18 in Belorado and Day 19 in Villafranca - in Granon I had stayed at a ‘Casa Rural’. These are private homes
      where the host rents out rooms with or without attached bathrooms. In this case I had a private room with an attached bathroom. The price was €50 which is expensive (😀) but it came with the free use of a washer, as well as morning coffee. While I prefer to stay in a private room I have found that it is fun to stay now and then in a shared room or even a dorm. This way you meet some interesting people and share a communal supper. A bed in a dorm can cost as little as €6 - and that is primarily in a municipal albergue where they don’t take reservations - and the early bird gets the worm - which is why some people leave the albergue at 6am or earlier. Last night in Belorado I got a bed in a private albergue. It cost €12. Initially I didn’t like it because there was no place to hang out washed clothes and no place to stretch and do my morning (minimal) warm up exercises. But I met a woman who had just moved from CT to VT, a young Korean woman and another American woman who had gone to a boarding school in Jaipur because her father had been a polo player. She wants to work for Babli at her ‘glamping’ farm - so I’ve introduced them via WhatsApp.
      The trek from Granon to Belorado was quite unremarkable. I’m now in the Burgos region and passed through a number of villages and they all had churches and center squares, but none of their cafeterias were open and I hardly saw anyone but pilgrims. Except in the town of Redecilla del Camino where a man was roasting peppers “pimiento morrón” and a group of people were removing the outer skin. These are canned and sold. When I say roasted I mean charred.
      Yesterday my knees were really hurting so I booked a room in Villafranca - just 12 kms away . This morning the people in my dorm left really early so I was able to stretch and warm up properly. Lo and behold my knees were fine today. I forgot to mention that I had met this guy, Steve, a couple of days ago from Austin, Texas. Turns out he is an ER doctor who grows his own turmeric and ginger. He gave me a few of his home made gelcaps of turmeric + pepper and told me to buy more in Burgos - an anti-inflammatory prescription for my knees! I’ve been having those tablets since yesterday - so perhaps that helped too.
      Villafranca is a very tiny village but has a few albergues, a casa rural and one fairly fancy hotel. I’m sitting at a bar that is frequented by truck drivers - there’s a bunch of trucks parked outside, I’m not sure how they maneuvered through the tiny streets. I wish I spoke Spanish and could talk to them. Next time!
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    • Giorno 19

      Espinosa del Camino

      6 settembre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Kolejny ale zupełnie inny dzień. Przybyliśmy do bardzo malutkiego miasteczka, w którym mieszka około 45 osób. Nasi gospodarze pochodzący z Niemiec prowadzą malutka albergue na 5 osób. Na razie jesteśmy jedynymi gośćmi. Wokół cisza i spokój po prostu nic się nie dzieje. No może nie zupełnie nic, czeka nas jeszcze domowy obiad o godzinie siódmej, nawet pisząc używam pełnych wyrazów aby wyglądało na ważne i długie wydarzenie.
      Musieliśmy zmienić plan. W związku z moim obrzydliwym pęcherzem na dużym palcu w prawej stopie, który okazał się bardzo głęboki i duży, wręcz podminowujacy miejsce po paznokciu, i lewym kolanie, które nadal nie chce współpracować we właściwy sposób, ja potrzebuję paru dni odpoczynku i nie używania moich nóg.
      Jutro się rozdzielamy, Kasia idzie jutro do Ages I następnego dnia do Burgos. Tam się połączymy i zostaniemy jeszcze dwa dni. Mamy nadzieję że to wystarczy.
      Takie jest Camino niepowtarzalne, zawsze dające inne wyzwania. Każdy dzień jest inny i nie wiadomo co przyniesie, trzeba być tylko otwartym na to aby wybrać dobrze. Aby się podnieść trzeba upaść.
      Nie ukrywam że nie bardzo dobrze sobie radzę z tą zmianą ale nie ma innego wyjścia.
      Dzisiaj w załączeniu tylko widoczki z Espinosa i okolicy ❤️
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    • Giorno 13

      Belorado to San Juan de Ortega

      1 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Another hot day! We did not leave as as early as intended; 6:45, but of course that was fine. Not a lot of elevation change today, and for some good stretches of the way a very pleasant change in the form of trees! We have been walking in very open agricultural land for…maybe a week? The shade and the company that trees always seem to provide were both very welcome.

      Our albergue tonight is in a former church/monastery with its foundations laid in the 10th century (I think?) dinner for me was more modern - pizza and beer.

      There was a good Mass here too, by which I mean that we were provided printed guides to help us follow along in six different languages, and the priest gave his homily in the most basic Spanish he could manage. I was able to follow quite a bit of it and I appreciated his efforts.

      Tomorrow is a big day; we will arrive in Burgos, which is big town and the former capital of Spain, with a lot to see. It’s a common point at which to take a rest day and that is our plan. We have booked a small two bedroom place. It will seem SO luxurious!!

      The arrival in Burgos also marks the completion of the first third of the Camino. The saying is that the first third is all about the body, the second addressed the mind and the third, your spirit. I May be a day ahead of schedule as my mind started acting up a bit today, giving me material to cheer on s as I worked my way toward this stop. Such a process!
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    • Giorno 12

      And suddenly …

      11 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      …sunshine! Castillia looks like Denmark 🇩🇰 here! Soft hills covered with pines for most of the time followed by a very rural area! There was hardly a (good) Alberge so I finally put my feed up high in a very stylish Hostel! Just renovated with a little bit more privacy! It could also be in a German „Mittelgebirge“! The Korean family shares the room with us and next to the village is a prehistoric parc!Leggi altro

    • Giorno 16

      San Juan de Ortega, pop. 24

      3 ottobre 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Okay, this is a very small place! Only 24 people!

      We decided to walk halfway here this morning and taxi over from Villafranca Monte de la Oca, which would be about 12 km of walking. But it was cloudy and cool for once and the first half was virtually flat through dried sunflower fields in various stages of harvest, and when we stopped at the midway point for a sandwich (bocadillo) and a soda, I told David I was feeling good and I’d like to do the rest of the walk. I could see on our mapping apps that it was a little uphill and then through forests. So we did it. Amazingly I’m feeling 100% like I’d normally feel if I’d walked that far, only I have a bit of a cough and still haven’t regained my voice so I kind of sound like a raspy Mickey Mouse when I try to talk. David appears to be completely back to normal now! So for our friends who offered up prayers for fast our fast recovery, thank you! ❤️

      The countryside here in Castilla y Leon is more dry than where we’ve been previously. We were thinking some parts of the scenery here look like the chaparral in California.

      Once we arrived in San Juan de Ortega we stopped in to the church before finding our lodgings. It’s a surprisingly big church with ornate stonework for such a small place. A group of older Germans on some sort of tour were there and they began to sing what sounded kind of like a Gregorian chant. It was very pretty. We’ve been having some interesting talks about our spiritual and religious beliefs while on our walks, which is new for us for the most part.

      We’re going to get dinner at the only place in town in a bit, and we’re walking into the city of Burgos tomorrow. We’re going to get COVID tests and see if both of us test negative yet. I’m guessing David will.
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    • Giorno 11

      Day 10 walking!

      18 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      So we had nice meal in the hotel restaurant last night, very civilised set menu and then in bed/bunks by 9.30 -everyone is exhausted! We were in a room with 4 sets bunk beds but only had 5 of us in there so 3 top bunks empty, and so far Fiona has kindly taken the top bunk, well she is younger than me! But tonight we arrived little late and there were only top bunks left, so I will be experiencing trying to sleep on top bunk tonight!!
      So we walked about 25 Km today, leaving Villafranca with threatening clouds above as we tackled quite steep hill first thing, the viewing point was at 1,120m and was covered with dense pine forest. The path continued up and down with rather oppressive pines and no villages for 12 Km. After lunch, the way was at a lower level and the surrounding more gentle although forested it had glades with beautiful wild flowers and then we came across cows with young calves. We also had little drizzle on and off. We also walked past queue for convent Albergue in one village, well …. the rucksack were in the queue! The rest of the walk included another hill with cross on top until we arrived at our destination here at our quirky Albergue in Cardeñuela Riopico.
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    • Giorno 12

      signs on the camino

      21 aprile 2023, Spagna ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      i have lots of pics of signs I’ve seen on the camino that I want to remember but haven’t been able to include bc I normally can only post only 10 photos. I’ve fixed that so Im posting a small compilation of Camino signs rn :)

      I’m translating them but the caption only allows 100 characters so I have to shorten some/my explanation.

      Bill is a lucky man!
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    • Giorno 19

      Event-full Day!

      20 giugno 2023, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Sean and I rose early, knowing we had a long day to get to San Juan de Ortega—including a significant climb. Little did we know.

      We had over 7 miles in by 9:30. Stopped to grab breakfast and a rain storm hit. We waited out most of the storm, chatted with the Colemans who we’d met several times before, then headed out again.

      The video shows rain runoff and one of the pics shows a pile of hail by the side of the trail!

      The Colemans caught up with us later and interviewed us for their YouTube channel (Cruisin with the Colemans), video should appear in about two weeks!

      Climbed a never-ending hill to find that no beds were available in San Juan de Ortega, so we grabbed a pizza and made for Ages, where we ended our day. 21.33 miles worth (according to Fitbit)!
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