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    • Day 19

      Val de Charmey Day 19

      May 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

      No sunny idyllic Swiss countryside scenes today. Overcast and rainy. Managed to get in one good tourist visit between rain drops. Off to Gruyères, home of the cheese for Quiche Lorraine and fondue. First stop the obligatory,and highly advertised, cheese making self -guided tour. A busy place and interesting audio on the cheese making process, done from the cows point of view. 😂. And a very good gift shop.

      Then up to Gruyeres, a totally pedestrian village, so you park at the bottom and walk up. On the ascent you are acutely aware of the cows around - all have large bells. See pic below (the real cow one). Crowned at the top of the hill by the Chateau de Gruyeres, the town is lined with souvenir shops and restaurants. Not very big, but cobblestone streets and lots of tourists from all over the world made for a lovely afternoon.

      I had made up my mind that today was the day I was going to have fondue, I have seen peoples eating it at every restaurant I have visited in Switzerland. I don’t remember ever having it since it was popular back in the 60’s and 70’s. Found the restaurant I had read had “the best” and had a seat, thankfully, as it had just started raining harder. A real splurge - both on calories and expense but it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed every morsel I could eat. It is served with small baked potatoes, cocktail onions, cornichons, and bread. While I was waiting for lunch, I was reading on line the etiquette of eating fondue. 😂. A real treat and I topped it off with the chochatiest chocolate ice cream I have ever seen down the street at a chocolate store. (And REALLY good). I am done for the day!
      Back to the car to plan where to go next for a walk when the rains came in earnest. So home it was for the evening. A break came around 6P & I went out for a walk - found a path to follow along a rushing river and added a few more pics for the day. Tomorrow looks better for weather.
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    • Day 18

      Val de Charmey, Switzerland Day 18

      May 12, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      Left Annecy, France this AM via auto on my way to Val de Charmey, Switzerland. Only about 75 miles away, but some stops along the way. First one was unexpected. Crossing the border between France and Switzerland, I was signaled to pull over. Come to find out, you need to pay $45 for the privilege of driving in Switzerland! 😂. I, purposely, rented in France as it was about $1K less than renting in Switzerland, so they just got $45 back!

      On to Val de Charmey, a mountain village at around 3,000ft in the Alps. On the way I stopped at Lavaux, a grape growing and wine making area of Switzerland, near Lausanne on Lake Geneva. Lavaux is a UNESCO World Heritage site for its beauty and surroundings. The vineyards are all on steep terraced hills rising out of the lake. There are tons of walking/hiking trails to wander thru the vineyards which stretch for many miles Truly beautiful. Their vines are a bit behind our, had some leaves it in another month those hillsides will be covered with green. I parked in the small hillside village of St-Saphorin and walked thur the vineyards to the next small village of Rivaz and back to car. Only a couple miles rt, however. A lot of up and down! Lunch at a restaurant by the lake in Cully nearby.

      On to Charmey. Found the new apartment easily, it’s fine but not as nice as I have had to date. However the surroundings make up for it and the view from the terrace is stunning. A stop at the grocery store to stock up for 4 days and them out for a long walk. Hiking and biking in Switzerland are a national sport. Cannot describe how wonderful it is to be back in all this beauty. Back for my wine on the deck and pasta for dinner.
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    • Day 20

      Val de Charmey Day 20

      May 14, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      Off today for Fribourg, a city of ~40K about 45 minutes from Charmey, the capital of this canton of Switzerland and a university city. The old town, medieval city was built along the Shrine river and it now the center of the tourism for the city. The “new” city is just uphill and houses the residential, business and shopping district and some of the museums. It’s all walkable but there is also a funicular that takes you up and down if you don’t feel like walking. Fribourg is known as the “border” between French and German speaking Switzerland. Signs are in both languages. (see pic with wisteria). I am much more comfortable with German than French so, suddenly, I can actually read menus and signs, without Google Translate. (2 yrs of high school German and lots of traveling in German speaking areas).

      First stop on my list was the Berne Bridge, the cover pic today. A quiet, beautiful area with church bells ringing, a park to stroll by the river, and folk fishing. Not many tourists around and, it’s Sunday, so many of the shops are closed. On to find Chapelle de Lorette on a hill, 300 ft up from the old city. Quite the climb, but lovely old stone steps and cobblestone paths lead to the top and the small chapel, that overlooks the city. Great views of the new and old cities all the way up. Built in the 16thC, the exterior is adorned with statues of saints and evangelists, while the interior is very plain.

      The tower of the Saint-Nicholas cathedral dominates the skyline of the new and old cities and is notable for its stained glass windows. This was the next stop on my one day, self-guided, tour of Fribourg. An immense Gothic architecture cathedral, built in the 1300s, and the center of the Catholic Church for Geneva, Lausanne, Bern and all areas in between. The stained glass is very impressive- lots of vivid color telling the stories of the Bible for the people who could not read at the time. A worthwhile visit.

      Great lunch at a funky place in old town, partially in the rain. Last stop was a small museum, Espace Jean Tinguely-Niki de Saint Phalle, husband and wife sculptors and painters of art for children. A thoroughly enjoyable hour watching children enjoy the unique sculptures that all moved with a step on a large red button on the floor. (See video).

      Back to Charmey area and decided to drive to a town in the opposite direction, Juan, about 6-8 miles away. Found hiking paths everywhere and the first waterfall of the trip. Lovely spot but shortened due to rain shower and a ‘“race” uphill to the car. Quiet evening at “home” catching up on news and final episode of Better Call Saul, a very well done series.
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    • Day 21

      Val de Charmey Day 21

      May 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      First hike in the Alps today.! While I have been doing a lot of walking, today I broke out hiking shoes and poles. I found a fellow yesterday at the mountain cable car in Charmey that spoke very good English! First real conversation I have had in weeks! 😂. I wanted to take the cable car up the mountain and asked him if there was any easy to moderate hiking there. Unfortunately, they are closed today but he recommended a hike out of Charmey to a monastery about 3 miles away. Said it was “mostly” flat.

      Turns out that the Swiss’s understanding of “mostly flat” is very different from mine. 😂. However it was a terrific walk through a valley of farms, streams and rivers. A pretty easy trail and a wonderful first hike (this trip) in the Alps. I left from the village where I am staying, Charmey; destination, La Valsainte. La Valsainte is a “working “ monastery and the only remaining extant Carthusian monastery in Switzerland, founded in 1295. I could only walk around it, apparently there are tours but Google Translate was unclear about the details of how. 😂. The weather was sun, clouds and the constant imminent chance of rain. Had one shower on the way and I found “refuge” in a farmers wood shed along the trail. Threatening again on the way back so I picked up the pace and did not stop for pictures. Total out and back; 5.7 miles.

      Planned on going out for dinner tonight however, it’s Monday, and the 2 main restaurants were closed. Went to the Coop, bought a piece of salmon and a lemon, along with left over pasta - dinner. Washing out clothes tonight, hike was a bit muddy. Last night here, heading toward Italy tomorrow, picking up Carol in Milan on Wednesday.
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    • Day 22

      Friedhof von Jaun

      September 13, 2017 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute fahren wir nach Interlaken. Unterwegs besuchen wir noch den Friedhof von Jaun, der für seine einzigartigen Grabkreuze bekannt ist. Die Holzkreuze der Gräber haben einen geschnitzten Rücken auf dem Szenen aus dem Leben des Verstorbenen abgebildet sind. Das ist eigentlich eine tolle Idee, so bleiben einem die Verstorbenen viel besser in Erinnerung.Read more

    • Day 6


      July 29, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      After we were chased away by a farmer and his goats at the Gantrisch Lake, we decided to go to the near place of Schwarzsee. A nice little tour around the lake made a nice morning walk and gave Awen the chance to swim. Since the weather did not get better and the sun kept hiding behind clouds, the SUP had to remain in the car for once.Read more

    • Day 2

      Richtung Genf

      September 20, 2015 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Erst ging es mit dem Zug nach Jona. Dann weiter über Luzern, Interlaken, Montreux.
      Zwischendurch mit dem GoldenPassExpress. Dort wollte man mich von meinem Platz vertreiben (ein Schaffner). Nicht gewusst, dass ich eine Reservierung habe.Read more

    • Day 149

      "Gesundheit mit Brennesel"

      May 29, 2021 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Eigentlich wollen wir an's Brennesselfest, Bontanicus nach Charmey im Jaunbachtal, weil's so gut klingt. Wir beginnen unseren Ausflug in Jaun, der einzigen deutschsprachigen Gemeinde im Greyerzerland. Mit einer Kirche von 1228 auf der Schattseite neben dem Wasserfall, ein Kraftort. Der Wssserfall hat kein sichtbarer Zufluss. Der Pfarrer wollte ab 1908 auf der Sonnseite predigen, so liess er eine neue Kirche samt Friedhof bauen. Bemerkenswert sind die individuell geschnitzten Holzkreuze.
      Die Wanderung führt uns immer dem Jaunbach entlang bis Charmey. Leider findet nur ein kleiner Markt statt. Glaubt man der Literatur ist die Brennessel für vieles gut. Muskelschmerzen, Stoffwechsel, Eisenbildung, Entwässernd usw.
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    • Am Schwarzsee

      May 26, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Um 13.00h kommen wir auf unserem Übernachtungsplatz an. Gleich machen wir uns auf die Umrundung des Sees. Schön ist es hier, bei strahlendem Wetter. Unterwegs treffen wir auf den vor langer Zeit in den See gebannten Drachen. Chüenerglüt begleitet unsere Wanderung.
      Zurück bei der Villa machen wir erst mal eine kleine Pause ehe wir zum Wasserfall des Seeweidbaches hinaufspazieren. Auf dem Rückweg kommen wir dem Bach entlang wieder zum See. Der lädt zum Verweilen und Spielen ein. Es gibt auch etliche, schöne Feuerstellen.
      Zurück bei der Villa gibt es Znacht, Würstli und Frülingszwiebeln mit Speck umwickelt vom Grill, Salat und Kohlrabi aus dem Garten und Maischipps. Dazu Kräutertee aus der Thermosflasche.
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    • Day 851

      De passage au Lac Noir - qui est ...

      July 16, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      ... plutôt couleur Khaki et change d'aspect plusieures fois par jour. Bons amis et soirée superbe en plus ... qui dit mieux ?

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