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    • Päivä 19


      4. maaliskuuta 2020, Tansania ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Pünktlich um viertel vor 6 werden wir abgeholt, somit hatte unser Bauchgefühl mal wieder Recht behalten. Nach 2 Stunden Fahrt treffen wir auf unsere Gruppe für die nächsten drei Tage, unseren Koch (Rogers) und unseren Guide (Fredy).
      Es geht los Richtung Serengeti. Auf dem Weg werfen wir einen Blick in den Ngorongoro Krater, sehen viele Maasai Dörfer und unendlich viele Gnus. Im Februar bekommen die Gnus ihre Kälber in der Serengeti. Zusätzlich sehen wir viele Zebras, Antilopen, Giraffen, Hyänen, und einen sehr schlecht aussehenden Löwen direkt am Straßenrand. Und das alles außerhalb des Parks.
      Sobald wir durch das Tor der Serengeti fahren ändert sich die hohe Dichte an Tieren schlagartig. Hohes Gras und weit und breit kein Tier.
      Dann regnet es aus Eimern, sodass wir diverse Male mit dem Auto stecken bleiben. Einmal fahren wir uns so fest, dass ein zweites Auto schieben muss und 4 Männer mit Baumstämmen, Steinen und Sparten alles tun, dass wieder fester Boden unter die Räder kommt. Nach ca 15 min sind wir dann wieder frei. „Hakuna Matata“.
      Heute Nacht wird zwischen herumlaufenden Hyänen und Löwengebrüll im Zelt geschlafen.
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    • Päivä 27


      5. kesäkuuta 2022, Tansania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Wir kommen der Migration näher, die Gnus treffen sich in kleineren Gruppen und schließen sich irgendwann zur mega Herde zusammen und überqueren den Fluss Richtung Westen. Wir haben einen kleinen Vorgeschmack bekommenLue lisää

    • Päivä 29

      Letzter Tag in der Serengeti

      7. kesäkuuta 2022, Tansania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heute haben wir nochmal einen langen morning drive gemacht, bevor es morgen wieder Richtung Süden geht. Gestern Abend und die ganze Nacht hat es richtig geschüttet, das haben wir bei der Fahrt gemerkt. Wir haben wiedervriesigw Herden Gnus btw. Wildebeest gesehen, es ist einfach gigantisch. Auch ein Löwe lag wieder unter dem BaumLue lisää

    • Päivä 19

      Getting to the Serengeti

      22. kesäkuuta 2023, Tansania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We are on our way to the Serengeti today. It’s going to be a long day driving. Google maps say it only 120 klms but will take four and a half hours. We have to drive past Ngorongoro Crater again so up through the clouds and over the Ngorongoro Mountains. When the Serengeti was declared a National Park in the Fifties they moved all the Massai people out of the park and we passed so many little villages on the way.

      Made a stop about mid morning at Olduvia Gorge. It’s a famous archaeological site called the “Cradle of Mankind” . It yielded the very first known fossil remains of two contemporary bipedal hominid species. There was a really fascinating museum there with an overview of the history of the region, and all the fossils found there. Then the gorge itself was pretty spectacular as well.

      From there we kept going towards The Serengeti over the most horrendous road I’ve ever been on. God I thought we had some shockers in Australia but nothing compared to this. It is the only road into the Serengeti and it’s a nightmare. Seemed to go on forever but we did eventually arrive.

      Time to put the top up and look for a animals. Thank goodness we got off the main road and while they are still bumpy at least they don’t have a million corrugations.
      It saw lots of things this afternoon but it was a really a giraffe day. So many of them all in groups of six or more.

      We spent so much time game driving we got to the camp in the dark and the rain. There was a little confusion about our room when we got here and for a brief moment we though we’d be sharing a room. We were okay with it but Pam and Alan were ready to call a taxi. 😂 Turns out we are sharing a family tent but with two bedrooms and a sitting room between them.
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    • Päivä 22

      Last day in the Serengeti

      25. kesäkuuta 2023, Tansania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today is our last game drive, and last day in the Serengeti, and we are off to hopefully find a Rhino. There is a section of the park where only two female Rhinos where left after the horrendous poaching that happened here. One more male Rhino migrated from the crater and they have slowly been building up the numbers. The rangers monitor all the Rhinos and they don’t release the numbers to anyone but our guide estimated about fifty or sixty live in this section of the park now.

      I think we found four of the big five today but sadly no Rhino. Buffalo, Elephants, an amazing group of Lions lazing about on a beach, I think there were 16 in total. Plus a Leopard on the prowl for some dinner and a Cheetah looking for a shady tree to rest in. And of course the usual assortment of Giraffes, Zebras, Impalas and Wildebeest.

      We had a few sightseeing stops today as well at Gong Rock where you could play music on different sections of the rock and another cave with some Massai Rock Art.

      There were lots of cat prints at Gong Rock and plenty of cat poop and Hyena poo lying around everywhere. Someone said to David, do you see many cats here “ oh yeah all the time” Yikes!

      Had lunch at a nice shady little picnic area near the Rhino Centre with the resident Hyrax bouncing around on the rocks.

      Back at the camp early today to pack up and get organised for the flight home tomorrow. The staff had planned a lovely private dinner for us beside the fire. It was a perfect last night in the bush for us, cocktails, lovely sunset, great food, good company and a send off song and dance from the staff.
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    • Päivä 109

      A perfect end to our first Serengeti day

      23. elokuuta 2023, Tansania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      As our safari continued, we saw:

      • Tawny eagles
      • Five lions sleeping under a tree
      • A den of hyenas (a pair with their pups)
      • A male lion, sleeping
      • Several Coke’s hartebeest (this was a new species for us)
      • A leopard and her cub up a tree. Unfortunately, she came down and disappeared into the bush before we had chance to take photos.
      • A lilac-breasted roller – the national bird of Kenya
      • A group of ground hornbill
      • A leopard in a tree with her kill – a small gazelle
      • A leopard walking through long grass close to the road

      The last two sightings were incredible, but they caused some friction between our driver, Mankinga, and Nash. Despite Mankinga’s explanations over the radio, Nash couldn’t find us. Amos, the driver of the other 4x4, was less experienced than Mankinga and didn’t know the names of all of the small roads and tracks in the Serengeti. Nash wanted Mankinga to give up and go straight to our campsite. Mankinga is passionate about what he does and wanted to give us (his clients) the best possible experience, so he continued to where he knew the animals were. Nash wasn’t impressed, but we were very grateful as we saw the animals and those in the other vehicle didn’t!

      We got to the campsite after dark, so we had to get sorted out using our head lamps. Luckily, the guy who drove Ibrahim to camp had put our tents up for us! Dinner was mushroom soup followed by lamb stew with mashed potato. Both were very good. Mark was on washing-up duty, and I was on flapping and packing. It was 9.30pm by the time we’d finished. The facilities were none too clever, so we skipped a shower and went straight to bed, knowing we would only have a few hours before we had to be up again!
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    • Päivä 13

      Serengeti II

      11. elokuuta 2023, Tansania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Der zweite Tag in der Serengeti begann mit einer Pirschfahrt auf der Suche nach weiteren Leoparden und Löwen, wechselte dann aber sehr bald in Richtung Nashorn.
      Als durchgegeben wurde, dass eins in einer Flussgegend gesichtet wurde, machten sich alle Jeeps, die in der Nähe waren auf den Weg dorthin, um wenigstens das Nashorn aus der Entfernung zu erkennen.
      Somit verbrachten wir ca. zwei Stunden mit Warten und dem Anpassen unseres Sichtfeldes, bis sich das Nashorn endlich zeigte.
      Dann wurde als bald alles wieder in den überladenen Jeep gepackt und es ging auf in Richtung Ngorongoro Krater. Auf dem Weg dorthin begegnete uns dann aber noch eine Löwenfamilie und ein Gepard, den wir aus nur ca. fünf Meter Entfernung sehen konnten.
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    • Päivä 111

      Goodbye to the Serengeti

      25. elokuuta 2023 ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We were up at 5.30am this morning to see the sunrise as we packed our tents away. Breakfast was at 6.30. It was pancakes with syrup again. We were invited to pack some cooked rice for our picnic lunch. We both opted not to!

      Back in our vehicles, we drove out of the Serengeti. It was a fast, dusty drive. We saw lots of animals, but nothing different, so we didn’t stop to take photos. We did stop for toilets at a place where there was a very expensive snack kiosk. We stopped again at the border between the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park to take photos of the signs.

      We then drove along increasingly bumpy and dusty roads as we retraced our route out of Ngorongoro. As we climbed, our 4x4 had problems pulling. It was probably due to the huge amount of dust. Mankinga just had to drive a bit more slowly and nurse it along.

      We ascended into the clouds. Visibility was very low, although we did see Masai tribesmen herding cattle and goats. At 11am, we pulled into a picnic site for an early lunch! Mark and I had biscuits, chocolate, and bananas, seeing as we had passed on the rice!

      We stopped again at the gate to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area for toilets and the souvenir shop. Nobody bought anything – it was far too expensive!

      At 12 noon, we were back on a tarmac road for the first time in two days. It was quite a relief!

      We stopped for Mankinga to have some lunch (he didn’t fancy the rice either!). There were souvenir stalls to look around, and Mark managed to find somewhere to sit and have a beer. We tipped Mankinga and thanked him for his excellent service. It was a joy to have him guide us.
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    • Päivä 5

      Day 3 Serengeti NP 塞伦盖蒂国家公园

      9. kesäkuuta 2023, Tansania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      In Serengeti National Park we saw quite a number of lions under the tree, on the rock and by the water. The sharp eye sight Abuu caught a leopard in the field in the high grass, he drove the jeep right into the deep grass so we were able to take close shot photos and videos. Along the road we saw elephants again, much bigger than those we saw two days ago. Truly amazing.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 12

      Abflug nach Sansibar

      19. joulukuuta 2022, Tansania ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Seronera Serengeti: Flugplatz mit Graspiste, na dann guten Flug 🙈
      Der hatte Verspätung. Mal schauen , wie das klappt. Unsere Koffer haben keine Kennzeichnung. Außerdem müssen wir in Arusha umsteigen und ob der Anschlussflug noch klappt, steht in den Sternen. Aber: Hakuna Matata!

      Hat alles geklappt, mit nur einer Verspätung von 1 Stunde. Mal von meiner Panikattacke in dem Miniflieger abgesehen.
      Im Maru Maru Hotel erst mal in den Rooftop Pool und dann raus, was essen. Danach noch eine Runde durch die komplette Altstadt, weil total die Orientierung verloren…
      Vor lauter Gässchen und Winkel. Wir mussten irgendwann fragen, und der Einheimische war natürlich „Guide“ und wollte uns gleich eine Bootstour für den nächsten Tag verkaufen…
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