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    • Dag 36

      Spice farm

      10 juli 2021, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      En route vers Stone Town, on fait un stop à la ferme aux épices.

      On avait hésité à y aller par peur du bon gros truc a touristes ... Eh bien on a été agréablement surpris, c'était super intéressant !

      Vanille, clou de girofle, cannelle, carambole, cacao, poivre, jack fruit, noix de muscade, etc! C'est surprenant a voir, on n'imagine pas que ça pousse comme ça !!!

      1ere photo: noix de muscade: Côme s'écrie: "Ça sent le riz pépère" !!! (C'est le riz qui se transmet de génération en génération chez les lodini !)

      On a le droit à des petites animations super bon enfant ! Tressage en feuilles de palmiers, ascension spectaculaire d'un cocotier, dégustation de tous les fruits et épices et chants locaux! Les enfants ont adoré !!

      Petit resto le soir ... On retrouve notre LUKMAAN ... Trop bien et pas cher 😋 ... On risque d'y aller souvent, notre appart est a 50m a vol d'oiseau !!!
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    • Dag 151

      Peinards à Zanzibar

      5 april 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Encore une toute nouvelle facette de l'Afrique : Zanzibar, ou la ville des 1001 nuits, ou encore l'île aux plages paradisiaques !

      Nous passons quelques jours à nous perdre dans les ruelles étroites et vivantes de la jolie médina de Stone Town. Cet archipel a longtemps été gouverné par des sultans omanais et est encore à 95% musulman. Une véritable enclave orientale en Afrique noire ! Aujourd'hui rattachée à la Tanzanie, mais avec un statut tout particulier : propre gouvernement, lois spécifiques, service d'immigration pour y entrer...

      Nous nous prelassons ensuite sur ses plages de sable blanc, peuplées de cocotiers, bordées de coraux (faiblissants) et aux eaux incroyablement turquoises ! Difficile d'imaginer que ce petit coin de paradis a été pendant plus de 200 ans une grande plaque tournante de la traite des esclaves... Et cela jusque dans les années 1900 ! Aujourd'hui le tourisme est la source principale de l'île, mais en ce début de saison des pluies il n'y a plus de touristes... Et toujours pas de pluie !

      C'est sur ces jours chargés d'histoire, de repos et bons produits de la mer que nous quittons l'Afrique de l'Est. Nouveau pincement au cœur !

      Mais chuuuut .... On fait la sieste ! ,,,😴🌞
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    • Dag 35

      La boum

      9 juli 2021, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Le fait qu'il n'y ait personne nous facilite un peu la tâche pour négocier le prix de nos logements !
      Nouvel hotel ... Ici, on est ... SEULS dans ce complexe immense !!! Piscine et plage privée (c'est le cas de le dire)

      Ce côté là de l'île (ouest) est un peu moins sympa, la mer est moins belle ... Et beaucoup moins touristique aussi 😃! On croise des pêcheurs qui remontent un filet sur la plage, ça nous permet de voir plein de poissons et de crabes de près. Moment sympa et authentique avec les gars du coin (ils n'ont pas cherché à nous vendre leur pêche ! 😉).
      Je suppose qu'ils ne sont pas que pêcheurs ... Ils sont tous gaulés comme Stallone (et Rocco ... merci les p'tits moules bites).

      C'est reparti pour les devoirs (et pour docteur Quinn) ... Fin des vacances !

      La proprio de l'hôtel nous vend une soirée de dingue pour l'anniversaire de de son fils ... RDV a 7h sur la plage. Les enfants se voient déjà a une soirée type "La Boum de Rosnay': musique, danse, bonbons et boissons !

      7h ... On est tout seuls sur la plage ... 7h15, toujours seuls ... 7h30, Il fait nuit ... On retourne manger à notre lodge. Les enfants sont tellement au taquet que Côme va de sa propre initiative voir la gérante (qui fait son yoga) et lui demande "when is the fiesta ?" 😂🤣😂.

      La soirée se résumera a 3 potes qui viennent manger avec leur copain ... Paie ta déception 😰😅
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    • Dag 7

      Spice Farm

      26 mars 2022, Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Tag 3 im Tikitam. Wir haben heute mal eine von den typischen (und überteuerten) Touren zu einer Gewürzfarm gebucht. Es ging ca 1h mit dem Auto quer über die Insel, was uns die Gelegenheiten gab, auch mal etwas vom Hinterland zu sehen. Auf der Farm angekommen, wurden uns zwei Guides zur Seite gestellt - einer der die verschiedenen Gewächse erklärt und einer der Anschauungsmaterial besorgt. Neben Nelken, Vanille, Kaffee, Kurkuma, Zimt, Eukalypthus (ja, auch den gibts dort, nur ohne Koalas 😉) oder Ingwer streiften wir die obligatorischen Händler die aus den umstehenden Naturschätzen allerlei überteuerte Düftchen, Salben und Seifen anboten, bevor wir nach ca. 2h, behangen mit allerlei Blumenschmuck, bei einem Fruit Tasting/Gewürzladen abgesetzt wurden. Prinzipiell alles schön und gut und auf jeden Fall lehrreich - ich wünschte nur, man würde die Touri-Scharade auslassen.Läs mer

    • Dag 39

      Day 39: Spices and Stone Town 2.0

      12 mars 2019, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Back again to a typical Zanzibar Spice Tour and Stone Town. At first I was hoping I could skip today’s program as I have done the exact same thing just a few weeks ago. But I went and I actually liked it as I have seen and experienced many new things 💛

      For example, we did have lunch at the spice farm. Local food: spicy rice and cooked banana with vegetable sauce. It was delicious 😋

      And in Stone Town we visited an exhibition on slavery which was very interesting. Zanzibar has quite a sad history. Once you enter one of the chambers in which the slaves were kept back then you really feel the horror of those days in which slavery was part of Zanzibar’s every day life.
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    • Dag 8

      Exploring Stone Town on my own

      7 februari 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Had breakfast early, collected a street map of stone town from the reception and decided to explore the town on my own. Strolling down the seafront my first point of call was the Palace Museum which was the residence of the Sultan of Zanzibar. Zanzibar was part of Oman in the olden days as such the Sultans ruled Oman & Zanzibar together, at one point one of the Sultan moved his capital to Zanzibar and ruled from the Island. The Palace contained old furniture and personal belongings of previous Sultans who made the palace their home. Also, on the ground of the Palace are graves of members of the royal family.

      I continued my sole exploration of Zanzibar by following the outer perimeter road, down narrow streets with sharp corners passed by the 5 star hotels; Hayatt, Double tree and Serena until I eventually came out on the road leading to the Statehouse and high court. The statehouse is a large white building, the fence was shoulder height so I couldn’t see well into the compound. I continued pass the Peace Museum, hoping to walk round the state university of Zanzibar, unfortunately I missed my road, flagged down a bike man who told me I was heading in the direction of the airport and redirected my path. I eventually abandoned the search for the university and flagged down a bike to take me to the slave museum. Interestingly I discovered that most locals in Zanzibar don’t speak English. The bikeman instead of taking me to where I asked took me to a street with lots of restaurants, well it’s a blessing in disguise. I alighted from the bike, paid him Tsh 1,500 for the ride and went into Lakmaan restaurant and ordered Octopus with rice and on 2nd thought added beef and fish just incase I didn’t like the octopus. The octopus tasted crunchy and soft. After lunch I tried to get another bike to the hotel but alas the bike man didn’t understand English. Out of frustration I checked my phone again and still no data signal and then I remembered turning off mobile data the previous night, damn. On putting it on I called on my old reliable and trustworthy friend who would never lead me astray “Google Maps” and discovered I was only 14mins walk from the hotel so I walked back.

      Later in the evening I went to the Floating Restaurant and ordered their fried rice which was supplied with fried egg “sunny side up”, no meat or fish? What a strange meal. Luckily I had the foresight of buying BBQ meat at the evening street market when I stopped to buy roasted corn.
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    • Dag 6

      Welcome to Zanzibar

      5 februari 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Flight left Dar-es-salaam at 4:00 pm and got to Zanzibar within 20 mins. Had to fill an entry card at Zanzibar but my passport wasn’t checked. Taxi was waiting for me at the airport entrance. The trip to stone town took about 15 mins. Stone town looks like one of the ancient cities in western Nigeria.Läs mer

    • Dag 22

      Zanzibar, Stone Town Slave Market

      21 februari 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ -5 °C

      Zanzibar was the major slave trading center in East Africa up until about 100 years ago. The Stone Town market was closed in the late 19th century, but the trading continued clandestinely for some years thereafter. First is the sculpture commemorating thee slave trade with the sculptor capturing expressions a facial features from across East Africa. The a couple pics of the slave chambers, including some of the original chains used on the slaves kept there awaiting auction. The actual market is gone as the British built a cathedral on the site when the trade was outlawed.Läs mer

    • Dag 7

      Walking tour of Stone Town, Zanzibar

      6 februari 2018, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Had early breakfast at 8:00 am in preparation for the walking city tour. My guide Eddy was already waiting downstairs when I came down at 9:00 am as planned. We walked through the old city first to get an Airtel sim card. It took over 30 mins to register and activate the sim card, thereafter the tour started with a visit to the oldest market in Zanzibar which is divided into three sections. We visited the fish section where I saw Octopus, squids, snapper, ray fish and other exotic fish. From the market we proceeded to the slave museum. The compound also houses the 1st Anglican church in Zanzibar which was built in 1874. Saw the sad dungeons where slaves were kept prior to being auction and transported across the sea. We then visited the African House, the old fort which is being prepared for a musical concert starting on the 8th, walked past the House of Wonder, which was the Sultan’s office and the first building with electricity, lift, telephone etc. and finally passed in front of the Palace Museum and then back to the hotel. The entire tour took roughly 3 hrs 30 mins. The entire tour cost TZS 60,000.

      Later in the afternoon I walked down the beach to the floating Restaurant to have lunch on the pier overlooking the ocean. The meal was surprisingly nice and was Beef Pilau with rice. Came back to the room about 3:00 pm and slept till 7:00 pm.

      Dinner was at the famous street market and comprised of BBQ meat & sea food, with fried plantain and chips. The sea food tasted spoilt so I spat it out so as not to purge.
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    • Dag 2

      Sansibar - ein Traum

      7 november 2007, Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Eine kleine Insel - aber für mich noch immer eine der schönsten Reiseschauplätze meines Lebens.
      Freddie Mercury wurde hier geboren und obwohl mehrheitlich muslimisch, ein friedvoller Ort.
      Schnorcheln, Gewürzplantagen, Stone Town .... und ein Hotel der Extraklasse.
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