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    • Dag 4–7

      Food Court at Nang Loeng Market

      8. marts, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      After the curries we walked into heart of the market, stopping first for some Miang Kham which are single bite "flavour bombs" and very good.
      We tried rice-tapioca noodles with minced pork sausage (not a fan) and desserts: Kanom Krok: coconut milk, rice flour, sugar, and coconut water poured into small cups and heated until they crisped up on the outside,
      Crisp Kanom Tua Pad Mung bean rice crepe, small tacos with a sweet and savory filling, and Pantam "jello". We finished with a type of mango only available locally for three months of the year that will likely disappear from the local market being succeeded by the golden mango as the season goes all year.
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    • Dag 5

      Tag 3 - Bangkok erkunden

      24. april 2023, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Tag 3 startete wieder spät. Nachdem wir wieder per TucTuc die Stadt erkundet hatten, haben wir den Abend entspannt mit Streetfood auf der Dachterasse verbracht.
      Unsere Weitereise haben wir in einem thailändischen Reisebüro gebucht. Unser nächster Stop ist Koh SamuiLæs mere

    • Dag 6

      Finally i sucess

      11. december 2022, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Après avoir evité les arnaqueurs de la douane tunisienne refusant de me donner un visa sous pretexte que je n'avais pas de billet retour de la thailande et que je devais payer 80e (ils se prennaient pour des expert du droit international), aprés les avoir envoyés chier promptement, aprés avoir été malmenné par les chants répétitif des pélerins pour la mecque (stylé certe mais au bous de 30 minute de 4 phrase répétées en boucle ca commence a faire un peu chier), aprés avoir passer 8 h dans un aeroport sans wifi et sans batterie finalement je suis arrivé avec le visage d'un cadavre.Læs mere

    • Dag 16

      More Hashing in Bangkok

      25. oktober 2019, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      BMH3 - After an awesome trip to Pattaya, it is back for more fun in Bangkok. First off, it was a spin around town with the Bangkok Monday H3. From the Zap Station, trail made the anticipated zig zag through the klongs and alleys in fine fashion. Unfortunately, our hares overlapped last Thursday's trail for a bit. At first it was fine, but instead of clearly marking the departure point, they used an intersection as was done on Thursday, which led the FRBs off in the wrong direction following last week's trail. The pack milled about for nearly 20 minutes before giving up and making their own way back to the start. It was a good time, but . . . 😊…

      On Tuesday, Boob-a-lube and I went out for a scouting hike to hare the upcoming Saturday trail for the Men’s hash. It was an excellent 10K hike in the sun, with little shade, but sure made the beer taste great at the end. Looking forward to setting this trail on Saturday.

      BH4 – On Wednesday, it was another excursion with the Bangkok Harriettes. Another interesting trail through the klongs and streets of greater Bangkok. I actually cracked the 12 minute mark (11:40) for a mile, for the first time since the surgery. Getting stronger and stronger . . . my wind is getting better each trail.…

      BTH3 – It was another super humid evening, but a great trail. The mapped track on this trail does not even begin to display the intricate web of alleyways we weaved in and out of on this trial. The hares managed to find every little back alley and street on this city hash. A brilliant live hared trail full of fun.…
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    • Dag 4

      Wat Pho, Wat Arun. Départ pour le Laos

      29. december 2015, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Dernière journée à Bangkok donc nous en profitons à fond. Les sites religieux de Wat Pho le Boudha d'or allongé et Wat Arun la tour blanche sont magnifiques. Moins fréquentés par les groupes nous pouvons y aller à notre rythmes, prendre un café en regardant les familles thaï de sorties, les préparatifs du nouvel an se mettre en place. S'assoir avec les croyant devant un Boudha est agréable tout le monde se cotoie. Petit detour dans un marché au fleur du quartier indien ou les décorations du nouvel occupe une joyeuse armée de jeunes souriants. Après un Pad thai (mon 3ième du voyage, jamais la même recette) dans un restau de rue, direction le train de nuit pour le Laos.Læs mere

    • Dag 21


      24. april 2018, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Bangkoks ältester Tiergarten. Von der Haltung der Tiere waren wir nicht so begeistert. Aber der Zoo ist eine kleine Oase in mitten der Stadt und so haben wir eine kurze Auszeit am See von dem Verkehr und dem ganzen Trubel gehabt.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Is this our Bangkoking hotel?!?!

      4. januar 2017, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C


      We got in to Bangkok the usual hour or so late! Bloody Thai time is very irritating!

      We got a Tuk Tuk to take us to the hotel which hammy had booked for us.... We didn't actually know where it was as there were several hotels with the same name so we gambled.

      We got to this smashing hotel with this fancy pants entrance and a one way system and glass everywhere and more bell boys than you can shake a chicken on a stick at.

      We tentatively ask at reception if there is a reservation under noble. She looks at us puzzled (presumably because we look like beggars with my free t-shirt and noblets rug on his face).... And the smell. We're convinced we're at the wrong place its too awesome.... Especially as the woman is being so weird and taking ages... She's like, follow me please. To the 32nd floor where you'll check in!

      We're like waaaaat?!

      Get upstairs in the fastest lift ever, willy Wanka eat your heart out!! Then We're sat, overlooking the city, with a glass of fresh orange in a bloody executive suite WTF has just happened?!?!? Omg it's amazing!

      The woman checks us in, explains about 'complimentary' (why not say free its well more exciting!) breakfast and FREE HAPPY HOUR!!!

      hammy you legend!

      We got to the room and there were rose petals scattered everywhere as well as flowers, cake with 'happy honeymoon' a card from Dave (love Dave) more flowers fruit and champagne. Obvs on the 32nd floor BUZZING BUZZING BUZZING!!!!!!

      What did we do with the rose petals.... I shouldn't say.... But I will... We fell asleep straight on top of them. Woke up just in time for happy hour. All drinks included..... And a full buffets worth of food including a bloody cheese platter this day keeps getting better and better!!!


      Man: Noblet for knowing hammy! Eating his food all these years clearly paid off!

      Donkey: Charlie for not knowing where our hotel was before we travelled to another freaking country AGAIN!
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    • Dag 10

      Exploring Siam: last days in Thailand

      8. august 2016, Thailand ⋅ 🌧 33 °C

      After our crazy attempt at visiting the grand palace and the emerald Buddha, we were afraid to visit other temples so we decided to take a break from temples and head to a huge flea market by means of the acclaimed sky train. The train isn't anything special but it is very clean, just not easy to go in and out of with a stroller. (Carrying a baby and a stroller down 2 floors after walking in the heat isn't exactly fun).
      Overall the day was great!! We got to the market which extended for miles. You can find practically anything there. Again, it reminded me of Mexico's Mercado de Sonora (it's beginning to sound like I'm homesick, I know...). Anyway, we had a really nice cheap lunch there, did a bit of shopping, walked to siam square to have dinner and went home.

      The following day, we decided to give temples another shot and went to visit Wat Pho and I'm so glad we did! We all loved the temple, it is truly spectacular.
      To avoid the crowd we decided to head out as early as possible. Besides seeing a 5 meter long golden reclining Buddha, there were so many other Buddha status as well. What is specifically curious is the sense of peace and calm you get just by going into the temple. Was it the incense? Maybe the chanting monks or the Buddhists going to pray and get blessed with wet water lilies? Whatever it was, it was quite calming and soothing.

      After a few hours of exploring the birth place of Thai massage, we head out for a bite at an artsy café near a wet market by the river and then took a boat to visit the temple of dawn.

      Though under renovation, the temple is still quite breathtaking and even though you can't climb all the way to the top, it was still a lot of fun going up the steps to see the four Buddhas on each of the sides of the structure.

      After seeing the spiritual side and the history of Thai massage I had to try it for myself. I had been warned that it can be quite painful so I asked the masseuse to take it easy on me. What an experience!! I absolutely loved it!! My only regret was that Sammy didn't get to try it as well.

      For our last day in Bangkok we rounded out our cultural experience by visiting the famous BMK shopping center: a seven for building that is a cross between an indoor flea market and a mall. It was a fun day and I used my newly found bargaining skills to buy a really nice hiking backpack for a third of the price I would have gotten it in the US. Yay!

      Visiting Thailand has been overall an exciting, eye opening, tasty experience that I will never forget. Hopefully I'll be able to go back one day and explore more of this amazing country!
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