Khlong Thung Ri

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    • Día 134

      De la Thaïlande aux Philippines

      8 de enero de 2020, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Et voilà la fin de notre séjour en Thaïlande !

      Après le farniente, les massages, la plage, le snorkeling, le yoga et la plongée bouteille, on fête l'anniversaire de Cynthia et le dernier restau tous ensemble à Koh Lipe.

      Merci à Maryline, Benoît, Matthieu et Morgane pour ces excellents moments, ces semaines tous les 6 resteront en mémoire !

      Place aux Philippines pour nous, hâte de voir Malo et Dam 🤗
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    • Día 54

      Travel day to Hat Yai

      22 de julio de 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      After a delicious breakfast we had a long travel day ahead of us, we left our hostel at 10.30am and checked into our new location at 6.30pm
      The bus journey felt like forever but we made it and went to dinner at a local night market with some people we met on the bus 🚐Leer más

    • Día 24

      Tag 23 - Ankunft Hat Yai

      24 de abril de 2019, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Nach 9 Stunden Fahrt sind wir heute in Hat Yai angekommen 🏙
      Der Tag begann schon mal damit, dass unser Taxifahrer viel zu spät in unserer Unterkunft ankam, um uns abzuholen, und wir schon die Befürchtung hatten, unsere Fähre zu verpassen. Zum Glück war das aber nicht der Fall und wir wurden auf dem Festland einfach in einen Minivan verfrachtet, der uns nach Hat Yai fahren sollte. Das kam uns zwar ein wenig suspekt vor, aber wir sind ja angekommen.
      Abends sind wir nochmal raus und ein wenig durch die Straßen gelaufen. Hier gibt es auf jeden Fall einen drastischen Unterschied zu Phuket oder Koh Samui, was sich vor allem dadurch bemerkbar macht, dass alle Beschriftungen auf thailändisch sind und wir nur raten können, was es dort zu essen gibt. Außerdem haben wir noch keine anderen Touristen getroffen.
      Dafür haben wir aber einen größeren Markt gefunden, der ca. 30min von uns entfernt ist und neben allen möglichen Klamotten, Schmuck und Schminkständen auch ein riesiges Food Center hat, wo für jeden was dabei ist 🍔🥞
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    • Day 19 - Heading to the Deep South

      28 de diciembre de 2021, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      The alarm went off at 8am, but I had been up hours monitoring the dismal performance by United at Newcastle. We showered, packed & were in the hotel reception at 9.20am.

      Ten minutes later, Chanika rolled up in her big Mitsubishi 4x4 & jumped out dressed as Dolly Parton without the chest. She was wearing a checkered shirt, jeans & cowboy crocks! Chanika was were usual excitable self & she chatted with Jackie for most of the 50 minute journey to Khok Kloi bus station.

      At Khok Kloi we were about an hour early, but Jackie wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Chanika rang the bus company to confirm it would be stopping for us, then we insisted she waited with us no longer. We gave her a decent 500 baht tip (she had been worth every baht) & sent her on her way.

      At 11.20 a battered old bus rattled into the bus station & tooted it’s horn. The female conductor jumped out & beckoned for us to hurry over. I threw our large rucksacks into the hold & boarded the bus. The conductor squirted our hands, gave us our tickets for ‘Mr Simon’ & we were off. The bus interior was disastrous with bits missing from the back of the seats, the vinyl floor had lifted into a big bubble & their were tears in the seat. Having said all that it seemed to go well & it was comfy.

      The 1st brief stop was Phang Nga with it’s very scenic limestone cliffs & rock formations which continued all the way down to Krabi. The bus passed through Khlong Thom, Mueang Trang & Phatthalung before arriving at Hat Yai bus terminal at 6.20pm. We had only one 10 minute stop at a service station during the entire journey of 241 miles, but it did seem to pass pretty quickly. It probably helped that we had two seats each to ourselves, plenty of snacks, half a bottle of Hong Thong & I watched 4 episodes of ‘Narcos’ on Netflix on my iPad.

      When we got off the bus at Hat Yai we were mobbed by taxi drivers, but I shooed them away, because it was only a very short walk to our hotel. I hoicked my rucksack onto my back and went to start backpacking, when Jackie announced she had got her mask stuck on her earring. Her mask was hanging from her right ear, so after taking a photo of her predicament, I set about unhooking her. It took a while, with bemused taxi drivers looking on.

      Eventually disentangled, we backpacked to our hotel, PM Residence, just 400 metres away. After checking in to our very satisfactory £17 a night hotel, we immediately went back out to Central Festival shopping mall. It was huge & spread over 7 floors. We managed to do a lap of each floor (got to keep the steps up) without buying a single thing. We were also the only westerners in the shopping mall & we stuck out look sore thumbs.

      Despite having a food court on two floors we resisted the urge to eat there & instead we went to the only restaurant we had found out in streets around us. We sat down & ordered a couple of Changs, but were curtly told that they didn’t sell beer. It was a Japanese (& possibly Muslim) restaurant, called Mari Chan, but strangely it did show beer for sale in their menu!

      I ordered 2 plates of gorgeous pork Gyozas & Jackie ordered a the teriyaki chicken set, which came on five different plate including a bowl of soup & some random chunks of fish. It was an experience.

      It would appear that not that many westerners make it to Hat Yai & this was probably summed up by a little girl in the restaurant who couldn’t tear her eyes away from Jackie, probably she had never seen anyone with fair hair let alone with blue eyes! The little girl waved Goodbye to Jackie when we left until we were out of sight.

      Song of the Day: Let The Day Begin by The Call.
      Everywhere I Go by The Call.
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    • Día 44

      Travelling on local train

      28 de febrero de 2017, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Travelling for 7 hours on local Thai train for 1,5 € in third class (no windows, no doors) & but an amazing experience.

      Local people selling any kind of food u can imagine...

      Finally a place without any tourists ☺Leer más

    • Día 100

      Tuesday is a hashing day

      11 de septiembre de 2018, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 90 °F

      We had a great time yesterday, which was no surprise. The overnight train trip was as crazy as I thought it would be. Awesome!

      We are now in Hat Yai, Thailand. My leg is hurting pretty bad, and I really don't want it to get infected, so I'm not doing trail today. They Hat Yai Hash met us at the station with a wonderful percussion band and traditional dancers. Then a local authority (mayor?) gave a welcome speech. It was all pretty cool.

      The noon selfie was in the elevator because we're checking into the hotel. The hash is this afternoon.

      So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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    • Día 9

      Central Festival Shopping Center

      15 de agosto de 2019, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Noch etwas geschlaucht vom gestrigen Tag, ging es heute etwas ruhiger zu😊. Nach langer suche im größten Shoppingcenter Hat Yai‘s, haben wir zu guter letzt doch noch etwas Schnorchelequipment gefunden🐠👀.

      Erkenntnis des Tages: Für einen guten Haarschnitt muss der Friseur nicht dieselbe Sprache sprechen💇🏼‍♂️😁.
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    • Día 2.325

      Last day on PhiPhi

      10 de abril de 2022, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      So as I wake for my final full day on Phi phi I need to start making plans for my onwards journey, but there is a slight problem. The lady who I usually book my tours and buses with cannot guarantee my bus to Hat Yai and can only book me to get to Krabi then I need to go to the bus station and sit and wait for the bus to leave when it's full, the other problem is liverpool are playing tonight and the game won't finish until after midnight and I'll need to get up at 630 am to catch the early ferry. I decide to sit it out and will just buy my ticket in the morning if I manage to get up. I spend most of my day just topping up my tan and trying to get a few questions answered. As you've seen in earlier blogs I regularly meet a horse on my way home but I want to know how did it get here and what is its use , I mean they only have long boats and ferries to the island and its a 2 hr crossing and I've never seen it being ridden. The only thing I've seen it do is stand in the reception at the local hotel and I don't think he's capable of booking anyone in. The other crazy thing is a bit further along in a place called the lighthouse they have a tuc tuc on the first floor balcony, this is again crazy as no vehicles apart from construction ones are allowed on the island so the madness of shipping one over then dismantling it and reassembling it on a balcony really baffles me but I suppose it's this quirky crazy stuff that makes me love the island so much. I'm not feeling too good today and at about 3pm I take myself to bed for a few hours and wake up feeling a bit better but still with a terrible pain in my chest. I venture to May's bar so at least I can have a comfy seat to watch the game its quite funny as she is streaming it on two tellys and one is ahead of the other so I get to watch the goals then watch them again. A little dissapointed but relieved we never lost I head to cottage bar to say goodbye to the crew. They are all a little messy and I need to get up I'm the morning so I do a discreet exit.Leer más

    • Día 2.326

      Moving on

      11 de abril de 2022, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I've set my alarm for 0630 as I still need to pack, and having been here so long I'm a bit out of practice. I'm also a very emotional to be leaving. This little island is so special and I know it very unlikely I'll ever see it like this again. I meet Naikari at the ferry and when I board there's a girl from Manchester shouting her mouth off and being really crude still carrying a can of chang beer. Even a Thai man speaks to her but she has no care and respect so I go and sit on the upper deck. Its a 2hr journey to Krabi harbour and I've booked a transfer to the bus station. I buy my ticket and it's just a case of waiting until there's enough people to justify the journey. I'm pleasantly surprised when at 1pm the guy calls Hat Yai but dissapointed when I realise we're full. It's a 6hr journey and all the baggage is in the aisles so I literally can't move. We stop a couple of times for food and toilet breaks . I need to get a pcr test but when I looked online there is literally nowhere advertised doing them in Hat Yai I send a few emails to companies but they all come back saying they can't provide them, and just to finish the day off the bus station is closed when I arrive. I've booked into a half decent hotel so I can recuperate a little. I'm so glad to have white bedding and a nice bathroom, it's the little things in life. I take a nice hot shower and get dressed to go out for dinner. As I walk the streets there doesn't seem to be any food stalls open but eventually I come to a shopping mall. When I try to enter the security guard asks me to scan in. I try and blag it but he's having none of it but after a lot of persistence he gives up and let's me in. I go to a pizza parlour and order the medium pizza after a few minutes the lady comes back and says the medium pizza is buy one get one free and I say no need I'll just have one she says I can't do that? So I change my order to a small one which is crazy. I finish up and go back to my room where I take another shower and get into my beautiful comfy white bed.Leer más

    • Día 2.327

      Preparing to leave Thailand

      12 de abril de 2022, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      After a wonderful night's sleep I wake up early as I have a few things to do today. I've got the names of 2 hospitals and plan to walk to them to see if I can get my pcr test done. When I go down to reception I have the bright idea of asking the lady on reception if she can call them and see if they offer the pcr service. I sit in reception with a lovely coffee She's so helpful and comes back to me to say the nearest hospital offers it at the cost of 4100 baht about 90 pounds and I can just get a walk in service so off I trot to the hospital. When I arrive I have to fill in a form, they take my passport and I find I'll get the results later today. No buses are crossing the border here so I would need to get a taxi to the Thai border then a motorbike to the Malaysian border then wait for a bus to take me to Kuala Lumpur. I've had this experience before and because you have no other options they can charge what they like . I'm shocked that when I go online I can book a flight for 40 pounds. I take the chance and even though I'm trying to do my trip without the need for flights to minimise my carbon footprint this time I make an exception. By the time I've booked my flight I'm called for my swab. I make my way back to my hotel and collect my washing as there is a laundrette just across the road , a few of my clothes have marks from suncream and I put them on a hot wash. I drop into the 7/11 !and buy some snacks as I'm going to have the rest of the day watching telly and enjoying my room. When I get back to reception my room isn't available so I pack up and move and enjoy the evening watching movies and having a pamper session with face masks and creams.Leer más

    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Khlong Thung Ri, คลองทุ่งรี

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