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    • Dag 2

      & schon geht es wieder zurück.

      6 oktober 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Über London ging es zurück nach Hause.
      Da wir 7 Std. Aufenthalt hatten, haben wir entschlossen nochmal in die City zu fahren.
      23£ für eine Stunde Bus hin & auch wieder zurück.
      So nah dran an einem ShakeShack Burger, konnte Melanie sich einen nicht entgehen lassen.
      Ultra lecker.
      Das Stadion von West Ham haben wir dann auch nochmal einen schnellen Besuch abgestattet.
      Pünktlich ging es zurück & mit Rückenwind waren wir auch ganz schnell in HHN wo wir dankenswerterweise von Falk abgeholt wurden.

      Zwei Tage
      Zwei Länder
      Zwei Zeitzonen
      Zwei Görls
      Zwei Gegentore

      & eine Menge Spaß!
      Danke !
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    • Dag 3–6

      Offbeat London

      4 augusti 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Enjoyed a night out at Hackney Wick, a neighbourhood in East London that is home to former industrial spaces, with quirky cafes, craft breweries and bars along the River Lee Navigation canal.

      This evening, I met a bunch of Stefano’s friends, earned myself the title ‘queen of the south’ and danced the night away! 🪩Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Arrival at London

      8 juli 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      На първата снимка отпътуваме от Карлсруе за летището. Нямаше хубави връзки за полета ни в 6:35 и още в полунощ се озовахме на летището… което се оказа и че не работи и беше затворило… и се наложи да седим навън цялата нощ. Дремахме колкото можеше и към 4 сутринта ни пуснаха да влезем. Полетът беше добре, по изкалаторите в Лондон имаше такива очертани стъпчици къде трябва да седим и с Ночко изпълнявахме стриктно английския правилник хихи
      Качихме се (след леко лутане из гарата, защото уж знаем английски, ама се затруднихме на акцента им) на правилния автобус и след час пристигнахме в Стратфорд, откъдето ни взеха Тео и Наталия с кола. 🚗
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    • Dag 7

      Cable Cars

      8 mars 2019, England ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Heute ist unser freier Tag in London. Diesen hab ich erst einmal zum duschen genutzt und dann zum frühstücken, bevor Giulia und ich zu Fuß die Oxford Street hochgelaufen sind. Da der Laden zu hatte, zu dem wir wollten, sind wir dann einfach schon mit der Tube nach North Greenwich gefahren und sind da mit der Seilbahn, also den Cable Cars über die Themse gefahren.
      So ziemlich genau nur noch zu dem Zeitpunkt war es sonnig. Wir haben also alles richtig gemacht.
      Die Aussicht war genial und ich hab mich durchweg nur gefreut! Einfach nur genial! Ich liebe London!
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    • Dag 3

      Day 3 - Trafalgar Square

      25 mars 2017, England ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Trafalgar Square is a traffic intersection in central London. It's beginning was a courtyard of the Great Mews stable for Whitehall Palace. It has undergone many changes over the years to be a central gathering place for major events and celebrations.

      There is lots to see here. Enjoy the views
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    • Dag 3

      Day 3 - Banqueting House

      25 mars 2017, England ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      The Banqueting House is the last remaining of the Whitehall Palace.

      The renowned architect Indigo Jones began construction of Banqueting House in 1619, after which it was known to host the finest court masques, entertainments and receptions of the 17th century.

      The long cube room in the center is where the celebrated artist Peter Paul Rubens magnificent ceiling is housed. The paintings were commissioned by Charles I in 1629, to celebrate the reign of his father James I. It took four years for Rubens and an associate to produce nine paintings. The painting are huge, measuring 2m x 9m x 6m. I took these photos while laying in a bean bag chair on the floor. It was truly breath taking.
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    • Dag 3

      Day 5 - A New Bauble for Me

      25 mars 2017, England ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      So sometimes I don't pay attention and things seem to slide right on by me. I was searching my bag for something and was handed a small suede draw sack. I thought what a great little travel pouch for my backpack. I thanked my guy and continued my search until he said, we'll there might be something in it.

      So upon further investigation there was a little something in the bag, a sparkling new bauble.....have a look. I still claim I have the "Best Guy" ever

      Big shout out to Jim "the Jeweler" Heffernan
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    • Dag 4

      Finding Doctor Who

      17 september 2018, England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Early start today (well anything before 10am is early for me) we are off to the Who Shop on Barking Road in Londons east end. The things we do for our grandkids, our eldest in this case.
      As we depart the hotel I remind Basil that the wifi is rubbish. He says don’t worry sir, the IT man is coming today and it will be fixed. I also suggested the room should be cleaned today, something they neglected to do yesterday. “Don’t worry, don’t worry” he says. We leave but I am mulling through my mind what my TripAdvisor review will be like.
      Like experienced commuters we board the train (Circle Line) 18 stops away to our destination, the train was packed with standing room only. MDW is always concerned someone will pick my pocket so I have one hand in my pocket whilst hanging onto the rail. Not the easiest thing to do, it makes me sway with the train. Chivalry is dead. Not one gentleman offered MDW their seat but surprisingly one lady did to which MDW kindly declined. This gave MDW a complex making her feel old. With just a few stops to go a man gets on the train talking loudly or was that yelling, sounded like he was preaching. Luckily he was down the other end of the train but I jokingly said to MDW “if he gets off at our station we will get back on the train”. We get to our stop and off he gets. He is well over 6’ tall and of Caribbean heritage, still talking loudly. I get out the iPhone to check google maps for directions when the gentleman I have just mentioned comes over and asks if he can help. I kindly decline but wonder if this is now typical of mankind where we are all too quick to judge and too busy to care about strangers. Here is someone who didn’t judge and was willing to help a stranger. This will affect me for minutes but then I refocus on the task at hand, The Who Shop! We find our destination and enter the shop dedicated to Doctor Who memorabilia, much to see even a museum. We may or may not have purchased some items (it’s a surprise Roman) but did get our photo taken by the proprietor.
      Now it is Market Day well Monday with a visit to Spitafields and Brick Lane Markets planned.
      Back to the underground, we are becoming confident commuters, well so I thought. We walk down the steps to platform 1 only to find it doesn’t exist. Back up the stairs I ask a transport guy for advice, back down the stairs, up the other side and down the ramp he says. Still confused MDW insists I get it right so sheepishly I ask again with MDW In ear shot so we can both be wrong. Now underground stairs are not a casual 10 steps, they are steep and many. Our legs have used muscles we didn’t even know we had. MDW wants to know why your backside aches after lots of stair walking.
      Finally back on the train, both standing. MDW was just beaten to a seat by a young man who sat whilst his girlfriend stood. Another man offered this girl his seat but she declined, maybe she wanted to be close to him.
      Finally we get to Spitafields Market with assistance from a council worker. I’m very impressed with MDW and her continual walking and that she didn’t buy anything. Probably more the latter. She was in the clutches of one sales lady but mouthed to me she didn’t want to buy it so I said (like a dominating husband) “come on let’s have lunch”. Whilst eating lunch I check the location of the East End Markets only to discover they weren’t open. So MDW says where else do you want to go.
      Hmmm...... let’s go look at Jewellery.
      Off to the Tower of London. Hopefully I won’t lose my head.
      As we exit the train station we buy some caramelised peanuts, fresh roasted. To our surprise they are not crunchy or tasty, they are rubbish, so they find a home in the rubbish bin. Another peanut vendor is madly removing cooked wasps or bees from the caramel she was roasting the peanuts in. Not buying those ones. MDW asks where the entrance is, as if I would know, then we see the ticket office. Again we get our tickets at concession rates, being old has its benefits although MDW isn’t too impressed she gets a seniors discount without proof. She still remembers days when she needed proof of age to get into a hotel, not that long ago I say 😄
      Off in the distance we join the queue to start our visit. Straight to the Crown Jewels, very opulent. So much gold and jewellery, big diamonds, big sapphires, big rubies. I went into the cafe to see if tea was served in a cup or a mug whilst MDW found a bench in the shade. Mugs and tea bags, disappointed I look for MDW who is still standing. Every time she went to sit down someone beat her to the seat. This is unusual as MDW has prior history of bowling people out of the way to get to the seat she desires. She must have been worn out!
      MDW pointed out to a large raven that must be a local pet. MDW said it was real but I thought it might have been mechanical as it just sat there with very little movement but it was real. Lots of history with stories about beheading and imprisonment. They were ruthless times in the 1500 and 1600’s, also tough times because walking over cobblestones is not the most comfortable way of getting around. We were done and ready for a cup of tea, back to the hotel, internet still not fixed but had our replenishment of tea, a couple hours rest then out for dinner at another local pub. Surprisingly MDW had fish and chips, for the last time she said, thinking about ordering chicken schnitzel next time.
      It’s been a long day as has this blog.
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    • Dag 17

      Thames flood barrier

      20 september 2018, England ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Today I went down to the Thames Flood Barrier. I took a boat down to Greenwich and then down to the barrier. When I was in London 2 years ago I went down to Greenwich with a friend but was unable to go as far as the barrier due to time limitations. So this time I didn’t get off at Greenwich, just went down to the barrier and back. The trip down is still a great trip with lots to see. I’d forgotten just how plain London Bridge is and just how many bridges there are in such a short distance.

      One of the reasons I wanted to see the structure was due to the Doctor Who episode “The Runaway Bride”. I find so many references in both tv and books are from the UK that it is nice to see them in real life.

      I’m glad I saw and heard Big Ben last time as it is undergoing renovations so all that can be seen is one of the faces. I went around to Trafalgar Square. There was an extra lion as part of the London Design Festival. It’s fluoro orange and people were encouraged to feed it words. It would then come up with poetry using your word. It’s very garish but was an interesting activity. I submitted the word united and it came up with

      United by the waters that have flown
      On the high barn
      (I couldn’t read the next verse as it was partially obscured by the lion’s teeth)
      That music of the great winds dim and white
      And the soft harvests of the starry sky
      This foreigner who dares to reach the world
      And saves the sun and stars are shadowy to
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    • Dag 2

      Emirates Aviation Experience I

      5 juni 2017, England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die Emirates Aviation Experience beinhaltet eine Ausstellung über den Airbus 380, das größte Passagierflugzeug der Welt, und es gibt die Möglichkeit, mit einem Flugsimulator zu fliegen. Es stehen der Airbus 308 oder eine Boeing 777 zur Auswahl.

      Zuerst haben wir ein paar Fotos von außen gemacht. Hier gab es ein Originaltriebwerk eines Airbus 380 zu sehen.

      Am Ticketschalter haben wir dann unser Onlineticket für den Simulatorflug getauscht. Das Ticket sah aus wie eine echtes Flugticket.
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