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South Oxfordshire District

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Top 10 Travel Destinations South Oxfordshire District
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    • Day 100

      Mum, James & Thames

      September 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We hired a boat and took Jasin along the Thames. Mum came with us which was great - it was hard for her getting in and out of the boat but she made the effort.
      A proper Sunday lunch at the Shillingford Bridge hotel was delicious.
      The weather was hot and sunny, then cold and rainy!!
      But all in all it was a special moment.
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    • Day 94

      Gladys & Mum after 50 years

      September 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We made it happen! Gladys was visiting from Trinidad 🇹🇹 for 6 days. So on Monday she took a tube and train to High Wycombe where I picked her up in Yvonne’s car.
      Drove back to Mums where we enjoyed a lovely lunch!
      We worked out mum and Gladys hadn’t seen each other for 50 years!! How amazing.
      Gladys Brough a turtle and jelly fish carved by Ernest. ❤️ fingers crossed 🤞🏼 we can get them back in to Aus.
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    • Day 21

      10-8 Oxford (!)

      August 10, 2019 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Het voorspelde afschuwelijke weer beperkt zich 's nachts tot vooral storm. Gelukkig sta ik beschut. 's Morgens zonnetje en volgens mij storm mee. Dus opbreken. En dan een práchtige tocht. Rustige weggetjes, stenige dorpjes, muurtjes waar je overheen kunt kijken ipv die hoge heggen. Jammer van die eindeloze miezer, afgewisseld met stortbuitjes. Levert wel een lekkere stop op in Circencester, met chocoladetaart, moccacino, práchtige klassieke muziek, wifi en een stopcontact. I'm in heaven. Leuk centrum ook en stukje Romeinse muur.
      Het zou na elven beter worden, maar dat was pas om twee uur na alweer een stop in een pub.
      Ik mik op twee campings onder Witney, Oxford is wat ver en die camping is lawaaiig stond in het boek. Om daar te komen helaas een stukje Aiets. Moet ik op de eerste camping voor twee betalen. Ik door naar de volgende. Daar ook: 31 (!) pond en, hou je vast, ik moet mijn tent op gravel opzetten OM HET GRAS TE SPAREN. Vind ik ook veel belangrijker inderdaad dan mijn tent heel houden, om het over die 31 pond maar niet te hebben. Ik heb voor minder geld in hotels geslapen! Ik verdom het om terug te gaan naar nr 1. Dus door naar Oxford. Krijg als kadootje nog een extra bui op mijn kop. Maar ook volgens mij een rode wouw. Camping lijkt vooral last te hebben van het geraas van de snelweg. Sta wel op gras, voor 9,20. Met nog een biertje halen: 92 km en 945 hoogtemeters (ongeveer, het was nat, dan wordt het onbetrouwbaar). En ik ben niet eens bekaf! Komt natuurlijk door die wind mee. Misschien ben ik toch toe aan een e-bike.
      Ondanks alles toch best een leuke dag!
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    • Day 1

      Arrived in Oxford

      April 21, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      It looks us about 5h to get from Standsted to Oxford. We went by train to London and then to Oxford, but there was a destruction on the train line that broke the original plan... Anyway we are here now, we'll take some rest and we'll be ready for the wedding tomorrow!Read more

    • Day 39

      Heading South to North Fleet

      April 9 in England ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      On the road again today heading south to visit more of Angela's rellies. Been tipping it down with rain but that has eased off as we have come south.
      It's only 450km but the motorways are very busy and the spray off all the trucks makes it hard to see. Not like a nice easy run to Albany.
      Have stopped for a break near Oxford. Nice cup of tea and coffee. It has warmed up to 11 degrees. Phew!
      Have been seeing some interesting cars. Followed an Overfinch Range Rover this morning. Overfinch does custom vehicles based on Land Rover/Range Rovers. The one we saw this morning would set you back maybe $400,000 +. If you don't have that then you can get something based on an old model 110 for about $140,000. Budget model :)
      OK let's hit the road again.
      Actually have seen 2 Landcruisers (compared to 54 gazillion Land Rovers). Both near London. They must be towns cars.
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    • Day 4

      Oxford with Nicole

      July 10, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      After an odyssey-like journey to pick up the rental car and then drive to Oxford (with a GPS glitch of sending me towards Legoland) I finally joined Nikki on a tour of Oxford that included a punting ride on the River Cherwell. Afterwards, she took me out for a birthday dinner of sushi and then we retired to our hotel/pub, The Head of The River. Lovely!Read more

    • Day 5–6

      Arrivée à Oxford

      August 2, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Arrivée à Oxford sur l'heure du souper... on a le temps de marcher jusqu'au centre-ville (moins de 15 minutes de notre maison de chambres) avec le beau soleil entre deux averses (la météo est très changeante). De beaux édifices universitaires comme à Cambridge, mais on se rend compte rapidement que la ville est plus grosse et plus active. On arrête à l'épicerie pour les déjeuners et lunch à venir.Read more

    • Day 6–7

      De retour à Oxford

      August 3, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      De retour à Oxford en fin d'après-midi... on repart explorer l'université d'Einstein, Tolkien et Hubble (parmi tant d'autres). Oxford est quand même la plus vieille université d'Angleterre (1096 AD) et la 2e plus vielle au monde (après celle de Bologne en Italie en 1088 AD). Malheureusement, pas moyen de visiter l'intérieur du plus célèbre bâtiment d'Oxford, le Christ Church College... ça l'air qu'il faut réserver longtemps en avance. Pas grave, les jardins et les promenades autour satisfont pleinement nos attentes. Ceci dit, au final, on est plus "Team Cambridge".Read more

    • Day 5

      Old Faces, New Jokes

      November 22, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Today, Leah and I went to Oxfam Superstore, my all time favourite Charity shop in Oxford (and there are plenty around). In 2020, I always used leave with at least 5 more psychology books. This time, it was worse. I found a new fav cup (I've used to collect them, I defo have enough) and some cool books for my niece and nephew as well as my au pair boys. The ladder I would visit tonight, after not seeing them for 2 years. So weird. So, I left Leah to get some work done and meet me later, I was riding the bus to my au pair families home. And entering the house, it was a pretty strange feeling. I've lived here. And it was so long ago and not very long ago. It felt the same and completely different. Flora greeted me in her usual "common" way and Zephyr and Ezra were not very interested. They've grown a lot since I've last seen them. It's weird, how connected you can feel to people and in the same way not in the slightest. Zephyr was all my heart when I lived in Oxford, he was my joy. And now he didn't even recognize me, really. I felt sad about it, and at the same time kinda relieved. Kofi, the goldie, recognized me at least. And he used me right away for some much needed cuddles. There were two new cats, Kiwi and Mango (I think) that got much more attention than good ol' Kofi. He was so much bigger than Aluna. I had to use both hands to pet him. And really move my arms :D
      We had some banana bread with each other and played some cards, Flora and I talked a bit about the time between. She remembered loads of things from the past. Her dad has passed away, which I was extremely sad about. I very much liked that old, wise and kind man. I wished I could have stayed longer, that Covid wouldn't have happened. But on the other hand, I was so glad that everything turned out the way it did. So I left the house, my old short-term home, with very mixed but mostly positive feelings.
      Leah and I wanted to meet at The Library, a great bar/pub where we'd be at a free Stand-up Comedy show. As I had still time, I decided to walk the 40mins, to process my feelings, call my parents to check on them and let them check on me. Arriving at the bar, Leah and I got ourselves some yummy pizza and settled for some new jokes, that our laughter would be rating as good or bad. The night was alright and quite enjoyable all in all.
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    • Day 106

      Weihnachtsbaum Schmücken

      December 9, 2017 in England ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Ich hab nicht mitbekommen, dass es schon wieder so spät ist. Mein Schlafrhythmus ist nicht der Beste momentan. Aber fangen wir vorne an: Heute morgen hab ich alles erfolgreich erledig. In meinem Adventskalender war eine der schönsten Geschichten und dementsprechend eine meiner Lieblingsgeschichten auf Englisch. Nach meinen Adventskalendern (die ja teils aus Arbeit bestehen und Teils Belohnung sind) hab ich mich noch einmal ins Bett gelegt. Einschlafen konnte ich trotz Versprechen, die ich mir selber gemacht hatte, nicht. Irgendwann bin ich dann aufgestanden und hab gearbeitet. Hin und wieder wurde die Arbeit durch Essen, Tee oder andere Dinge unterbrochen. Die größte Unterbrechung waren die 4 Stunden auf Skype. Wir haben auf beiden Seiten aber bald auch wieder nebenbei gearbeitet.
      Abends gab es dann Abendessen. Danach haben Darcy, Phoebe und Vicki den echten Weihnachtsbaum in dem Wohnzimmer geschmückt - Bilder kommen ein anderes Mal. Mike und ich haben währenddessen über unsere jeweiligen Weihnachtsabläufe geredet. Das hat auch echt Spaß gemacht.
      Gegen 10 haben wir dann einen Film geguckt, was, jetzt wo ich drüber nachdenke, durchaus der Grund dafür sein könnte, dass es jetzt schon so spät ist. Wie dem auch sei, ich muss jetzt auf jeden Fall ins Bett. Also Gute Nacht und bis Morgen!
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