United States

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    • Day 171

      Fancy lunch, beer tour & cowboy boots

      January 27, 2018 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Der vorletzte ganze Tag in Austin hat eigentlich erst mit dem Mittagessen begonnen. Wie schon erwähnt, habe ich den Tipp während einer Tour bekommen, dass dieses eine Steakhouse nur freitags ein Lunch Special anbietet. Dann gibt es deren berühmtes pork chop (= Schweinekotelett) für 15 statt für 35 Dollar! War wirklich sehr lecker und auch mega viel, aber natürlich konnte sich Naschkatze Katharina trotzdem nicht verkneifen noch einen Nachtisch zu essen. War auch bisschen komisch alleine in so einem recht schicken Restaurant zu sitzen, aber was solls, ich wollte dieses Essen und es hat sich auch sehr gelohnt! Danach war ich allerdings so voll gefressen, dass ich mich erstmal nochmal hinlegen musste.

      Nachmittags bin ich dann zuerst zu T-Mobile um meinen Handyplan zu erneuern und dann zu einer Beer Tour. Die war sehr privat, da sie nur aus mir, Gal (aus Israel) und unserer Tour Guide Kelly bestand. War also sehr cool, weil es mehr wie ein gemeinsames Brauerei-Hopping war. Danach war ich ein bisschen besäuselt, sodass ich bald im Hostel war.

      Am letzten ganzen Tag wollte ich mir unbedingt den Stadtteil South Congress anschauen. Und es hat sich gelohnt. Viele super süße, kleine Lädchen und alles irgendwie texanischer... Vor allem natürlich die cowboy boots! Nachdem ich mich aber unendlich lang für ein Eis hätte anstellen müssen, bin ich aber zurück nach Downtown und habe mir stattdessen eine frozen yoghurt mit vielen Toppings gegönnt.
      Auf dem Weg habe ich aber noch ein besonderes Tier beobachtet: eine Biberratte! Super merkwürdiges Tier, weil es halt echt aussieht wie eine Mischung aus Biber und Ratte... weiß auch nicht ob das Exemplar, das ich gesehen habe, irgendwelche Probleme hatte, jedenfalls war es sehr tollpatschig und ist immer wieder ins Wasser geplumpst, als es eigentlich raus wollte.
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    • Day 110

      Keep Austin weird

      July 13, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Die letzte große Stadt in Texas: Austin
      Trotz der aktuell sehr, sehr warmen Temperaturen (34-39°C) ging es am Samstag mit zwei Arbeitskolleginnen in die Hauptstadt. Die Stadt hat einen eigenen Flair bzgl. Kultur & Leute; ganz ihrem Motto "Keep Austin weird" und zu 100% ein Besuch wert. Wie immer wurden zuerst, wie es sich für einen Super-Touri gehört, die diversen Hotspots, wie Mt. Bonnell, Capitol, St. Mary Cathedral, Parks, Skyline, Kneipen-Straßen, aber auch viele Streetart-Kunstwerke (teilweise beabsichtigt, aber überwiegend durch Zufall), besichtigt. Da es am Sonntag soo warm war, durfte nach dem Broadwalk ein Sprung ins kalte Wasser im Barton Creek (Barton Creek Wilderness Park) nicht fehlen. Abschluss bildete ein texanisches BBQ bei Salt Lick.Read more

    • Day 1,396

      USA Tour - Austin - Texas

      January 7, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      I got my coach today from Dallas down to Austin. But as per usual, it was delayed!

      I ended up getting into Austin 2 hours later than expected and the coach doesn’t stop in Austin, it stops aaaaaages away so I had to get a Uber to my hostel.

      First impression of the hostel was - stoners! The place reeked of weed.

      Upon checking in To my room I was greeted by David from Sweden and Michelle from Singapore, who are both waiting for their dorms to be ready at the university of Texas which was about a 5 minute walk from the hostel. I asked them where was good for a bevvy.... they had no idea what that meant. So I asked where was good for a beer. They recommended a place called pluckers which was 10 mins away.

      It did not disappoint.

      Cool sports bar with steins for $6 and buffalo wings for $5 - heaven!

      I was in there for a few hours and got a scooter back to the hostel. If I thought it reeked of weed this morning, now it was 10 times worse. Kinda annoying but sometimes that’s the chance you take with a hostel... especially one so close to a university full of students!
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    • Day 4

      Texas capital

      April 3 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We explored the texas capital for a long time it was very fun and very big. Cheap burgers and fries in the underground section and Jade got new magnets (others disappeared magically)
      Lots of silly names of former politicians so we compiled them and made a tier list. After we got back we sat down and looked at google maps for 45 minutesRead more

    • Day 70

      Day 70 - Lost In Austin

      November 16, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Today was another hot one. We had nothing definite planned for the day except to have a look around the city of Austin.

      There is a liberal feel to the city that has only accelerated with the continued growth of the SXSW Festival. On the main throughfare, Congress Avenue, there are a number of alternative clothes shops and coffee shops. Sixth Street crosses Congress Avenue and it is on here that you will find the majority of the drinking venues that lay the claim to Austin being the home of live music. A short walk away and we visited a large book store, Book People. Another large, airy and well stocked store that Alice and I spent a good while browsing and enjoying the air conditioning. A bit further on and there is a large graffiti park that was larger than I expected. It appears that people are free to spray what they like (within reason I'm guessing) where they want to. One part of me appreciates the idea of collective spray painting and the community aspect, whilst the other thinks that the artistic aspect is lost in all the random basic doodlings, sometimes over other people's very impressive murals. However, I suppose that is the whole point of a free space for people to spray as they chose. An interesting space and talking point about art and the ideals of freedom of expression. Whilst walking back we popped into a large independent record store, Waterloo and had a look around.

      We were getting hungry by now and decided on getting lunch at Wholefoods. In the UK you might find the occasional salad bar in a Tesco or at a dedicated small organic food store, but Wholefoods take salad bars to another level. We had salad for lunch as we've eaten a lot of meat recently we were keen to jump on anything remotely green and crunchy. There were rows and rows of options and as tends to be the case we assumed that it wouldn't be filling and so picked up the largest boxes available. Salad isn't really filling until you start pilling in grains, bread, pasta and chickpeas as just the lowest level of the box. It suddenly has more heft, and heft also leads to a double take at the cash register. Wow, those were some expensive salads. However, our bodies were crying out for a non-fried meal and we were happy to oblige.

      Having ticked every hipster daily routine box possible (to-go coffee, visiting alternative shops, an independent book store and record store, admired some graffiti and ate our freshly picked lunch) there was only one thing left to do, lounge by the pool. We headed back to our Super 8 Motel, got into our swimming gear and meandered over to the pool. The pool was shaded by the L-shaped motel and seemed like an ideal time to be going for a dip as it was blisteringly hot. The water turned out to be ridiculously cold. Alice braved it by literally inching her way to the deeper end of the pool starting at her knee height. I just sat in the middle with my legs dangling into the water. By the time Alice had made it to me, with the water at her shoulder height, we both felt as though we were losing sensation in our feet. We lounged in the sun, warming up for a bit and then went back to the room to get ready before going out.

      We went for a world known local combination, the Tex-Mex. Pappasito's was packed which was a good sign for a Thursday night. We found out later on that it was fajita night. We weren't sure what that meant as we had already ordered by that point, ribs for me and enchiladas for Alice. Alice was sure that the meal she received was not what she had ordered as it should have been a combination plate, but we really enjoyed what we had anyway. We finished our meals and before considering whether we should have dessert we were given a dessert for free, a sponge cake with cream and milk. We're still not sure why we were given it, maybe the waitress realised she accidentally gave Alice the wrong meal or that our wait for our mains was a bit longer than usual. We weren't bothered and didn't make a fuss about those minor things and it felt glib to ask why she gave it to us. Maybe fajita night is free cake night! It was a pleasant surprise anyway and we left happy and full.

      Song of the Day:
      The Mystery Jets - Lost in Austin
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    • Day 1

      Yeeha Texas!

      May 5, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Here I am! Und das pünktlich!

      War ein angenehmer Flug.

      Zwischen andocken am Gate und Einsteigen in Mietwagen nur 100Minuten. (Ein Mitfahrer hatte die falsche Schlange bei Immigration erwischt).

      Angenehmes Wetter hier, 27°. Aber sie haben vergessen die Heizung auszumachen, gefühlt sind das deutlich mehr.

      Jetzt noch zum Essen und dann ist der Tag auch vorbei.
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    • Day 3

      TCC Tag2

      May 7, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Kleine Überraschung am Morgen: auch in Texas kann das Auge über Nacht zu Schwellen. Dafür war die Nacht sehr kurz, 01:45 ging‘s mit BAU los.

      Ansonsten hab ich mich für Linux als „Starter“ in die heutige Agenda entschieden. Das ist vllt Technical. Irgendwie fühle ich mich angesprochen als der Kollege vorn zum xten Mal fehlerfrei DUMP ausspricht. Und zwar in einer Affenartiger Geschwindigkeit.

      Dafür gab es auch ein paar Vorträge, die mit wenig Text auskamen, dafür große Bilder. Denen konnte ich dann vollumfänglich folgen...

      Zum Abschluss des Tages gab‘s ein richtiges 🥩 (ribeye). Und Dauer-Wolkenbruch.
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    • Day 3

      Houston nach Austin

      June 23, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Heute sind wir von Houston nach Austin gefahren. Austin ist eine recht verschlafene Stadt. Wir hatten im Vorfeld ein paar Orte recherchiert, die wir auf dem Weg besuchten, aber als wir ankamen waren die ziemlich unspektakulär oder geschlossen.

      Leider ging es mir gesundheitlich ziemlich schlecht, der Wechsel zwischen 36* Außentemperatur und den runter gekühlten Hotels und Läden haben mir ein bisschen zu schaffen gemacht. Daher blieb es heute eigentlich nur bei ein paar Bildern von der Autobahn, die aber für deutsche Verhältnisse recht sehenswert sind und einer kleinen Ice Cream Factory.

      Eigentlich sind wir nur über Austin gefahren, weil wir zum spektakulären Hamilton Pool, ein Naturbad wollen.
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    • Travel day to Austin — via Charlotte!

      April 14, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I hadn’t planned to write a Find Penguins for this test-drive-trip, but two friends in Spain asked me to. Since one of the features of this new mode of travel is that I always have a few hours in the afternoon while Joe takes a nap, I decided to go for it.

      Now that we are both vaccinated, and since I wanted to see how travel goes for us now with a slower mojo, I booked a flight to Austin, Joe’s home town. We usually go with the 9 other members of the family, but this year it wasn’t possible.

      Travel was weird, I had almost forgotten how to check in. Both the AA and TSA staff welcomed us back with a “Where’ve you been???” Just one of the advantages of living in a small town with four or five flights a day. The airports were mobbed (our best connection was through Charlotte, and if you know anything about US geography, you will know that Charlotte is in the exact opposite direction from Austin). But we had no real issues and everyone was wearing masks. I had ordered a wheelchair for Joe because we had a very short connection, but no one was there when we got there. The gate agent gave me a wheelchair and told me to head out and push him myself.

      First stop in Texas was to pick up a loaner wheelchair at a friend’s house. It has been a challenge learning to use it. After hotel check-in (my two criteria were good location near I-35 and an elliptical), we went the short distance to Torchy’s, our favorite taco place. Then off to bed. Uneventful day, thankfully!
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    • Day 1

      First day in Austin

      April 15, 2021 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      My modus operandi is to plan to do two things a day. That leaves plenty of down time for naps and just chill-axing as my kids would say.

      The weather wasn’t spectacular, but there was no rain forecast for the morning, so we headed to the Capitol. Got to see the place where Joe was a page, way back in the Stone Age, and the building is beautiful. It was interesting to note that the Senate required visitors to the floor to have proof or vaccine or negative covid test. This is the same body that voted to oppose Austin’s mask mandate, if you can figure that out.

      In the afternoon, we went to the Blanton, the UT art museum. It is a very nice place. I particularly liked the Latin American room, which both had a Santiago and some festive Virgin Marys.

      We met Joe’s high school BFF for dinner at Fonda San Miguel. Probably the best Chile Relleno I’ve ever had. When I went to pay the bill, the waiter told me Armando had paid it. Turns out Armando is a good friend of the owner who eats there frequently. He was sitting at a table near us and we had a nice chat. He told us he thought we seemed like really nice people. I was kind of gobsmacked.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Austin, ኦስቲን፣ ቴክሳስ, أوستن, Ostin, Горад Осцін, Остин, অস্টিন, ᎠᏍᏘᏂ, Ώστιν, Aŭstino, آستین، تگزاس, 奧斯汀, אוסטין, ऑस्टिन, Օստին, AUS, オースティン, ოსტინი, 오스틴, Austinopolis, Ostinas, Ostina, ഓസ്റ്റിൻ, अस्तिन, ਆਸਟਿਨ, अस्टिन, آسٹن, 73301, आस्टिन्, Ostins, ஆஸ்டின், ออสติน, Остін, آسٹن، ٹیکساس, אסטין, 柯士甸

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