Estados Unidos

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    • Dia 102

      Saguaro National Park

      3 de março de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Mer händ entschlosse phoenix spöter no einisch azpeile ond send wiiter afahre rechtig tucson. Das esch chli wiiter südlich ond drom es bitzli wärmer. Mer händ ufme chliine camping grad näbem nationalpark es plätzli gfunde. Gfüehrt werd das vomne alte babeli ond sinere frau. So wies usgsehd wohned die meiste lüüt fest da. Womer acho sind esch er ganz usem hüüsli gsi wells am morge schnee gha heig, das händ sie no nie gseh da....aso doch au nonig so warm wies sött si 😅🙈 mer send a dem erste tag is visitor center vom nationalpark ond händ üs über wanderroute före nächst tag informiert ond e film gluegt wo üs de campingtyp empfohle hed. De nationalpark esch bekannt för sini riesekaktee (saguara). Nachär hed de erich es chnoblisöösseli gmacht ond mer händ ade sunne gaperöled ond spiili gspielt. Als abschluss hämmer no uf de terasse (wo de bsitzer uf sis office hüüsli druf bout hed) de sunneuntergang gluegt.
      Am nächste morge ben ich ganz früeh ufgstande zum uf de besagte terasse au no de sunneufgang z gnüsse. Aschlüssend hämmer üs ready gmacht ond send weder i nationalpark gfahre. De erich hed d wanderig esch aber sehr e langi gsi was mich erstuunt hed. Er hed wohl im chopf eher mit kilometer grächnet als mit meile... Zerst simmer lang dur kakteefälder ond felse gloffe, aschlüssend esches bärg uf gange. D ussicht esch immer spektakulärer worde. Mer send es stöck ufem grat gwanderet ond denn zum höchste gipfel vom park cho. Det hämmer d ussicht gnosse ond ganz schwiizerisch üses sandwich gässe 😅 aschlüssend eschs hindedrah weder imne boge abegange ond so simmer nach 5 stund weder zrug bim camper gsi. De namittag hämmer de weder mit spiili a de sunne gnosse, ich ha sogar echli sunnebrand im gsicht 🤭 zum znacht heds weder mal spaghetti gä ond denn simmer früeh ond kaputt is bett.
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    • Dia 14

      Saguaro Nationalpark

      9 de fevereiro, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Wir fahren zum Red Hill Visitorcenter im Saguara Nationalpark. Von dort machen wir eine kleine Rundfahrt, picknicken und wandern eine kurze Strecke. Die Saguaros Kakteen sind neeindruckend gross und wunderschön.Leia mais

    • Dia 78

      Der etwas andere Wald

      29 de novembro de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Das wirklich beste an Amerika sind die Nationalparks. Jeder ist einzigartig und besonders, es sieht keiner wie der andere aus.

      Wer hätte gedacht das kakteen um die 200 Jahre alt werden und um die 8 Meter groß werden 🤤😲
      Mit 75 Jahren beginnen sie erst diese typischen Western arme auszubilden und wenn sie einmal sterben sieht man das sie im Inneren ein hölzernes Skelett besitzen 🤔🤔🤗
      Mit ihren Wurzeln Graben sie sich tief in der Erde ein und bieten Lebensraum für Vögel und ganz vielen anderen Lebewesen. Leider ist die Blütezeit im Juni somit waren wir leider etwas zu spät um uns dieses Spektakel anzusehen.
      Die Menschen ernten den nektar schon sehr lange und produzieren unter anderem Marmelade, Sirup, Schokolade und ganz viele andere Sachen 😋😋😋😉
      Wir als Profi fährten Sucher lief durch ein flussbett und fanden auch ganz viele Spuren vermuteten auch darunter entweder einen Bären 🐻 einen Hund 🐕 oder kojoten 🦊🐯
      Während Kerstin sich eher unwohl fühlte war Jojo im jagdfieber 🤣🤣🤣😲

      Rudi würde über eine richtige Piste gescheucht die mehr Dreck und schlaglöchern besaß als ein Bergwerk. Doch es war wunderschön und wir konnten uns an der Vielfalt nicht satt sehen 😍😍😍
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    • Dia 13

      Saguaro Nat park

      24 de janeiro de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

      Beautiful hikes into desert with no one to scare away the cactus wrens.
      Visited the Arizona -Sonoran Desert museum.
      Now back in camp, had rain and hail and a rainbow. Great way to end my time in Tucson, moving on tomorrow.
      I love cooking !!!
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    • Dia 3

      Busy day Sabino w/Chuck

      5 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Chuck and I walk the dog and talk about my experience meditating in the Camino. Chuck is mostly a realist but he listens. He is going to usher at church and I'm off to the airpark to meet with Bob, first I get in a nice conversation with Kathy, she is clued in, she writes about it.

      At the airport I met with Bob my new neighbor who is down from Seattle we also meet with Ron who is a character from the Wild West with a gun on his hip and we try to figure out how to get rid of the CCRs because they're so restrictive.

      Then I talk with Bill my neighbor on the other side and we have for more intelligent conversation about the limitations and what can be done which is not much. But apparently I'm okay to stay a few days here and there without being a permanent residence and they won't give me a hard time about it and that makes all the difference for my goal for now with the land as small building.

      I drive back to Chuck and we go hike in sabino canyon he shows me a back trail that is very nice and has great access to the back reaches. Then we go pick up some Mexican food that takes a long time to come out but we're sitting and having beers at the bar. All is good.

      We rushed through dinner at his house for me to be able to pick up Ethan in time, unfortunately the train gets delayed in the last 4 miles and it takes an extra hour of waiting. Ethan and I reconnect and we drive to Wocnis' house.

      I'm tired from all the driving around Tucson it's kind of nuts. I'm not used to it.
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    • Dia 4

      Hanging with TPW

      6 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      We have a project with Ken to lift up a giant flower pot which Ethan and I help him with and get done.

      Ken and I drive to Tucson, it takes a half hour drive one way to go get groceries and medication for his wife Melinda, who had her fifth operation this year.

      Ethan and Ken are interested in seeing my land and we decide to go. I'm able to bring three heavy boxes with us in the car and we stash them there. Another 2.5 hour drive. I'm spending too much time in a car it will be hard to get used to these driving times here.

      We have our first session playing together again. It feels good to be back on the bass with my group.
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    • Dia 5

      More time at Wocnis'

      7 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Ken and I get up early, he gets on his e-bike and I am on my mountain bike and we go for a ride in the sahuaro Park west of Tucson it's absolutely incredible for sunrise.

      We brought coffee with us and as we're sipping a man from Florida is taking pictures and starts talking to us. He mentions that every shout he takes with his camera is like a momentary meditation. Interesting thought because I had just made my own realization that it would be impossible to meditate while taking photographs. Taking pictures is a form of chasing something but it's also a form of creation and in that sense you could be in the zone.

      We're doing a good job hanging up with a cup of coffee on the back porch and then we go to lunch at the sky Rider Cafe which is at the Marana airport.

      It feels really good to be on the bike and get exercise it is so critical for me. It also helps me with Ken to discover this place, this is my new home. It is still going to be strange and it will take time to settle in.

      We have a ditch project at Ken's and we help him get that all cleared up it's kind of fun to work hard in the sunshine a couple of beers later and we are playing music again.
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    • Dia 6

      Third day at Wocnis'

      8 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      There is some talk about making a fire with all the rubble in the yard but it requires a permit and there isn't that much room to do it safely. Instead we drive down to Bob's sister to pick up a big roll of green grass carpet. We also do a quick shop and we drop off Ken's bicycle at the shop which allows me to grab a CO2 cartridge that had been stolen out of the back of my bike bag.

      We end up doing our lunch at In-N-Out Burger.

      I'm really tired in the afternoon because I'm not sleeping well in that room there is a weird energy in there. I called that building department again because I can't make heads or tails out of their website and this time I speak to Wil Schuiteman who is patient and helps me really well putting together what I'm trying to accomplish so now I have a good plan and supposedly I can actually build a shed without a permit and without having a main residence. I think I better get it in writing and have it recorded at the county so when the satellite picture comes in with changes that they won't give me a hard time like they are giving Ken about his sheds right now. I also called the flood control department and get some bad news that I need to have my culvert engineered. I'll probably need to talk to his boss to make sure that they understand this was probably engineered before and I will also need to get documentation of that from Ned the prior owner.

      We start our music session at the standard 5:30 and we play a great set, good solid playing by everybody, truly enjoyable.

      Off to bed but sleep doesn't come even though I am pooped tomorrow night I'm going to sleep in the car just to see if it is different.
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    • Dia 8

      Fifth day at Wocnis'

      10 de novembro de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      I slept a bit better. The room has a weird vibe that I can't figure out but it keeps me from peaceful sleep. Coffee, sit and chat in the morning sun. The conversation between these long time locals of Crested Butte tends to revert to old time memories. My history there only goes back 27 years and I learn a more about life back in the 70s in that little town.

      Ken makes fantastic breakfast burritos for lunch. His bike is fixed so the bunch goes on another 2 hour outing to Tucson. Quick Walmart and pot store for Sandy. Basically we're spinning, just waiting to play music and hanging out. I try to be productive with my shed permit but I'm at a stand still. I'm looking at some RVs in case I will need one to satisfy the county. I hang in the hammock and finish reading my book. I never read and I'm getting used to sitting still and having time to do this.

      Ken takes us to Saguaro National Park West where we ride our bikes in the morning so Sandy and Ethan can see it. It's way more fun on a bicycle. That's how it is, life is better on two wheels than on four.

      It's Friday night, our music night, and we play a session but it's cold out and it's over too soon. The acoustics are more difficult outside. However, I did completely lock in with Ken and that is a first and it's exciting. By 8 we're snacking in the kitchen on pizza and other items. I eat too much again. Off to bed early.

      The Picture Rocks neighborhood is a back water on the other side of the western range that borders Tucson. The land is flat and there are not many views. The nearest food store is 25 minutes away just like it is for my location. There are a lot of planes flying overhead. This is the corridor I'll be using too as it avoids the jet traffic on the other side of the range. I get more used to Tucson and surroundings and it starts to become clear that I picked a pretty decent place as my foothold in the area, and I have friends here.
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