Förenta staterna
Central Park

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    • Dag 5

      Zum Abschluss: Central Park

      24 juli 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Ganz oben auf der New York ToDo-Liste stand natürlich der Central Park. Da unser letzter Tag in New York wieder versprach sehr heiß zu werden, passte ein gemütlicher Ausflug ins Grüne ganz gut. Wir spazierten also einfach nur kreuz und quer durch den Park und wechselten zwischen spannenden Entdeckungstouren und faulem Herumliegen im Schatten der vielen Bäume. Der Central Park ist wirklich wunderschön und sehr abwechslungsreich. Definitiv ein Highlight unseres New York Besuchs.Läs mer

    • Dag 8

      8.Tag Central Park New York

      2 januari 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Der Central Park ist ein Stadtpark im Zentrum Manhattans in New York City. Er wurde 1859 als Landschaftspark eingerichtet und 1873 fertiggestellt. Diese grüne Lunge wird an manchen Tagen von über 500.000 Menschen besucht. Gebaut wurde er zunächst vor allem als Promenade der reichen Anwohner. 1963 wurde dem Central Park der Status eines National Historic Landmark der Vereinigten Staaten verliehen und der Park somit vom US-Innenministerium als eine Stätte von besonderer historischer Bedeutung eingestuft. Der Central Park erstreckt sich heute auf einer Länge von 4,07 km von der 59. bis zur 110. Straße und 860 m Breite zwischen der 5. und der 8. Avenue und wird auch die Grüne Lunge New Yorks genannt. Mit 349,15 Hektar nimmt er etwa 6 % der Bodenfläche Manhattans ein. Jährlich besuchen rund 25 Millionen Menschen die innerstädtische Parkanlage.Läs mer

    • Dag 8

      Strawberry Fields + The Dakota

      2 januari 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      Nach John Lennons Tod gestaltete Yoko Ono einen kleinen Bereich im Central Park, der ihm gewidmet und nach seinem Lied Strawberry Fields Forever benannt ist. Er befindet sich im Central Park West nahe der Eighth Avenue auf Höhe der West 72nd Street, unweit des Dakota Buildings, in dem Lennon und Ono lebten und vor dem John Lennon am 8. Dezember 1980 einem Attentat zum Opfer fiel. Die Einweihung fand am 9. Oktober 1985 statt, Lennon wäre an diesem Tag 45 Jahre alt geworden. Besonderes Merkmal der Strawberry Fields ist das von Yoko Ono gestaltete und von italienischen Handwerkern ausgeführte kreisrunde Mosaik aus schwarzen und weißen Steinchen. In dessen Zentrum ist in Anlehnung an Lennons vielleicht berühmtesten Titel Imagine zu lesen.Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      A day of seeing lovely people

      25 oktober 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      And finally the day has come to meet up with Will's friends from school / uni!

      During the day we pottered around Central Park, had a Dunkin Donut 2 for $5 Bacon and Egg Croissant and $2 Maple and Pumpkin enormous Iced Coffee. At the time it seemed fun but carrying an iced coffee when it's 8 degrees outside was no t so fun, but it was tasty haha

      Andy was arriving today and we were meeting Simon and family later in the afternoon. Simon, Will's friend from high school, and Countess are getting married on Saturday and we are so glad we've been able to get here to see them! Si's parents have been the absolute best and offered to bring our clothes for the wedding with them so that we didn't need to worry carrying it round for the next couple of months. As we needed to kill a few hours before seeing everyone we set off walking through Central Park. I remember the first time I came to NYC and walking through the park. I must admit I still have that feeling I had then... SERIOUSLY WHY ARE THERE ROADS RUNNING THROUGH THIS PARK! I always thought Central Park was going to be a really beautiful, ambient and QUIET park. Its quite nice and has interesting sections but the ambience is completely destroyed by the roads which divide various sections of the park. However, this time I was prepared and wandering through an autumnal park in the crisp air was really lovely. Also the park is really really big and so by the time we got to the end it was nearly time to meet Si's parents to pick up our clothes,but before we did we squeezed in a cheeky dollar pizza slice and a wander around Times Square.

      When we got to the hotel it was a long awaited moment. Andy, Si and Will have not been together for years, but honestly it's like they had never been apart. We all sat chatting in Si's parents hotel suite and it was really good fun. Before heading for dinner me and Will ran back through the park to drop our clothes off and then back where we joined everyone for a vegan Asian dinner. I ordered the bibimbap and it was absolutely delicious!

      After dinner myself, Will and Andy went for a quick night cap and then headed home for even more chatting.

      It's been such a lovely day and it's been so nice to see everyone. I can't wait for the next few days of just chilling with our friends.
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    • Dag 17

      Central Park

      26 september 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      La nostra "giornata easy" a New York inizia bene, con la tanto sognata colazione al RIU e una bella giornata di sole!

      Abbiamo fatto una piccola sosta alla Grand Central Station, che abbiamo trovato inaspettatamente pulita, soprattutto per gli standard del resto della città, e che è l'ennesimo luogo uscito da un telefilm (nella fattispecie Quantico). Il soffitto della stazione ha dipinte le costellazioni a rovescio, perchè è la vista che avrebbe Dio del nostro cielo, ennesima cosa pazzesca che rende gli americani davvero megalomani!
      Siamo anche andati alla Fire Zone, lo store ufficiale dei vigili del fuoco di New York (finalmente!!!!!!!! ndMatt). Ho preso una t-shirt, ma ovviamente mi sono vergognata troppo per fare le foto sul camion o con la giacca della divisa. Magari la prossima volta! Oggi abbiamo realizzato anche che dopo New York perfino Chicago Fire sembrerà più reale... Le divise, i camion, le sirene, i continui passaggi che ti fanno pensare che è vero che una squadra esce due o tre volte a turno... era tutto così vero e così uscito da un telefilm al tempo stesso!

      Nel pomeriggio abbiamo salutato Camilla e Salvatore a Central Park, dopo una passeggiata sul The Mall e le foto alla Bethesda Fountain, dove è stata girata la scena di "Dille Che l'Ami" di Come D'Incanto! Ci è dispiaciuto molto salutarli, ci siamo trovati talmente bene con loro che confidiamo che il gemellaggio Brugherio-Millesimo iniziato tra USA e Canada possa proseguire a lungo!
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    • Dag 7

      Central Park

      16 september 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      A Central Park abbiamo deciso di noleggiare le biciclette, visto che comprese nel nostro biglietto del TopView Sightseeing e visto che sembravano senza dubbio il modo migliore per girare il parco. Sembravano, appunto. Abbiamo scoperto troppo tardi che il parco ha un'anello di pista ciclabile che è TUTTA A SENSO UNICO! Morale, se si vuole tornare indietro a metà strada... si scende dalla bici e la si porta a mano! Per la prima volta lo "one way" che fa scorrere il traffico di NYC ci è sembrata una gran cavolata... anche perché c'era anche la NY Road Runner, una specie di corsa podistica amatoriale, che non faceva che aumentare il casino!
      Matt si è anche innervosito un sacco perché non ho voluto chiedere indicazioni e quindi siamo andati oltre al punto in cui dovevamo svoltare... Però che colpa ne ho io se mi vergono a chiedere? Insomma, comprendetemi!

      Alla fine ci siamo addentrati nel parco con le bici a mano per fermarci a vedere qualche posticino carino. La prima fermata è stata al Conservatory Pond per guardare le barchette telecomandate e la statua di Alice in Wonderland.
      Poi siamo tornati indietro - sempre con le bici a mano - fino al Bow Bridge. Bianco, aggraziato e molto romantico, proprio come si vede nei film e nei telefilm (Glee per prmo). Abbiamo beccato anche una "proposal" in diretta! 💞
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    • Dag 17

      Central Park bei Nieselregen (NYC)

      14 augusti 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Anschließend machen wir uns auf den Weg durch den Central Park. Eine grüne Oase mitten im Großstadtjungel. Eine ganz eigene Welt. ♥️

      Von dort aus geht es über den Broadway bis zum Times Square. (Fotos separater Post am Abend)Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Central Park

      12 september 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Walk walk walk - war das Motto heut.
      Laut unserer Schrittzähler hatten wir heut ca. 31000 Schritte auf dem Tacho.
      Nachdem wir wieder mal die falsche U-Bahn genommen haben, sind wir leider viel zu weit gefahren. Zack, waren wir in Harlem! Also zu Fuss wieder zurück. Und mitten in der Stadt ist auf einmal alles grün. Und je weiter man in den Park rein geht, wird es immer stiller. Von der Stadt sieht man nur noch die Skyline. Gezwitscher statt Polizeisirenen, Rascheln der Bäume statt Wummern der U-Bahn, ...Läs mer

    • Dag 4

      Day 2: central park!

      30 november 2015, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Well i got up n walked 50 metres from where in staying to central park. This place is fucking incredible, i loved it. It is huge! I spent over 3 hours and wouldve been lucky to see a a 5th of it. So much to see the views are amazing it's just beautiful. I walked up paths on one side i think i got about over half way. Then started making my way down the other side. Seen a few squirrels running a muck. I asked a information dude where the big one path is that you see on movies and he was like yeah thatd be here there actually filming today just walk down there then cutla turns think there doing some john wick 2 with keanu reeves. So i walked that way i came tl a tunnel n was about tp walk through n some lady stopped me and was like nah sorry we are filming here you will have to walk around i looked up and i could see keanu down other end. So yeah i walked around and watched about 6 takes of him walking up the stairs with his dog looks like hed just been fighting or something was struggling with a limp. Was keen to just stay but had spent fair bit of time in central park had to move on.Läs mer

    • Dag 6

      Morgens im Central Park

      6 augusti 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Komplett freiwillig standen die Kids um 7 Uhr auf, um den Vormittag teils laufend, spazierend oder kletternd im Central Park zu verbringen.

    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Central Park, سنترال بارك, Сентръл Парк, Σέντραλ Παρκ, Centra Parko, پارک مرکزی نیویورک, סנטרל פארק, セントラル・パーク, ცენტრალ-პარკი, 센트럴 파크, Horti publici centrales, Centrinis parkas, Centrālparks, Централен парк, सेंट्रल पार्क, Tiong-iong Kong-hn̂g, سینٹرل پارک, Центральный парк, Сентрал парк, เซ็นทรัลพาร์ก, Центральний парк, Công viên Trung tâm, 中央公園

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