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Chinatown/Leather District

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    • Hari 3

      Lots of fun in a New York minute

      4 Juli 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Rochester is home to an awesome National Museum of Play. Yesterday’s highlight was 3 laughter (and tear) filled hours playing at the museum. The remainder was travelling to a Chili’s and cheap and cheerful hotel in Auburn, Massachusetts.

      This morning the pendulum swung from a broken toilet overlooking a Rochester parking lot to a soaker tub beneath coffered ceilings at the Boston Ritz-Carleton. The hotel is adjacent a riverfront park; concierge books outings and each morning at 8:45 my kids go-to breakfast foods will appear in a 600 square foot room to be enjoyed over cartoons while I plan the day sipping freshly squeezed orange juice in a luxurious robe - hotel heaven - we signed up for 3 nights!!

      After a noon check-in at the Ritz we headed to the street to be part of one of America’s largest 4th of July celebrations. We found an ice cream social (free ice cream), a wading pool and carousel. The surprising adventure came when we were suddenly being searched and adorned with all day pass bracelets. While looking for a specific playground we inadvertently stumbled into the Boston Pops festival concert area amongst thousands of people in a celebratory mood. So, we got more ice cream and danced. The day ended with 20 minutes of fireworks. If I am being honest I felt quite uneasy in the park given the shooting that took place this morning in Chicago.

      It is 12:45AM now. Nothing bad happened and everyone is asleep. Tomorrow we have an amphibian vehicle tour scheduled, but otherwise await unknown adventures in Boston. Wednesday will be a beach day in Cape Cod and a visit to Provincetown made possible by high speed ferry.

      Happy 4th of July from the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular!
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    • Hari 94

      Flughafen Boston

      5 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Hause .
      Das war eine sehr anstrengende Heimreise vllt sogar die anstrengendste überhaupt .
      10 Stunden nach Huston dann 2 Stunden super stressiger Aufenthalt und ganz knapp dem Anschlussflug nach Boston bekommen ,3 Stunden nach Boston und nach 8 Stunden Aufenthalt in Boston,7 Stunden Flug nach Frankfurt ,dann 6 1/2 Stunden auf den FlixBus in Frankfurt warten um dann weitere 9 Stunden nach Hamburg zu fahren …… noch fragen. ?Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 10


      10 Juli 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Unsere Reise ging heute weiter nach Boston. Boston hat uns sehr gut gefallen, wir schlenderten durch die Stadt und sahen uns einige Sehenswürdigkeiten an. Hier ist es etwas ruhiger, nicht mehr so gestresst und hat sehr schöne bauten. Etwas kleiner gefällt uns persönlich also viel besser. Leider spielt das Wetter heute nicht so mit und es regnet leider fast ununterbrochen.☔️ Jetzt sind wir unterwegs Richtung Niagarafalls. Unterwegegs werden wir einen Zwischenstopp einlegen und auf einem Parkplatz übernachten.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2


      8 Juni 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      So der erste volle Tag in Boston neigt sich dem Ende. Gestern Abend bin ich erst spät angekommen und hab mir nur ein/fünf Bier zum Eishockeyspiel gegönnt.
      Ich hab zwar nicht das ganze Spiel durchgehalten, aber es gibt auch Erfreulichkeiten☝️
      Zum einen schmeckt das Bier besser als gedacht und ist ebenfalls auch nicht so teuer.
      Zum anderen war ich heute morgen fit genug, um den Osten und Norden der Stadt abzutingeln.
      Hierzu dann ein paar Bilder und das wichtigste natürlich zuerst ☝️

      Aja, ihr müsst euch nicht extra anmelden und mir folgen. Einfach nur den Link aufrufen, ihr Idioten 👉🙄💨
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    • Hari 6

      Boston Harvard University

      22 Agustus 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Hi All,

      So today was a very hot day! Expecting 90' heat so I dressed appropriately, t-shirt and denim hot pants but taking a hoodie for the air conditioning parts. While getting ready I had the TV on in the background with the news, weather etc when an advert came on for... We Buy Ugly Houses. com!! 😂 If I had to sell my house through that I wouldn't know whether to be relieved or offended!?! Really tickled me though...

      It was an early start but a leisurely breakfast in the hotel before getting on the Subway to Harvard University, no surprise surprise I'm not going there but it was really interesting to see. Now I had no idea how big Harvard is, it's like a city, it's got its own fire department, police, cathedral, shops, it is HUGE!!! We didn't go on a guided tour instead preferring to wonder round ourselves, however it was an extra unique experience as it was, I'll say Freshers Week as I'm not sure what they call it here. It was like being in a movie! They were all moving into their dorms with their parents and families with them and the tents were all up in the grounds for orientation etc. I loved it!

      After Harvard we jumped back on to the subway to see the Science Museum, I love a good science museum, however we thought it was holidays here but there were children everywhere!!! Now if you know me well or read my travel blog from Oz last year you'll know how I feel about children... in fairness it probably was more tailored for children but there were some really good bits like the Mental Health exhibition, the human body exhibit and current popular technical devises and how they have evolved, in this section there was even one of the original DeLorean cars from the film Back To The Future III!!! So cool, there were only 7 made. Yes Paula Griffiths and fam, I took a photo! There was also other memorabilia like hover boards and Doc Browns controller for the DeLorean.

      After the museum we got back on the subway to the Mary Baker Eddy Library and went to see the Mapparium, its a beautiful glass sphere a globe of the earth inside it which you go into and they give you a talk and presentation on it. We then went next door into the church, we only had a quick look round as we had to get back to the hotel so 1 of our party could get a taxi to the airport to fly home. And then there were 2!

      Part 2 of the day to follow...

      Love & hugs
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    • Hari 25

      Shopping, History & Chinatown

      9 September 2015, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute hab ich bis 8:45 Uhr geschlafen - ich werd noch zum Langschläfer!

      Dann hab ich mich auf den Weg nach Chinatown gemacht. Ich liebe es einfach drauf los zu laufen und zu sehen wo man rauskommt. Das funktioniert in Boston wirklich prima.

      So bin ich auf dem Weg nach Chinatown an einem Holocaust Denkmal vorbeigekommen, das ich wirklich schön gemacht fande. Glastürme, die für verschiedene Konzentrationslager stehen mit den Nummern der "Häftlinge" und mit Zitaten von Überlebenden.

      Zufällig bin ich dann an einem TJ Maxx vorbeigekommen (nein ich hab mich nicht vertippt, TK Maxx heißt in Amerika TJ Maxx). Und da ich auch schon in Deutschland immer mal rein wollte, hab ich heute das erste Mal geshoppt. Ein Top (Made in USA) und eine Strickjacke zum Einwickeln und einen OPI Nagellack, weil die ja so toll sein sollen und ich keinen aus Deutschland mitgebracht hab.

      Auch auf dem Weg lag das Old State House. Auf den Straßen dort geschah 1770 das sogenannte Boston Massacre, bei dem britische Soldaten 5 Zivilisten erschossen.

      Über den Gedenkstein für die älteste öffentliche Schule der Vereinigten Staaten, ging es vom Glockengeläut der Park Street Church zum Granary Burying Ground, wo Samuel Adams, ein Unterzeichner der Unabhängigkeitserklärung begraben liegt.

      Noch durch das Theater District und einen Espresso im Caffè Nero geschlürft, war ich dann endlich in Chinatown. Kaum zu übersehen - lauter asiatische Schrift und viele Asiaten unterwegs ^^
      Sehr günstiges Mittagessen gefunden: Sour & Hot Soup, Peking Ravioli und Sweet & Sour Chicken für 5,10$! Hätte am liebsten mehr von den Vorspeisen statt die Hauptspeise gehabt, aber hat satt gemacht :)

      Dann hab ich aus der Ferne das Boston Tea Party Museum gesehen und spontan entschlossen, dass ich doch nicht rein gehen will (das war nämlich der ursprüngliche Plan für heute). Wollte lieber noch die Sonne genießen. Laut Wetterbericht soll es morgen regnen... Das hab ich dann auf einem Greenway gemacht. Eine Art Park, der einfach zwischen den verschiedenen Fahrtrichtungen auf der Straße und dem Straßenverlauf folgend angelegt ist. Meistens gibt es noch kostenlose Sitzmöglichkeiten, also super, um es sich mit einem Buch gemütlich zu machen.

      Zufällig hab ich dann gesehen, dass in der Nähe ein Donut Laden ist, den mir Lauren empfohlen hat. Also nix wie hin - Apple Caramel Donut geholt!
      Damit bin ich zur Waterfront und hab noch gelesen bis es im Schatten und mit dem Wind zu frisch wurde.

      - Holocaust Denkmal
      - Old State House/ Boston Massacre Site
      - Gedenkstein für die erste Schule
      - Chineseisches Tor
      - Kunst auf dem Greenway
      - Donut <3
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    • Hari 6

      Chinatown, Boston

      13 April 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      On a recommendation from a friend we ate at a classic restaurant called Peach Farm. Chinatown was Chinatown and the food was OK. I think I'm just too spoilt with having regularly visited Chinatown in London. The hot and spicy soup was really good.. the "tidbits" too greasy as all deepfried and I had Satay Udon noodles that did not taste of curry or peanuts.. just oily. Cade enjoyed his special chow mein though so all good.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 24

      Boston, Massachusetts

      19 Agustus 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Seguendo le tracce dei primi sbarchi degli inglesi e gli eventi che hanno portato all' indipendenza Americana arrivo a Boston dove nel 1773 i coloni si ribellarono alle tasse assurde imposte da re Giorgio III e gettarono in mare in carico intero di tè da una nave. Così ebbe inizio la Guerra di Indipendenza americana finita nel 1776.
      Boston mi accoglie con una protesta anti-razzista e anti-fascista giusto per ricordare quei valori democratici e liberali su cui si fondano gli Stati Uniti.
      Simpatici e ironici una grande parte di Bostoniani ha sangue irlandese e italiano. Ben 1 milione di irlandesi sono emigrati qui nel XIX secolo e si sono stabiliti a North End, dove oggi c'è il quartiere italiano (nato nel XX secolo). Troppe cose succedono a Boston e non riescono a starci dietro. Ad esempio la Fishermen's Feast , traduzione della festa della Madonna del Soccorso di Sciacca in Sicilia con tanto di sfilata del carro con la statua della Madonna e banda musicale al seguito. È bancarelle con piatti squisiti rigorosamente made by Italians e pesce, pesce crudo (vongolone e ostriche) o fritto (calamari) così buono da far girare la testa.
      Qui incontro visi già visti e incrocio guardi familiari fino a commuovermi per una Italia che non c'è più.
      Ricky, Anthony, Mary .... stelle senza cielo.
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    • Hari 1.343

      USA Tour - Boston, Massachusetts

      15 November 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ -1 °C

      First full day in Boston and I was up and out early in the crisp, cold fresh morning. Today I was visiting Fenway
      Park, which was a fair way away from the Hostel but I always walk when I’m away, I only use public transport when absolutely necessary. And I’m glad I didn’t use public transport as I’d of missed all the beautiful scenery, the sounds, watching people go about their lives.

      Fenway Park was cool - real old school stadium, a lot smaller than what you’d think but it has real character. I even got to sit where Brad Pitt sat in the film ‘Moneyball’ I also managed to explore the local area and had a few beers in the ‘cask n flagon’ which is a huge bar next to the stadium where so the fans go.

      After Fenway park I walked downtown which again is a fair old walk but it was brilliant. I went to the prudential tower in Boston to go to the skywalk observatory which gives you amazing views of the city. I spent over an hour in here just watching the sky get darker and the city getting brighter.

      After I left here I went down to the Charles river and walked along the esplanade back towards Chinatown where I was staying - this was around a 3 mile walk right across the city’s riverfront.

      To get to Chinatown you have to cut through Boston Common park, and on the edge of the park is the pub ‘Cheers’ so I just had to go in for a quick pint of beer... who wouldn’t?

      Then as I left cheers to walk through the park the best thing happened - it started snowing.

      Couldn’t ask for a better way to end the perfect day!
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    • Hari 3

      Weiter geht's!

      3 September 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Zum ersten Mal seit dem Flug alles in einem Rucksack. R.I.P. Rücken 😌

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