Fremont County

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Top 10 Matkakohdetta Fremont County
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    • Päivä 10

      Can do Cañon

      30. toukokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today I woke up and chilled out with the dogs while Kendra and Mitch did some more wedding stuff. Did some weeding to help them out and tried on my dress to make sure it still fit.
      Kendra and I then went to a local coffee shop. We got some drinks and a chocolate pumpkin muffin cause #murica. Kendra then wrote some thank you letters and her vows while I read. Eventually it was time for a beer as well.
      Then we walked the main street seeing all the art work and beautiful old buildings.
      Going home, Kendra and Mitch spoke to the DJ about the events on the day which got me so excited for the day! I told Mitch about the men in Australia at weddings dancing to Eagle Rock with their pants down, in their boxers and now he wants to participate in this tradition.
      Finished the day up with a hike near the Royal Gorge with the dogs. Kendra and I had a good time catching up but we forgot to bring leashes for the dogs... So we walked them on ski poles... Mitch went for a mountain bike! We then went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner, I had a chimichanga and a margarita which were delicious.
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    • Cañon City 22.-24.10.2022

      23. lokakuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Die letzte zwöi Täg heimer in Cañon City vrbracht.

      •Am Samsti simer nach öpe 4h Fahrzyt in Cañon City acho. Wüu si Schnee und stürmischs Wetter hei gmeudet, heimer für 2 Nächt es Motel buechet. Ungerwegs heimer in Gunnison und Salida je ä Zwüschehaut gmacht u hei die Städtli churz agluegt.
      •Am Nami simer no z'Audstädtli vo Cañon City ga aluege u när ga esse. Ä Restaurantbsuech hie isch für üs immer no gwöhnigsbedürftig. Ihres grösste Ziu isches, d'Lüt müglechst schnäu z'bediene u dr Tisch wiedr frei z'übercho. So simer no zmitz ir Vorspies gsy, wo dr Houptgang scho isch serviert worde u währendem Houptgang simer scho gfragt worde, was mr zum Dessert wei. Sobaud mä dr letzt Biss het abegschlückt bringe si när scho d'Rechnig. Mir si knapp 1h dert inne gsy obwou mrs hei wöue gmüetlech nä😅. Andere Länder - andere Sitten🤷‍♀️.

      ▪︎Es het zwar nid gschneit aber z'Wetter am Sunnti isch nid grad top gsy. Drum simer am Morge iz Museum of Colorado Prisons wo direkt nebeme Gfängnis steit wo no in Betrieb isch.
      ▪︎När heimer ä Scenic Drive gmacht u drbi über d'Stadt gseh.
      ▪︎Am Nami simer när no i Chino bevor mr ines indisches Restaurant si ga Znacht esse.
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    • Päivä 8

      Welcome to Cañon City

      28. toukokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today I woke up for the last time in Denver. Kendra and I had breakfast then got in the car and drove about 2 hours to her home in Cañon City. The drive is always gorgeous, alongside the Rocky Mountains. We listened to a wedding playlist as she and her partner still need to pick their first dance song!!
      We arrived at their gorgeous house, a 2 bedroom with a huge backyard and I got to meet Onyx and Duke, the two doggos. Had lunch and then I got to meet Kendra's fiance Mitch for the first time! He was also with his sister Makayla who is going to be in the wedding party too. They were both so lovely, and Mitch immediately made me feel welcome. We watched the formula one together and instantly bonded. Kendra was not surprised. We stopped by Sonic, which was always our favourite place to get slushies and ice cream.
      Next we went to home depot and the grocery store to pick up some things. I sat in the backyard playing with the dogs while Mitch and Kendra worked on the house. Finally I helped cook dinner and Mitch made this incredible salad and pesto pasta for us. We then watched a stand-up comedy special by Iliza which was hilarious. I'm so happy to be here and getting to stay with Mitch and Kendra this week.
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    • Päivä 16

      Last full day with Kendra

      5. kesäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Today I woke up still up in Rye in the party cabin. We sat on the couch and drank coffee, slowly getting ready to leave. Once the place was clean and the truck was loaded we headed off. I think for Kendra and Mitch it was the first real day of them being married and it hit them that we were headed back to reality. The drive was squishy, I was loaded up with both the doggos but it was good. There were 2 fairly full kegs left over so we took the longer but gentler route home. We stopped to pick up lunch with were Asada Fries, literally steak, guac, sour cream, salsa and cheese on top of chips. Honestly changed my life. We unloaded the truck, then binged the whole season of "the summer I turned pretty" as we were all wrecked. Kendra and Mitch had to go to see Mitch's mum but I stayed home and did my puzzle book. Safe to say everyone was wrecked from the weekend, including the dogs.
      All my bags are packed as I fly out to Iowa tomorrow! I feel ready to go in a way, so I can give Mitch and Kendra space but I'm so sad to be leaving again. I love being here!
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    • Päivä 11

      Bachelorette Party!

      31. toukokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today was an early start as we were off on Kendra's hens! We all met at a coffee shop and I got to meet Taylor, Cassie and Dani for the first time. Cassie and Dani are in the wedding party with me and they all work at the school with Kendra. Then I got to see Em for the first time in 5 years which was great. We all jumped in the car and headed to a trailhead just outside Salida. We grabbed some drinks and snacks, beginning the walk to a waterfall. It was great to chat with the others and it was especially wonderful to talk with Em as she is married, a firefighter and travelling to Costa Rica after the wedding.
      We got to the top and it was beautiful! We took some pictures and stopped for a beer together. It was a tough hike and my legs are quite dead now!!
      We headed back down and drive to Salida, where we went to a great pizza place and got ice cream. Drove back to Cañon, then we hung out with Em at Kendra's house.
      We had another late dinner and sorted out some more wedding stuff as the days are flying by!
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    • Päivä 39

      Day 35-39 Steamboat Springs - Salida

      18. elokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Hit a brick wall. Exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally, seriously considered quitting. Leaving Steamboat was sad but the trail was calling. The trail and the climb up to Peaks pass was amazing, both the scenery and the gradual incline on picturesque roads. Over the pass and due to the storms a few days earlier, all the rivers were all running very muddy, so it made filtering a little dubious. I stopped and asked a man putting a fence in a field where the nearest water supply was, he said we were welcome to go to his ranch for water and an emergency beer if we wanted. Whilst I was cycling with my amigo Mike we agreed and followed him up a 2 mile drive to his ranch. Sat on the veranda drinking cold beer out of the mid day sun was a great welcome unplanned detour. After an hour of drinking and chilling out, we headed to Kremling our next stop over. Messages from home made me super emotional, I tried to put things out of my mind, but sometimes 8 hours in the saddle can make the mind can work over time. The next two days from Kremling to Silverthorn then to Hartsel were an emotional overload for me. Too much reflection on the past, not enough living in the present. Both the road, the climbs, the head wind and my thoughts were playing heavy. Camping by a dumpster in Hartsel I called my mum and a few close friends, who put my hat back on straight. Headed to Salida I has a fresh mind, but not fresh legs. The road was tough, washboard, muddy, hilly with a strong headwind that made 50 miles seem like an eternity. Speaking to new friends that I have made on the route, I realised that the path you think is mapped out for you isn’t always the best one. A deviation or what the universe presents to you, often unplanned could be a pleasant surprise. The rest of the trip may not take the planned GDMBR route, but it will certainly be an adventure. Watch this space.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 13

      Day before the wedding!

      2. kesäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today we woke up and gathered some last stuff to take up to the venue. Mitch brought us back the best breakfast burrito I've had in a while. We drove up and met Kendra and Mitchs parents as well as some of the other relatives. We quickly got everything completed to satisfaction which was good to reduce stress. We drove back and met Mitchs sister Allie, brother in law Evan and Grandma Lettie. They were making bouquets and there were flowers everywhere. I got ready and then started helping make them as well. Making bouquets was the most stressed I've been all week but it was so nice getting to know Mitch's family. We then headed to the church to rehearse. Mitch and Kendra were running late because they had to take Duke to the vet as he had an infected paw, so we arrived about 15 minutes late.
      The church was absolutely beautiful but we had to rush in and run straight to the front row. The lady leading the rehearsal was Joyce and she was low key scary, she was very strict in what we were supposed to be doing. We walked down the aisle and the men were all stressing out about how quickly we were walking. Kendra and Mitch basically got married as they read through their vows.
      We then headed to Mitch's familys restaurant for a dinner together. It was so fun to get to meet and get to know more of the bridal party, family and other friends. People made speeches and I ended up getting up to talk and finished with a shoey. Kendra and I drunk a bit too much red wine and headed home. Mitch was staying with his grandma and Kendra and I watched the parent trap.
      It was a big day but it'll be an even bigger one tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 9

      Trails Day 2

      28. toukokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute ist es noch etwas wärmer als gestern, hinzukommt das der zu fahrende Loop zu den 12 Sektionen heute sogar rund 4 Meilen lang ist. (Gestern waren es 3 Meilen) Das ist ziemlich zehrend für Mensch und Maschine. Barrett fährt dennoch sehr gut und hochkonzentriert seine 3 Runden. Bei der letzten ließ jedoch die Konzentration etwas nach, nichts desto trotz hat er einen hervorragenden 3. Platz erreicht!! 🎉🎊
      Wir sind so stolz auf Dich, Barrett!
      Nach der Siegerehrung fahren wir alle erschöpft nach Hause. Danke das wir das Wochenende mit euch teilen durften und gemeinsam eure Leidenschaft spüren konnten 🥰

      Today it is a bit warmer than yesterday, and the loop to the 12 sections is even about 4 miles long today. (Yesterday it was 3 miles) This is quite exhausting for man and machine. Barrett nevertheless drives very well and highly concentrated his 3 rounds. However, on the last one the concentration dropped a bit, nevertheless he achieved an excellent 3rd place!!! 🎉🎊
      We are so proud of you Barrett!
      After the award ceremony, we all head home exhausted. Thank you for letting us share the weekend with you and feel your passion together 🥰
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    • Päivä 5

      We outran a major hailstorm yesterday

      7. kesäkuuta 2022, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      But it was worth getting the picture at Space Force Command.

      This morning, blue skies

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    • Päivä 8

      Trails Day 1

      27. toukokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der erste Tag ist geschafft.
      Ein solches Event besteht aus 12 Sektionen die möglichst fehlerfrei durchfahren werden müssen, dabei wird heute ein insgesamt 3 Meilen langer Rundweg zurückgelegt um von Sektion zu Sektion zu fahren. Dieser ‚Loop‘ wird von jedem Fahrer 3 x gefahren.
      Die Punkte die man erreicht werden dabei natürlich addiert.
      Barrett wurde von Runde zu Runde besser und erreicht am Ende den 3.Platz 🎉🥳 BÄM Super gemacht Barrett, wir sind stolz auf Dich und drücken die Daumen für Tag 2!

      The first day is done.
      Such an event consists of 12 sections which have to be driven through as faultlessly as possible. Today, a total of 3 miles long loop will be covered in order to drive from section to section. This 'loop' is driven 3 times by each driver.
      The points achieved are of course added up.
      Barrett was better from round to round and reached at the end of the 3rd place 🎉🥳 BÄM Super done Barrett, we are proud of you and keep your fingers crossed for day 2!
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