Amerika Serikat
Hollywood Sign

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    • Hari 15

      Hollywood, Tanzen, Football

      3 September 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Fix gefrühstückt und dann um 8Uhr bei 29 Grad zum Hollywood Sign gewandert. Die Aussicht von ganz oben hat sich gelohnt, schwitz.🥵 Dann ging es für Annabel und mich in eines der größten Tanzstudios in LA (man kennt die von YouTube, @Sarah Galen Hooks trainiert da, Millionen Aufrufe). 👯‍♀️ Ohne Pause ging es weiter zum ersten Football Game. 🏈 Das mal zu erleben war verrückt! Es sind “nur” Uniteams und trotzdem ist das Stadion voll, es gibt Cheerleader, ein Blasorchester und Pferde. Es wird gemunkelt, dass Obama auch da war, weil seine Tochter da zur Uni geht. Danach haben wir im “The Grove”-Einkaufszentrum Tacos gegessen und haben den Abend mit Wein am Pool ausklingen lassen. 🍷 🏊🏼‍♀️Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 69

      Wanderung zum Hollywood-Sign🥾

      9 Desember 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wieder ein genialer Tag ist leider vorbei…
      Wie bereits angekündigt, war ich heute mit Emma🇩🇪 und Luc🇳🇱 (ein weiterer Alleinreisender aus dem Hostel) wandern. Die Reise zum Hollywood-Sign war nicht gerade ein Schnapper, aber für mich jetzt auch nicht gerade das Mass aller Dinge😉 Zum Glück hatte ich Sonnencreme dabei, war schon sehr sonnig☀️😁🥵

      Nachdem wir zwar bereits den Weg zum ersten Aussichtspunkt etwas unterschätzt haben, gingen wir trotzdem noch ganz auf den Berg rauf📈🥾. Der Weg hat sich aber gelohnt: es war schon sehr sehr nice und erst wenn man da oben ist, bemerkt man wie krass gross diese ganze Region ist (und das Hollywood-Sign an sich)

      Die Gespräche auf dem Weg nach oben waren natürlich, wer hätte es gedacht, wieder absolut witzig😅 Da Luc Deutsch versteht, gab es dann ein MischMasch zwischen Englisch, Deutsch und Denglisch🙌

      Wieder zurück beim Hollywood-Blvrd haben wir dann noch etwas kleines im Shake Shack gegessen (ja sorry mom, schon wieder fast food😂🍟). Danach habe ich mich von den beiden verabschiedet.👋😢

      Unglaublich wie man eine Verbindung zu Menschen während einer Reise aufbauen kann, welche man erst seit wenigen Stunden kennt… auch schade, dass alle eine mehr oder weniger feste Route im Kopf haben und sich somit die meisten Wege nach wenigen Tagen wieder trennen☹️ Aber: Es ist, wie es ist😉 Somit die Zeit mit tollen Leuten geniessen, solange man die Möglichkeit hat :) Deshalb Danke Raffael, Emma und Luc für die grandiose Zeit in LA🤩
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    • Hari 24

      "Holibud" hiking

      16 Juli 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      De regreso a LA esta vez para quedarnos un par de días y recorrer algo de esta ciudad monumental. Hoy arrancamos el día caminando hacia el famosisimo aviso de
      H O O L Y W O O D, un recorrido de 2k aprox. Todos emocionados de poder ver este icono de la ciudad. Obviamente también había que visitar el paseo cliché de las estrellas 🌟 ✨️ 😌Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 25

      Hollywood Sign

      25 Agustus 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Papa und ich liefen ganz bald in der Früh zum Hollywood Sign, oder so nahe wie man ihm halt kommen mag. Ohne Chris hätte ich den Ausgangspunkt nach zehn Jahren nicht mehr wieder gefunden – Danke Gedi! Wir waren mit Fotostopps 1,5 Stunden und gut 8km unterwegs.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 6

      The ying to yesterdays yang

      14 Oktober 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Started today with Wendy’s breakfast, and a few beggars touting for cash, then back to hotel to ask about bus tours, the very helpful young lady in reception, told us about a free bus to the Griffith Observatory, to be honest it wasn’t on my list of to do’s, but Joe had done a bit of research and he really pulled this one out the bag.
      We caught the free bus to the observatory, it was busy due in some part to the partial eclipse that took place this morning, camera crews, news stations had all setup in the hills. They had various very powerful telescopes focused on the sun that you could look through with experts talking you through what you were looking at.
      Some great views of the “Hollywood” sign as well, probably the best in town and beats walking up to the back of it, there are some great views of the city and a planetarium, really was worth the visit.
      From there we took the free bus back to the metro and ventured out to Santa Monica Pier, pleasant journey that took about an hour, lovely hot day and beautiful surroundings, the lads went off for a beer, Susan and Andrew went off, and Janet and I wandered down the pier, watched a little old boy get very excited catching his first fish, called for a “proper beer” needed to be at $16 plus tax, but it was a "Large" 24oz
      We all meet up for a few afternoon bevvies, before we leave the boys to wander along the sea front, taking in the views of the fitties working out.
      Time for some food, just as we finish our meal we get a call from Joe he’s split his shorts and his tackle is in full view, much to our amusement, not his, Janet buys him some replacement shorts as we laugh all the way down to the beach to drop them off, Janet, Susan, Andy and I decide to catch the bus to take in Rodeo drive (roadao) just for taity. Bus breaks down halfway there, great service as a replacement is on scene within 10 minutes to complete our journey. Completely the opposite of yesterday evening, affluent and distinguished are two words for rodeo drive and the surrounding area. Unfortunately, all the shops are closed at this time of night, and before you ask no that wasn't the plan, bus back to the hotel area and we discover a “proper” American bar, few beers before bed. The lads are still entertaining the locals down at Santa Monica Pier, they’ve found a karaoke bar and are banging out some tunes, much to the delight of their audience they tell us, they miss the last train back so fork out for a taxi, Joe is a bit worse for wear at this stage, but Rhys keeps him straight.
      Another internal flight tomorrow as we head to Vegas baby.
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    • Hari 2

      The Hollywood Sign

      28 November 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Der Fotohotspot für das Hollywood Sign soll angeblich "the last house on Mulholland" sein. Also haben wir uns mit dem Mietauto durch die engen Passstrassen ähnliche Strassen in den Hollywood Hills begeben. Jedoch war die Strasse gesperrt und parkieren durfte man nirgends. Also ging es zum nächsten Hotspot. Aber vom Parkplatz dort waren es noch 1.9 miles zu Fuss den Berg hinauf. Es hat sich gelohnt, die Fotos lassen sich sehen, aber für den Rückweg haben wir eine Abkürzung durch die Büsche genommen und sind etwas verstaubt und mit Blätter/Ästchen in den Haaren und Steinchen in den Schuhen gut beim Auto angekommen.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 79–80

      Hollywood, Anaheim and Glendora (CA)

      19 November 2023, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      A visit to Hollywood is probably a must when you are in the Los Angeles area. Of course we wanted to see the place where so many movies have been made. Isaac and Amelia had planned a hike to the Hollywood sign for us, followed by a drive through the Hollywood Hills, home to many fantastic buildings, including some by John Lautner, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright.
      Unfortunately, Amelia had to work that day and couldn't join us.
      We drove to Hollywood, parked the car, and hiked up to the big Hollywood letters on the hillside overlooking the city. As you can imagine, there were a lot of tourists there, not all of them used to hiking... We passed many people, enjoyed the fantastic view of the huge metropolis of Los Angeles below us, and reached the sign after about an hour.
      We were unusually lucky with the weather. I'm not talking about the sun, I'm talking about the smog! LA has a big smog problem, especially during the summer months. In the fall and winter, it's not as bad as in the summer, but you generally can't see very far. On the day of our hike, however, we had a very wide view. You could still see the smog, but it wasn't very thick, so we could see as far as Long Beach to the south, Venice Beach to the west, and the entire San Fernando Valley to the north.
      After a few photos behind the letters, we unpacked our picnic, sat down across from San Fernando, and enjoyed a nice lunch before heading back to the car.
      Next on our list was an architectural treasure hunt through the Hollywood Hills. Famous and rich people live here. The scenery is amazing. The hills are steep and many of the more densely built areas have the feel of small Italian villages. Only the houses aren't as old. Isaac had located three John Lautner houses in the neighborhood and we set out to find them. It wasn't easy because you can't see very far in these hills. Some of the roads seemed to be private, so we had to turn around a few times, which was quite a task in these narrow roads! But we were lucky and found two of the three houses, although we couldn't really see one of them because it was hidden behind a large bamboo forest! I realized later that we could have seen many more John Lautner houses in the area, we just didn't know the addresses at the time. Oh well, next time.
      We drove on to West Hollywood, where Isaac had spotted the Wolff house. We knew from photos that the house was clearly visible from the street, so it was a safe bet to drive there. We parked the car on Sunset Boulevard and walked up the hill until we were right in front of the house, just below the beautiful patio and pool that can't be seen from the street. I knew the house from videos and pictures, though, and immediately recognized all the special elements, such as the two trees that were not cut down during construction, but incorporated into the overall concept of the house. That was very nice. The last time this house was listed, it sold for $11 million. Not much compared to the insane real estate prices we had seen in the windows of real estate agencies in Hollywood and Beverly Hills (see pictures in the last post).
      It was time for coffee at Matte Black Coffee before heading to our last stop in Hollywood: the Walk of Fame. We walked up and down both sides of Hollywood Boulevard and kept our heads down, looking for our favorite actor or musician immortalized with a gold star and name on a red stone. After many stops at Jimi Hendrix, John Goodman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, we got an ice cream and headed home.
      That night we had a date with Amelia at a brewery in Anaheim, not far from Isaac and Amelia's home. The vegetarian menu basically wasn't available, so we could just eat a large portion of fries. But the beer was really good!

      On Monday, our last day in Los Angeles, Amelia and Isaac took us on a short hike in Glendora, one of their regular weekend hikes because of the beautiful views, shade, and proximity to The Donut Man, a legendary donut shop on Route 66. After the hour and a half hike, we rewarded ourselves with some of these delicious pastries. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of donuts to replenish the energy lost on such a hike. And we ate a lot of donuts.
      The evening had another special event in store for us. Amelia plays piano for the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles (GMCLA). That night they had one of their last rehearsals before two big concerts at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills in December. Amelia took us to the rehearsal so we could experience a phenomenal free concert by this wonderful group of men (and Amelia!). We finished the night with a very authentic korean dinner.

      Our time in Los Angeles was amazing. We owe it to our two great friends, Isaac and Amelia, who went out of their way to make sure we had a great time. Without their knowledgeable and eclectic guides and their pleasant nature, the city would have been too much for us to handle. Thank you Amelia and Isaac! We hope to see you again soon! (Oh, well, we'll see each other in two days to celebrate Thanksgiving together in Encinitas...but after that, we really hope to see you again soon!)
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    • Hari 39

      9 Buchstaben

      12 Oktober 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Neben den vielen übrigen Sehenswürdigkeiten gehört das Hollywood Sign über den Hängen der Hollywood Hills mit Sicherheit zu dem bekanntesten Wahrzeichen der Stadt.
      Die 14 Meter hohen Buchstaben wiegen alles in allem 220 Tonnen.
      Die einst lediglich als Werbefläche für Wohnland aufgestellten Buchstaben haben heute definitiv Kultstatus und gehören zu den Must-Sees in Los Angeles.
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    • Hari 10

      Tag 9: Hollywood, California

      20 September 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bevor wir LA verlassen, mussten wir natürlich noch zum Hollywood Sign. Nach einer kleinen Irrfahrt und dem Gefühl es doch nicht fotografieren zu können, haben wir dann doch noch ein gutes Plätzchen gefunden. 😊
      Anschließend sind wir durch Bel Air gefahren, keine Ahnung, ob wir das überhaupt durften, denn ein Tor, Security und Videoüberwachung bewachten die Einfahrt. 😁

      Der berühmte Rodeo Drive war nicht so fotogen wie erhofft. Gucci, Prada etc. Haben wir daher nur gefilmt.

      Wir haben nahezu alle Fotos mit der großen Kamera geknipst, die haben ich noch nicht auf dem Handy. Evtl. stelle ich die später noch ein.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Hollywood Sign, Hollivud yazısı, Голливуд тамғаһы, Nápis Hollywood, نشان هالیوود, Hollywood-kyltti, Panneau Hollywood, שלט הוליווד, हॉलीवुड साइन, Hollywoodskiltið, Scritta Hollywood, ハリウッドサイン, 할리우드사인, Holivudas zīme, Hollywoodskiltet, Letreiro de Hollywood, Знак Голливуда, Hollywoodskylten, Знак Голлівуду, ہالی وڈ علامت, Bảng hiệu Hollywood, Hollywood nga tigaman, 好萊塢標誌

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