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Lake County

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    • Día 34

      Disney Day 3 - Hollywood Studios

      23 de junio de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Today I woke up and packed up my stuff as I was moving hotels to meet my two friends Jamie and Jensen! I grabbed an uber and he wasn't the best as he told me he was from the Tampa area. I ended up guiding him based on the map from my phone... I finally arrived and Jamie was waiting for me in the lobby. It was so so good to see her again! We went up to the room dropped my stuff off and headed to Hollywood Studios on the ferry.
      It was a quick 10 minute ride and we were there.
      First ride we headed to was tower of terror, which is a drop ride. It was very fun. Next we headed to the rock n rollercoaster which is a quick, thrilling rollercoaster with music from Aerosmith? Very random band but a very fun ride. We then went to Mickey and Minnies Runaway Train ride which was a fun story ride with some really fun animatronics.
      We headed to grab Jamie coffee and went to a frozen sing-along. This was literally just watching the movie with some cast members around in the background, I had expected singing and dancing...

      We then walked through star wars world, luckily Jamie nor I had any interest in stopping and doing the big rides, one of which had a wait time of 4 hours at one point. We ended up at Toy Story mania which was a really fun ride where you play arcade shooting games from your cart. We decided to get lunch and I told Jamie to find me the most ridiculous thing in the park. She picked out a hot dog with Mac and Cheese in it... We are quickly and headed to a beauty and the beast short play which actually had singing and dancing. It was very good! Then we headed to the slinky dog coaster which we knew would be a 90 minute wait. Unfortunately that turned into a 2 hour wait, buut it was nice to have a friend to wait with for once! The ride was fine, not worth the long wait.
      We were wrecked and it was so hot by this point, we headed to the Muppets 3D movie to sit and cold off. It was a bit of fun. Then we got drinks and sat and people watched for a bit. So interesting to see wild children and exhausted parents. Next we went on Star Tours, the only star wars ride of the day which was good.
      We went on the tower and rock n rollercoaster again, then decided on having brownies for dinner followed by watching fantasmic, a nighttime show with water, fire, acrobatics and heaps of the characters. We then headed back to the hotel to find Jensen, as she had arrived! It was so so nice catching up and chatting, it's just like old times.
      We have a big day tomorrow, I'm so excited!
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    • Día 149


      20 de diciembre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Life 2.0 : "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

      It is day 67 of the US Traverse. We have made our way to the most southern point of our trip – Orlando. San Francisco is now more than 5 000 km in the past, and Montreal, our final destination 2 300 km into the future. Major distances by car but minor if you travel with an X Wing Starfighter.

      Today will be spent at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and more importantly the Star Wars Galaxy Edge theme park.

      The Galaxy Edge Park and rides are truly magnificent, both in scale and detail. Old and young can lose themselves in the fantasy world created by George Lucas and the Disney team.

      The little boy in the photo captured my interest. He impatiently waited in his Republic Trooper uniform for his turn with Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter. All dressed up - a true believer.  

      One day when he’s older he might reflect on the stories behind the story and appreciate how George Lucas masterfully orchestrated the age-old tale of democracies being turned into dictatorships and a need from people, under certain conditions, to be freed from freedom.

      Most of us would say more freedom is good. Freedom of expression, freedom from those in power and freedom to do what we want. But history has shown that when people feel powerless and frustrated, the freedom they deeply ache for is a freedom FROM individual responsibility.

      Make it someone else’s problem - Lose awareness of your individual self and become an anonymous member of a unified group. Be relieved from the burdens of will, decisions and being responsible.

      But as Jyn Erso said in Rogue One: “We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope.”

      “You feel empty. You feel alone. Lonely. Almost frightened, but also strong, yes? The name for what you are feeling is freedom. How did you expect it to feel? You are free, and that can be lonely, and empty, and frightening. But it is also powerful.”

      But that is all in the future for our little trooper.

      As for today...

      He can just enjoy the magic that I experienced in 1978 in a cinema when the words scrolled over the screen:

      “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....”
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    • Día 31

      Disney Day 1 - Animal Kingdom

      20 de junio de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today I woke up and it was my first day of Disneyworld! I had a yoghurt for brekky with a spoon made of the yoghurt lid and I literally had to scoop peanut butter from the jar with a sandwich bag to make a sandwich as I had no knives 🤦‍♀️ I decided to uber to the park as it was quite a way. I arrived and it was very streamlined to get in. I of course chose the wrong line though and it was hilarious how impatient people already were at 8:30am of a Disney day. People, especially children already looked like they were done for the day which was hilarious. I headed to the safari tour attraction first, which was a car going through a safari park essentially. It was awesome to see so many African animals up close, they are doing a good job at promoting conversation. I even learnt that in some parts of Africa they are using bee fences to prevent elephants from destroying farmers crops. Next I walked around the African jungle trail which is just other animal exhibits. After that I went to the bird show and saw some gorgeous birds including a bald eagle #murica
      Next I lined up in the rapids river ride which was standard but nice way to cool down in the 30+ degree heat, then walked through the Asian animal section. Then I headed to the Avatar flight of passage ride, as promised the line did in fact take 100 minutes to get through. During this time I:
      1. Discovered TSwift is coming to Australia and freaked out.
      2. Read a book.
      3. Watched a small child vomit into a bag his mum was holding and continue to stand in line (yes you read that correctly).
      Honestly it went quickly and the ride was so worth it, no spoilers but you were strapped in to almost like a motorbike and taken around Pandora.
      Next I wandered around and saw Kangaroos and Lemurs, then headed to a 4D bugs life movie. Got to witness and hear a lot of scared kiddos, the movie was quite aggressive and scary unsure why that's a kid marketed movie.
      I then hit dinosaur world and rode on the dinosaur ride, which was really fun but a bit jarring. This was the moment I realised I'm infact old and can't bounce back as quickly from rides. Next was the Everest rollercoaster which was one of my favourites, it was super thrilling and unexpected. It was also awesome because it has a single rider line, so I got straight on without waiting.
      I then got a frozen banana and waited for the Lion King show. The show was incredible, it was acrobatics, singing, dancing. Think a less extravagant, shorter, more lively lion king musical. Finally, I went to the other Avatar ride which was a gentle trip around Pandora, a nice way to finish the day.
      I caught one of the buses back as close as I could to my hotel and walked to the IHOP just down the road from my hotel. It was a BIG day and I go again tomorrow!
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    • Día 4

      Disney Springs

      27 de octubre de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      In der Disney World gibt es zahlreiche Öffis die man kostenfrei nutzen kann. Das haben wir gern in Anspruch genommen. Der Boardwalk ist am Abend nicht so spannend, deshalb fuhren wir mit dem Bus zu Disney Springs. Hier genossen wir an einem lauen Abend noch eine Menge Live-Musik.Leer más

    • Día 9

      Orlando Tag 4 - Letzter Tag

      19 de noviembre de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute war unser letzter Tag bei David & Laura in Orlando. Morgens bin ich mit David angeln gegangen… geht ganz einfach hier: kein Angelschein notwendig 😀 Und tatsächlich haben wir auch ein 3,5 Pfund schweren „Bass“ (Barsch) gefangen. Danach sind Charlene und ich zum Tennis gefahren und haben eine Runde gespielt in der prallen Sonne ☀️😍 Orlando ist neben den ganzen Parks auch bekannt für die vielen Outlets, also sind wir den ganzen Tag einkaufen gegangen, sagen wir mal so: wir haben zur BIP Entwicklung hier beigetragen.. 😅
      Abends sind wir mit David & Laura Minigolf spielen gewesen in einer Winter Beach Landschaft… dagegen ist Minigolf in Deutschland einfach nichts 😂.
      Zum Abschluss unseres Besuchs hier sind wir dann Alle nochmal zu Disney Springs gefahren, haben uns die vielen Disney Shops angeschaut… Wahnsinn was es alles gibt und sind anschließend in ein Dschungel Restaurant schön essen gegangen.
      Ein toller Besuch hier bei David und Laura geht leider zu Ende, wir kommen definitiv bald wieder! Morgen geht es zum Kennedy Space Center bzw. zur NASA und abends zurück nach Miami wo ein tolles Hotel auf uns wartet.

      🇬🇧 Today was our final day with David & Laura. In the morning I went fishing with David and we even caught a very good sized bass. After fishing Charlene & I played tennis in perfect sunny conditions. Orlando is also famous for its countless outlets, so therefore we had to check them out, and to be honest our credit cards were running hot 😀 In the evening we met up with David & Laura to play a nice round of real Minigolf in an unreal atmosphere. For dinner we all went again to Disney Springs where all the Disney shops are. Our restaurant was in a jungle theme with delicious food.
      Amazing days at Orlando with David & Laura are coming sadly to an end. However we’re excited for our next days back in Miami. We’re heading tomorrow to NASA (Kennedy Space Center).
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    • Día 37

      Epcot and Magic Kingdom

      15 de enero de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      This was our big day! All the big ticket items across the two parks with the exception of 7DMT. First stop: Test track - "sorry folks it's down"! Quick to Frozen Ever After! Heather's step counter kept prompting her to admit that she was taking part in some sort of event: no, just Disney.Leer más

    • Día 38

      Perfect Disney Day

      16 de enero de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Having hit the must dos it was now time to slow the pace... "just after this next genie plus hit, I promise!" Today we went to my favourite park, Animal Kingdom, and after the big three ticket items we did indeed turn it into a lovely, leisurely day. We had lunch at my favourite Disney eatery, Satu'li Canteen, then headed back to the Poly for a long siesta. I stacked a few Epcot Genie items from the hot tub then, at sunset, we jumped back on the monorail for our last park evening with the Berlees. Dinner was a snack "around the International Showcase" affair before we settled in for Harmonious and a bit of shopping. Lastly, we scored one last Cosmic Rewind spot for good measure so we went out with a bang.Leer más

    • Día 2

      Jour 2 magic kingdom

      11 de julio de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wow ! Quelle 1ere journée dans les parc !!! Magic kingdom rempli de magie, de princesses et d'émotions fortes dans space Mountain et tron!!! Les filles ont eu des étoiles dans les yeux !! Et que dire des feux d'artifices !!!! Ha oui !!! Camille s'est endormie 2 minutes après être arrivée dans l'auto 😜Leer más

    • Día 30

      Bye H town, Hello Orlando

      19 de junio de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      Today I woke up and got ready to leave. Hannah dropped me off at the airport and it was all very smooth. The plane was slightly delayed and we sat on the tarmac for a while but I used this time wisely to have a nap. The flight was about 2 hours, then we touched down in Orlando. I jumped in an uber and got to check into my hotel early. I sorted out my life and figured out the intricacies of Disney. There's so much to know and plan, it's not just a simple theme park visit anymore. I walked to get dinner at Chilli's, an American staple which was fun. It was more fun to observe people and how they spoke to the waitstaff. People can be obnoxious and so demanding, I feel since they have a tipping culture this is even more prominent. I walked to the grocery store to pick up some brekky and lunch foods then walked back to the hotel. I did some puzzle (brought from Denver) and watched the formula one race before having an early night.Leer más

    • Día 54

      Orlando Day 1

      27 de febrero de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Am Morgen ging es zuerst auf das Tennisfeld vom Hotel. Für die Eine war es das erste Mal auf dem Feld. 🎾 Zum Glück hatte sie einen super Lehrer, der schon etwas Erfahrung hatte. 😌 Danach genossen wir die Abkühlung im Pool.

      Später fuhren wir zum Universal Citywalk. Dieser ist sehr ähnlich wie der Disney Springs von gestern, jedoch fanden wir den Disney Springs etwas besser. Es gab viele Restaurants, Bars und Shops.

      Einen Abendspaziergang machten wir um den Lake Eola. Es hatte viele Schwäne, Enten und andere Vögel. 🦢
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Lake County, مقاطعة ليك, Лейк, লেক কাউন্টি, Condado de Lake, Lakei maakond, Lake konderria, شهرستان لیک، فلوریدا, Comté de Lake, Lake megye, Լեյք շրջան, Contea di Lake, レイク郡, Lake Kūn, Hrabstwo Lake, لیک کاؤنٹی، فلوریڈا, Comitatul Lake, Округ Лејк, Quận Lake, Condado han Lake, 萊克縣

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