United States
Leidig Meadow

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    • Day 60

      YOSEMITE 🏞️😍

      November 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

      (Sorry jetzt schon für den langen Text😂)

      wow wow WOW😍 ich habe endlich den Yosemite National Park besucht und somit meinen Traum, einmal den El Capitan zusehen, erfüllt🤩

      Mein Tag startete früh morgens um 6:30. Nach der 1‘10h Fahrt bin ich dann bereits um 8:00 im Nationalpark gewesen. Und dann ging es bereits los: Zuerst war der natürliche Steintunnel und danach gleich ein paar Rehe😅 ich wusst somit gleich: der Tag kann nur bombastisch werden!

      Danach besichtigte ich El Capitan, Half Dome, Yosemite Falls, Sentinel Dome usw (natürlich alle aus der Ferne😉) Das Yosemite Valley ist einfach wunderschön und es hat sich jetzt schon total gelohnt hierher zu fahren🏞️ Nach einigen Spaziergängen am Morgen habe ich mich dann dazu entschieden, am Mittag in Richtung Mariposa Grove zu fahren. Da das Wetter sowiso immer schlechter wurde (und morgen sollte es schön sein) nutzte ich die Zeit um noch eine weiteres Naturspektakel zu besichtigen.👀

      Der Mariposa Grove ist bekannt für seine Mammutbäume und ich wusste ja, dass solche Bäume riesig sind, diese aber mit eigenen Augen zu bestauen, war echt etwas besonderes. 🌳🪄 Man fühlt sich wie in einem Märchenland mit Dingen, welche eigentlich gar nicht existieren sollten… einfach magisch🦣🌳 Auch das Alter der Bäume ist unglaublich (bis zu 3000 Jahre).

      Ich habe morgen nochmals den ganzen Tag Zeit, um Yosemite zu erkunden und ich freue mich jetzt schon, noch etwas mehr in die Höhe zu gehen🥾

      Jetzt gönn ich mir aber erstmal ne Pizza🍕
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    • Day 5

      Yosemite - Partie 2

      September 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Nous entamons notre deuxième journée dans le parc de Yosemite.

      Ce matin réveil matinal pour nous lancer dans une rando difficile : Top of Yosemite Falls.
      Pas moins de 11,6 km pour 823 m de dénivelé positif réalisée en 5h A/R 🥴

      On démarre à 7h30 notre ascension et nous avons bien fait car la chaleur comment vite a arriver ! Nous faisons pas mal de pause pour que je reprenne mon souffle mais nous parvenons tout de même à aller au bout de cette rando 💪🏻 la montée était pour moi horrible mais ça en valait clairement l’effort ! On est subjugués par la beauté de ce qu’on voit la haut …

      On reste environ une heure à contempler le paysage et le haut de la plus haute chute d’eau d’Amérique du Nord avec tout de même 739 m de haut !

      Ça donne le vertige (littéralement … j’ai les jambes qui flageolent).

      C’est l’heure de redescendre, cette fois c’est pour Mathieu que c’est plus difficile il a un peu mal aux pieds et aux genoux mais on fini par arriver sur la terre ferme !

      C’est parti pour 2h de descente avant de rejoindre la vallée pour prendre un repas bien mérité ! Ce midi c’est burger et frites !

      Le repas avalé nous voilà à nouveau sur le chemin d’une autre randonnée. Cette fois ci plus facile pour finir la journée : Taft point trailhead. Une heure et demie de randonnée pour boucler les 3,5km de randonnée dans un magnifique forêt perchée à plus de 2300 m d’altitude. Nous rejoignons le sublime point de vue de Taft point et là c’est une claque. Un Wahou d’anthologie tant c’est beau … Observez les photos par vous même (même si c’est loin de ce qu’on a vu de nos yeux vu).

      Alors le vertige est toujours la même plus que jamais je dirais j’en ai même pleuré 🫣 Mais faut dire que c’est impressionnant quand même !

      On repart ensuite vers Glacier Point pour une ultime photo. Nous voulions voir le coucher de soleil mais nous étions si fatigués + 1h de route très escarpée derrière de nuit on n’a pas voulu tenter le diable. Mais on a fait un petit stop photo sur le chemin et on s’est rattrapé sur un coucher de soleil certes moins impressionnant mais tout aussi joli.

      On rentre on n’a même plus la force d’aller manger. On prend une bonne douche et au lit !
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    • Day 39

      Hiking in Yosemite - part II

      October 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      As we hiked up the North side of Yosemite Valley, we decided to go for a trail on the South side today. We chose "4-mile-trail" which led to Glacier Point which offered stunning views over pretty much most of the valley.
      To go down to the valley again, we picked Panorama trail. This one had great views on Half Dome and passed Emerald Lake and 3 waterfalls on the way. All in all, we hiked over 20km with an elevation gain of 1500m on our second day off. Our leg muscles are totally sore and hurt even on a straight path. No idea how we should get back on the bicycles and climb passes tomorrow 😕
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    • Day 17

      Yosemite National Park

      May 28 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Heute waren wir einen Tag im Yosemite National Park. Oder besser gesagt einen halben, denn die Anfahrt inklusive Warteschlange vor dem Eingang und die Parkplatzsuche haben uns schon einiges an Zeit gekostet. Zum Glück kann man auch vom Auto aus schon einiges sehen.
      Der Nationalpark selbst hat uns jedoch auf jeden Fall dafür entschädigt. Ganz nach dem Motto „das Beste kommt zum Schluss“ war der Yosemite Nationalpark als letzter Nationalpark, den wir auf unserer Reise besucht haben, der Schönste. Wenn auch nicht so beeindruckend wie die anderen, da er schon sehr der Bergwelt ähnelt, die wir von zu Hause kennen. Hier kann man sicher einige schöne Tage verbringen und auf vielen tollen Wanderwegen die Natur und die vielen Wasserfälle bewundern. Zumindest im Frühling, da diese im Laufe des Sommers austrocknen. Wir haben uns aus zeitlichen Gründen für ein paar kleinere Wanderungen entschieden, da uns im Anschluss noch eine 4-stündige Autofahrt bevor stand.
      Den El Capitano haben wir uns auch nur von unten angesehen und konnten dabei sogar ein paar Kletterer beobachten.
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    • Day 97

      Camp 4

      November 7, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      While we were in the Yosemite Valley we stayed at the iconic Camp 4, the walk-in climbers campground amoung the boulders at the base of the Yosemite Falls Trail. It was pretty chilly when we were there (freezing temps evening, night and morning given how shady it is), so most of the climbers had already cleared out and headed to warmer climes/climbs, but the registration line-up (first-come first-serve starting promptly at 8:30 am daily) was still a long cold wait in the morning. We were happy to spend a couple of evenings in the camp around a campfire with other hikers and climbers, including hikers Josh, Wes and Adam from Nebraska and climbers Tom and Kevin.Read more

    • Day 4

      Yosemite Falls?

      September 18, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Slept in this morning and got up around 7am. Today will be a light day so we take our time. We have breakfast and coffee. We fill water to the maximum in our packs; It's going to be a warm day and we will be in the sun for the whole ascent and most of the descent.

      Today we choose to go to Yosemite falls and then head to Yosmite point. Ben had originally planned this as a longer trek as there is another peak we could have also added to this day. We will have a 14km hike instead of another 24km like yesterday. Should be easier...

      We decide to take the SUV to Yosemite village and take the bus from there. It's free and the buses have hidden routes that cars cannot take. It would have been a long detour to the trailhead if we would not have taken the bus. We get a nice bus driver who provides information as we ride. At some point she talks about the Yosemite Falls and explains that the falls only flow from the melting snow from winter. This time of year it's dry and they call it the Yosemite Wall... Something that we did not see anywhere in looking at this trek. Oh well we had planned this trek, let's go up.

      The mornings are cold, it went down to about 7°C last night. You gotta wear layers but once you start the ascent it does not take long for the layers to come off. The elevation gain for this trail is about 1300m, it was a lot harder than what I would have thought. At the start of the trek my body was already aching from the trek we did just yesterday. I decide to go down a couple of gears and decide to climb using the first gear. Slow but strong. I am again thankful for poles as they really help with the way my body is reacting this morning. I tell myself that this is a short day and we should make it to the top quickly.

      The steep ascent is really tough and I feel noxious. I'm not sure if it's from the altitude our from something else. Also my sinuses were feeling pretty stuffed up, I wonder if I caught something. I hope I feel better soon. Going up on this trek is like climbing stairs non stop the whole way up. I keep telling myself to go slow but steady. We make it to the a couple nice views before we make it to the Yosemite point. At the top we see the distance that we had to make for our trek yesterday. It is quite the ride that we completed.

      At the top we, as usual, have a bite to eat. I am still feeling weird but I am still able to go. They say that over 2km in altitude is when you can start feeling the effects of less oxygen. Maybe this is also the reason I'm not feeling great.

      Going down we meet lots of people, more than yesterday. They also are more curious on how much longer it will take them to the top. We see lots of people who do not seem pepared for this hike. Some with only one small bottle of water, some in sandals. Sandals.... I'm wearing boots and so glad as you are walking on large rocks almost the whole trek. I guess some are okay with this type of shoe for hiking.

      As we head down my right knee start to hurt a lot. I am almost not able to bend it. I try different things to ease the pain but it's brutal going down. I find a hop movement that I make instead of bending the knee. This "lighter easier" trek is not as light as I thought. I tough it out and continue going down. We continually see people going up with nothing but a bottle in their hands. We tell them how long it will take to make it to the top and some take our advice seriously and decide not to go to the top. I finished my 3.25 litres on this trek, the sun was really cooking us.

      Finally we reach the bottom. My legs are happy. We take the bus back to the village. We stop at the store for a well deserved ice cream. As we go to pay for our stuff the employee tells us that the price is 47$. My mind does not see how our stuff could add up to this amount. We have a couple beers, Gatorade, the ice cream and nacho chips. I look at the bill and see a 23$ amount that I do not recognize. The guy somehow charged us for a T-shirt. We thankfully get a reimbursement and head out to enjoy our ice cream. End of trek. I really need to reajust the meaning of light and try to find something flat for tomorrow... I hope a good night of rest with help my knee.

      Today I learned that I do not need to tie my boots extremely tight. My internal logic told me that having the boots tight would minimize movement to reduce blisters. However I would always feel hot spots, feel uncomfortable due to the boots being so tight and still get blisters. To my great surprise it was better to use less force, my feet were fine for the whole trek and almos no hot spots 😎.
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    • Day 61

      Hike - Four Mile trail

      October 29, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      This hike gives you amazing views of El Capitan on the way up (and down) and then you're opposite the half dome at the top. Great hike. Also the road that you can drive up to the top is currently shut. So it meant we got to the top and there wasn't a lot of people around.Read more

    • Day 36

      Van (rain) day…

      November 6, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Heavy rain today so decided to have a lazy van day…. Found we have a pretty solid leak. At least it’s not over the bed!

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