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    • Dag 54

      Für immer Begraben

      27 oktober 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Die gesunkene USS Arizona ist zum Symbol des Angriffs der Japaner auf die USA geworden und Sinnbild für die amerikanische Demütigung.
      Nur neun Minuten nachdem das Schiff von einem japanischen Bomber angegriffen und schwer beschädigt wurde, sank sie. Bei der Explosion und dem Untergang kamen alleine 1177 Mann ums Leben. 1101 Besatzungsmitglieder haben in ihr die letzte Ruhestätte gefunden und liegen noch heute im Rumpf der Arizona begraben. Im Schiffsrumpf hatten sie um ihr Leben gekämpft und diesen Kampf verloren.

      1962 wurde über dem Wrack eine weiße Gedenkstätte errichtet. Noch heute strömt Öl aus dem in nur 12 Meter Tiefe liegenden Wrack. Bei normalem Wasserstand kann man die Umrisse deutlich erkennen.

      Selten hat uns ein Besuch einer Gedenkstätte so mitgenommen und uns so nah begreifen lassen was heute in Friedenszeiten unvorstellbar ist.
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    • Dag 5

      Pearl Harbor

      23 oktober 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      My Mom worked for many, many years as a bookkeeper for a company in Old Montreal. As a very young lad, my Dad would sometimes take me to visit her at her office and we'd all go out for lunch together. I always loved going there because her boss, Mr. Meyers, had a fabulous wooden ship in a display case that I would admire each time we visited. It didn't matter how often I went there, I always spent many minutes firmly planted in front of the display case taking in the beauty of this marvel. During the war, Mr. Meyers had worked in one of Canada's internment camps for Japanese citizens. The story goes that he was so well liked by the Japanese, they carved this ship and presented it to him at the end of the war. It was a replica of the USS Missouri that had a small brass plaque on the rear deck engraved with the words, "JAP SURRENDER". It was aboard the Missouri that the peace treaty ending the second world war was signed.

      As a high school student, I would work there during my summer vacations and continued to cherish the moments I could take out to gaze upon the wooden Missouri. In the mid-seventies, the business started having financial difficulties and one day Mr. Meyers called me into his office. He told me that he was going to have to close the doors of the company in the very near future, but before his assets were seized, he asked me if I'd like to take the Missouri home. It was an offer I couldn't refuse and I still own and treasure this memento of my youth.

      I grew up in the sixties, which was really only 20 years after the end of WWII. At that time, I watched a slew of movies on the theme of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; From Here to Eternity, Tora, Tora, Tora and Midway to name a few. Coincidentally, I just finished reading Bill O'Reilly's new book, Killing the Rising Sun.

      Viewing all these films and reading O'Reilly's account of the event didn't prepare me for what I experienced today.

      Today I made my pilgrimage to Pearl Harbor to see where it all happened and, at the same time, catch a glimpse of the Mighty Mo.

      Of course I was awestruck by the size and beauty of the real Missouri, but nothing prepared me for the emotion I felt as I toured the Arizona Memorial.

      Our visit started with a short film that detailed the events that led up to the attack, the errors committed by the US forces that resulted in such a catastrophic outcome and the ferocity and precision of the Japanese assault. The film contained motion pictures from the actual attack including footage of the Japanese bomb that struck the forward magazine of the Arizona, setting off hundreds of tons of explosives. The blast was so devastating that 1100 sailors on board were killed that day with 900 of them entombed on the ship. Since the bombing, another 277 shipmates have decided to make the Arizona their final resting place as, in accordance with their last wishes, urns containing their ashes are dropped into the wreckage. Today there remain only five survivors from the Arizona's crew, all of them well into their 90's. Two of the survivors who are residents of Oahu regularly work at the memorial signing autographs for tourists.

      It was a chilling feeling standing atop the grave of 1100 young men who lost their lives without ever knowing what hit them. Being at this place, seeing the names of all the servicemen that lost their lives that day and feeling the pervasive sadness that envelops the memorial, one cannot help but ponder the futility of war.

      Will we ever learn?
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    • Dag 15

      Pearl Harbor

      17 maj 2018, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We arrived well in our Hotel in Waikiki. From the calm of the other three islands, in the big city of Honolulu is quite a change.

      Today we drove a little bit outside downtown to the historical Pearl Harbor. We spent almost six hours on the area to check out all the different sites like the Visitor Center with the museums, the USS Bowfin Submarine and the Battleship Missouri. Unfortunately the Memorial of the USS Arizona was closed, so we just could have a look from the boat. This piece of war history is pretty impressive.Läs mer

    • Dag 170

      Pearl Harbor

      20 juni 2019, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute gings früh los zu Pearl Harbor.! Jeder der den Film gesehen hat, weiss von was ich rede. Jetzt, nach Jahren stehe ich hier an diesem Ort und kann es mit eigenen Augen sehen. Das schlimmste ist, dass immer noch so viele Leichen in den gesunkenen Schiffen sind. Es macht mich einfach traurig zu was wir Menschen fähig sind😔. Wir hatten auf unserem Boot einen Veteran vom 2 Weltkrieg. Die Militärtypen zeigten grössten Respekt und Salutierten vor ihm. Die Geschichte von Menschen zu hören und ihrem erlebten ist etwas ganz anderes als es im Film zu sehen. Es machte mich traurig und ich empfand tiefstes Mitgefühl. Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen wie sowas ist und ich bete, dass ich das nie miterleben muss🙏🏼.!!
      Nach Pearl Harbor gings weiter zum Japanischen Tempel und seinem Friedhof. Es war echt schön da.! Danach gings weiter zu einem kleineren Hike. Naja, soo klein war der nicht und vor allem, hat uns ein Local gesagt, dass man den mit Flipflops machen kann. Am Ar***.!!! Es ging teils Steil hoch und der Boden war rutschig.! Aber wir habens gemacht.! Die Aussicht war der Wahnsinn.!! Wir fuhren zurück ins Airbnb und Patrik und ich machten mal unseren Mittagsschlaf. Martin ging an den Strand. Als Patrik und ich aufwachten, entschieden wir uns, noch einen Hike zu machen und zwar den Diamond Head. Hahahah einen Hike kann man das nicht nennen😂. Wir waren in einer halben Stunde oben und wieder unten.!! Na gut, wir sind auch schnell gelaufen aber trotzdem. 219 Stufen waren ein klacks und der Weg war “gemacht”, somit wars eher ein Spaziergang.
      Am Abend ging Martin saufen und Patrik und ich machten es uns gemütlich zuhause.
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    • Dag 43

      Pearl Harbour

      28 maj 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Visited Pearl Harbour today to see the USS Arizona memorial, and to go on the USS Missouri.

      The Arizona memorial, and museum before it were somber, it was a good monument, with the ship and many of the bodies still sunk underneath it.

      The USS Missouri was very cool to walk around, impressive ship with big guns. Americans do like guns. It was also the deck where the Japanese signed the surrender ending world war 2.

      It was intersting that when in Japan, we visited Hiroshima and the museum there talked about the destruction of the atomic bomb, why it was dropped (to end the war quickly, without needing Russian help) but there was nothing about how it started, or the lead up (Pearl Harbour).
      While here, everything was naturally about the Pearl Harbour attack, and the surrender on board the Missouri covering the beginning of world war 2 for America and the end, but not much mention of why they surrendered (the bomb).
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    • Dag 4

      Pearl Harbor

      29 maj 2022, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      I am glad I went to the Pearl Harbor Memorial. It was a very surreal and somber visit. I am also glad I got to go out to the USS Arizona Memorial. You could see the oil that is leaking from the ship on the water.

      When the ship sank, it became an environmental disaster. It is believed that between 14,000 and 64,000 gallons of oil has leaked so far, and they estimate that it could continue to leak for 500 years

      This has a huge impact on the sea life who live in the harbor. Even though sea life is growing in the harbor doesn't mean they are thriving. The article I looked at said that a National Park Ranger and a Ship wreck expert has never seen any long term environmental impact studies on the oil.

      One of the main reasons that the oil hasn't been cleaned/removed is because the USS Arizona is a mass burial site. Removal could harm the artifacts or bodies on board the ship. This is pretty much the only obstacle because they have the technology and equipment to remove the oil that is trapped.

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    • Dag 7

      Ein Stück Weltgeschichte "Pearl Harbor"

      7 oktober 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Jeder kennt den Namen und die damit verbundenen Ereignisse doch nur wenige wissen das Pearl Harbor auf Hawaii liegt - direkt an der Grenze zur Hauptstadt von Hawaii, Honolulu.

      Auch heute noch ist Pearl Harbor der Stützpunkt der US Pazifik Flotte. Dem entsprechend sind auch die Kontrollen - Taschen werden hier nicht gescannt - Sie sind ganz verboten. Lediglich was in den Händen zu tragen ist darf mitgenommen werden. Hier kommt auch der ganze Patriotismus der USA zum Vorschein - jedoch lässt dieser Ort ein seltsames Gefühl in einem entstehen...

      Am 07.12.1941 um 6 Uhr begann hier der Angriff der Japaner auf die US Pazifik Flotte in folge dessen die USA in den 2. Weltkrieg eintraten. Die Besichtigung des USS Arizona Memorial, welches sich direkt über dem, bei dem Angriff zerstörten und gesunkenen Wrack des Schlachtschiffs Arizona befindet, ist sehr bewegend. Menschen diverser Herkunft fangen an zu weinen, jüngere sowie ältere.
      Die 1277 Besatzungsmitglieder der Arizona, die bei dem Angriff ihr Leben verloren haben, haben hier ihre letzte Ruhestätte gefunden - diejenigen die überlebt haben können hier, auf Ihrem Schiff, ihre sterbliche Überreste bestatten lassen.
      Unweit von der Arizona entfernt, in der "Battleship row" liegt die USS Missouri (Mighty Mo).
      Sie ist das letzte große Schlachtschiff das gebaut wurde (1944) und war an 3 Kriegen beteiligt (2.Weltkrieg, Korea Krieg, 2. Golfkrieg). Am 02 September 1945 lag sie in der Bucht von Tokio vor Anker - auf dem Vordeck unterzeichnete Japan formell die Kapitulation und der 2. Weltkrieg war beendet. Die Mighty Mo eröffnete auch den 2. Golfkrieg (Desert Storm) mit dem Abschuss von 28 Tomahawk Marschflugkörpern.

      Auch wenn wir den Patriotismus der Amerikaner nicht teilen - so war es doch ein bewegendes Erlebnis mal in Pearl Harbor gewesen zu sein.
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    • Dag 6

      Pearl Harbor USS Arizona Memorial

      24 januari 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Mike got online and bought tickets early the previous day so that we could go see the USS Arizona memorial. We just about missed our tour because it was almost impossible to find parking, but we made it. The memorial was amazing. It is built right above where the old ship lays and you can see the oil still bubbling up from the ship 75 years after she was sunk. A sobering thought to know that the bodies of hundreds of American sailors are still there in the sunken ship below, having paid the ultimate price for our country.Läs mer

    • Dag 11

      Pearl Harbor

      23 december 2016, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Today we woke up before the sun and got ready to stand in line at Pearl Harbor for an hour. Amazingly we were one of the first people there in what would be a line of at least a thousand. Once in, we got to look around a little before watching a short film about the background of this preserved cemetery and then boarding the boat to take us out to the site. Thanks to Mr. Messner's previous trip we knew where to sit so we would be the first ones on. I got an amazing picture of just the memorial structure with no one in it. The whole thing was very solemn and beautiful. Oil continuously bubbles up from the depths of the ship and the sheer mass of the boat was mind boggling. The coral that had grown on the boat was more vibrant than any I had seen in Hawaii. We were taken back to land and walked through a few more museums before leaving. On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Punchbowl cemetery and quickly drove by the beautiful structure. Once at the hotel William and I took a short nap before getting ready to go parasailing. We were put on a boat with a nice family from Phoenix and although the time we were up in the air was short, it was a truly magnificent experience that I am glad I had. After parasailing we got dressed up for dinner and I packed all my stuff in preparation for my flight. The rest of the gang watched the Friday fireworks and I met up with them on the beach after. We all walked to Dukes from there which was a nice half hour walk. It was good we had made a reservation because it was packed and I quickly found out why. The food was amazing and it was a great place to go for our last meal in Hawaii. We even pretended it was Brenna's birthday to get a free piece of their famous Hula pie. With out stomachs full we walked back to the hotel and went to bed for the last time in Hawaii.Läs mer

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