Forenede Stater
Sitka City and Borough

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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Sitka City and Borough
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    • Dag 251

      Queen Elisabeth und Alaska 1. Teil

      5. juni 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      So, die Tage auf dem Schiff sind gezählt. War sehr schön, mal ganz ohne Internet. Wir dachten ja, wir könnten ganz viel lesen und heruntergeladene Potcasts hören, aber das Leben auf dem Schiff ist ganz schön stressig 😂. Schlafen, Sport, Essen, mal nen Vortrag anhören. Aufs Meer nach Walen Ausschau halten und, und, und! Fontänen von Walen haben wir auch gesehen und ein bisschen Flosse, war aber doch leider ziemlich weit weg. Delphine und Seelöwen gab es auch. Mehrere 23h Tage und einmal ein Tag mit 46h brachten unseren Biorhythmus etwas ins Schleudern. Dann der erste Stop in den USA. Sewart in Alaska. Berge, Schnee, kleine bunte Häuser und viel Natur. Den Hubbard Gletscher durften wir bei strahlendem Sonnenschein genießen. Über Sitka und Ketchikan berichten wir später. Und am 8.6. geht es wieder auf die Straße...Læs mere

    • Dag 9

      Heading to Glacier Bay

      6. juni 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 48 °F

      Humpbacks today! And a bear!!

      We left Petersburg around 13:30 with sea lions barking at us from the buoys as we began heading north toward Glacier Bay, where we should arrive in the morning. On the way we've seen several humpback whales and even a bear on the shoreline, as well as two waterfalls and a gorgeous sunset.

      Oh, and I didn't make it off the boat this morning. Again, too tired. I don't sleep well and this job is exhausting. As interesting as it can be, a geocache isn't usually enough to get me out of bed. Fingers crossed for tomorrow, though 🤞🤞🤞!!
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    • Dag 36

      Sitka, Alaska

      8. maj, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We joined a local tour to visit Sitka in Alaska, but we did not expect to take a tender boat in this port though. We left our room at 8:45am and we got priority to take the tender boat (first boat available for us) and we arrived the pier at 9:20am. I was very lost and didn’t know where to go. Fortunately, the tour guide called me at 9:28am and gave me direction. We were 5 minutes late and arrived at 9:35am.

      We first got onto a comfortably air-conditioned bus. We made a couple stop. First, we went to the Silver Bay and saw the beautiful shoreline. Second, we looked at the special plants, natural environment and the totem pole at the National Historical Park. We then visited the Alaska Raptor Centre. Finally, we visited the Fortress of Bear. Symeon was happy to see the wildlife animal at each of these location.

      The tour finished before lunch and we went to a restaurant call “Coldwater” for lunch. We ordered an Alaska King Crab leg to share. It was way bigger and fresher than the ones in Vancouver and Japan; but they were not cheap! It worths for a taste though!

      After lunch, we looked at some souvenir stores, then it started raining hard and we went back to our cruise ship by tender boat!

      We were soaking wet after we got back to our room. After I settle everything, then I went to the hot pool in the spa to soak in hot water to prevent getting sick again!
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    • Dag 14


      4. august 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Sitka today, expect to arrive mid morning, 3 or 4 seals swam by during breakfast but was too slow with the camera. Today is when we have one of the extra trips, we will pick up a local tour boat at Sitka pier and go in search of sea otters and other wildlife. Sitka relies on fishing ( hook & line salmon fishing) and tourism. There is a cruise ship dock which can deal with 2 ships at a time, but this is 6 miles out of town and requires any passengers to be bussed to the town. Being smaller we have sailed into the bay by the centre of town and anchored and 2 of the lifeboats are being used as tenders to transfer people to and from sure. Which catch a tender about 15:00 takes 5 minutes to get us to shore. The pier where we are landed and pick up our local tour boat is opposite probably the most interesting/important landmark which is the fort. Originally built by the Russians, burnt down by the local tribe, then rebuilt by the Russians it is where the formal handover of Alaska from Russia to the US took place with a ceremony of lowering the Russian flag and raising the American one.
      On the pier the tour boat arrives, we are close to the front of the queue and went straight into the downstairs cabin towards the front. We had plenty of room as most people dashed to go upstairs into the open air.
      Our fist stop was at one of the navigation buoys in the harbour, this is where a group of young Stellar seals were taking an afternoon nap. Sitka itself is on an island and is the only town/port facing out to the pacific, but is protected from the bad weather by numerous small islands. It was around these islands we next went searching, we found a raft of sea otters lying on their backs in kelp by one island. On another isle there were cormorant watching from the rocks and further on we spotted a bald eagle watching us from a tree, before taking off and crossing to another tree on a nearby island, ( my picture of the eagle in flight is blurry so probably won’t use here). From the second tree he was able to watch the family nest containing 2 eaglets on a tree on third island. We now had navigated our way through these islands into pacific. After a short while we spotted whales spouting. The boat closed in on the whales as near as it could get and here we spent 30 minutes, watching the whales diving then scouring the sea to find where they would surface again. Eventually we were taken back to Sitka pier where we disembarked the tour ship and caught the tender back to the ship. The discussion point in the restaurant was Karen saying that she believes the 2 waitresses are twins, I obviously bow to her superior knowledge on the subject of twins. Have never seen the 2 without their masks on, but their stature and the part of their face you can see are very similar so it is probably a correct deduction.
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    • Dag 14


      27. juni 2023 ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Sitka in Alaska. Sounds great don’t you think?
      Mainly a trip to view the wildlife including a Bear sanctuary and a Raptor sanctuary as well. Seals, otters and a humpback whale thrown in for good measure. This one proved to be a little camera shy but never mind as there will be other times to try and photograph one.
      As an afterthought I should point out that we actually saw whales swimming alongside the ship.
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    • Dag 6


      12. september 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Che la giornata internazionale del sea sick abbia inizio! Questa mattina abbiamo scoperto il centro fitness con una serie di tapis-roulant vista Inside Passage. Alla nostra sinistra la Vancouver Island e la meravigliosa Great Bear Rainforest. Ci siamo persi a guardare distese di conifere e spiagge dalla sabbia nera. Per noi niente pranzo perché la nave ha cominciato una danza interminabile. La notte non è stata delle migliori per il continuo dondolio ma Santo si è alzato imperterrito alle 6:30 per la sua sessione di stretching mattutina. Siamo arrivati a Sitka verso le 11:30 pronti per la nostra prima avventura in Alaska! La nostra escursione prevedeva una visita all’Alaska Raptor Centre e al Sitka National Historical Park. La prima tappa dista 5 miglia dalla Down Town e siamo saliti in un caratteristico camioncino bianco scortati da una simpatica signora. All’Alaska Raptor Centre si possono vedere molte tipologie di rapaci: dalle bald eagle, al falco e alla civetta delle nevi. Abbiamo conosciuto Spirit, una femmina di bald eagle di sette anni ghiotta di salmone e ratti. Si trova al centro perché non vede bene da un occhio e probabilmente perché ha un danno cerebrale infatti è molto lenta nel cacciare. In natura non sarebbe affatto sopravvissuta mentre al centro le si prospetta una vita di almeno 30 anni! Da qui ci siamo spostati all’ingresso del Sitka National Historical Park, sede della meravigliosa Tongass Forest abbellita da numerosi segnali con su scritto “bear activity”! La guida ci ha mostrato un nido di bald eagle e una pianta chiamata Devil’s club, il cui infuso diventa utile per punture e ferite superficiali inoltre, la foresta è famosa per un'antica leggenda che narra quanto agli alberi, la notte, piaccia camminare qua e là. Sotto ad un caratteristico ponticello scorreva un fiume pieno zeppo di salmoni. Alcuni saltavano altri giacevano in via di decomposizione sugli argini laterali. Il salmone risale i fiumi per depositarvi le uova consapevole che quello sarà il suo ultimo viaggio. Gli orsi, in ambienti come questo, non fanno certo fatica a procacciarsi il cibo! Accanto troviamo l’Indian Cultural Centre, un piccolo museo che racconta lo storia dei Tlingit, nativi dell’isola. Sitka sorge sulla Baranoff Island e il suo nome deriva da Sheet’ka, the other side of the isle. Ultima fermata del tour è la casa cerimoniale “Sheet’ka Kwaan Naa Kahidi” dove abbiamo assistito al racconto di alcune leggende e ascoltato delle canzoni cerimoniali. La nostra permanenza a Sitka si è conclusa con la salita alla Baranoff Castle Hill e una passeggiata a Lincoln Street dove svetta la St. Michael Cathedral.Læs mere

    • Dag 4

      Day 4 - Sitka

      19. september 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Day started off very early! After falling asleep yesterday afternoon and not waking up for dinner I was fully awake at 4am. Mark woke up....or was more likely disturbed by me.....soon after and we got up and went to find coffee at 5.30am. Amazing how many other early risers were wandering around - who knew people got up so early 😀.
      Breakfast opened at 6.30 so we were at the buffet bright and breezy. Quite enjoyed being up at the crack of dawn, and it was a beautiful sunny morning, clear blue skies.
      We docked at Sitka today and hadn't booked any excursions so the day was ours to wander as we pleased. Sitka is classed as a city but it's tiny and only has 8,000 inhabitants. Some fabulous clapboard houses like you see in the films.
      We walked the one street which was a bit like something from an old American movie. We looked in the Russian orthodox "cathedral" (tiny), and had lunch at the Crab and Burger Shack. This was pretty much a fast food place, really good food but very expensive.....70 dollars for fish and chips and burger and chips (about £56 😱). We then wandered round the coast path to the National Historic Park which has wooded walks and a totem pole collection dotted along the paths. They are huge and amazing carvings.
      There were signs warning you that bears are around and what to do if you come across one - we just prayed we wouldn't 🙏🐻.
      Loads of salmon to watch leaping out of the water (Alaska is the salmon capital of the world) and we spotted a sealion 🦭 bobbing in and out of the water. Tried to get it on camera but it was really hard to keep track of 😀.
      By 4pm my knees and Mark's back were aching so we went back to the ship and chilled till dinner.
      A great day!
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    • Dag 8

      And more whales without the sunshine

      11. september 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      It’s a more typical Alaskan day today. Grey and magnificent. Very rocky last night with loud booms when waves crashed into the hull. Our excursion today is to sea seals and sea otters and we see them very quickly, it’s majestic landscape all around and we brave the upstairs viewing area and see many whales closer to the boat than yesterday.
      We head into town to get some chowder and fish and chips and it’s a quaint little town full of cruise passengers. Back to the boat for hot tub and trivia with a tiny bit of drama as Kay chee has waited for the last tender and Mike got a couple of phone calls checking whether she had returned! Dinner La Dame the French restaurant onboard tonight was amazing. So much beautiful food and wine and great service. We are full of good cheer and it’s time for bed!
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    • Dag 24

      Ketchikan, Wragnell and Petersburg

      21. maj 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      After a surprisingly good night’s sleep on the ferry floor we woke to a cold morning. Our first port of call on this voyage was Ketchikan, arriving before breakfast.

      There were 2 big cruise ships in the cruise dock but the ferry terminal was north of town. Once docked, we walked off and headed to the supermarket. We got a few supplies and got back on board for breakfast. The ferry departed promptly. It’s not like a cruise where they check everyone is aboard. They leave when it’s time to leave and you need to be on the ship.

      The voyage continued up the inside passage, the weather being variable with some rain as we neared Wragnell. We stayed on board at Wragnell. Next we headed for Petersburg through some narrow channels. No cruise ships come this way, they wouldn’t fit.

      By early evening we docked in Petersburg. We walked off to stretch our legs but nothing to see as the dock is away from the town.

      We set office north again, had our microwave dinner and then went to the bar for a couple of drinks before bed.
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    • Happy Birthday

      6. september 2019, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Since we settled in Vancouver, Brenda and I have talked about taking an Alaskan cruise. For whatever reason, we just never got around to it.

      For her birthday this year, I decided I would offer to take Brenda on that much discussed voyage.

      Although her birthday is in May, we had already been away from Vancouver for a good part of 2019, so we planned to set sail sometime in the late summer. We began scouring the travel websites for the best deals and most appealing offers, but we just couldn't seem to find anything that met our criteria. And then one day Brenda came to me with a "sorta" Alaskan cruise. On September 6 the ship sets sail for Sitka, Alaska, makes a brief stop there and then heads across the Bering sea to Japan. For a 15 day cruise with several perks thrown in, the price was unbeatable and we jumped on the offer.

      And that, folks, is how we ended up in Tokyo on an Alaskan cruise.
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    Sitka City and Borough, Ville-arrondissement de Sitka

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