Reno, Baby!

Wirklich unterhaltsame Stadt. Und schon wieder super nette Leute kennengelernt. Beim spielen steht es 1:1, würde ich sagen. Das, was wir verzockt haben, haben wir an gratis Drinks wiederRead more
Wirklich unterhaltsame Stadt. Und schon wieder super nette Leute kennengelernt. Beim spielen steht es 1:1, würde ich sagen. Das, was wir verzockt haben, haben wir an gratis Drinks wieder reingeholt;-)Read more
Nicht unsere Welt...das ist die Zusammenfassung des gestrigen Abends. Aber gut das mal gesehen zu haben. Das Eldorado (irgendwie heißt alles so) ist eines von drei Hotels, die sich zusammengeschlossen haben, um die „City in the City“ in Reno aufzubauen. Gegen 17:30 Uhr sind wir im Parkhaus des Hotels angekommen, 8 Etagen später hatten wir auch einen Parkplatz. Mit einem goldenen Aufzug ging es zurück auf Etage 3 und über eine Brücke ins Hotel. Check-In war unproblematisch und das Zimmer mit zwei Queensized Betten schön und groß. Weil wir viel im Auto gesessen hatten, wollten wir noch ein wenig in Reno spazieren gehen und haben dann gemerkt, dass es gar nicht vorgesehenen ist, diese „City“ zu verlassen 🤔 wir sind bestimmt 30 Minuten durch den ganzen Hotelkomplex gelaufen, bis wir eine Tür ins Freie gefunden haben. Dabei haben wir das ganze Spektakel im Hotel sehen können. Dutzende Restaurants, Fressbuden, Läden, Spielautomaten, Casinos (dort darf übrigens geraucht werden), ein Jahrmarkt, eine Zirkusshow und sogar einen Kohleförderturm in Originalgröße in einer Kuppel. Und überall Menschen, viele betrunken und grün verkleidet, weil wir uns ausgerechnet das Saint Patrick‘s Day Wochenende ausgesucht haben 🐸
Als wir die Partymeile verlassen hatten, war es etwas ruhiger. Im Stadtzentrum stehen viele Kunstwerke, die vorher beim Burning Man Festival ausgestellt waren. Eins davon ist der Space Whale, ein Stahlgerüst mit Buntglasfenstern in Form einer Walkuh mit Kalb. Es soll unter anderem an den dynamischen Bund zwischen Eltern und Kind erinnern und an die Notwendigkeit, seinen Planeten zu schützen. Mehr dazu kann auf der Internetseite des Projekts gelesen werden:
Als es dunkel wurde, haben wir noch ein paar Fotos von der beleuchteten Stadt gemacht und sind dann im Hotel auf die Suche nach Essen gegangen. Phillip sprach das „Perl Oyster Bar&Grill“ an und dort hat Marlen ihre erste Auster gibt besseres! Das Essen war insgesamt mittelmäßig und teuer. Typisch Touristenfalle. Hier waren die Menschen auch nicht so freundlich. Gesättigt und hundemüde hat uns auch das laute Zimmer nicht gestört und wir waren am nächsten Tag bereit für neue Abenteuer.Read more
Eine extrem künstliche Atmosphäre... auch die Walskulptur. Da geht die gut gemeinte Bedeutung des Projektes nicht wirklich bildlich hervor. 🤔Naja, über Geschmack lässt sich streiten. 😁
On the way to Reno, the world's divorce capital, we got out of the snow storm and got back to a desert landscape again.
The city's entertainment was built for the people who came to Nevada for its liberal divorce law and had to spend here 6 weeks for getting divorced.
We checked in to our cool hotel, Circus Circus and had dinner with a lovely ambience. Then we went to a casino which we've been recommended by our Uber driver. After the boys really escalated with the dices at the craps table, their luck quickly changed at baccarat. We then checked out the Strip, where loads of people did a pub crawl, dressed as Santa, Grinch etc.
Before leaving on the next day we went shopping in the gift shop, as the lost suitcase still hasn't arrived.Read more
Heute sind wir morgens in Richtung Lake Tahoe gestartet, der 90 Meilen von Newcastle entfernt ist. Der See liegt auf der Grenze zwischen Kalifornien und Nevada. Wir haben die kalifornische Seite „South Lake Tahoe“ angesteuert, da die Strecke durch den Eldorado National Forest führt und wir das dem Highway vorzogen. Eigentlich wollten wir unterwegs frühstücken, hatten aber glücklicherweise zu Hause noch etwas Toast gegessen...die erste Stunde war eine äußerst kurvige Fahrt ohne viele Frühstücksgelegenheiten. Insgesamt haben wir etwa 2,5h gebraucht, aber jede Minute war wundervoll. Wir sind nochmal an der Foresthill Bridge vorbeigekommen, haben reißende Flüsse, sattgrüne Wiesen, lustige Straßen (Bee street), interessante Orte (Cool) und imposant nadeligen Wald gesehen. Und tatsächlich kam auch recht bald der erste Schnee am Wegesrand. Es war unglaublich, wie hoch er sich getürmt hat! Nah am Lake Tahoe gute 3 Meter. Wir haben versucht den See aus der Ferne zu fotografieren, aber ausgestiegen war die Schneemauer fast zu hoch, um ein gutes Bild zu bekommen (siehe Fotos). Zum Glück waren die Straßen geräumt und es war trotz Schnee sonnig und warm.Read more
Ankunft gestern Abend in Reno im größten Spielcasino der Stadt über mehrere Etagen. Erstmal einarmigen Bandit gespielt, der seinem Namen alle Ehren macht. Nachdem die 1 Dollarnoten weg waren 40 Dollar am Roulette in 2 Minuten verspielt. Aus Frust 2 Bier für 20$ getrunken.
Heute Morgen dann aufs 10te Parkdeck gefahren und nen großen Blutfleck gefunden. Warum? Keine Ahnung.
Dann zum Halloweenshop zum shoppen.
Koffer zu klein! Weiter nach Sacramento Old Town. Wieder Koffer zu klein zum shoppen. Aber wieso ist die Toilette im Burgerladen so lange abgeschlossen.
Der Kellner klopft mal. Also ich habe das
Pärchen nicht reingehen sehen. Ausserdem ist das doch nur eine Toilette.
Dann fahren auch noch mehrere komische Autos durch Oldtown. Die Polizei rätselt auch, ob das alles eingetragen ist.
Komische Sitten und Gebräuche hier. Wieso hat kein Hotel Klobürsten? Verdammt.Read more
Gestern Morgen beim Checkout fragte die Dame uns in gewohnt amerikanischer Freundlichkeit, wo es denn als nächstes hingehe. Wir antworteten, dass wir weiter nach Norden zum Pyramid Lake fahren wollten. Sie guckte uns erstaunt an und sagte: „It‘s a desert lake, be prepared“. Es möchte wohl nicht jeder in die Natur 🙃
Zugegeben, dort war wirklich nichts. Auf der Fahrt kamen wir uns wie in einem Westernfilm vor. Wilde Pferde, wilde Hunde, Steppenläuferpflanzen, karge Landschaft, Sand und trockene Luft. Pyramid Lake liegt in einem Paiute Reservat. In Nixon am südlichen Ufer sah es noch recht „normal“ aus. Dort war eine schöne Schule, eine Kirche, ein Krankenhaus und ein pyramidenförmiges Visitor-Center für den See (hatte leider an dem Tag zu). Aber bei der Fahrt entlang des westlichen Ufers waren hauptsächlich triste Häusergrüppchen zu sehen. In einem kleinen Kiosk haben wir uns etwas zu Knabbern gekauft und wurden von einer unmotiviert wirkenden jungen Verkäuferin bedient. Natürlich sind das alles Momentaufnahmen, aber viele Perspektiven hat man dort als Ureinwohner wahrscheinlich nicht.
Der See wurde nach einer Steinformation benannt, die wie eine Pyramide aussieht. Sie liegt auf der Ostseite und ist auf den Fotos nur schwer erkennbar. Mit einem Tribal-Permit darf man im See angeln. Es waren unzählige Fischer unterwegs, das milde Wetter soll dafür am besten geeignet sein. Eine Insel liegt im See, wo zwischen März und September weiße Pelikane ihre Jungen aufziehen. Sie waren aber leider noch nicht da (oder besonders flugscheu und zu weit weg um gesehen zu werden).
Wir sind bis zum nördlichsten Punkt gefahren, der auf asphaltierter Straße noch erreichbar ist. Dort lagen noch weitere kleine Pyramiden, die „The Needles“ genannt werden. Dann traten wir den Heimweg an.Read more
Il Burning Man
è un festival di otto giorni che si svolge ogni anno dal 1991 a Black Rock City, una città che vive solo alcuni giorni, sulla distesa salata del Deserto Black Rock nello Stato del Nevada, a 90 miglia a nord-nord-est di Reno. Il festival si conclude con la festa americana del Labor Day, a settembreRead more
🎉 Burning Man: Let’s Get This Party Started!
No joke—we paused our usual outdoor escapades to dive headfirst into one of the wildest, most unforgettable experiences ever: Burning Man in Black Rock City, Nevada. For one magical week each year, BRC transforms into a vibrant, temporary metropolis of 70,000–80,000 people. It has everything: a post office, emergency services, volunteer rangers, roads, bars, clubs, restaurants, an airport, and more art installations and theme camps than you can possibly imagine. Then, like a dream fading away, it all disappears, leaving the desert as empty and vast as before.
The 2024 Burning Man theme was "Curiouser and Curiouser" and celebrated puzzles without answers, the irrational and the absurd. This theme is inspired by the mysterious and whimsical, and encourages participants to embrace the unknown and explore the unexpected. The theme is similar to Alice in Wonderland's curious journey.
It is a festival that focuses on art, self-expression, community, and self-reliance. The festival's name comes from the symbolic Buring of a large wooden effigy, known as the Man, which takes place on the penultimate night. Larry Harvey was an American artist, philanthropist and activist. He was the main co-founder of the Burning Man event.
We came prepared, because out there, it’s just you and the dust. Planning for 3 people wasn’t a small feat—126 liters of water, heaps of food, and plenty of fun decorations like lights and flowers to keep the camp & bikes our daily transport there, alive with color. BRC is special—here, everyone helps one another, gives freely without expecting anything in return, and most importantly, celebrates life together. It’s a week of radical self-expression, community, and boundless joy.
Looking back, it’s amazing how quickly time flew by. Every day was a new adventure. Each corner of the Playa held something unexpected—new friendships, stunning art, or a profound moment of self-discovery. It wasn’t just the massive art installations or wild parties that left a mark, but also the quieter moments—the breeze brushing against us as we biked through the dust, the serene stillness at sunrise, and the deep sense of unity that filled the air.
One unforgettable night, Theo, Ingo, and I stumbled upon a spontaneous house music circle. The energy was sizzling—vibrant, joyous, and irresistibly contagious. We danced among kindred spirits as the music gradually shifted into drum and bass, and by the end, we were lost in harder electro beats. Fire acrobats twirled in rhythm to the pulsing music, while laser lights shot through the starry sky. It felt like we were caught in a trance, as if the universe itself had taken hold of us. Theo and Ingo were giddy with laughter, and I felt utterly free.
We finally made it back to our little camp at H 7:30, which felt like a hidden oasis in the sand. I wore a flower crown, my hair tangled with glitter and dust from the sandstorms—feeling like a fairy in this surreal landscape. We washed off the layers of grey dust, as if shedding the weight of the world, before slipping into a deep, dreamless sleep.
As the sun rose, we sat in silence, watching the horizon shift from darkness to light—a perfect metaphor for the entire experience. It was transformative, awakening something deep inside. Fueled by the dawn, we hopped on our brightly decorated bikes and rode to the Reverbia Yoga Camp, guided by the ever-lovely Sunshine. Her gentle presence brought peace to our souls, and by the end of savasana, we were floating in a state of pure bliss.
The Burning Man fire was spectacular, topped with endless fireworks that made it feel like Christmas, New Year, and a national celebration all at once. Millions of sparks lit up the night sky—it was breathtaking. Now I understand why the ticket is so expensive, ha! On the penultimate day, after the Man had burned, I visited the Temple with Irina, our burner neighbor, for one last moment before it too was consumed by flames. We found a quiet spot near the fence to do some yoga and meditation. The Temple, with its prayerful hands sculpture at the entrance, was a sacred space. I left a message for my dad on its wooden walls, a simple note to honor him—it felt profound, cathartic. Later, we joined others near the smoldering coals of the Burn for breakfast. People were cooking eggs, bacon, even hearts and lamb liver, sharing it freely with passersbys. It was surreal—like stepping into a scene from "Brave New World," only with a deep sense of community and connection.
The art was beyond incredible. The fire-breathing dragons reminded me of my dad, while the unicorn—one of my favorite creatures—stood out among the mutant vehicles. The octopus 🐙 "El pulpo magnifico" art car, pirate ship, and giant eye with its dazzling animations were pure spectacles of creativity. My absolute favourite was the simple theater frame — a frame with red curtains and cinema seats to watch what was happening on the Playa. It reminded me that sometimes, the best entertainment is found in nature and human connection. We don't really need any entertainment, it all surrounds us.
Burning Man is where reality and fantasy blend seamlessly. One moment, you’re sipping tea at a small Turkish Delight Camp in the middle of the desert, and the next, you’re watching a hotdog BBQ being cooked on a modified shopping cart—how cool is that? Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a glowing mutant vehicle shaped like a giant octopus lights up the night, shooting bursts of fire from its tendrils. Every moment was a testament to the creativity, love, and resilience that thrives here.
As we packed up our camp and bid farewell to our burner neighbors, I felt a mix of exhaustion and elation. It’s hard to leave a place so surreal, yet so deeply familiar. The dust may have settled on our clothes, our skin, and in our hair, but it also settled in our hearts. Burning Man wasn’t just a festival—it was a reminder that community, art, and self-expression are essential to the human spirit.
Now, as we drive away from Black Rock City, I can’t help but reflect on how this journey has transformed me. It wasn’t just about the memories we made, but the lessons we’re taking with us—the importance of kindness, the beauty of impermanence, and the understanding that life, like Burning Man, is what we make of it.
Here’s to the dust, the art, the love, and the burn that will forever live on in us. We had an amazing burn! Huge thanks to Ingo for nudging us to join this incredible celebration of humanity. I hope more people carry the Burning Man spirit into their daily lives.
Let’s keep the Burn alive, even outside the desert!🌪️🌪️🌪️ Thanks Larry!!!Read more
We both woke up late, the excess’s of yesterday had caught up with us. Still slightly jaded, we decided to have a relatively relaxed day. After helping ourselves to free coffee from the KOA shop, arranging to stay a further night & getting ready, we tumbled out of the campground at about 10.30am.
Our journey took us onto Geiger Grade Road & up into the mountains. 30 minutes later, we arrived at our intended destination of Virginia City, an old historic mining town, dubbed ‘The Richest Place on Earth’. The narrow High Street was busy with tourists & parked cars. We saw signposts for parking spots for $7, but decided to explore a bit further.
We went to the end of the High Street & then on a bit, where we found Fourth Ward School Museum with an empty car park. We parked in the ‘free’ car park, then I went & got permission to leave our RV there as we would be visiting the museum later.
We strolled down into Virginia City High Street & browsed the touristy, but fascinating historic buildings. We resisted the urge to get breakfast at Virginia City Jerky Co & Smokehouse BBQ, but my resistance was broken at the prospect of a ‘World Famous Pondo Dog’ in the Pondarosa Saloon. We both had that World Famous large hotdog.
The Pondarosa Saloon was a functioning bar, but it was also effectively a museum stuffed with artifacts. It was same at all the other bars, namely The Washoe Club (the oldest saloon in Virginia City), The Original Bucket of Blood Saloon & Silver Queen Hotel & Wedding Chapel. We were able to wander into each & everyone of them to look at all the items of interest. Sadly, due to an unexplained explosion in March 2019, the Delta Saloon was closed. It contained The Suicide Table (3 of it’s owners committed suicide) & the $100,000 globe.
The Silver Queen Hotel had actually had a wedding take place in their chapel at 11.00am that morning. The Silver Queen is depicted as a huge painting on the wall & her dress is actually made from silver coins. It was also a brothel frequented by the notorious prostitute, The Wild Rose.
We also visited the excellent Storey County Courthouse, which housed 10 cells, each with a display about life in Virginia City in the 1800s. There were numerous other buildings we visited, but too many to list. Finally we stopped at Virginia City Mercantile, a great little shop full of American memorabilia. We bought a weird flavoured assortment of chewy sweets & Jackie insisted on gold Sheriffs Badge with her name on it.
We walked back to the RV & sneakily drove off, without paying $6 each to visit the Fourth Ward School Museum. I wanted to drive through Gold Hill & Silver City, but RVs weren’t allowed down the road. I believe it was too steep & windy, so we made do with the truck route to Carson City, named after Kit Carson. We drove around, but didn’t see anything too interesting, so we went to Walmart for further provisions.
Next we drove out to Washoe Lake State Park & pulled over by the lake shore for lunch in our camping chairs. It was baking hot & surrounded by snow capped mountains, all very nice. We headed back to Boomtown & our RV park to get some mundane chores done. Jackie had planned to get a bag of washing done, but the washing machines were out of use until the morning.
There was nothing for it, but to sit in the sun & catch up on my blog etc. It was all very pleasant until out of the blue we heard some bloke shouting & swearing. We looked round, but couldn’t see anything. Every so often he would start up again, which was totally out of keeping with the rest of the campground.
During a lull in rants, I decided to go & investigate, so I walked to the end of the park & looked out over the river & soaring eagles above. I waited about 5 minutes, still no sound, so started to walk back. Then suddenly all hell broke loose, a big fat bare chested 60 something year old man burst out of his caravan & screamed at me “Don’t you go f**king looking in my windows”. I asked him what he was talking about & he screamed “I saw you looking through my f**king windows”. I told him he was being stupid & that I had been looking at the river. He continued to scream & shout, so I turned my back & walked away from him, praying he wasn’t going to shoot me! Where is a Sheriff when you want one?
On the way back to our RV, two, let’s say long term residents with an armchair outside their caravan, ladies called me over & asked what his problem was. I told them what had happened & they said they were nervous, but it should be alright because their neighbor was a cop & her partner was an ex-cop. I accidentally blurted out that so was I, damn. They then told me that they had access to guns in their caravans if they needed it. Great we were going to get caught up in a shootout!
I believe security sent him packing not too much later. The remainder of the evening was fortunately uneventful, although it did make us realise there are some right oddballs at RV parks, probably more so in Reno. The man next door to us has spent 2 days polishing his truck & careful coiling up all of his cables & pipes in concentric circles on the ground. I know someone who would be very proud of him!!!
FITBIT = 10,653 steps / 4.94 miles??
Song of the Day - Sheriff Fatman by Carter The Unstoppable Machine.
Bonus Songs of the Day :-
Buckets of Blood by The Offenders
The Madman by The White BuffaloRead more
Wasn't to fond of Salt Lake city itself (a lot of white trash), but had some really interesting conversations in a local bar (Trump, guns, legal weed) and enjoyed the soroundings of SLC. Took the train to Reno at night and are just discussing how much gambeling money is in the budget...Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Washoe County, مقاطعة واشو, Уашо, ৱাসহো কাউন্টি, Condado de Washoe, Washoe maakond, Washoe konderria, شهرستان واشو، نوادا, Comté de Washoe, Washoe megye, Ուոշո շրջան, Contea di Washoe, ワショー郡, Tēucyōtl Washoe, Washoe Kūn, Hrabstwo Washoe, واشو کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Washoe, Уошо, Округ Вошо, Вошо, واشو کاؤنٹی، نیواڈا, Quận Washoe, Condado han Washoe, 瓦肖县
Stephan Arnold
En kortærmet skjorte? That goes? 😜