My Life

februari 2022 - juni 2024
Starting in Tulum, and neverending. Läs mer
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  • Ropes and Dinner Party

    1 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Today, Andy was off work, and we planned to go do something awesome with our day! I suggested the ropes course at Xavage Adventure Park, and he was so up for it. We spent the day climbing these elaborate obstacle courses up to 100 feet off the ground in the jungle, suspended by steel towers. It was so exciting and daring. We knew we wanted to do the tallest and most challenging course eventually, as we made our way through the other levels. Raul, Andy's Mexico driver, was planning to have everyone over for a dinner party so we were on a little bit of a time schedule, and decided to climb all the way up and do the top course and just head over to Raul's. I was SO SCARED. I am not good at heights but do love them for the adrenaline I get. It took me what felt like forever to climb up the wire ladder of the pole that led to final route #4. I stopped several times and made some interesting grunting sounds out of fear of falling to my death. Andy was the best cheerleader and encouraged me to go on, and I did. We completed the top course, which was no easy feat, and went back down to earth to get the phone out of the locker and check back in with Raul. My upper body was so wrecked from number four that there was no way I could think about going back up there on the same day. Raul was not ready for us, so we had extra time to do more things at Xavage, so we went Kayaking on their little man made River. It was very relaxing and nice, a beautiful day to float on some water. We had also microdosed mushroom capsules earlier before the ropes course, so we had all the good feelings going on.

    We left and drove down to Rauls in Playacar. I got to meet his wife and neighbors, who were all really nice and fun, and we drank tequila shots and Andy grilled oysters and clams. It was a great social event, and Tre and Chelsey came for dinner and drinks as well! I plotted to bring them to the Tulum ruins with me one night during their stay, it was special because Tre had planned to propose to her their last night so I figured the most magical things I could fit into the trip for them, I should do!

    I eventually went to bed after falling asleep, sitting up outside. Andy and I shared the front guest room. I was grateful that he no longer was trying to snuggle with me. I just felt so awkward because I love him tremendously. I just have zero desire for sex or intimacy, and I like it like that. It's like I don't need anything from anyone, and life is simple. I don't want to complicate shit. In the morning I need to take Andy to the airport so he can go back (even though I wish he would stay).
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  • Bye Bye Andy

    2 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

    Today was a sad day. I took Andy to the Cancun airport to fly home. He had some business to take care of back home from his breakup with Peggy. Otherwise he definitely would have stayed in between festivals.
    I stopped by Fox Rent A Car to extend my rental one more day. I feel triggered by that place from when I picked up the car, and they wanted to charge me 3x the agreed upon amount. But I got it extended and with no problems or alarm.

    I left the airport and headed south for Tulum to find a place to stay. My tummy was not ok. I think I stopped at 3 or 4 Starbucks to use the bathroom and have very painful diarrhea. Something was wrong but I didn't know what. One hotel, Andreas, near the Tulum ruins back entrance where I met Felipe had vacancy but wanted $50usd per night. I asked to see the room first and she said it was occupied and to come back in an hour. Not wanting to book blindly, I said I would be back. Every place I tried to find lodging in Tulum Beach or centro wanted $60 to $130 per night, more than I was willing to spend.. so after exploring there in the cluster fuck zone, I went back up to Andreas. She showed me the room and it was perfect. Humble, clean, white tile floors and two double beds with a bathroom. The conversion rate ended up being $43/night so that was perfect! I booked it for 3 nights to start. I spent the rest of the evening running to the bathroom and back to bed.
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  • Hospital... Finally

    3 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 77 °F

    Today, I pulled myself together after not much sleep from cramping, body aches, and using the bathroom constantly. I packed an overnight bag just in case and drove myself to the hospital for treatment. I was so scared to go to a Mexican hospital, and all of the Google reviews were extremely mixed between good and bad. I could barely walk to the door when I got there and tell them what was going on. I was relieved to find that they had someone who spoke good English to hear my story. I was told it would be $60usd for the consultation. Ok. They took my vitals, and Doctor Hector came out to get me. He is beautiful, at least half of his face that I could see over his mask. He has honest and calming eyes. After poking and feeling around on my abdomen, he concluded that my stomach lining was inflamed, and my bowels swollen. He assured me that I was stable enough to stay out of the emergency department and started me on several medications and orders to drink electrolytes every time I go to the bathroom. He offered a nurse to administer pain medicine via shot in my ass cheek for $8usd, and I graciously accepted. OUCH, that hurt so bad!
    He also ordered labs to rule out a parasite, sent me home with a little shit cup, and told me the lab opened at 830. So, I drove to the 24-hour pharmacy and waited for it to open (ha!) and picked up my drugs and electrolytes. I went straight back to my room at Andreas and had no problem filling that cup. When I returned to the lab, they told me it would be $260usd, and I asked if there was a cheaper lab elsewhere. They were not very helpful. She said she didn't know, but I could look. So I went to the first other one that came up on Google Maps, and they quoted me 1020 pesos (around $23usd), so I gave them my little cup, and they drew my blood. When I got my results, I could not read them so I went back to Costamed and a new doctor looked at them and prescribed an antibiotic for bacterial infection, as well as some really gross packets to mix with water and drink for diarrhea. It was so gross I chose to have diarrhea instead of drinking it.

    I rested all day long, trying to feel better for nighttime. I planned to take Tre and Chelsea to the Tulum ruins tonight. I realized I hadn't eaten all day but was somehow still going to the bathroom and began feeling very weak. I messaged Virginia to see if she could recommend a good place for soup. She said they make soup at her restaurant, and she would make me some fresh! She is so incredibly kind to me. I picked up the tomato soup that I requested, and she wouldn't even let me pay her! I went back to my room rental and realized I had left the keys inside, with the door locked. Omg a feeling of tragedy came over me. It was particularly hot and muggy this night and all I wanted was to eat soup in the Air conditioning! I figured I would have to book a room somewhere else to sleep tonight but called my dad first just to have someone to vent to. He said the same thing, to go book another room until the reception opens in the morning. As we were about to hang up he said, "You can probably stick your credit card in the door to pop the lock." So I told him I would try it and we hung up. Holy fucking shit, that WORKED!!!!! 😳 I was in!!! I had not been more happy in Days! Plus, it was time for my zoom call with Debbie and vendor friends! So I logged on and ate soup with them while I waited for Tre and Chelsea. It was so good to see everyone again after completely spacing out and missing it last week. It was a short but sweet call as I had to go to the bathroom immediately after eating and Tre and Chelsea were on their way!
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  • So much rest

    4 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌙 73 °F

    I rested most of the day and watched ridiculous things on Netflix. They did a good job of distracting me. I ate half of a THC caramel and noticed a pretty awesome improvement in my sickness, so I thought I was going to be 100% better by tomorrow, but my body had other plans right about bed time. I started getting terrible stomach cramps and going to the bathroom again. Definitely going back to see Dr Hector in the morning. I just want to continue to do and see beautiful things here, and I only have 3 days left to do lots of awesomeness! I look super skinny since I got sick and didn't eat much solid food for 3 days and went to the bathroom, basically non-stop.Läs mer

  • Dag 1

    Still sick in Mexico

    5 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    I am finally feeling better! I have been extremely sick since the morning of the 2nd. I'm in tulum and went to costamed a few times between consultation, labs, and follow-up. They were really good to me and the doctor spoke great English and thoroughly explained and made sure I understood and was comfortable with the plans, as I was a little delusional from not eating much for 3 days, and being severely dehydrated from visiting the restroom (quite literally) 20 times per day. I found cheaper places to get labs and prescriptions. Pharmacia Similares has the best prices on prescriptions and doctors, for that matter. You can consult with a doctor for 50 pesos, equivalent to about $2.50usd. My doctor cost $60 for consult, and I opted for an $8 shot in my butt cheek to help me immediately with my shivers and all over body aches from some sadists hell. He offered 4 prescriptions: an antibiotic (Ciprofloxacino), something to help with My inflamed stomach lining (Omeprazol), something to chill out my spastic colon (Trimebutina), something to help with spasmodic pain (Buscapina Compositum N), and something to help with acute diarrhea (Hidrasec), oh and some dissolvable packets to help with diarrhea that taste so awful that I'd rather shit all day than drink that. Cheerleader would probably help a bit. Honestly, I feel better getting sick here than anywhere else. he said folks who live there usually get this one or two times per year, so they are very familiar with treating it. My doctor was Doctor Hector, and he had beautiful eyes and completely radiated confidence and kindness in his work. I loved asking him for his number for Virginia. I would never call him because I probably have some trauma from my past that prevents me from going for men that might actually be good for me. 😬 But I felt special that he trusted me with his number. 👍
    Today, I bought myself an anti parasite pill just to be cleared of that, too. Virginia has thought the whole time that I had one, and Doctor Hector eventually came to that conclusion as well. The dosage is one pill today and one more in a week. Sweet, that's cake! The rest of these bad boys are all 1 per 24 hours or 1 per 8 hours or 1 per 12 hours and some of them shouldn't be taken at the same time. I went out for lunch today when I bought the pill at a cute little restaurant around the corner from Similares called Laylo. They're a vegan restaurant, and I had fresh veggie spring rolls with peanut sauce! They were soo good but I couldn't fit but half of them in my poor poor tummy. I had the hotel reception put them in the fridge, but the fridge she keeps using isn't very cold. I'm probably going to call those done for. My plan tonight is cheesy bread from dominos. I really hope it helps me. I'm still having diarrhea at 8pm with really strong cramps right before. I feel like bread and cheese are going to be perfect for me 🤞🤞🤞
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  • Dag 2

    My Tinder Friend

    6 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    So at about 2 am last night, I woke up and started swiping Tinder to find a friend to go back to Casa Cenote with me because I am more confident swimming with a crocodile if I am not on my own. I matched with a few guys who seemed really arrogant and then one that was just really easy to talk to, so I invited him. He met me at my hotel and I drove us to Casa just up the road. His name is Mark, and he is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He owns a cafe there that serves Kava and has not swam in 6 years or ever snorkeled in his life. Oh! Well, it's a good thing that I am a divemaster because I knew how to communicate with him on how to work his snorkel gear. It was a struggle at first and held us up, so we missed Panchito actually being in the water but saw him resting on his favorite rock. I love that little crocodile! Mark and I took turns recording each other swimming underwater with the gopro. He was so cute and couldn't hold his breath for more than about 10-15 seconds, but I was impressed with his will to keep trying! He's a good guy, vegan, body builder, and a boss! Sweet! We had a lot of things in common and I enjoyed our time together so I invited him to come to Yal-Ku Lagoon with me after we got out of Casa. He accepted my invite but needed food. We headed back towards Tulum because there wasn't much to choose from going north and stopped at a little vegan taqueria. He ate a normal amount of food. I was still scared shit-less (pun intended) of eating since every time I ate, my bowels would act up, and my tummy hurt. So I had one soy-rizo and potato taco that was the perfect amount for my comfort level.
    The drive to Akumal was nice, and we chatted about various things . I learned he also likes to micro dose mushrooms and smoke weed, and we talked about Ayahuasca and ceremonial things. It was nice. I was surprised he was knowledgeable about those things, being a meat head and all. 😊 Never judge a book...
    Yal-Ku was cool, a little murky as it was low tide and later in the day. We rented Mark some more snorkeling gear and headed down the path to the Cenote entrance to the Lagoon. The water was really quite cold for being an open cenote, but that feeling went away pretty quickly. There were a decent amount of fish in the water, including tons of Sergent Majors, some parrot fish, Blue Tang, Triggerfish, and various Vutterfly Fish. It was a little difficult to see them all sometimes, as there was what looked like camo glass patches all throughout the water. It was so strange, I had never seen anything like it before. It was warm in those spots too and felt a little slimy.. I was getting kind of freaked out at how much of the visibility it diminished and the other things it was doing. We swam back to our point of entry and asked the fellas at the check in what it was and they said it's where the salt water meets the fresh water. Aaah ok. So we felt better that we weren't just splashing around in some kind of toxic pollution and got back out there! We were not allowed to swim out to the ocean because the current was bad but had plenty of fun filming each other again with the gopro. I was super cold after a while and it looked like rain was coming right in for us, so we got out and headed back to the car, exhausted from a fun day of adventuring. I took him back to his car at my hotel and we parted ways. He flies out tomorrow. I wonder if I'll ever see him again, only time will tell!
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  • Dag 4

    One more trip extension!

    8 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    I was scheduled to leave today, but yesterday I emailed Kristi my travel agent and asked her to please extend one more time. So now I leave Friday! I feel like I've officially done all the core things in Mexico On this trip. I locked the keys in my rental car and used a locksmith for $25, locked my room keys in my hotel at night when there is no reception, broke in with a credit card in the door, got covid, got a bacterial infection and parasite, swam with a crocodile, flew on the tallest zipline in the Yucatan, completed a challenging ropes course more than 100'above the earth, kayaked, snorkeled an underwater sculpture museum, spent the whole day at a cenote, shot underwater photos in a beautiful prom dress, snorkelers through a completely underground cave, bribed a doctor for a negative covid test, got pulled over and extorted by the policia, ate shrimp for the first time, bought illegal diet pills from the pharmacia, snuck into a resort music festival, privately toured ruins and had special permissions, met a stranger on tinder and taught him how to snorkel and took him along on two different snorkel adventures and sent him on his way... I dont feel like I have missed a single thing! There is another cave cenote I would like to go to called Tak Be Ha, and would like to go back to Nic Te Ha with the lilies, as we only spent a short time there taking prom dress videos. I would also love to visit chichen itza again.. but I'm not sure if I'll get that done. Would not be mad at driving 3 hours down to belize just to do it. Well see what happens. I'd still really like to find my mom something really nice here. But I just don't see many things that suit her style.

    There is a gym made completely out of jungle materials called the Tulum Jungle Gym. I would love to get a workout in there! And I think I'll bring back tank tops for Chris and Tanner, my coaches at FitBodies back home. I got myself the tank, tee, and hat (lol). So I definitely need to workout there 😅 I think today I will do Xel-Ha ("shell-hah) park. It's been on my list for a while and keeps getting pushed down, but I just looked at the map and see tons of cool things I would love to do.
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  • Dag 4

    Shopping and Laundry in Tulum

    8 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    Today I was going to do a water activity but it was really cold this morning so I decided to go shopping and try again to find something nice for my mom. I eventually found success at a little store down off of Tulum Beach. I got her a peyote beaded hamsa hand necklace. She always likes jewelry, and I like to pick it out for her, too! I don't wear much jewelry, but I do love to shop for it. I also got a few things for Virginia for being so kind and welcoming to me. I know she loves the evil eye, so I got her a couple of bracelets with it on them and also a pair of earrings that match with her favorite cobalt blue color. My plan is to go there for dinner tonight and gift them to her, drink margaritas, and lounge by the fire pit to catch up more previous days of this journal. 👌
    Hopefully tomorrow I can go to Xel-Ha and it will be warmer. It did warm up finally today but not until after noon. I picked up my laundry this morning from Bo Laundry. Washed 5 kilos of clothing for about $6usd or 120pesos. I didn't even have to lift a finger... I love this place!!! I bought gifts for about everyone. Chloie got a macrame hanging for her wall with the tree of life in it, D got a peyote stitched necklace that matches her new favorite mauve outfit perfectly, Miranda got a peyote stitch turtle, I got some bracelets and a dress that was on clearance, and some toilet paper since I keep asking the hotel for some all the time. I'm really tired thus evening. Just feeling like chillin tonight and editing some photos, catching up these stories, watching awful TV on Netflix, etc.
    Until next time!
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  • Dag 5

    Coco Beach Club

    9 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    I just checked into Coco Beach Club, and I could absolutely get used to this! The servers are very kind and attentive; mine's name is Victor. The minimum consumption spend here is $50 to enjoy this gorgeous and very instagram worthy spot! I will be spending the rest of my day here 😌

    Last night I went to Oscar and Lalo for dinner and to give Virginia her gifts. She seemed really excited for her evil eye bracelet, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy and I showed her that I had a matching one. When I arrived she was eating with Ernesto, the owner of the tour company that she sometimes works for, he was a real treat to get to meet. He offered me what was left of his ceviche which was PERFECT because I could not for the life of me decide between that and the cochinita pibil.. So this way I got to start with a little ceviche and finish with a huge plate of mayan pulled pork 😜 She was very tired from doing a tour with 12 people all day and one very rambunctious little 6 year old boy. Oscar walked in also exhausted from trying to get something on the van fixed that the repair guys just scammed him out of the money and left the problem. I had never seen them both so sleepy before. When I finished eating I helped Virginia wash her snorkel gear for the clients. It was really nothing much, but she was so grateful for the assistance. I was just grateful for the opportunity to do something anything at all for her! I wish I could do more.. when the opportunity comes, I'll be ready!

    I headed back to Andreas about 9pm. When I got there I was determined to smoke as much weed as possible and pass right out! I've been not smoking very much with all my illnesses and brought way too much with me! I just remembered that I have these micro doses to take! I just popped one here at Coco 😉 I could literally do a different beach club every day and be such a happy girl! One month is not enough time in this whimsical place. One day I will have infinite funding and do this every day of the year.

    I dont know how I will keep up with editing all of the INCREDIBLE photos I've been taking.
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  • Dag 5

    In my feels

    9 februari 2022, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    I'm in my feels... You know I've had the most amazing month of my life. I wasn't always this happy and free. I used to think I could never make it this way or that I could never be enough or make enough money or feel this happy. I used to criticize my body so much that I would rather die young, sad, starving, and skinny than feel so imperfect and unworthy of happiness/comfort/life changing experiences. I was suicidal. I tried. More than once. 🙃Thankfully, as you can see, I'm here, I failed. I had no hope and seemingly nothing to live for. No interesting future to look forward to. I kept a stash of syringes that I stole from doctors offices hidden in my room just for the comfort of knowing that if I decided to, I could fill one with air and stop all this emotional pain I didnt know how to deal with in an instant. I've been there. Today, it shakes and disturbes me to the core to know that I could have missed all this. I could have missed all these opportunities, connections, experiences, and self-love and acceptance that I could not see ahead of me back then. It's all here now. Everything that I never knew was meant for me. I thank my support system for encouraging me to keep going. Without my parents and therapists over the years, I don't know that I would have put in the work it takes to move forward from a place like that. It isn't easy. Sometimes, it feels impossible. I'm here to tell you that it is ALWAYS worth it. Keep going. Try to make each day better than the last. Sometimes, you will fail, and sometimes, you will find success beyond your wildest imagination. Both are good. They say there are countless failures behind every "success" and I have found that statement to be the most true. You can not truly know success until you have failed (sometimes miserably) and rebuilt or (as I prefer to say) "rediscovered" what works. If you are feeling discouraged or down on your feelings, I want you to know that every step forward COUNTS. Every time you try is a success in and of itself. Small victories over time stack up and eventually make giant strides in the right direction. Keep making small steps and small victories. You deserve it. There are people in this world who love to see you happy. If not for you, try for them. <3Läs mer