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  • Hari 12

    Amazing day

    4 September 2019, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Amazing day!!!
    Out of Lassa’s house at 2pm... it’s a slow start on my holidays now :)
    So hungover. Stopped at a Thai curry for breakfast?! Lunch and a beer to stop processing what happened last night!
    Caught the U-Bahn to the river and onto a boat. German information but I had German beer and curry sausages. 27 degrees and beautiful breeze on the river. Berlin is gorgeous from the river!
    So much more beautiful than by the hop on off bus!
    We disembarked by some sunflowers and actually spent 30 minutes doing a photo shoot. Was so much fun actually and I discovered portrait view on my mobile hahaha
    Waved to the boat guy when he noticed the tip Lasse had left 😁
    Had a wonder in the wrong direction. Stella and Lasse do suck at directions!
    Made it to Segesäule and walked around that. I need a coke!
    Got one. Short walk to the bus station and caught it one stop back to the Segesäule. Told you they were bad.
    Ok on another bus and into to Brandenbuger Tor (gate). Walked to the Jewish monument. OMG. I loved it. The feelings you get looking at it and walking through what feels like growing coffins. Very reflective space and so quiet.
    We went into the Museum. Not a sound. So respectful from all who are there.
    So so happy to have been taken here!
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  • Hari 12

    Our morning in Berlin hahaha

    4 September 2019, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C
  • Hari 11


    3 September 2019, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Train into where the gate is and grabbed us hop on off tickets. Saw all the major city sites. Was a bit overcast today and the city looked gray! We were on the bus for about 2 hours so we were desperate for a beer when we got off. Alexander Plas and cocktails!!! About half the price of Melbourne!
    Lasse met us at 6pm and another cocktail.

    Then out to dinner at a great Thai restaurant and conversation!

    A few steps away was Lasse’s favourite bar and the smallest gay bar ever. So small smoking rules don’t apply (don’t get that but not complaining). We stayed for hours chatting to Ugern, an old gay drunk man.
    The bar tending tried making me an expression martini and he made a martini then poured a shot of coffee into it haha
    He tried again and this time more coffee and less martini. I shot them! However I don’t quite remember this part of the night. This is what I am told happened! I also after the bar bought a slice off pizza but threw it on the ground and this certainly doesn’t sound like me... wasting food.

    I was folded into an Uber and taken home and put to bed!
    Bloody fantastic day and night hanging out!
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  • Hari 10

    Berlin here we come

    2 September 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Stell did some homework today and I relaxed as tonight we are off to Berlin!

    Stell found tickets for $20 each return Hahahaha we fly out at 10:30pm.

    Into town just after 5pm. I accidentally ripped my ear piercing this afternoon so Stella found me a piercing place in Aarhus open to 5:30. The guy was lovely but very disappointed someone had pierced my ear the way it had been done. Apparently it didn’t stand a chance of staying in!
    Out it came and all fixed. Besides the slight tear in my ear 😂

    Stopped into an Irish pop up bar (it’s culture week in Aarhus). Irish coffee and then people started playing music bingo! Was so fun to sing along. Would have stayed for ages if we were not on a schedule.

    Back to Street food for dinner. Then onto the airport bus! I could not be more excited!!!
    I’m going to Berlin! I have wanted to go since I was in high school!!!!!! We are going to be staying with Lasse who is Stella’s best friend. He is Danish but lives in Berlin. So I get to meet him which is amazing!!

    Check out the photo of what you can’t take on the bus. Rollerblades, smoking, ice creams, alcohol and..... bhahahahaha

    At the airport and apparently I had lots of liquids in my case 😬 It’s an hour before we board now.

    On the plane! OMG I am going to Berlin!
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  • Hari 9

    Auntie's Birthday

    1 September 2019, Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Chilled out morning. Stella popped into town to pick up a gift for her aunt’s birthday whilst I did a bit of a clean of Nanna’s house.

    I finally met Nanna!!! Yay! She came to pick us up at 2pm in her white Fiat. She is lovely and we chatted on the 20 minute journey to Hårby.
    A house in the country with 10 dogs! You walk into the kitchen dining area and there were around 10 people sitting around. I met Stella’s aunt Annvør, her brother, his wife, friend from Sweden, partner, ex husband, partners son and mum, cousin Tina and so many others.

    In the last 5 years 9 children have been born into the family. Apparently the get togethers at aunties have changed a bit from late night drinking to early to bed story time for the kids 😂

    Had a really wonderful afternoon. Annvør made me feel very welcome and so did the whole family! Very kind of them to swap into English to include me.

    Niklas and Pernille arrived a bit later as did Stell’s mum and Flemming so it was great to see them all again.

    Left the family around 6pm with Nanna and stayed up and had a wine with her once we got home. Was excited to get to know her better and can’t wait to have more time with her!

    Off to bed around 11pm.
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  • Hari 8

    Biking Aarhus

    31 Ogos 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Caught the bus into Aarhus and then HIRED BIKES!
    Christine and Elizabeth were their names :)
    Helmets are not mandatory here in Denmark so I get to keep my hair hahaha

    We peddle down the hill and towards the sea side. It is a glorious day and the sea breeze is magnificent!

    Do I want to visit the Queens summer house? Stella asked. Hell yeah. So, we had to peddle up a massive hill and I quickly realised how unfit I am. I had to jump off and walk part the way!

    Was downhill through trees to the house though. We pull up at the gates and wonder if we can ride in.
    We try.
    Hrrrm... and the guard at the gate shakes his head.
    Ok no bikes then.
    We chain them up and head back to the gate.
    Hrrrm... boots slam together.. bigger head shakes.
    Ohhhhh so we can’t actually go in to see the Queen at her place?! Ok seems fair. I thought Denmark was pretty chill with the castles and stuff but yeah not that chill.
    I was hoping to say hi to Mary but not today!

    Back on the bikes and backtrack to the sea so we don’t have to ride uphill again.

    We head to the never ending bridge. A circular wooden bridge that starts on the sand and extends out over the water. Awesome and relaxing. Great place for a picnic!

    Back on the bikes and head back to town to Street food. A warehouse with all kinds of food trucks. Burger and a mojito (2).

    Then a short peddle to find Tattoo fashion Aarhus to book me in for a tattoo the week after next. I still have way to much room on my left international arm so perfect place to capture Denmark :)

    We peddle back home and drop the bikes off around the corner and come home to relax around 5pm.

    Down the the local supermarket for some pizzas to prepare at home. Some wine and chill!

    Another great day!!
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  • Hari 7

    Late start

    30 Ogos 2019, Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Off to a late start this morning. Relaxed over coffee and tried to bring some of Nanna’s plants back to life. She has been away and so has Stell so they were a bit thirsty.

    Left the house around 11am to Stella’s Uni to photocopy books for her studies.

    I’m wearing the comfy travel backpack so I look like a mature age student :)

    We had our packed lunch on a bench in the uni then walked by the little river into town.

    Stell showed me where her Dad used to live. 4 floor building and he was on the top floor. Most of the apartment building are 4 floors high.

    Then into a milk bar where Stell dropped off something she had sold on a site like eBay. Here they can drop sold items and pick up items in almost any shop. Doesn’t need to be in a postoffice or sent via post.

    Walked a bit in town. Cobblestones everywhere it’s so pretty. It’s just after 2pm so we pass by the Spanish steps and grab a seat by the river opposite the Australian bar hahaha and I have a wine and Stell a beer and we chat.

    4:30 we make our way to the bus stop. We have stayed a bit too long as we are going to Stell’s friends’ for dinner. Arrive at Nanna’s with 9 minutes to change and head back to the bus stop. Catch the right numbered bus but it’s going the opposite way to what we want. Good mistake as it takes us to a major road where we jump another bus which makes our commute only 10 minutes.

    Short walk to an apartment complex which is similar to Nanna’s 4 floors multiple buildings with parks in the middle of them.

    I meet Anders and Louise and their little one Liva.
    We chatted at their dining table for hours and had a fantastic night! Easy conversation and lots of laughs.

    Anders drove us home around 10pm which was lovely and off to bed for us.
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  • Hari 6

    Meeting Stella's brother

    29 Ogos 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Had a relaxing morning with Ása and Stell. Watched a few Danish movies with subtitles. We were going to recline in front of the projector in the bar but the DVD player was being funky.

    It was sunny then rained then sunny again.

    We left around 4pm and drove to Niklas house to meet him and his gorgeous children. 2 year old Agnes and 6 month old Ella. Pernille followed home shortly after and we caught up over noodles and beer.

    Was lovely to finally meet them! Stayed a couple of hours and then Niklas drove us to Nana’s where we are staying.

    Bit worn out then so off to bed :)
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  • Hari 5

    Meeting Mum :)

    28 Ogos 2019, Denmark ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    Ok woke up not feeling that fresh! A bottle of red wine each was probably a bit excessive!
    Buffet and all the bacon I can fit in to try to help bring me back to life :)

    Shower, pack and a goodbye to The Admiral and Copenhagen for now.

    Short bus ride to the train station and we board for our 3 hour journey to Aarhus to visit with Stella’s mum Ása and partner Flemming!

    Flemming picked us up from the station (3 seater truck) and it’s a short trip down the hill to the marina where Ása is waiting for us. Big big cuddles hello. She is all smiles and so adorably short :)

    A mountain of supplies has been sought and we haul them to the boat.

    Now Stella told me it was a tiny boat. So I thought dingy. It’s a motor boat with ample seating and even a little cabin you can lay down in!

    It’s called Pig because that’s what the engine sounds like Hahahaha

    The Skanderborg lake is huge, huge!

    Yes of course I went swimming! Every new waterway I visit. You have to jump in! It’s 27 degrees with a slight breeze and the lake was fresh but ideal! Revitalised!!! Bloody gorgeous!

    We were going to have a picnic on one of the islands but decided to head home to cook the bbq instead. Out on the lake for a couple of hours was ideal.

    Arrive at the house and it’s like the best b&b I have ever seen and it’s not one! A rooftop deck overlooking the hillside! Upstairs is a fully decked out bar, record room and projector. The bathroom even has a sensor for the water tap!! I could not feel more relaxed. I actually don’t think I am leaving this house. Magnificent truely.

    Had an absolutely amazing night. Flemming cooked us a BBQ on the deck and we ate overlooking the rolling hillside then inside to the bar. Ása took me on a show and tell of all the bits. The saddles stools that line the bar, the porthole window to the record room, totem pole that she hand painted that was from the local school, so may different lamps and signs, jugs and glasses. This bar decorated so well is so inviting to relax and catch up.

    Ása’s English is really good so Stella and her swap between English and Danish to keep me and Flemming in the loop. Flemming and I use hand signals until we get stuck and call Stella for help.

    Flemming built the deck and transformed the bar so I really enjoyed talking to him about how he did that.

    Mattresses out and I leave Stell and her mum chatting in the chill out lounge area and I am out like a light.

    Absolutely sensational day!!!
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