Reunited with my Dane.

Agustus - September 2019
Petualangan 30-sehari oleh Emily Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 1

    Leaving day

    24 Agustus 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    Flight is at 9:35pm how do you fill your day? Slowly... eat, look at your packing, pick up kitty litter, eat, shower. Ok only 5 hours to go.

    The wait is over though and I am through customs, got my Danish Kroner and am now with wine waiting to board.

    Could not be more excited!!! See you soon Stella 😘
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  • Hari 2


    25 Agustus 2019, Qatar ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Great flight! Had an emergency exit seat by the window. Went to sleep around 11pm and woke up a few time but slept until 7am so best international sleep I have ever had. My next leg to Copenhagen has me again in an emergency exit but an aisle seat. Pays to be nice to the check in agents 😁
    3 hours in Doha so nice and relaxing finding my gate and having a coffee.
    In the lounge now with about an hour to go!
    Next stop Copenhagen!!!!
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  • Hari 2

    Arrival Day!!! :)))

    25 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Landed with a delay from Doha around 30 minutes late. Took about 30 minutes to get through passport control and another 20 for my little suitcase to appear. Thank goodness I put blue tape on it to identify it. It’s Stella’s case so I had completely forgotten what it looked like.

    Walked through the glass door to a throng of people and I thought ‘oh golly Stella better see me. As I would never spot her’. Then she did! ‘Virgo’ she calls and comes running all pretty in a pink dress and throws her arms around me!!! Nine weeks since I have seen her! Yay!! I have arrived!

    Coincidence... her Auntie had flown in from the Fair Islands about an hour earlier so she waited for me as well. Little Danish flags in their hands waving hello.

    Meet and greets, cuddles and get me the hell out of the airport. I want fresh air!

    Flights were AMAZING! Exit seats and all the leg room. Slept for 8 hours so I feel fine.

    Off to get on a train and 6 stops to Nørreport. Walked out of the station to a beautiful sunny 26 degrees and picture perfect Denmark. Cobblestones and coloured out buildings.

    I love cobblestones but with a suitcase could probably do without them. People walking the canels and bikes everywhere. Honestly the cliched pictures you have of Denmark I was witnessing it!! Amazing!

    About 10 minutes walk alongside the canal with icecream stalls and tourist towards the Admiral hotel.

    Up to reception. ‘Hello!!! Emily Arch checking in. I have booked the best room in the house’ I say.
    Lovely man who said he must check this for me.
    ‘Oh there appears to have been a mistake with your reservation. We have you in a standard room but all we have available is a deluxe’ he said cheekily. ‘Well’ I reply. ‘If that’s all you have I will have to make that work’. Hahahaha

    A walk down a long corridor with brick arches and to our beautiful room with the biggest wooden beams in the roof. It’s perfect. At the back of the building so no waterfront view buts it’s lovely.


    Off to the waterside our the back. People are sun baking and swimming. We find ourselves some deck chairs and relax with a pitcher of Dark and stormy cocktail and soak up the sun! Oh how I missed you sunshine!

    Perfect start to my arrival day!

    Dinner! What’s Vegan here?! Lol constant struggle. Please just bring me a bottle of nice wine, red. Yep don’t care you pick. We will deal with the menu afterwards lol.

    Great waiter. Anything that I pick can then be also made without the fish or steak for Stella. So we relax into our sea side table. Relishing the weather, view, wine, food and each other’s company.

    It’s around 8:30 and I’m getting tired so it’s time to call an end to this arrival day. Keep the blind open so I know when it’s daylight and ok to wake up!
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  • Hari 3

    The avocado

    26 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Woke up at 1am then straight back to sleep to the sun starting to come up at 5:30am. I’m awake. Let’s go! Breakfast!

    All the bread, ham, cheese, fruit, eggs you could want. What does Stella want? An avocado. Seems fair but is there one... oh no.

    The lady keeps offering alternatives but ham and cheese for a vegan doesn’t quite fit the bill :)

    Jams abundant but no. Ok I ask how about peanut butter. Hrrrrm no peanut butter.

    Then low and behold out they run and bring back an avocado. Meanwhile I have found a smoked cheese so I am all sorted for my next to breakfast rolls.

    Unfortunately as Stella was receiving her avo another customer spotted it and also asked for one :/
    Nope sorry. No avocado for you!!

    Delicious start to an early morning 6:30 breakfast. Watched people swimming and the sun start to break through. Back to the room to get ready to head out!
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  • Hari 3

    Oops there's the Queen's castle

    26 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Buy our tickets for the hop on off bus.. with boat tour! Doesn’t kick off until 9:30 and it’s 8:30 now so we decide to take a walk down the Little Mermaid. Out the back of the hotel and off we start to walk.

    ‘What is that place?’ I ask Stell. ‘Oh I think that’s where the Queen lives. Yep that’s her castle.’

    Ah what?! Literally across the street from our hotel!!

    A gorgeous square with guards patrolling the doorways. Citizens riding bikes and walking through. Bit of a difference to Buckingham Palace. You are right there up close and yep apparently right there next to our hotel! What a find!

    Stroll down the waterside and we find the Little Mermaid. I hope she goes swimming at night when know one is looking. She is beautiful!

    Killed some time waiting for the bus and found. A fort. Got a coffee and walked the perimeter, well probably a 7th of the perimeter. Then aboard the bus!!!
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  • Hari 3

    All aboard

    26 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We have the front row seat up the top! Yep we are cool!
    Off we go!
    35000 bikes cross the bridge into the city everyday. There are bikes everywhere and they definitely have right of way. Denmark will be 100% carbon neutral by 2025! Australia is an embarrassment.

    The city is beautiful. The architecture, the cobblestones without a suitcase, the green parks. Passed by Tivoli gardens. We are going there tomorrow night Grandma!

    Sitting near the boat tour now having a beer before we head out to the canal tour. It’s a glorious day and we are very happy touring this city together :)
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  • Hari 3

    Mind the bridges

    26 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Up the back of the boat tour. Bring your beer aboard! What?! Yes please thanks, yep 2 please!

    In the canals and out into the marina, past the navel base, Freetown, very expensive waterside apartments, the black diamond. Oh that’s where we had drinks last night, that’s our hotel and OMG there are 150 people crowded around the little mermaid. Get up early people. What’s wrong with you ya silly ones?!

    May have got a little sunburnt. That’s the Europe summer oh yeah!

    Sitting in a little restaurant called the Union Kitchen. They had vegan food!

    They also have margaritas:) something for everyone!!!

    Oh yeah the pink drink is mine and Stella is having the beer.
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  • Hari 3

    And ..... sleep

    26 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Back to the hotel to have a little break and fell asleep. It was 1:30 and slept until 5. Didn’t realise I was that tired.

    2 missed calls from a friend of Stella’s who we are supposed to be meeting at 5:45.

    He has a sore foot and has asked if we can meet him at his work rather than him coming to us. 22 minute walk.

    Ok let’s review what we know.

    1. He is at work and presumably close to the train station that will take him home
    2. A sore foot
    3. That sounds like bullshit
    4. I am apparently jet lagged

    Ok Dennis we will come to you. Hrrrm

    Nice walk over and meet Dennis then into a really warm coffee shop to catch up.

    Chai latte (jet lagged people should really drink a coffee), conversation AND my limbs start to sink to the ground. My eyes are heavy. I want to go back to sleep.

    ‘Stell, I need to go now.’

    Dennis is understandable and lucky for him his foot feels ok now and yep that’s his train station 5 steps away.

    Bye Dennis.

    Walk back to the hotel and Stella heads back to a supermarket to pick up some dinner supplies.

    Relaxing night in and to sleep actually quite late at 11pm.
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  • Hari 4

    Closed due to rain

    27 Agustus 2019, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Stella asked for another bloody avocado :) successfully too I might add!

    We are off to climb the Tower! Off we go. Hair nice and straightened and it’s raining lol

    Oh well should reduce the line at the Tower where the stairs are on the outside. 20 minute walk, there it is. Yep no queue, living the sightseeing dream.. ‘sorry we are currently closed due to rain.’

    Stupid health and safety.

    Ok well it will stop soon as it’s going to be 27 today so let’s walk over to Christiania. Still quiet in Freetown. Stalls are being set up.

    Hang on a minute... that’s a weed stand. There’s another one. Oh and another. Yep and I can smell it. Pity I don’t like it as it could have been quite an unproductive relaxed sit down here. No photos here unfortunately :(

    Walked up to the water and around a ways looking at some of the houses, got a bit turned around and seeing condoms on the ground just set my anxiety way up and I just needed to escape this tax free, community of dope lovers paradise.

    I am way to uptight for that. Let’s go back to the church tower :)

    Still closed the sun is beaming and it’s so humid now I am dripping. Opens in 15 minutes but the call of the climb has passed and I feel sated by my picture of it from the ground.

    I do need T-shirts though. Let’s go buy some.

    I hate shopping. Why as soon as I say shopping do my feet start hurting? Stupid dresses everywhere where are the T-shirts? I should eat something. Ah better. That’s a great T-shirt! It has a Viking on it! Yay!

    Let’s go chill at the hotel!
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