traveled in 7 countries Read more South Australia, Australia
  • Day 23

    Go south!

    March 11, 2019 in Finland ⋅ ☀️ -19 °C

    We left the north and Norway behind this morning, docking at Kirkenes (and probably as close to Russia as we ever need to be - just 57km to the nearest border station) and travelled into Finland. The scenery changed quite quickly from the barren icy shores of the north to forests of pines. The landscape dotted by what appear to be nature parks or reserves with cabins and signs advertising summer activities such as kayaking and hiking. There is still of course snow, lots of it! Tonight we are staying in a glass igloo and the heavens are clear. Fingers crossed for a Northern Lights showing.Read more

  • Day 22


    March 10, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

    Today we arrived at the most northern part of Norway in Honningsvåg and the North Cape. Once again we had a gloriously sunny day and everyone kept saying how lucky we have been with the weather as it can change very quickly. We visited two small fishing villages here - Skarsvåg and Kamoyvær, where life is all about the fishing. Here cod and King crab bring in the money, with cod being dried in the open air. Once dried it can keep for up to eight years and is a good source of protein and is low in fat as well. Sadly life in the small villages is ebbing away with only 40 and 60 people left in each town and no children. Most people move to larger towns or cities in the region. It was a wonderful way to spend our last full day in Norway. We could have chosen to visit the North Cape but glad we didn’t when we saw 3 bus loads of tourists from our boat heading up there. We were happy to enjoy it from afar (it’s about 20km out of the town) and stroll around a tiny village. Life here must be quite isolating especially in the winter when it’s dark from November 21 until January 21. Interestingly many of the islands are connected by road not only by bridges but also by tunnels under the sea. The one connecting Honningsvåg to the mainland is 7km long and 250m under the sea.Read more

  • Day 21


    March 9, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

    The Northern Lights put on a presentation for us and I was finally able to get them on camera. Not the best shots but these are the best so far. It’s not easy to capture them on camera from a moving boat whilst about 150 other people, mostly men, are doing the same thing. Patience and a bit of luck are required - a clear sky helps too.Read more

  • Day 21

    Journeying North

    March 9, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

    Our journey has continued North with the Nordnorge taking us to Finnsnes and on to Tromsø in the afternoon. There is snow all around us now, with the occasional light sprinkling of snow. Our soundtrack on land is the crunch of snow underfoot. When it melts, city streets become dangerous to drive and walk on as it turns to slippery ice, catching locals and tourists by surprise. Tromsø is a particularly large city given its remoteness. We tried out snowshoeing in the Park, engaging in the Norwegian Friluftsliv - the right of every person to engage in the outdoors. This includes the right to walk across the land, pitch a tent and make a fire (there are some regulations), what we might consider trespassing. No land owner can put up signs or fences to stop people. The park that we visited includes a floodlit ski trail to enable residents to ski to and from the city when it is dark. Skiers have the right of way and so you have to watch out where you step, making sure not to to disturb the ski lane as you cross the trail. There were a number of people out and about skiing, sledging, ice skating, and walking. I would love to visit Tromsø at another time of year.Read more

  • Day 20

    Crossing the arctic circle

    March 8, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    The day began by crossing the arctic circle at 07hours 12 minutes and 59 seconds! The day just got better and better. It has been a day of fabulous and draw dropping landscapes of snow and ice, coast to coast. I have to say that we get treated pretty well on the Nordnorge and there is plenty to do. To welcome us at the arctic circle the Norse god Njord - god of theRead more

  • Day 19

    Snowy days

    March 7, 2019 in Norway ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

    This morning we woke up to snow and a cold breeze as the Nordnorge docked at 6am in Trondheim. A dramatic contrast to yesterday in Ålesund. We trundled off into the city rugged up in our thick winter coats and fleeces. So cold and it will get colder! By the time we had stopped in at the Nidarosdomen (the cathedral), crossed over the Gamle Bybro (old bridge), and wandered through the city streets it was time to head back to the ship. Had the weather been nicer we would have liked to stay a bit longer but our cheeks were going numb. The town has some interesting history having been established by Viking King Olav Tryggvason in about AD 997. He converted to Christianity and declared himself king. The cathedral became a place of pilgrimage. King Olav was later consecrated and became a saint. There is an island just inside the harbour called Munkholmen (Monk Island) which once housed monks, but before that it was used as a place of executions. The heads of the executed were put on spikes and visitors to the island had to spit on them as a sign of reverence. Macabre but interesting.Read more

  • Day 18

    First Glimpses

    March 6, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    A quick update - tonight at about 9.30pm we had our first Northern Lights showing! It was unexpected and so we were unprepared, rushing up on deck to view them and I forgot to take off my lens cap... after a few minutes of wondering what was going on, I worked it out. It was too dark to check all my settings on the new camera and so I missed capturing them. The forecast is looking good though and fingers crossed we will see them again. To the naked eye they are a grey blur that shifts across the sky. It was a great opportunity to observe the settings for more serious photographers and make a few notes for future reference. The photo here is one taken by Red (Sonia) using an iPhone app.Read more

  • Day 18


    March 6, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Today the Nordnorge took us to visit the city of Ålesund - our first long stop on the Norwegian coast heading north. We left the rain behind in Bergen and we were blessed with a dry, cool day and an amazing sky. We climbed to the top of Mount Aksla (a steep but short one) to look far over the city and into the distance. A great cardio workout with amazing views as the reward. A quick stroll through the quiet city and it was back on board. We’ve had good sailing weather to date with some rolling around when the ship has been out in more open water but this is limited and easy enough to cope with.Read more

  • Day 17

    Rain rain go away

    March 5, 2019 in Norway ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

    Well rain it did in Bergen and this little city certainly lived up to its reputation! A grey rainy afternoon on arrival and on departure. Bergen is said to be one of the rainiest cities. Bergen also appears to be the start or finishing point for travellers, rather than a destination on its own. The old of Bergen - Bryggen with its old wooden houses is interesting, as are the city streets that reach up each side of the surrounding mountains, but really once you’ve strolled some streets, taken the furnicular up to Fløen and the cable care to Ulrik (once you’ve found out how to get there and found the place), visited some museums (if they are actually open) there’s not that much to do in Bergen in the Winter. Of course there is always hiking, for which we really needed extra time and a little preparation. However, there is always interesting street art and small local bars to visit. Tonight we’re off on the Nordnorge on the famous Hurtigruten route up the coast of Norway. We are heading for the Arctic circle and beyond to Kirkenes. We hope the Viking weather gods are kind to us and hopefully we will be granted a glimpse of the Northern Lights.Read more

  • Day 15

    Farewell Voss

    March 3, 2019 in Norway ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    We said goodbye to beautiful little Voss, but before we left it gave us one more amazing experience. As we had some time to spare before our afternoon train to Bergen we decided to take the short walk to see the Bordalsgjelet, a gorge about 2.5km from the centre of town. What a gorge it was! A simply stunning winter wonderland greeted us and well worth the short walk up and back before heading off to Bergen. A simple lunch of asparagus soup and fresh bread at a local cafe and our journey continued.Read more

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