Platinum Jubilee Trip

april - juni 2022
A right Royal Romp! Les mer
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  • Trooping the Jubilee Colour

    2. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Woke up with a very bright spring & bounce in my step this morning. The four day long weekend has commenced! …the alarm was set for 6:30am but I was already awake and up well before that went off in anticipation of making sure I could find a good vantage point along the Mall…Met Marta at the St James Tube to discover that millions of other people had the exact same idea and when we arrived there was already a crowd five lines deep along the entire length of the Mall, leading up to the Palace!

    Clutch the pearls when I tell you that it was an extremely full on day! The reality was that I was hemmed in (sardine-style) a square foot of ground for five straight hours, barely able to move an inch with other people constantly encroaching on my personal space. I became extremely hungry and thirsty and obviously would have liked to be able to use a restroom! I knew though, that leaving my square foot of prime Real Estate would have been jubilant suicide! It would’ve meant forfeiting it forever to the hoards of other people around you!

    I was going to resist applying & revealing my true feelings about the day but, the reality was, yes, it was wonderful to know you were part of real history making stuff but anybody who was watching it on TV would have seen way more than we did as part of the crowd! I hope that doesn’t sound ungrateful… Don’t get me wrong, I feel extremely privileged and grateful to be here for this historic moment in time but today was extremely full on in every way shape and form! (I haven’t been sleeping that well, perhaps not recovering as easily from jet lag as I get more “mature” 🤦‍♂️😜

    We all hoped to get a glimpse of Her Majesty being escorted down the Mall in, at least, a land rover, but watched her come out onto the balcony on the huge screen set up in St James Park…we did get to watch all the other significant Royals pass by in coaches though, including William, Charles, Camilla, Kate and the 3 Royal Rugrats!

    I’m sure, with a more rested perspective I’ll will gratefully appreciate the opportunity to stand among the masses as a part of Royal history but right now I’m spent; exhausted & overwhelmed…

    Noteworthy side events where the crowd went wild were when 5-6 protesters who jumped the barricades and were instantly set upon by extremely efficient bobbies and carted off to the full roaring “boos” of the masses. The other notable cheers went out to the street sweepers (which, I’m certain, wouldn’t have made the telecasts…) as they busied themselves scooping up the horse 🐴 do-do… they willingly played along; giving a Royal wave as they essentially vacuumed up the mess 💩

    So, in retrospect, it was an enjoyable day…just HUGE in every way! Every street in London is flooded with crowds: every eatery has lines waiting to get in; including McDonalds & Pizza Hut! London is like a rock concert on steroids! The absolute and total gratefulness and love for Queen Elizabeth is palpable and so genuine! It is beautiful to witness this emotion ❤️❤️❤️

    As my body, once again, fills with hydration I am, even now, beginning to realise the significance of my place in this historic and jubilant celebration! God save our Queen 👑
    Les mer

  • 25 years on..!

    2. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    A trip to London would never be complete without my obligatory wander through history… Now a quarter of a century on and wandering around my old haunts makes me very reflective and retrospective…

    Walking across Waterloo Bridge reminds me of the numerous times I wandered to and from work at the Empire Cinema in Leicester Square or after going out to HEAVEN under the arches, near Embankment Tube station 🚉
    Big Ben has always represented everything magical about London! It doesn’t matter from which angle I see it it really fdoes fill my heart with joy!

    I recall living in Secker Street, Waterloo and often calling into the FISHGOTHEQUE to buy 20p worth of hot chips to put inside some fresh bread to make a chip butty! Drinks with mates (warm beer introduced me to the always chilled choice of Bulmers Cider) with mates at The White Hart Pub which I could see (and hear) from my dorm window!

    1997 is always remembered fondly for introducing me to my love for this vibrant city!
    Les mer

  • Jubilee High Tea on the Thames

    3. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Started the day with a wander through the beautiful Covent Garden… Compared to yesterday it was bliss being able to just wander aimlessly along the cobbled streets & soak up the atmosphere.

    Happened upon a cute little French bakery in one of my all time favourite areas, Soho, Cafe Boheme, pulled up a chair & soaked in the atmosphere: Billy Holiday crooning while devouring freshly made coffee (the best I’ve had in London) and flaky baked croissant 🥐

    Continued on to search for the Phoenix garden which is the last of the Covent Garden community gardens. It was featured in one of my favourite Christmas movies, Last Christmas! So peaceful 🪴 nothing but birdsong and filtered sunlight through the trees 🌳…a touching tribute to George Michael on the entrance gate.

    This afternoon Marta and I enjoyed high tea on the Thames in honour of the Queen! It was quite hilarious… You could tell that it was slightly disorganised & the staff were flying by the seat of their pants! It was like being a board a Carry On movie set! The girl that was at the bar all of a sudden became the commentator on the Queen‘s life. Her commentary was rushed and very cockney. Later up at the bar I told her she did a good job and she said (…in an Eliza Doolittle accent: “I ain’t that good on me Roman numerals so I just made up the Queen and King numbers!”
    Too funny!
    I ate and drank way too much! The scones were like rock cakes; I was careful not to drop them into the Thames for fear of killing some of the marine life LOL!

    Added bonus of going under all the London bridges and checking out the big name attractions from a new angle!

    Another great day in bustling London Town! A magnificent 21 degree day! 🇬🇧🧁🥰☀️🥳👑
    Les mer

  • Pretty Woman: Big Musical. BIG. huge!

    3. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    So exciting to be able to go out your front door and turn a corner onto London’s Strand to go to a musical 🎶
    The Savoy Theatre 🎭 is basically 5 minutes from my accomodation. In fact, the entire West End is only an extra ten minutes through Covent Garden! It’s a Queen’s paradise (…and, I’m not talking about Lizzie this time! 😜🎟🎼
    Great opportunity to put on the glad rags & treat myself…again!
    And, last minute half price 3rd Row tickets 🎫😜

    The Verdict: initially it was strange to see an all-time favourite and much loved movie break out into song… But, after a few minutes it all seemed perfectly normal… Schmaltzy, humorous and the music really complimented the original storyline. Stand out character was the campy hotel Manager who played about 5 other characters as well! In short, it’s hard to better perfection but they did a good job! 🎉🥰👍🏻
    I give it 4 pretty women out of 5

    PS: it is so fantastic not having to wear a mask anywhere! You wouldn’t even know Covid ever existed in the UK, or London at least! Everyone is getting on with life… theatre crowds, public transport, restaurants, gatherings… a few masks 😷 by those who make their own personal choices… exactly how it should be! 🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼
    Les mer

  • Notting Hill Market

    4. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Early rising today and a short 2 minute walk to Embankment Tube: gotta say I absolutely LOVE the Tube PT system! Never more than 5 minutes wait for next train 🚊 fast, efficient, easy to understand, circular, not just in and out! They also have such clear & concise communication around changes and delays…Metro: take note! Have always loved the tube 🚇❤️❤️❤️

    Also loving not having any access to my phone during most of the day! I forgot how liberating it is to just live in the moment and not be distracted by notifications all day. I wish or hope I could do it at home. The ultimate mindful zone.There is Wi-Fi everywhere so if I really need to check directions or anything else I just connect. I was going to get a local Sim card but decided against it after this light weight feeling and freedom entered my heart and soul!

    Interestingly, while in this zone, I was able to just sit back and watch complete human obsession with their phone. On the train to market I actually heard exclamation from one passenger when she realised the person she was texting was actually 4 seats along! This only happened after both being on same train for 5 stations 🚉😳🤦‍♂️
    Preoccupation with our devices is slowly robbing us of the special interaction in the real world 🌍😢

    With a rumbling tummy I excitedly arrived at Portobello Notting Hill markets and instantly spied the Moroccan tea and pastry man! He carefully crushed real mint leaves into his own special blend in such care and consideration! A great refreshing start to the day! 🫖

    Portobello Road market is absolutely bloody amazing! There is so much to look at, food and unique stuff! Although, I’m always reminding myself that I don’t need any more stuff! I did pretty well as I only bought a lambs wool scarf for the Melbourne winter I dread returning to 😫

    Eating my way up the meandering road filled with sight & smells of delight: Had the crisp, fresh Greek salad 🥗 freshly baked home made flakey sausage roll & relaxed with a Guinness at The Castle Pub - another favourite of mine!

    It sprinkled a few drops of rain but not near enough to dampen my spirits! I found the obligatory William Thacker’s Notting Hill bookshop from the movie… Just an FYI, the outside is as you see in the movie but the inside was just a set! Sorry. Not sorry!

    Another slight observation: every French tourist I come across or run into are rude, self entitled pricks! They seem to be oblivious to everything around them…only confirming why Paris is never in my Top Ten places to adore! 🤫

    PS: Absolutely love ❤️ coming to Markets alone! Never needing to wonder where your companion is or has wandered off to, selfishly lingering longer at anything that interest your fancy and duck and dive at your hearts content 🥰🕺🏼Self indulgence is wonderful 👍🏻
    Les mer

  • London: 72 stories up!

    4. juni 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    This little soirée happened yesterday but I was so overwhelmed and emotional after being a part of the historic party at the Palace that I almost forgot to give credit where credit is due… I was sceptical about paying $60 to haul my arse up yet another observation tower in another town… Kinda like museums & churches ⛪️ after a while you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all… 🤦‍♂️😜

    But, I was pleasantly surprised! Don’t get me wrong; It was indeed a huge moneymaking scam… There were little waiters ‘bouncing’ around asking whether you wanted to buy a $30 cocktail or get your photo taken and made into a book which was $50 downstairs. I resisted both! By the way, obviously I have converted to pounds into dollars and then this happens in my head a lot of the time here - I double it and carefully consider if I really need it…

    Anyway it was actually a really amazing and interesting experience to be that high up over London and see the iconic landmarks from a different angle… Although, I remember, five years ago when I was flying back from Greece the plane flew over London and that was probably the most exciting and exhilarating experience I have had. But, as you can see from the photos it was a very pleasurable experience. The area around London Bridge station is interesting as well because the Borough markets are located there. Didn’t have time to look around them this time but I will hopefully before I head back.

    Oh, by the way I don’t think I have even told you what this building is called: The Shard!

    PS; another couple of sneaky videos of the party at the palace here as well…
    Les mer

  • Party 🎉at the Palace 👑

    4. juni 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    What an absolute honour to be among hundreds of thousands of people, joined together with the common goal of honouring our monarch who has spent 70 years in service to her people! I have never been part of such a well managed, respectable, proud, loving and emotional gathering! It was such a personal emotional and beautiful tribute to Her Majesty! You could feel everybody with open hearts and respect for their Queen 👑

    The entire crowd was full of enthusiasm and so happy! Every single person had a British flag and was waving it madly the entire concert. There were different age groups from people in wheelchairs, on walking sticks to babies and families altogether just happily dancing and enjoying the spectacular event. There were showers during the day but it was like someone had ordered perfect still and calm weather just for the two hour concert. As soon as everyone was home there was rain again! Even the heavens were respectful of our Queen ☀️☀️☀️🌈🌈🌈

    All ages and all races coming together with one common goal… Almost everybody arrived with a bag full of alcohol and food but not once did anybody need to be kept in check or have their bags checked. The Brits 🇬🇧 certainly know how to party without getting messy when it’s called for! The crowd dispersed respectfully and calmly back out into London.

    The crowd went wild for Queen (the band, not the Monarch) who opened the entire concert and other highlights were definitely the theatre tribute, Rod Stewart, Elton and when Charles and William spoke the crowd went wild! When Charles asked everyone to cheer for “Mummy” the roar of the crowd was deafening and wonderful 🥰🎉🇬🇧

    The most poignant moment was when the concert opened with Lizzie & Paddington comparing marmalade sandwiches 🥪 Apparently Her Maj kept this under wraps from even the closest family members! It was beautiful 😍

    Photos simply can’t do the experience justice and it’s hard to convey just how many people were all through St James’s Park and the Mall leading down to Buckingham Palace. All I can say is that it was a dream come true for me and being a part of history is something I will remember forever!

    God save our gracious Queen 👑
    Les mer

  • Highgate Hierarchy: George was ‘ere!

    5. juni 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Still buzzing from the emotion-filled Platinum Jubilee concert 🎵 I grabbed the “Ultimate English Brekky Roll” from Charing Cross Station 🚉 Egg 🍳 bacon 🥓 sausage. Not a calorie in it! 😜 I have been walking on average of 20 km a day so I can probably afford to have one or two more!

    With need to balance out my Royal obsession for a couple of hours I headed about 20 minutes up the northern line to Highgate. One of the most financially positive areas of London. We saw the houses of Kate Moss, Jamie Oliver and, of course George Michael. George Michael is actually buried in the cemetery here…it was almost “Gaymagedden 2” on discovery of this! (Photo 6)🏡 🕺🏼

    You will also notice that there are houses in this village with windows that have been bricked up; that is because they didn’t want to pay the extra tax if they had more than nine windows! The second most expensive street, Bishops Lane, after South Kensington Road in London is in Highgate.

    Grumpy Richard hosted this walk… I recognised him from a previous walk on Hamstead Heath (George’s old “stomping ground”) when I was in London last time. He calls him self ‘Richard the third’ because “…there are eight other Richards…” who take tours with the company and he “wanted to stand out..!” We noticed some stone heads on the top of a house and asked Richard what was the significance. He just turned and said no idea! LOL 😝

    I love these London Walks. You learn so many hidden secrets and discover lots of “chestnuts”
    & “Easter Eggs” about London 🇬🇧👍🏻✅

    Love, love, love, love, love London‘s tube system. Are you sure to watch the video at the end if you miss it when you’re away from it as much as I do! 🚊❤️❤️❤️✅✅✅🚉🚉🚉
    Les mer

  • Queens (…VERY GAY) pageant 🌈

    5. juni 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    I could’ve sworn, if no one had told me otherwise, that I was at the gay Mardi Gras! I have never seen so many sparkle and glitter and sequins, feathers and baubles! 🌈🌈🌈 Even an ABBA float blasting out “Dancing Queen”!

    The atmosphere around Trafalgar Square, where I finally found somewhere to stand with a decent view was absolutely electric ⚡️ The crowd went wild for each of the buses which represented a decade in our Queens fantastical reign! Yes, I would have seen more on TV but to be part of the crowd waving my union Jack 🇬🇧 was like something you would only dream about!

    It is hard to describe how it feels to be in London and attend every single event and be part of the crowd worshipping our Queen 👑It was magical and I will never forget it for the rest of my life! There are no words, sometimes, for experiences…

    I am so thankful that I didn’t have any phone to distract me when I was out amongst the crowd either… It made it even more special to actually live right there, in that moment! I swore that I would get here for this if I could and I can’t believe that I made it happen! It is more than I can ever really imagine! I am going to re-live every moment on the telecasts when I get back home and will pinch myself remembering that I was actually there!

    One funny moment today… There were obviously a lot of short people in the crowd who couldn’t see anything so they held their phone up high above their head… One husband said to his wife, what the fuck! You’re gonna look back at that in 70 years time and say why did I take that picture? You just took a picture of the street sweeper sweeping up horse 🐎 shit! Fuck I laughed! Later, she got me to check what she was taking a picture of! I told her, it’s okay this time it was one of the buses! Ha ha 😜😜😜

    Something else to note… Every single minority, race, colour, and socio-economic group have nothing but praise, honour, care, excitement and true love, honest reflection and pride in Queen Elizabeth… I cannot even think of anyone who commands such respect from every single group…

    Every single television station, every single newspaper, every radio station and every pub, shop, window and balcony had messages of goodwill for the platinum jubilee. It is hard to explain and I can truly say you had to be here… And I was ❤️❤️❤️
    If Ed Sheeran tribute doesn’t bring a tear to your eye then you probably should check if you’re human! LOL 🇬🇧❤️👑🥰😘

    And then! To top it all off! The Queen made a triumphant appearance on the balcony to the absolute and undisputed love of every single person there for her! ❤️❤️❤️ Truly a historic moment ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

    A dream 💭 come true!
    Les mer

  • Plastic cups from 9pm 😳😜🍹

    5. juni 2022, England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Yes! Perhaps I should have my gay card revoked but I have put duty to my people & country above my own needs this week… It is only tonight that I’ve decided to let loose and just go with my other (often, less receptive) “people” and have a big gay night out! Oh! What a beautiful night it has been!…

    I had some ‘dirty’ chicken at some new supposed high class chicken joint (Wingman’s) in Leicester Square (…it was so salty I had to drink ALL night! …well, at least that’s my story 😳😱🙈😜) and I knew exactly where I was going… Admiral Duncans!

    I walked past earlier in the week but I just didn’t feel the vibe to go in… Tonight! I did! And it was worth every minute! Some very very confident and talented drag queen charmed the audience with her many talents (including….wait for it!…actually singing live, not miming… and everybody was, as I remember, friendly and kind to each other! Doesn’t happen that often in the gay community but here, it did! 🌈🌈🌈🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️

    Something I forgot to mention earlier: every single Jubilee event was supposed to have rain but there was not one drop… Not one! Tonight, it is raining like a bitch in London but nobody cares because the royal proceedings are over…

    You know what? The Royals have to continue with their politically correct life where, us mere mortals, are free to be whoever we choose! Think about that next time you knock their privileged lives! I bet William, Harry, Kate, and in the future George, would give anything to just wander the streets like I have tonight but they never will!

    The night is young! My Royal duties are fulfilled. Now, it’s time to satisfy my own needs!

    Just for the record: I’m so Proud of Me! Not only did I diligently save the substantial cash
    (…diligently $98 a week for past 5 years) 💰 needed to travel 🧭 fully and without restrictions (…on a part time wage, mind you…) but I follow my heart, dreams and sensibilities to achieve it! Go Me! 🤠 👑❤️🇬🇧✊🏻🥰❤️🧡💛💚💙

    Save our Queen (and me!) 🥰❤️🇬🇧🎉✊🏻👜👑
    😇 God bless my Mum also: sending me a message to “…be safe on the streets…!” That train has LONG past ✊🏻😜🥰❤️😘
    Les mer