traveled in 6 countries Read more
  • Day 72

    Longset Beach

    April 16, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    On the island of Koh Rong, Longset Beach is about three kilometres up the beach from all the thumping bars and nightclubs of Saracen Bay. Well not all. There is one nightclub that is a little ways down the beach but it may as well be in front of our cabana. We think it closed down around four in the morning. Thank goodness for earplugs. The beach here is very different from where we just were. There is little to no garbage, the beaches are clean, white and soft like talcum.
    The bungalows, while absolutely beautiful, aren’t exactly “critter” proof. The floors are loose fitting wood plank, the walls, loose fitting mahogany siding, the roof, loose fitting thatch. So there’s bugs. And lord knows what else. But there is mosquito netting over the bed. That is small consolation for Jackie and Amber who aren’t a fan of sharing their rooms with anything from the insect kingdom.
    But the people are nice, actually the owner lived in Ottawa for thirty years and came back here ten years ago and built this resort as her retirement. The place is a hubbub of activity, raking, sweeping, I am sure its a full time job holding back the jungle.
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  • Day 72

    Sihanoukville Ferry

    April 16, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We checked out of the Eolia Beach Bungalows on Sunday morning for the white sand beaches of Koh Rong. Otres Beach is really pretty, and there are lots of places to stay and eat, but as far as resort type beaches go this one doesn’t rate high. It’s slightly overpriced and very dirty, but we are glad we saw it. Our impression is that its all about to change, with lots of new investment and plans for swanky resorts.
    We took a tuktuk into Sihanoukville to catch the speed boat to the islands. The pier is chaotic to say the least, and thankfully everyone was just as confused as us. And it was hot.
    Amber made friends with a local monk and exchanged names and numbers. More to come on that.
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  • Day 70

    Eolia Beach Bungalows?

    April 14, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Not sure the name actually. Its a really nice place, a mere 50 steps from the sand and shore of the Gulf Of Thailand. This whole stretch seems pretty quiet. On one of our walks it appears that the one end is nearly empty, the other way also pretty quiet. Stands to reason. Right now at 10am, its 31 and feels like 41 degrees. The ocean is bathtub warm, and there’s a little bit of garbage, but the view is stunning. Lots of beach chairs available, and bars and restaurants and even some entertainment. We were treated to a fire show last night, up close and personal, by some amateur “fire show” people. Who weren’t locals, they may have been local to Australia or Canada, or the states, who knows, but they dropped their sticks a couple times and spun the damn things inches from your face. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
    Time to drop off our laundry and walk the other direction.
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  • Day 70

    Lets go to the beach!

    April 14, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We had a wonderful tuktuk driver for two days, Vanthon, who was full of information and suggestions for us, and he lined up a driver to take us to the coast. In a much more comfortable ride we drove four hours from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. Otres Beach, specifically, to spend a few days soaking up the sun. For any Canadian that has been to Mexico, or Quebec, you know that the drivers there are nuts. They don’t hold a candle to the Khmer. If you put a bunch of five year olds in vehicles with a full tank of gas and shifted the car into drive, and let them go, that would be similar to your experience in Cambodia. There are no rules, except when it comes to large trucks...large trucks don’t move, so you better. And even then just enough to get out of the way. Sidewalks, the shoulder, the other lane, all fair game.
    A long, eventful and particularly quiet drive, (remember the roof top bars?) we made it to Otres Beach, midday. Time for a coldish Angkor beer.
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  • Day 70

    The Mekong and Tonle Riverfront

    April 14, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We went downtown on Thursday night to check out the riverfront. The Mekong and the Tonle come together here, and together they are wide. And its beautiful, all done up with lights and flags, and flowers and all. We found a rooftop bar just down the street from the Royal Palace, had some appetizers and then went down the street to do it all again, on the roof tops, as advertised.
    We sat in another bar thinking we could hear karaoke. And when we actually got there, it was the house band. Oh well, the beer was cold and the view amazing, so we stayed. Grabbed some ice cream for the tuktuk ride home which Jackie remembers as being really good.
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  • Day 70

    The Killing Fields

    April 14, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    You will want to make a decision before you get to Cambodia if you want to see the Killing Fields. You should probably read a little about it, or watch a movie. It’s not for everyone, and even once we decided to go and see it, it wasn’t easy to be there. We started at the Genocide Museum, in the heart of Phnom Penh. Also known as S21, it was a high school until April of 1975 when the Khmer Rouge rolled into the city and began with their atrocities. The Cambodian people are honoured when foreigners come to visit the site. They want the world to remember what happened and they take great care to host celebrations here and at the Killing Fields to keep it on peoples minds. The place is silent when you walk through in spite of the hundreds of people touring through. You can visit one of the survivors, of which there were only a few out of millions, when you leave the site. We didn’t.
    The people that were housed at S21, were brought to the Killing Fields, 15km away, in Cheoug Ek. This area is particularly difficult to see, its very real, and right in front of you.
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  • Day 68

    Street Food in Phnom Penh

    April 12, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We checked into a really nice place called the House Boutique Hotel. Bring your Visa card cause its $16 if you want breakfast included. Pool, Air con, beer, western toilets, pretty swanky for this crew. A little ways to downtown and the banks of the Mekong River but still in the heart of this fascinating city. We went for a walk last night and ate some very questionable street food, probably the limit for the adventurous two in the group. Tell you what we think it was later,
    We were treated to a blessing by some monks this morning, right out front of the place, we got to participate in the whole thing. It was really interesting and the locals were so excited that we wanted to be a part of it. Its the Khmer New Year starting tomorrow. We get the distinct feeling the country, or least major parts of it shut down completely for three days. Off to the mini mart we go for some Angkor beer...dont wanna run out you know.
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  • Day 67

    Petronas Towers

    April 11, 2018 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    If you haven’t heard of it, you need to google it.
    The towers were completed construction in 2004 and at that time they were the tallest towers in the world. Now they rank around 8 or 9, but still the tallest “twin” towers in the world. They are right downtown, and you can see them anywhere in the city. The top floor is 375m from the ground, floor 88. And that’s where we went to look out upon the city, that is well beneath you at that point. Even the KL TV Tower, the 7th tallest in the world is below you. Not recommended if you are claustrophobic and definitely not if you are afraid of heights.
    Here is another post that will be in two parts due to its awesomeness.
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  • Day 67

    Welcome to Phnom Penh

    April 11, 2018 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    It’s hot here too. And its nothing like KL. And certainly nothing like Singapore. And that’s obvious from the time you step out into the street and see all the tuktuks lined up ready to take you wherever you want to go. For very cheap. We found Vanton, er he found us, not sure really. He’s got his own ride, and he is learning English between fares. Very nice guy that took us the 10km into town, which was an experience in itself. The streets of Phnom Penh, like lots of Asian cities and towns, are lined with garbage and junk that has accumulated over a long time. And you don’t have to drive on the road, which aren’t great either, hell you don’t even need to go the same direction as the rest of the traffic. Nor do you need to wear a helmet, just hold onto to your cell phone with one hand, your infant child in the other and keep your smoke goin, you’ll fit right in.Read more

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