traveled in 22 countries Read more Bodega Bay, United States
  • Day 28

    Stubai Valley, Austria Day 27

    May 22, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Out for our first hike in the Stubai Valley today. Good weather but more clouds and rain on the way the next 3 days. 😫. The coming weather influenced our decision to do the highest hike today and lower hikes in the next few days. With our apartment came a Stubai Super Card - a pass for the cable cars and other types of transportation. Really a nice perk as the cable car rides are 15-20 euros each. There is some hiking in the valley but most of the hiking is on the mountains. It is common to take a cable car up to a place on the mountain to start your hike. Which is what we did. There are 4-5 cable cars in the immediate area. Only 2 are running right now as the other 2 or 3 go higher and there is still snow up there. This area is between seasons right now - ski season is over and summer not quite here yet so they also do maintenance work on the cable cars.

    We took the Elferbahnen cable car from where we are at about 3400 ft to 5400 ft up,the mountain. Fun ride and paragliders everywhere! We walked around the area, taking in the huge wooden sundial, watched a lot of paragliders take off with their colorful chutes and raise with the air - so silent. Beautiful! Lots of trails take off from this location. We decided to take the one up to the Elferhutte, a building we could see from our restaurant at dinner last night. Quite the climb, but only about a mile. What great views and more paragliders. Took pictures, talked with some of the other people coming up the hill and walked a bit further up and then started our decent. Our quads got a real workout with the steep,part of the downhill. But we made it 👍 and we were very proud of ourselves.

    Back down the rest of the way via cable car, to the grocery store to get our provisions or this leg of the trip and home to put our feet up on our deck for awhile. And to wash out some clothes for reuse tomorrow. 😂. I went for a walk in the neighborhood before our nightly cocktail hour and pizza for dinner. Found Sky News on the TV tonight - only English speaking station I could find. No Netflix here.
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  • Day 27

    Innsbruck to Stubai Valley Day 26

    May 21, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

    A travel day, although not far. Leaving our lovely apartment outside of Innsbruck. Packed up and out by 10A. Our final destination is only about 15 miles away in the Stubai Valley south of Innsbruck

    Spent the better part of 3 hours at Schloss Ambras, a castle overlooking Innsbruck. The castle was built in the 1500’s and was a gift from Archduke Ferdinand II to his new wife, Philippine. I sort of thought I was “done” with castles a few European trips ago however this one was different and very interesting. Ferdinand was a collector of all things art and curiosities. This claims to be the first museum in history. His collection was extensive with all kinds of lovely Renaissance pieces. Not so much art as “things”. He was clearly a lover of beauty. The museum had lots of techs films, screens to check out and terrific grounds with big trees, benches, a pond with black swans and lots of fish. We enjoyed a very good lunch there in an outdoor cafe.

    On to the Stubai Valley. A friend of Carol’s had been here which is why we chose this location for hiking. It’s only 10-15 miles south of Innsbruck so a short ride. Outrage new apartment is in the small village of Mildred, right next to Neustift which is the “big” town in the area, population ~5,000. A great accommodation again, we have really chosen well, so far. On the 2nd floor (3rd in US) but lots of room, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen with dining area and 2 balconies. Beautiful views from every room and the decks. We are very happy.

    “Nested” (unpacked and figured out how everything works) and a glass of wine from our host, then out for a walk. The Stubai Valley is a wide valley about 20 miles long with the Alps rising steeply on both sides. It is spectacular! There are 30+ glaciers and 109 peaks around 9,000ft in the area. Lots of cable cars to take you up to hike at different areas. Trails everywhere. A hikers paradise. I feel “at home”. 😀. Dinner at a lovely little town square restaurant in Neustift and home for some downtime. No Netflix on TV. 😫.
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  • Day 26

    Innsbruck, Austria Day 25

    May 20, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    A leisurely morning at “home” and off to “town”. Plan was to check out old town, see the Golden Roof and the Olympic village and, if time, the castle. Found our way through the cobblestone streets to the Golden Roof, the city’s most famous landmark. The roof was completed in 1500 for the wedding of Emperor Maximillian I. The roof consists of 2500+ fire-gilded copper tiles. Today it serves as offices for an Alpine organization dedicated to the sustainability of the Alps. Clearly it also serves as a local venue for weddings as we saw several wedding parties emerge from its doors.

    Then, a real treat, we saw a, orchestra setting up and we enjoyed an hour of music sipping our cappuccino and coke at one of the many cafes, listening to Tyrollean music. Fun and entertaining. We strolled the old town for awhile, checking out shops, people watching and enjoying some sunshine. Warmer today, around 70.

    Lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. 😂. Then out to find the Olympic area. Found some of it but not the part to walk around. The Olympics were held here in 1964 and 1976 and the ski jump can be seen from the downtown. We were tired anyway so decided to go home and put our feet up for awhile. I went for a walk around the neighborhood late afternoon, dinner at home - salmon. Watched two episodes of The Tailor on Netflix in English!!!
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  • Day 25

    Innsbruck, Austria Day 24

    May 19, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    Breakfast at our lovely apartment a couple miles outside of Innsbruck. There a great mini mart about a 3 minute walk from out place which is great for our minimal grocery shopping needs. Off today for the Swarovski Crystal World. Swarovski crystal,is world renowned as very high quality crystal and is headquartered in Innsbruck, Austria. I had not read a lot about what to expect and was not prepared for the amazing display of crystal in theater, music, and art. We spent almost 5 hours there.

    It’s an exhibit that is hard to describe. There were 17 rooms that you walk through with various themes called the Chamber of Wonder. E.g. one room had a crystal tree surrounded by a winter scene and real snow falling inside (See our pic). Another had a Hollywood scene featuring clothes made with crystals that famous people have worn, think Elton John, Simone Biles, Katie Perry, Cher etc. Huge crystals and amazing experiences with crystals, light and color. A great experience. Also had a great lunch there then tackled the outside which also has a lot to do. Rode the carousel, enjoyed all of the sculptures and huge outdoor exhibits including the “Clouds”. (Pic before the rainbow). Those “clouds” all sparkle with the light hitch I could not capture with the camera. A really. Interesting and fun day.

    Stopped at the Tourist Information center to pick up other ideas for this area. Then home after a stop at the mini mart and out for a walk to check out the neighborhood. Our host told us about a 7 minute walk (all uphill) to the train station which we checked out and saw all the hiking paths going off in every direction from the top of our hill. Train came by filled with hikers ending their day with a train ride back to town. -asta for dinner, planning for tomorrow and another rainbow.
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  • Day 24

    Italy to Innsbruck, Austria Day 23

    May 18, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

    Up and over the Alps today! Carol slept well and off we headed for Innsbruck after breakfast. Had a wonderful morning and early afternoon enjoying the best of nature. We had some sun and every turn we made brought new amazing vistas. It was a spectacular drive, and so nice to have someone to share it with. I have driven over the Alps one time previously, and that was along time ago. Quite the driving experience from Italy, through Switzerland and into Austria. Our first stop was a beautiful waterfall right by the roadside. We walked around the small park and enjoyed taking pictures from different spots.

    Then the long, slow, zig-zag drive up to a pass at about 6,000 ft. Amazing views round every corner. Then a long more gentle downhill for many miles. On the downhill side was St. Moritz of skiing fame. (cloudier there - the pic with the lodge at the end of then lake). We started looking for a lunch place around 1P. Checked out a few small villages and could not find an open grocery store for a picnic lunch. Finally went into another hillside village and way down at the bottom found a little restaurant where people were eating outside. Turned out to a a delightful vegetarian restaurant with excellent food! (See my quiche pic). The owner our server both spoke very good English anf were delightful. The gal who waited on us, was A Mexican Pilates instructor living in Switzerland. Her mom lives in Seattle! Finally looked up why so many things are closed and May 18th is Ascension Thursday and a holiday throughout Europe. Who knew.

    Onwards towards Innsbruck and arrived at our new Airbnb around 5P. A great place just a couple miles out of downtown. Brand new, lovely decor and very comfortable. We are very happy with this choice. Off to try to get to Tourist information before 6 - found it - closed. 😫. Walked around the pretty quiet town for awhile and with groceries stores closed, found a really nice pizza place for dinner. Back “home” for unpacking, wine, planning for tomorrow and relaxation. A fun day!
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  • Day 23

    Lake Orta to Domaso, Italy Day 23

    May 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    Carol is here! Picked her up at the Milan airport around noon today. Plane was a little late but by that time I had the Milan airport traffic patterns figured out. 😂. A drive there from Orta mostly in the rain.

    Our plan was to,stay on the NE coast of Lake Como tonight. We wended our way all the way up the west side of Lake Como, stopping at Menaggio for lunch by the Lake. Rain had stopped and it is warmer so it felt good to be outside and enjoying the views of Bellagio and environs. Illene and I stayed in Menaggio 5 years ago and loved this area. Arrived at our hotel for tonight , Hotel Vischi, almost at the end of Lake Como. Not nearly as crowded as most everything else in this very popular tourist area. (George Clooney;s home, etc).

    Very nice hotel, checked in and out for a walk. Long lovely path by the lake, Carol doing amazingly well with minimal sleep in a day and a half. (She had 2 stops from Jackson.) Weather got better as the day went on and we even had a bit of sun around 6-7P. Sat on a bench by the lake for a long time and got “caught up”. Dinner at a cafe by the water. Carol to bed early and Kay trying to keep quiet!

    See the pic of the guy on the paddle board? Some kids playing volleyball by the lake, volleyball into the water, this nice fellow retrieved it for them. 😇
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  • Day 22

    Charmey, Sw to Lake Orta, Italy Day 22

    May 16, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Made it to Italy! A spectacular drive South in Switzerland towards Italy. The magnificent, majestic snow-covered Alps on both sides! Not a lot of sun, mostly overcast, but when they showed thru the clouds, it was stunning. I was merrily cruising down the GPS path, when I got a surprise. The GPS gal said to me, turn right and take the “auto train” to Italy. And there I am I front of a train station with a drive through buy your ticket place. Seems that I now was taking an auto train ferry for the next 13 miles to Italy! I had never seen one of these. Gal at the ticket selling place spoke very good English and explained that, yes, I could take my car on the next ferry in about an hour. I asked here if I could drive, she said sure and gave me directions. I decided to take the ferry as I had never seen or been on one of these. Quite the experience. And I was first in line! It’s just a long flat surface between 2 engines that you drive our car on There we’re probably 25-30 cars, and, right on time, off we went, through a 12-13 mile long tunnel and 18 minutes later I am in Italy! Amazing and fun.

    Spent the afternoon reminiscing and enjoying a beautiful spot in the world, Lake Orta. Alice, Jan and I were here in 2005 (we think) and stayed at a Airbnb along the lake. After I checked into my hotel, I headed for the Sacri Mount and the old town. Wow, what a difference in 18 years! The Sacri Mount is a group of small chapels built in the woods on a high hill looking over Lake Orta built in the 16th and 17th centuries. They are designed to blend in with the natural and scenic environment. Each of the chapels are dedicated to different aspects of Christian faith through sculptures and paintings. They re amazing! When I was here previously, I remember taking a dirt path up the mountain and finding these chapels with the wonderful art work. Today it is a huge park and now an UNSCO World Heritage site! It’s still amazing.

    I then wandered down the hill to the old town and lots more changes. Lake Orta is the westernmost lake I. The Italian Lake District. It is not as well know as Como, Garda and Maggiore. The ‘downtown” is now a beautiful open plaza with cafes, shops and restaurants. The focus of all is the island in the middle of the lake, Bella Isola. (Cover photo). Last time I was here we went to a classical music concert on that island which I have never forgotten. Then spent some time looking for the place we stayed, think I found it, took a video, sent it to Jan and Alice and they agree. A glass of Italian white on the plaza, life is good.

    Dinner at the hotel, disappointing pasta, 😫 and the rest of the evening coordinating with Carol for pick up,tomorrow. She was about to leave Jackson.
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  • Day 21

    Val de Charmey Day 21

    May 15, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    First hike in the Alps today.! While I have been doing a lot of walking, today I broke out hiking shoes and poles. I found a fellow yesterday at the mountain cable car in Charmey that spoke very good English! First real conversation I have had in weeks! 😂. I wanted to take the cable car up the mountain and asked him if there was any easy to moderate hiking there. Unfortunately, they are closed today but he recommended a hike out of Charmey to a monastery about 3 miles away. Said it was “mostly” flat.

    Turns out that the Swiss’s understanding of “mostly flat” is very different from mine. 😂. However it was a terrific walk through a valley of farms, streams and rivers. A pretty easy trail and a wonderful first hike (this trip) in the Alps. I left from the village where I am staying, Charmey; destination, La Valsainte. La Valsainte is a “working “ monastery and the only remaining extant Carthusian monastery in Switzerland, founded in 1295. I could only walk around it, apparently there are tours but Google Translate was unclear about the details of how. 😂. The weather was sun, clouds and the constant imminent chance of rain. Had one shower on the way and I found “refuge” in a farmers wood shed along the trail. Threatening again on the way back so I picked up the pace and did not stop for pictures. Total out and back; 5.7 miles.

    Planned on going out for dinner tonight however, it’s Monday, and the 2 main restaurants were closed. Went to the Coop, bought a piece of salmon and a lemon, along with left over pasta - dinner. Washing out clothes tonight, hike was a bit muddy. Last night here, heading toward Italy tomorrow, picking up Carol in Milan on Wednesday.
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  • Day 20

    Val de Charmey Day 20

    May 14, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    Off today for Fribourg, a city of ~40K about 45 minutes from Charmey, the capital of this canton of Switzerland and a university city. The old town, medieval city was built along the Shrine river and it now the center of the tourism for the city. The “new” city is just uphill and houses the residential, business and shopping district and some of the museums. It’s all walkable but there is also a funicular that takes you up and down if you don’t feel like walking. Fribourg is known as the “border” between French and German speaking Switzerland. Signs are in both languages. (see pic with wisteria). I am much more comfortable with German than French so, suddenly, I can actually read menus and signs, without Google Translate. (2 yrs of high school German and lots of traveling in German speaking areas).

    First stop on my list was the Berne Bridge, the cover pic today. A quiet, beautiful area with church bells ringing, a park to stroll by the river, and folk fishing. Not many tourists around and, it’s Sunday, so many of the shops are closed. On to find Chapelle de Lorette on a hill, 300 ft up from the old city. Quite the climb, but lovely old stone steps and cobblestone paths lead to the top and the small chapel, that overlooks the city. Great views of the new and old cities all the way up. Built in the 16thC, the exterior is adorned with statues of saints and evangelists, while the interior is very plain.

    The tower of the Saint-Nicholas cathedral dominates the skyline of the new and old cities and is notable for its stained glass windows. This was the next stop on my one day, self-guided, tour of Fribourg. An immense Gothic architecture cathedral, built in the 1300s, and the center of the Catholic Church for Geneva, Lausanne, Bern and all areas in between. The stained glass is very impressive- lots of vivid color telling the stories of the Bible for the people who could not read at the time. A worthwhile visit.

    Great lunch at a funky place in old town, partially in the rain. Last stop was a small museum, Espace Jean Tinguely-Niki de Saint Phalle, husband and wife sculptors and painters of art for children. A thoroughly enjoyable hour watching children enjoy the unique sculptures that all moved with a step on a large red button on the floor. (See video).

    Back to Charmey area and decided to drive to a town in the opposite direction, Juan, about 6-8 miles away. Found hiking paths everywhere and the first waterfall of the trip. Lovely spot but shortened due to rain shower and a ‘“race” uphill to the car. Quiet evening at “home” catching up on news and final episode of Better Call Saul, a very well done series.
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  • Day 19

    Val de Charmey Day 19

    May 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    No sunny idyllic Swiss countryside scenes today. Overcast and rainy. Managed to get in one good tourist visit between rain drops. Off to Gruyères, home of the cheese for Quiche Lorraine and fondue. First stop the obligatory,and highly advertised, cheese making self -guided tour. A busy place and interesting audio on the cheese making process, done from the cows point of view. 😂. And a very good gift shop.

    Then up to Gruyeres, a totally pedestrian village, so you park at the bottom and walk up. On the ascent you are acutely aware of the cows around - all have large bells. See pic below (the real cow one). Crowned at the top of the hill by the Chateau de Gruyeres, the town is lined with souvenir shops and restaurants. Not very big, but cobblestone streets and lots of tourists from all over the world made for a lovely afternoon.

    I had made up my mind that today was the day I was going to have fondue, I have seen peoples eating it at every restaurant I have visited in Switzerland. I don’t remember ever having it since it was popular back in the 60’s and 70’s. Found the restaurant I had read had “the best” and had a seat, thankfully, as it had just started raining harder. A real splurge - both on calories and expense but it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed every morsel I could eat. It is served with small baked potatoes, cocktail onions, cornichons, and bread. While I was waiting for lunch, I was reading on line the etiquette of eating fondue. 😂. A real treat and I topped it off with the chochatiest chocolate ice cream I have ever seen down the street at a chocolate store. (And REALLY good). I am done for the day!
    Back to the car to plan where to go next for a walk when the rains came in earnest. So home it was for the evening. A break came around 6P & I went out for a walk - found a path to follow along a rushing river and added a few more pics for the day. Tomorrow looks better for weather.
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