London 2022

maj 2022
Solo trip to London Læs mere
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  • Dag 6

    Leah on sea

    9. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    From the antique place I hopped on another train and went to Leah on sea. It was a bit of a process getting there. Google took me all over the place. I had to take two different trains and then hop on a bus that took another half hour to get to Leia on sea. At the bus stop there was a creeper the first one that I've ran into. There's a long line for various buses and he followed me from line to line and would wait until I was looking at my phone to double check and he inch closer. I quickly figured it out and went and huddled next to an older couple. Quickly figured out my bus and hopped on. He stayed at the bus stop hunting other marks. The only thing I had on my backpack that he could have gotten was a Star wars book I found at the last stop. He would have been sadly disappointed and I would have been very pissed off. The good stuff I kept in front of me and my purse and always had my hand on it. He's the only creeper that I've had this whole trip so far.

    So after all that I thought oh yeah I'm finally going to see the ocean and play on the beach. Well that did not happen. Their beach is crap! Nothing but mud and on top of that it's a weird inlet thing. So you can't even really see the ocean you see a spit of land that's full of old factories and ugly buildings. There were a couple neat shops in the town but the whole place was really a bust. And then I asked Google how to get me home and the f***** said I only needed to take one train. Well what the hell!? It took an actor Congress to get there but I only would need one goddamn train to get back? I was not impressed. To top it off the long train systems apparently are also used as children's school buses. So I was in a bus full of rowdy teenagers that just got out of school for the day. Not the best afternoon to be honest.
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  • Dag 6

    Tower of London

    9. maj 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    I got off the main train. And turned the corner to get on the DRL and found a castle! This is why I freaking love London. And apparently there was a goddamn castle where I was earlier on Leia on sea and completely missed it. But anyway. I stumbled on the Tower of London and was able to FaceTime my baby and show her. My baby has a fever and didn't sleep well last night Papa was up taking care of her. She has a cough and just isn't feeling very good. So I was able to have her walk with me for a little while and around the castle. Apparently I was so focused on talking to my baby I forgot to take pictures. Oh well!Læs mere

  • Dag 7

    Lazy morning

    10. maj 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    I got up at 7:00, just naturally woke up I had breakfast And somehow fell back asleep until almost noon. Apparently my traveling has caught up with me. Now I'm just snuggling in bed I'll go out somewhere today but it won't be for long I don't think. LolLæs mere

  • Dag 7

    Covenet garden

    10. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Trying to track down a reproduction retro clothes store that I had luck at last time. They had jack s*** this time. Everything was got awful ugly. Not vintage like it all. I was able to fit into some of it but it all looked awful. And it took me forever to get there. Lots of shops around there walked around quite a bit. I did find a yummy place to eat. I had a sweet waffle wrapped around ice cream and Oreos. It's not a waffle cone it was a legit waffle. And it was awesome!

    I then walked around some more and decided I didn't want to go back to the apartment because it's hot in the apartment. It's better if you can find a place to sit and eat or read outside. So I thought I'd find a bookstore that I could plop at and read. I found a bookstore that was about as big as our kitchen no places to sit and it was hotter than a firecracker in there. I don't understand why this country doesn't have air conditioning. I'm cooking and everybody else is still in sweaters. I had Andrew hunt me down some bookstores so maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow. For some reason I'm allowed to buy books new books on vacation. I don't know why I allow myself to only buy new books on vacation. But there you have it. I also need more luggage and lots of it. I think I'm going to buy more luggage stuff it and then have it stay at a luggage facility until I go to the airport. That way I'm not lugging six bags all the way across town. Anyway. I'm back home now had a nice chat with my little who is looking awful and has a fever and feels like crap. But she was able to walk me home. Now I'm sitting out on my deck because it's too hot to sit in the apartment.
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  • Dag 7

    Rat warren mall

    10. maj 2022, England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    I didn't take any pictures of this and I should have. Anyway there's a huge mall that's underground. It was worth a bookstore was. It's a whole city underground. I can't even describe how big and massive this thing is. We have absolutely nothing to compare it to. I swear the thing was miles long.Læs mere

  • Dag 8

    Lost and confused

    11. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    I started the day out lazy and decided the heck with it and went to Rye. Or rather attempted to go. I got flat ass lost and was really getting angry but I pushed through it and was able to figure out how the f*** to get there. I'm glad I did it's a neat town. Very old. There was a castle built and eventually that castle was made into a prison. When the castle was originally built it had a seaside view. So it was very defensible and it was a perfect place for prison because if somebody got loose they'd have to swim. Well about a hundred years or so ago the sea receded by about 11 miles. So now it's smack in the middle of sheep pasture. I took a ton of pictures. There's also a very old church and cemetery with the stones so old that you can't read anything on them. Most of the inscribings are completely gone and flat. Absolutely beautiful though, and very quiet also surrounded by tutor buildings and homes. Really neat place to visit. I got home a lot easier than I was able to get there as seems to be my habit. I think I'm done with the day trips. I have more fun staying in town and just waiting for the tide anyway. I also had my first high tea today at a fun little cottage that I found in Rye. Can't quite figure out what one of the teacups was for. I thought about you tubing it but was too much of a wuss to do so in the middle of the restaurant. So I pretended I do it I was doing. I'm sure I look like a stupid yank. Oh well! The tea was yummy and the food was even better. And I got to sit at a cute little table with a bird asking for nibbles while I read a book. It was perfect.Læs mere

  • Dag 9

    Books and lark

    12. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I slept in until noon. Got up and found a bookstore with a cafe and spent an hour or more there. And then I spent 2 hours on the river. Didn't find anything interesting on that stretch of river. A couple days ago though I found some neat stuff on the other side of the river from where I was today. The pictures that I'm showing are going to be of those. The cafe and bookstore that I was at today was right next to a palace in Greenwich. I guess now though it's a school and an art museum or something. It was a good lazy day.Læs mere

  • Dag 10

    Zone 1

    13. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I got up early so I could lark. I decided I wanted to do it in zone one. Didn't really find anything interesting. There was a gentleman though that was also looking and apparently he collects rocks and then he takes him home and paints pretty pictures on them. He gave one to me and told me to give one to shalela. And then went to a coffee shop and then took the on and off bus going around zone 1. Big mistake! So many people there on a Friday! All those people wore me out, so I went back to the hotel and was hiding by about 3:00.Læs mere

  • Dag 11


    14. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    I got up early to get to the morning tide. I went to my favorite mud larking spot which is in Woolrich. I had gone there on Wednesday or something so I was going to make an early start of it today. I arrived and the tide was really low. That was not the problem the problem was everything was covered in sludge. Green nasty sludge. I thought okay that's weird maybe I'll try further down. So I walked about a mile and tell I ran into a gal that was walking towards me covered in sludge. I asked her where the entrance was. And she told me not to bother cuz it was all mud and nastiness and she got stuck. She also looked at me funny because I didn't have my mud boots on. I slipped them over my normal shoes. So she thought I was absolutely nuts. I asked her why everything was covered in sludge today when it was fine earlier this week. She said that she's been told that when the boats don't run like on the weekends the sludge forms because the water isn't moving as much to clear off the rocks? She wasn't really sure but that was her best guess. I insisted that I needed to know where the entrance was she told me it's further down by the cannons. I'm thinking cannons? Okay I guess I can't miss those. And she was right, further down there were a couple cannons ready to shoot whatever might come up the river. I put my stuff on and went down into the sludge. It was absolutely disgusting! Be damned if I didn't get stuck. After a bit of panic I was able to get back to the stairs and said screw it. I stowed my stuff and went back home and waited for the next tide.Læs mere

  • Dag 11

    Late Tide

    14. maj 2022, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    I spent the afternoon repacking my new luggage, which weighs a ton by the way. By 3:00 I was antsy and ready to go so I headed out for the river even though low tide wasn't until 7:00. I'm glad I went as early because it took me forever to find a place that I could actually access the water. I walked 3 mi in total before I found a spot that was suitable to mud lark in. I ended up going across the London bridge I turned a corner in there it was. Didn't find anything horribly interesting but it was still fun. All in all I was able to spend almost 2 hours on the river.
    Another gal was also mud larking and I asked her if she found anything. She told me she found a coin which got me all sorts of excited. She said she thought it wasn't very old and she also thinks that it was American. She asked me if I knew anything about American coins. I smiled and asked her to show it to me. With that one sentence she kind of stopped and looked at me and then started laughing. She realized I was American and I would most definitely be able to help her identify her coin. It was a quarter from the '70s. We had a good chuckle. I was able to make my way home before dark and I was able to not only mud lark but explore various neighborhoods in London while I was looking for entrances. Nobody has air conditioning here so there were tons of people outside sending themselves some various benches and parks that are all over the city. Most of the women were sending themselves without any clothes on. Maybe a string for their butt crack and that's about it. And the guys weren't much better. It was an interesting spectacle to see all the naked bodies spread out over various parks with screaming happy children running between various bodies.
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