Road trip to Darwin

Juni - September 2019
Could be our last big road trip to the top end. Ian and I hope to visit Lake Eyre, Darwin, Broome and all the bits between Weiterlesen
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  • Tag 32

    Shoe shopping

    28. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Up late last night, up late this morning. Ian has discovered a wardrobe dysfunction- in that he has only brought 1 pair of thongs....which are hurting him a little today. We headed into Darwin centre with the idea that we could combine the 'historical walk' with some shoe shopping! Not that many shops apparent, and they only sold thongs! So off we headed for the 'big' shopping Mall at Casuarina. I had a ball, but only in Big W and K Mart....Ian had a coffee and couldn't find any shoes. Off to Anaconda, and success!! Ian got his sandals. Then more success at BCF next door, with shelves for our Baby Red, and a screw for the Rafters in our Awning. It was late in the afternoon by this stage, so I read the magazine Silvia had lent me, and low and behold, around came Walter. He had a sore throat...possibly from the red wine! They asked us round after tea for a drink??? Walter really didn't seem well, and Silvia only wanted tea. I was eaten to all buggery by mossies and sand flies....despite my various sprays!Weiterlesen

  • Tag 33

    BBQ night

    29. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today I read. I started off with Womans own magazine, and then the Biography of Andrew Cameron: A Nurse on the Edge of the Desert. Both belong to Silvia and I want to return them before we leave on Friday.
    Ian and I spent several hours swimming in the pool....which I always enjoy, especially when there are few, if any other people in there. It has given me a sore ear though, which only goes to deaden the pain from the mossie bites, and sand flies!
    We cooked a BBQ tonight, with skewers, and snags. Silvia brought a salad, and custard tarts. Walter has pretty much lost his voice, but as he is now on antibiotics, this should soon be reversed. Conversation can be stilted at times...but the food was good! I am sure they see me as a nutcase..with my mossie spray on the go nonstop, and then I had a nosebleed! Only a very short one! But still embarrassing

  • Tag 34

    Darwin Casino

    30. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Brian from Ian's bowls club and his wife Kay came for coffee this morning. I woke early, again, worrying about getting all the previous nights dishes done! How silly, and Ian reassured me.
    Silvia came over around 1pm, closely followed by Walter. He has been having some fridge problems, so has been investigating how to fix it.
    He would like to sit somewhere cool, and have an icecream. Brian and Kay had talked of going to the Casino for lunch, as the view from the balcony was that is where we headed. Walter was feeling much better, and his voice was back to normal again. I returned Kay's hat which she had left behind, because we bumped into Brian while we were there (funnily enough). The view was magnificent, and we stayed and watched the sunset.

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    Late breakfast

    31. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Started the morning late, and we were just finishing coffee when Silvia arrived. Walter had taken their car to get the battery fixed. We unloaded our car and gave Silvia a lift to get a new sim card for her iPad. On the way we picked up Walter and went to the Casuarina Shopping Centre. Ian and Walter had coffee and I got a small shop in Coles. Then back to pick up Walter's car. Ian got a new gas cylinder, lunch, and then off with our 'buddies ' to Berry Creek. It was a fantastic place and we all had a lovely afternoon. We finished the evening off at Humpty Doo pub. We sat beside a guy with this battered hat, and weathered face. Turns out he lived near Walter and Silvia on the sunshine coast. His wife was lecturing in Veterinary at the Charles Darwin, and he ran a stables for race horses. Interesting man.
    Pizza for dinner, and planning where to stay in Lichfield when Silvia asked if she could come over. Ian wanted to book a twilight cruise, for tomorrow night, and Silvia wanted to know how to write her journal the same as I do.

  • Tag 36

    Twilight Cruise in Darwin Harbour

    1. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Silvia called over about 9.30am while we were still having breakfast. Walter came over half an hour later! We managed to have lunch without them though!
    We left for the harbour at 4pm and started to board our Schooner at 17 10. We were given 2 seats at the front and were just settling in, when we were asked if we would change seats as someone had already reserved them. No problems! As we were shown into our new seats - which seemed a better choice anyway, the captain offered us a complimentary wine. We asked for a glass of white whatever...and he came back with a bottle of lovely white wine...and thanked us for being so understanding. Sweet!
    We sat beside Jo and Bill from Ballerat and we had a great night, great craic, and seafood galore. Huge prawns, oysters, and smoked mackerel, for starters, followed by threadfin salmon.
    We had a really enjoyable night all round.

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    Litchfield National park

    2. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Silvia and Walter left Darwin about an hour and a half before us. Ian got talking to the permanent resident from behind us. He suggested we go to Wangi Falls as the sites were much larger for caravans. Google took us past Berry Springs, and then onto a dirt road...which was mostly a very good dirt road. It also meant that we arrived in Wangi fall first..but there were no caravan sites left. Rather than risk driving to Florence Falls and finding no sites there either, we took a spot in Litchfield Safari Park. It was a quaint large CP mostly empty, but green and lush. Ian christened the owner The Gnome. He was small with a big bushy beard. We parked had lunch, and set straight out for Florence falls, in case Silvia and Walter were waiting for us....and they were! They had blocked a large site opposite them with table and chairs. Oh dear! Perhaps a good thing though!
    We walked to the falls, and I had a swim. Then walked back to the falls to retrieve Ian's forgotten towel. An aboriginal family had decamped around the towel. We were lucky to get it back I think🙄.
    Back home, we lit a beautiful fire, and enjoyed one of the best night sky we have seen yet.

  • Tag 38

    Plunge pools and water holes

    3. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We had arranged to meet Silvia and Walter at Wangi cafe at 11am. Walter was very excited about the beauty of the falls and the large plunge pool. Kingfishers darted among the ever increasing number of swimmers...most with noodles under their arms. We walked to the lookout and around the top, completing the loop. Lunch was a Greek salad, then off to search for Walters falls
    Walter had been here 19 years ago, and was keen to visit a particular place from his memory...with cascading water and pools to relax in. He hoped the next falls was it....but there was no access to the water from here, so he was disappointed again.
    We got talking to a group of tipsy Australians. Trying to guess which country we were all from. They had been to Switzerland for lunch the same ferry Ian and I had been on from the lakes in Italy so they had seen Switzerland. Walker was from Switzerland!
    Our last place was very close to Florence falls, called Buley Rockhole.
    We rounded a corner, and Eureka! Walter's memory came alive again. This was the place, and it topped every other falls by a mile! We spent a couple of hours just lazing in the pool.
    Silvia asked us back for tea. We had hamburgers with fried potatoes and salad. We both loved it!
    I have been bitten so badly by mosquitoes over the past two days, and cover myself up in heavy trousers, boots and jumpers at dusk. It was a good excuse to leave. We drove home by the orange glow of another magnificent sunset.

  • Tag 39

    Back to Katherine

    4. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We were on the road before 9.30. We started listening to another Tim Winton book, The Eyie, and I enjoyed spotting the increasing colours of flowers, trees, shrubs in bloom along the roadside.
    We stopped by the giant magnetic termite mounds to put some more petrol in the car, and then refuelled properly in Bachelor. That was a lovely looking town, tidy and green. The owner of the petrol station was renovating the cafe and it looked very impressive.
    Silvia sent me a text to say she was having coffee in Palm Springs...hours ahead of us! We phoned the Riverview Caravan Park in Katherine to book a powered site. Then we stopped for lunch at a 24hr road rest stop, Bridge Creek. Toilets, picnic tables, and wood at about a dozen fire pits. Someone was working very hard to get campers to stop there.
    At Katherine we were assisted to park which takes so much pressure off...then a sneaky trip to the bottle shop, to grab some wine for the next few days. We spent a little time with Silvia and Walter, who were also staying at the Riverview Caravan Park, but didn't divulge where we were planning to stop tomorrow.

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    Timber Creek

    5. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Goodbyes said to Walter and Silvia again. They thought they may go down the Gibb River Rd today. We told them we were aiming for Timber Creek.
    During the night, I went to the loo, and on exiting, I saw a dog, looking very like a Dingo. It was about 3m away from me, and was just standing watching. I tried to scare it off, but instead it came closer. I gave a scream, and ran back to the caravan jumping through the door. My scream woke up our neighbour, whose torchlight I could see through the window...but I didn't wake up Ian!
    We stopped for lunch at the Victoria River Roadhouse, and I used up most of the salad veg for lunch. Walter and Silvias rig was also in the carpark!
    On to Timber Creek, and the scenery is changing rapidly.
    We arrived just before 3pm and it was a beautiful place Green and shady. We rushed to book our sunset cruise....and of course S&W who were also staying here, rushed off to do the same.
    It was a lovely cruise, with many salties and freshies to be seen .We fed Sea Eagles, and Kites and the sunset was magnificent

  • Tag 41

    Final goodbyes

    6. August 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Said goodbye to Walter and Silvia, they were staying an extra night in Timber Creek, and we were heading to Halls Creek.
    Silvia gave me their card, and a fan from the gift shop! I gave her a hug.
    We dropped into lake Argyle, and it was stunning, but very crowded so we left again! I tried picking some fruit from the Kapok tree, but just couldn't reach!
    We stopped overnight about 50km outside Kununurra. Just bought some Diesel but no food. We had left NT, and left all our veggies in the old folks box in Timber Creek.
    We took a quick trip down to the creek to see if any Freshies were around. No joy, but we must have carried 20 mozzie back into the car. We were swatting them out of the car for hours!