
março - abril 2023
Malaysia go unsicher mache mitme Abstecher uf Thailand zum Fischli bestune.
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  • Sulgen

    22 de março de 2023, Suíça ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Our backpacks are packed and we are getting excited to start our 17 day trip to Thailand and Malaysia on friday. We are looking forward to having a great time and making lots of memories.


    D Sache sind packt, jetzt heissts nuno warte. Denn so langsam chunnt d Freud, denn ab em Fritig werde mir für 17 Täg Thailand und Malaysia unsicher mache und ganz viel Erinnerige sammle.Leia mais

  • Dia 1

    Uf und Devo

    24 de março de 2023, Suíça

    It's time to say goodbye. Early in the morning, at least for us :), we took the train to the airport, dropped our backpacks and arrived at the gate. We are ready for take-off.
    Langsam is Ziit worde. Mitm Zug simmer hüt morge früeh an Flughafe düset, hend üsi Rucksäck ufgeh und sind zum Gate. I nöd emol meh 40 Minute hemmer kein Bode meh unter de Füess und üses Abentür startet.Leia mais

  • Dia 2

    Hello Malaysia

    25 de março de 2023, Malásia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    After two long distance flights we arrived in Malaysia - finally. But where's the sun? We are totally happy to be here although it's raining. We knew we have time to grab our backpacks and walk to the next check-in. Finding the check in desk inside the terminal on the other side of the airport was quite confusing. But now we are sitting here, enjoying our first malasyian food while waiting at the gate for our flight to the next destination.
    Noch zwei Langstreckeflüg über Abu Dhabi simmer rechtzittig in Kuala Lumpur acho. Leider aber mit Rege statt Sunne. Nichtsdestotrotz hemmer üs riiichtig gfreut, simmer acho. Wos denn drum gange isch, zum üse nöchsti Flug z sueche, simmer recht verwirrt gsi. Üse Inlandflug startet ufem zweite Terminal. Mitm Bus hemmer da denn erreicht und üsi Rucksäck wieder abgeh. Jetzt höcklet mer do, esset was zMittag und wartet, bis üse Flug goht.
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  • Dia 2


    25 de março de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    In the afternoon we landed safely in Lankawi. Which is a beautiful island in the north of Malaysia. Our place to stay for the night is a little rainforrest bungalow. After a dip in the ocean we had a pina colada at the cocktail bar and finished the day mith a malaysian BBQ.
    The highlight of the day was definitly seeing a group of monkeys jumping through the trees of our resort.
    Am Nomi simmer denn mitm Flugzüg in Langkawi glandet. E Insle im Norde vo Malaysia. Mir sind usem Stune gar nüme use cho, so schön is do. Üses chline Hüttli im Urwald hemmer bezoge gha und sind denn direkt is Meer gsprunge. Abgrundet hemmer de Tag mitme Cocktail und eme malaysischem BBQ.
    S Highlight vom hüttige Tag sind aber definitiv d Affe gsi, wo do ide Bäum s Lebe gnüsset.
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  • Dia 3

    Koh Lipe - a little Paradise.

    26 de março de 2023, Tailândia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Early in the morning we've been woken up by the sound the waves. After 24 hours of travelling we really enjoyed to stay the night at the Berjaya Langkawi Resort. But that wasn't the end of our trip. After a huge breakfast buffet we took the taxi to the ferry station. And after 1.5h we arrived at the thai island Koh Lipe. What a beauty ofan island! Refreshing slightly colder water, white beaches and very kind guys. We went to our hotel to drop our packpacks in our bungalow to go see the beach. Our hotel is right next to Sunset Beach. Swimming and diving was on our plan. Then we took a massage to get our body some rest. Because tomorrow will start a little adventure for us.
    Früeh am Morge simmer bereits vom Wellerusche gweckt worde. Noch meh wie 24 Stund Reise hemmer die Nacht im Berjaya Langkawi Resort total gnosse. Dos für üs hüt aber au scho wieder witer gange isch, mer sind noni ganz ade erste richtige Destination acho, hemmer früeh zmörgelet und sind denn direkt an Hafe. Döt hemmer uf d Fähre gwartet, wo üs uf Thailand brocht het. Noch chli meh wie 1.5h uf em Boot simmer denn in Koh Lipe acho. Und WOW die Insle isch denn schö! Nochdem mer denn au no üses Hotel gfunde hend, hemmer en Teil vo de Insle agluegt. Unter anderem hets direkt bi üs am Hotel en Strand, de Sunset Beach. Do hemmers üs nöd neh loh, e rundi go schwimme und tauche z go. Abgschlosse hemmer üsen Tag denn mitre richtig guete Massage. Denn morn fangt für üs e chlises Abentür ah...
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  • Dia 4

    Diving premieres

    27 de março de 2023, Tailândia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Today we were spending most of our day on a boat or under water.
    In the morning we got onto our small diving boat and we were driven near a completly empty beach where our diving adventure began. Becca found nemo during the first dives of her open water certificate and Remo did the underwater navigation exercises for his advanced open water course. After two dives we enjoyed our thai lunch on the way back to koh lipe where we both had to study theory for our dive courses.
    During the sunset Remo got into the water for his first night dive. It was an incredible experience to find so much wildlife in the light beams of the flashlights. Shotly before terminating the dive we were covering all flashlights up to discover another miracle in the darkness of the sea. Waving our hands made biolumiscent plankton shine like the sparks of a campfire.
    Last but not least we ended our day together again with a nice dinner on the beach.
    Hüt hemmer di meisti ziit ufem boot oder under Wasser verbrocht.
    Am Morge simmer vomne chline Tauchboot id nöchi vomne leere Sandstrand brocht worde wo üses Tauchabemtür agfange het. D Becca het de Nemo gfunde währemd ere erste beide Tauchgäng vom Open Water Kurs und de Remo hett under Wasser Navigationsübige für sin Advanced Openwater Kurs gha. Noch zwei Tauchgäng hemmer unterwegs en feine Thai Zmittag gesse. Zrugg au Koh Lipe hend mir denn no d Theorie Lektione gmacht.
    Rechtziitig bim Sunneuntergang isch de Remo abtaucht zu sim erste Nachttauchgang. Es isch e unglaublich schöni erfahrig gsi zum all die Tier im Lichtstrahl vo de Taschelampe z entdecke. Zum Schluss vom Tauchgang sind alli Taschelampe abdeckt worde zum s nögste Wunder vom dunkle Ozean z entdecke. Bim bewege vo üsne Händ hets bioluminiszierends Plankton gha wo glüchtet hend wie d Funke vomne Lagerfür.
    Abgrundet hemmer de wunderschöni Tag zeme mit emne gmüetliche Znacht am Strand.
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  • Dia 6

    Study, study, study and dive 🐠

    29 de março de 2023, Tailândia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    What a beautiful island! But we had a hard and busy timetable for our diving exams. Totally we did 3 exams, owd (Becca) and advanced and nitrox (Remo). The days were packed with physical training under water and theory from 5pm till midnight. Our last dive, we finally did together and enjoyed stonehenge reef. And what an experience! We saw morays, seahorses, clownfish also known as Nemo ;), jellyfish, pufferfish and many more. Those are memories we will never forget!
    We have not only had delicious food but also met awesome people!
    A BIG thank you goes to Eric and Coco, our diving instructors from Ko Lipe Diving School!!! We can highly recommend this school as they are very professional, experienced, and super friendly.
    Our last evening at the island was spend with eating tasty food and planning the next stops on our trip.
    So schö wie d Insle Koh Lipe isch, hemmer e straffe Plan gha, damit mer üsi Tauchkürs abschlüsse hend chöne. Noch insgesamt 3 Täg voller Lerne hend mer beidi üsi Kürs abgschlosse. Sowohl de Open Water Diver (Becca) wie au de Advanced und de Nitrox (Remo) hemmer i dere Ziit gschafft zum mache. Täg sind vollplanet gsi mit praktischem Lerne im Wasser, aber au Theorie pauke vom 5i am Nomi bis id Nacht ine. Mit Bravour hemmers gschafft und denn de letscht Tauchgang chöne am Stonehenge Riff verbringe. Was für es Erlebnis! Vo Muräne zu Seepferdli, vo Clownfisch zu Qualle, vo Kugelfisch zu winzig chline Einsiedlerchräbs hemmer alles mögliche gseh! Die Erinnerig wird üs ewigs bliebe.
    Doch neb dem Ganze hemmer nöd nur mega guet gesse, sondern geniali Mensche dörfe kennelerne!
    Es grosses Dankeschön goht a üsi beide Diving Instructors de Eric und de Coco. D Tauchschuel Ko Lipe Diving School chömer nur wärmstens empfehle.
    Üse letscht Obig uf Koh Lipe hemmer mitme feine Znacht verbrocht und hend üs denn ad Planig vode Witerreis gsetzt.
    Wos witer goht gsehnd er bald.
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  • Dia 7

    Taxi, ferry, taxi, ferry & sometimes bus

    30 de março de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Our next destination is Georgetown Penang. But the way from Koh Lipe island to Gorgetown Penang was long and due to multiple delays complicated to plan. Our trip as follows:
    - short taxi drive from our hotel to the beach at Koh Lipe
    - 2h ferry from Koh Lipe to Langkawi Telaga Harbour
    - 45min drive with the taxi to the other side of the island, exactly to Kuah Jetty
    - a 2h ferry to Kuala Kedah
    - arrived at the mainland malaysia we took a taxi, again :), to the bus terminal Alor Setar
    - while waiting for the taxi we spoke to an malaysian woman. On the ceiling we spotted a little light grey lizzard. She told us the name of the little one is Cicak in malaysian.
    - at 9.45pm our bus to penang sentral startet and we used the time to get some rest
    - with a grab taxi we drove from the penang sentral to our hotel in Georgetown Penang
    After 13 hours of travelling we finally layed in our bed. It was 1am in the morning and we were really happy to sleep.
    Üses nöchste Ziel heisst Georgetown Penang. Doch de Weg vo de Insle Koh Lipe noch Georgetown Penang hets uf sich. Am 12i am Mittag zu de Ziit vo Thailand simmer los greist. Erste Stop isch d Fähre gsi noch Langkawi, wo zwei Stund duret het. Mitm Taxi simmer denn vom einte Endi vo de Insle zum andere Endi, nähmli em Jetty Hafe gfahre. Döt hemmer wieder uf e Fähre dörfe noch Kuah Kedah. Damit mir aber witer hend chöne, hemmer s Taxi müesse neh zum Bus Terminal in Alor Setar. Am 21.45 isch denn üse Bus losgfahre. Die zwei Stund hemmer gnutzt zum chli döse und die letschte täg revue passiere loh. Womer denn in Penang Sentral acho sind, hemmer no e Grab Taxi bstellt und sind i 25 Minute denn entli bi üsem Hotel in Georgetown Penang acho. Jetzt is bereits 00.45 und mir sind froh, chömmer go pfuse go.
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  • Dia 8

    First big City of our Tour

    31 de março de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    From the little peaceful island now switched into a big busy city. Our morning started with a tour around our quarter of streetart at every corner. We saw many diffrent styles and also one artpiece, which was similar to Banksy (made by Ernest Zacharevic). We walked further to Fort Cornwallis, which is a bastion fort, built by the British East India Company in the late 18th century. The next stop was the Botanical Garden. Flowers, trees and so many monkeys. Aside a water lily pond we took a little rest from the heat. After the break we decided to go on top of the penang hill by train. Fun fact: the first version of the train was a copy of one from switzerland. The second and 3rd generations of trains were built in switzerland.
    Was für en Kultur-Schock. Vo de chline Insle Koh Lipe noch Georgetown simmer grad es bitzeli überrumplet worde. Noch dem mer aber usgschlofe hend, simmer bi üs im Viertel d Streetarts go bestuhne. Uffallend isch gsi, es het viel verschiedeni Stil gha und au Ahuchige an Banksy.
    Witer hets üs denn zude Fort Cornwallis zoge, enere alte Festig, womer unter anderem d Kanone vo sebre Ziit gseh hend. Dos mega heiss worde isch nochem Mittag, hemmer denkt, mer wönd chli in Botanische Garte go d Rueh und de Schatte vode Bäum gnüsse. Ame herzige Seerose Teich hemmer denn chöne es Päuseli mache. Use nöchsti Stop isch de Penang Hill gsi. S Idrückliche devo isch gsi, dass di ersti Standseilbahn vo do abglueget worde isch vode Schwiiz und die zweit Generation baue worde isch durch d Schwiiz. De Tag hemmer denn mitme feine Znacht und guete Drinks.
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  • Dia 9

    Fly little butterfly

    1 de abril de 2023, Malásia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Just a relaxing day today. As we saw there is a butterfly farm, we thought we have to see those little things. We grabed our daily backpacks and went to a coffee shop for a coffee and a matcha latte. Arrived at the farm they explained us the life circle of butterflies. Within more than 1.5h we have seen butterflys, lizzards and many more little animals. On the way back we made a stop at a ramadan bazar. Where every afternoon during ramadan they cook in front of you at a take away service for dinner in the evening. As we spoke to them and they recommended us some of the local food. Back at the hotel we couldn't wait! The food was so delicious! After that tasty dinner we went for a walk in our quartier and enjoyed the warm evening.
    Hüt hemmers sehr gmüetlich gno. Womer gseh hend, dass uf dere Insle e Schmetterlingsfarm git, hemmer üs denkt, da wömer gseh. Mer hend üsi sache packt, en Kafi resp en Matcha Latte trunke und sind denn los gange. Am Afang hend üs es bitz über d Lebensphase vode Schmetterlin verzellt. Denoh hemmer denn dörfe Schmetterling, wo gest Nacht bis hüt Morge gschlüpft sind, freiloh. Es sehr spannends Erlebnis gsi. Noch über 1.5h Rundgang hemmer sooo viel verschiedeni Schmetterling, wie au Echse und anderi Insekte gseh. Ufem Weg retour zu üsem Quartier hemmer en Stop gmacht bimne Ramadan Bazar. Det hends s Esse für de Obig verchauft. Gwundrig simmer natürli go luege gange und hend denn s eint und s ander au no mitgno. Im Hotel acho hemmers üs bequem gmacht ufem Bett und die feine Sache kostet. Mis Highlight sind definitiv d Samosas gsi!
    De Obig hemmer denn no usklinge loh mit chli Lädele ide Umgebig.
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