New Zealand

Şubat 2018 - Haziran 2024
Amanda tarafından sınır tanımayan bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 20


    24 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

    Slept in today to about 9ish then Chris decided to watch some more of the movie while Amanda napped. About 10:30 we ventured back into town where we went and saw a lady in the infomation center. We both purchased rafting for tomorrow and Amanda decided she wanted to bungy jump. There were available spots for the bungy today at 2:00pm so we booked in for time slot. While we waited we wslked around the town and looked in several stores, we got a sneeky McDonalds as well as venturing through a market where Chris bought a whale bone necklace. We then headed back to the car so Amanda could get changed. We then walked to the Skydiving place in town. We checked in and waited for a while then about 2:40 we jumped on the bus. The nerves were definitly pumping at this point and I think Amanda had been to the toilet 100 times. The ride in the bus there and back was interesting, we headed along the Highway and then got to a dirt road, we then reached the steepest dirt road on the edge of a cliff ever. I still cant believe we drive up it in a manual.

    When we got there we both got given harnesses and headed out to a landing. A guy ran through everything and we where chosen to go in the first group. We then headed into a cage and into the middle of the moutian. Here Amanda sat on the ledge at the back of the room and waited as one by one everyone jumped. Finally it was Amanda's turn, the guy strapped her leg pieces on and she made her way up to the chair where they attached the bungy.

    By this time I was so nervous my kegs where shaking so much!! Once he strapped my legs he told me to stand up and then he checked over everything. I then stood on the edge and he counted down 3 2 1. I was like no I cant do it but then jumped. It was the craziest feeling jumping into nothing 132 meters in the air. Once I had jumped I hit the bottom and bounched back up. After my second bounce up it felt as if I was just floating in the air, the best feeling. After my 3rd bounce I pulled the leg piece and got pulled back up, I couldnt get the smile off my face. Literally the best feeling!! I will definitly be doing it again.

    After the bungy we headed back to the bus which took about 45 minutes. We then headed back to the local pool for another swim and shower. Wd then headed in the direction of our free campsite from last night. Just past Closeburn but before our frer campsite last night was a DOC campsite which was paid to stay in. It wasnt a bad campsite we had a pretty good view. We watched the end of 14 Hours and then watched Texas Chainsaw - Evil Wears Many Faces.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Queenstown Day 2

    25 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

    Today we woke up about 7:00 as we had to be in town for our rafting at 8:00. We got changed and headed into town. We meet at the information center and checked in. Whilst we were waiting for our bus we over heard another girl was doing the jet boat after the rafting in a combo. We enquired about this and added it onto our vouchure. We had a quick 15 minute bus ride to the river where we got into our wet suits, jackets and took a helmet and safety jacket. We then jumped onto another bus with a few other people. This bus ride was about 45 minutes and literally the scariest ride of Amanda's life. It was one of the most scenic routes traveling through the mountains alone the cliff edges. The road was so steep in places and we were literally driving on the edge of a 100 + meter drop. There would have been centimeters between the outter tyres and the edge of a cliff. So scary!!! Once we got there we had a safety briefing which made the whole experience of rafting sound really terrifying. The river we were rafting today was a level 4-5 difficulty. We had about 6 rapids that started off as a 3 then ended in several 4's and a large 5 rapid after a long 100 meter tunnel. Our boat did pretty well we didnt capsize and only a guy at the back of the boat briefly feel out. We completed the 16kms in roughly 2 hours. After the raft we quickly showered and headed to the speed jetboat. Now this was epid. We where doing speeds of 70kmph and doing 360 fast spins. The boat had 2 large V8 motors and glided along the water. Our driver was really good spinning the jet and driving into the rocks but not hitting them. We had a few asains behind us that were scared shitless. After we were finished we caught the bus back into town and started heading North. Once we left it started bucketing down again so we only briefly stopped at a few water falls not far from the road. We stopped not far past Makarora on Highway 6 at Pleasant Flat Campsite which was a small campground with toilet. We cooked some spaghetti sandwiches in the pouring rain and watched Godzilla.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 22

    Franz Josef Glaciers

    26 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    We woke up fairly early today. It was still a little cold but the rain had stopped thankfully. We needed to be back up at Picton in 2 days so we needed to get a move on. We had a quick breakfast stop over looking the coast then drove until we reached Fox Glacier. On we reached Fox Glacier we drove down Glacier View Road where we took a short 20 minute walk and ended up at the end of the path were you could see an opening of several Glaciers with ice all over them. Several tracks where closed unfortunatley so we were unable to get down to the bottom. After we got back to the car we drove to Lake Mueller where there was another spectacular view of the Glaciers. We parked the car and walked along the scenic track to a look out which was over looking the Lake and Glaciers.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 22


    26 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We then continued up North and ended up at Hokitika. We took Arthurstown Road for about 30kms to a large suspension bridge. The bridge was about 40 meters long over a small canon. We then continued onto the other side where we could climb some rocks over the river. Once we got back to the carpark we got some lunch as we where starving by now. There was this small foof truck which had the best food!! Amanda got a chicken burger and Chris got a hotdog, it was so yummy!! We chatted to the 2 locals for about half an hour snd then made our way to the main town where we did our washing. While our washing was being wahsed we walked around the town and looked at some Jade Stores. Once the washing was finalised we headed to the local showers which where pretty shabby. We then back tracked a little to Lake Tarleton where we found a DOC campsite. We were still full from lunch so we had a sandwich and watched the rest of Godzilla.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 23

    Journey to Picton

    27 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    We slept in today until roughly 9:00am then we were on our way. We where starving about 20 mimutes in to the trip so decided to stop at McDonalds which was a bad mistake haha. Chris decided to order 2 hunger busters not knowing they came with a hot choloate and 2 hashbrowns he also order 2 extra has browns. After I had ordered my meal we ended up with $42 of McDonalds some how haha 5 burgers and over 6 hasbrowns and 3 hot chocloates. We looked like fatties to say the least lol so funny!! We parked and tried to eat all our McDonalds, it was definitly a struggle. We then headed up to Punakaiki where we stopped at the Pancake Rocks and Blow Hole walk. This was amazing!! The waves were rushing into the large cracks and open areas where they were several blow holes. We stood there and watched it for a while. The sound was so loud where the waves came crashing in. After a while walking around we then continued on our way and headed to Cape Faulwind where there was a large Seal Colony. We walked to the Colony and saw about 20-30 Seals in pools and on rocks, it was pretty amazing!! We then headed into Buller where we found the local hospital, Amandas eye had had something in it since last night and was very red and stinging. They couldnt help so we went to the local clicnic which also couldnt help so we bought some eye drops at the local chemist which didnt really help at all either, it just made it all gooey. After running around the town for a good half an hour we decided to make our way to Picton. We headed along Highway 6 to Highway 63 and onto Blemheim as they had a countdown and Warehouse. We bought some more food and snacks and then bought some more gas and pepsi for the Warehouse. We then headed to Picton and continued on past Momorangi Bay where we found a cheap DOC place. It was a windy road to get there and when we got there it was a steep drive down to a very small area. There was only one spot left so we decided to back track a little to a camp site right on the water in Momorangi Bay. We started watching The Great Wall but of course Chris fell asleep again haha.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 24

    Back to the North Island we go

    28 Şubat 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Woke up about 6:30 today as we need to be at the dock by 8:00am. We quickly showered and headed into Picton. We got there about 7:45 and checked in. We then had to wait for the boat to be ready before we all drove on. Once we were on the boat we left our cars down stairs headed up to find a spot to site. We found really good recliners at the front of the boat where we sat the duration. During the 3 hour ride we ate some yummy jam and cream scones although the wait was over half an hour. Once we docked we headed to the Chris still had not seen a kiwi bird. We walked around the zoo for about 2 hours and looked at all the enclosures. The zoo wasnt anything special it was quite run down. We spent a lot of time looking at the apes and then on our way out we watched a quick kiwi show in their enclosure which was interesting. The lady told us how Weta has made one of the kiwis an ascetic leg as he had lost his in an attack. This kiwi was the first in the world to have an ascetic anything although he preferred not to use them.
    After the zoo we headed straight up Highway 1 and then onto 3 where we reached Whanganui. It was around dinner time by now, we went to go get some pizza however it was like a 45 minute wait and the area had some rough looking people in the carpark so we decided to leave. We found a caravan park right next to the pub and river. It was only $10 which included hot showers and toilets. The guy who ran it was so nice and accomodating to everyone. We cooked some burgers again and ate then in the sunshine. We then watched The Great Wall again as Chris had fallen and sleep last night. We actually got through it all for once haha then went to sleep.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 25

    Tongariro National Park and Waiouru

    1 Mart 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    We slept in to about 9am this morning then had a quick shower and cooked some hot cross buns and toast in the kitchen, was nice to have toast for once. We then headed up Highway 4 and onto Highway 47 which was surrounding Tongariro National Park. We then headed to the information center on Bruce Road. We looked around for a little then seeked help for our Alphine Crossing walk. After we headed to the caravan park to see if the shuttle was running for tomorrow. They still didnt know so we decided to go back to the National War Musuem as Chris wasnt happy with the quick look we had on the way down to the South Island the first time. It took about an hour to get to Waiouru as there were road works. When we finally got there Amanda stayed in the car to nap and Chris went inside. Chris seeked some help from a lady who helped him find his fathers name in 2 books. Chris thought this musuem was pretty good.
    After the musuem we headed back to the caravan park which was unfortunatly booked. Thankfully they referred us to another caravan park which was just left of Bruce Road. This caravan park was definitly a dive, we paid $13 a night which was not worth more then $2. The place had really old huts everwhere and the facilities where so old, the receptionist was also a piece of work. After checking in and purchasing our shuttle tickets for the alphine we drive to our spot. We cooked some 2 minute noodles and then showered, we then watched GI Joe and went to sleep as we jad to be up at 5:00am tomorrow.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 26

    Tongariro Aphine Crossing

    2 Mart 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Woke up at roughly 5:00am we quickly got ready, packed our bag and made our way to the bus pick up where the bus picked us at 5:40. It was still so dark and cold on our way to the Alpine Crossing. The bus driver gave us some information on the treck and the weather conditions that we should expect, the bus ride took us about 20 minutes and we got dropped about half way up the mountain. After the talk we were very unsure about what exactly we had signed up for. The first part of the walk was very flat and quite easy which was good. Around 6:45-7:00 the sun slowly started to rise and the view was misty and so beautiful. After about 2 hours we really started reaching some height. There were lots of steps and areas that were a challenge. We where only about 5 kilometers and Amanda was dying however we didnt stop we keep on soldering on.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 26

    The hike that nearlly killed us

    2 Mart 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We got about 8 kilometers in and the views we were seeing were AMAZING!! You had a red volcano on one side snd a large creator we walked through after another large hill we started reaching the first of the lakes. There where 3 reasonably sized emerald lakes and then further down there was a large blue lake. The views were incredible. You had the morning fog surrounding the volcanoes and surrounding mountains. We walked about 9 kilometers to reach the very top and then the decline started. I dont know which one was worse the thousands of steps of the slow decline. The walk down was long and painful to say the least with the last 2 kilometers really dragging on. The last part of the walk was through a green forrest with a large creek. We got to the bottom about 12:00pm which wasnt to bad as we did it in knly 6 hours when the recommended time is between 6-8 hours. Once we finished we had to wait until 12:30 for the shuttle to come and collect us. The shuttle back to our camp site seemed so long as we were exhausted and tired. Once we finally arrived we both showered which was well needed with all our sweet. Once showered and checked out we started heading to Matamata. We decided we needed a rest tonight so booked and bnb however once we got into Matamata and drove past we decided that the place was not for us. It was so disgusting literally looked like a rap dungeon. We then headed right into town and got some pizza and kfc, we then looked on the map and found a carivan park on the far side of town. The place was a little pricey however had showers, pools and laundry. After we ate our dinner in the van and then watched Sherlock Holmes.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 27

    Hobition Movie Set

    3 Mart 2018, Yeni Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today was the day we had been waiting for. Woke up fairly ealy this morning, our bodies were so sore from yesterday. We decided to take advantage of the hot pools we had at the campsite so went and sat in there for about 45 minutes. After the pool we both showered and washed our clothes. They didnt have reception at the campsite so we had to quickly drive up the road to see what time we needed to be at Hobbition. We got back and waited for our washing to finish, unfortunatly we didnt have enough time to dry the washing so in a bag it went. We then headed to Hobbition!! Driving down the road were Hobbition was located had so many rolling hills. We parked the car and walked to the check in point which took a while. We didnt have much time to look aroune in the gift store before our tour started and we definitly didnt want to miss our bus. We jumped on the bus about 12 and our host ran through everything. There was also a video about the directors and the land. So Hobbition was located on a massive farm owned by a family. They first made the sets for Lord of the Rings and then when making the Hobbit they decided to make the sets again so they could last. When driving to the Hobbit houses the guide showed us where everything was located on the farm like where they would stay whilst filming and where certain scenes were filmed although now adays it is all green grass and cows. We finally got there after a 10 minute ride, it was amazing!!! Looked exactly the same as it did in the movies. As there were hundreds of people we needed to go in little groups and move slowly through the houses which gave us plenty of time taking photos. The guides were really great telling heaps of stories about the filming and Gandelf and Frodo.Okumaya devam et