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  • Tag 324

    Little Adams Peak

    6. Januar in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We finally decided to do some exercise and walked from our guesthouse to Little Adams Peak. We walked through picturesque tea plantations and rolling hills before arriving at the top, where we were treated to panoramic views of Ella. Well worth the 2hr hike!Weiterlesen

  • Tag 323


    5. Januar in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    We left Tissa yesterday and took a local bus to Ella. The original plan was to take a taxi as Google Maps showed the bus as taking 4.5hrs (via the coast with a lot of back tracking), but our host told us there were 3 direct busses to Ella every morning so we decided to try and take that to save some money. Our host walked us to the bus stop (no signs and not shown as a bus stop on Google Maps, but just a lamp post where locals know the bus to stop) and we hopped on a very full bus to Ella. Thankfully, half the people got off half an hour later and we were able to put our bags down and sit down for the remaining 2hrs of the journey. After 2hrs of very fast and chaotic driving from the low country, we made it to the hills surrounding Ella in the high country. We were a bit sore from the safari, so we had an easy afternoon of shopping in town, followed by an Ayurveda massage.

    Today, we hired a scooter to do a bit of exploring. After a bit of faffing and a hiccup with hiring a scooter (our host tried to give us a scooter with a non-functioning dashboard, we ended up hiring elsewhere), we made our way to Ella Organic Tea Garden, where we did a fascinating 2hr tour of the plantation and learnt how black, green and white tea are made. All tea is actually made from the same plant (or variety of the same tea plant), but are processed differently to create black, green and white tea. We enjoyed our morning learning about tea and it was one of the better tours we've done on this trip.

    After the tour, we drove to a café that overlooked the famous Nine Arches Bridge. We waited around for an hour for the train to come through, but it was over an hour late and showed up as we were walking back to our scooter - typical!

    We then ended our mini adventure with a massive side mission to get fuel (the only gas station in the area is 10km+ outside the town), lunch and to visit Ravanna Falls.

  • Tag 321

    Yala National Park

    3. Januar in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today, we did the one thing that we were looking forward to the most in Sri Lanka - a safari in Yala National Park! This was our first safari ever and we were so excited to see some wildlife. We had originally planned to do a full day safari (6am-6pm) to make the most of our time here. However, there has been near constant rain for 5 months here, which meant that the roads in the park have been continously flooded and/or badly damaged. It's also harder to spot animals in wet weather, so we didn't have high hopes on seeing much wildlife. Our guide recommended that we do a half day afternoon safari as there wouldn't be enough of the park accessible to warrant a full day safari. We ended up doing the afternoon safari, and it was the right choice! The morning safari that day was only able to access a very small part of the park, whereas by the time we arrived in the afternoon, roads had been fixed allowing us to go much further.

    We left our guesthouse around 1pm, and it took about 45mins to arrive at Yala. As we arrived at the park entrance, huge sections of road were flooded (up to 0.5m in some sections), and only jeeps could get through. We saw heaps of animals just on the drive from the park entrance to the safari gate, including water buffalo, pelicans, storks, monitor lizards and crocodiles. As we pulled up to the gate, we were the 2nd jeep in line, which meant we were some of the first people to enter the park that afternoon.

    We entered the park at exactly 2pm and within the first 30mins, in addition to the animals already spotted, we saw spotted deer, sambar deer, cormorants and mongoose. We watched a wild boar trot across the road and reunite with its family and a herd of spotted deer on the other side. Shortly after, we spotted a leopard sitting in a tree! After we pulled up, it climbed down from the tree, and walked right in front of our jeep - we couldn't believe our eyes! Yala National Park has the highest chance for guests to see a leopard, but there are many days were no leopards are spotted at all, and we found one in the first 30mins! We later found out that that was the only leopard spotted in the park that day, meaning that we were incredibly lucky to have seen it. Even our guide was super happy to see the leopard, as it had been days since he has spotted one in the park.

    After the first 30mins or so, we spent the next 2-3hrs circling around the park on bumpy muddy roads. Many jeeps got stuck in the mud and had to be towed by others. We didn't have as much luck spotting animals as the day went on, most likely because of the increased number of jeeps driving around. Towards the end of the day, we finally spotted an Asian elephant. It got so close to us and walked behind our jeep! Satisfied that we'd seen everything we'd wanted to see (except a sloth bear, but they are incredibly rare), we exited the park at around 5.30pm as the sun was setting. As we drove out of the park, we had one last surprise with a group of hanuman monkeys hanging out on the road! We then drove the 45min back to our guesthouse as the sun was setting over the rice paddy fields, very hot, sticky and sore, but very satisfied.

    We ended our day with a homemade dinner at our guesthouse of banana curry, chicken curry, pumpkin curry, dahl, salad and rice - one of the best meals we've had in Sri Lanka to finish off an awesome day!

  • Tag 320


    2. Januar in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Today, we needed to travel from Mirissa to Tissamaharama. We had originally planned to take an uber/taxi, but decided to try and take the local bus as it was fraction of the cost of a taxi. We took a bus from Mirissa to Matara Bus Station, and then easily hopped on a bus to Tissamaharama. Our bus stopped in Tissamaharama, rather than the suburbs where we were staying, so we had lunch in town and then an uber to our guesthouse. The trip was hot and sticky, cost us around NZ$11 and took around 4-4.5hrs - not a bad travel day! We will take the rest of today easy as we have an early morning safari at Yala National Park.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 318

    New Years Eve

    31. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    The weather hasn't been great in Mirissa (rain almost every day), so we spent the last few days alternating between quick swims at Mirissa Beach and back at our hotel. On the one day it didn't rain, we hired a scooter and went for a small tiki tour of nearby Coconut Tree Hill, Polhena Beach and Matara. We hired snorkels at Polhena Beach (as we'd read that green turtle sightings were pretty much guaranteed), but what we experienced was dead coral, extremely poor visibility (no further than an arms length) and no green turtles. It was a little disappointing, but we've been spoilt with swimming with turtles in other places, so we weren't too upset.

    We were looking forward to New Years Eve as there were several stages on the beach set up by the beach restaurants/bars. However, it rained all day and all night, with roads flooding around Mirissa. We ended up getting dinner at Big Belly Restaurant, ice cream from the supermarket and then walked down to the beach to see what was happening. We had a bit of a dance in the rain at one of the stages which was playing 90s/early 2000s songs, before heading home and getting into bed at 10.30pm. We watched Netflix until midnight and then called it a night. A bit of a different new years for us, but still fun nonetheless!

  • Tag 316


    29. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Yesterday, we had a nice little travel day from Unawatuna to Mirissa - another beach town on the south coast of Sri Lanka. We took a local bus which was an adventure in itself as the bus was full when we got on, and the conductor continued to squeeze more and more people until there were people literally hanging out the door! This, combined with the bus drivers crazy driving, made for an interesting ride. Thankfully, the trip was quite short, with us arriving in Mirissa an hour later. We quickly walked from the main road down to our hotel near the beach as the sky turned dark and rain started to fall. The rain didn't let up all day, soaking us as we went out to run some errands.

    We woke up this morning to another rainy day, and thought we'd try and get some exercise in (the first time in about 2 months). As Cass was putting on her sneakers, she reached into her shoe to pull out old socks and instead pulled out a frog! She screamed, ran inside to wash her hands, and hours later is still traumatized by the slimey frog that was in her hand.

  • Tag 313

    Jungle Beach

    26. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Today was the day we finally ventured more than 500m from our hotel! While we spent the last few days eating, shopping and swimming within a 500m radius of our hotel, we decided that we had to do at least a little bit of exploring in our 5 days in Unawatuna. Popular day trips from Unawatuna include visiting Galle Fort or the instagram famous swing at Dalawella Beach, but you need to pay a tuktuk or hire a scooter to reach both of those which we decided was too much effort (we are still mentally and physically recovering from India). We eventually decided to walk to Jungle Beach, which is a smaller beach about 30min from Unawatuna. The walk there was mostly flat with some very steep sections, and by the time we reached the beach, we were dripping in sweat and the beach was packed. We'd read online that Jungle Beach is normally very quiet and peaceful, but as it's the Christmas/New Years period, you are unlikely to get any beach to yourself. Despite the beach being very busy, we had a nice swim in waters so warm it felt like a bath and read our books. We returned to Unawatuna around 2pm for kottu for lunch and another swim at the main Unawatuna beach. We ended our day with fresh seafood as we watched the sunset over the beach.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 312

    Christmas Day

    25. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Christmas day was a quiet one for us this year. We slept in, had a big breakfast of tropical fruits, toast and omelettes, followed by some shopping where Mike finally picked up some souvenirs for himself, and a swim at the beach. Our Christmas day ended with a nice meal of sweet and sour chicken and peanut butter honey chicken at the Pink Elephant. While Christmas day was very quiet and different for us, it was nice to relax and catch up with people from home.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 311

    Christmas Eve

    24. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Spent our Christmas Eve getting a deep tissue massage, having a late lunch at Skinny Tom's Deli and at the beach. We finished off our day with a dinner of kottu, ice cream and a walk around the shops.

  • Tag 310


    23. Dezember 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Today was another travel day that was a lot longer and harder than it should have been. We needed to leave Negombo and make our way to Unawatuna on the south coast, which would be our home over Christmas. We had planned to Uber to a bus station to the east of Colombo (about an hours drive from Negombo), take a 2hr express bus to Galle, and then take a 20min tuktuk to Unawatuna. We had issues with our tuktuk from Negombo (drove for 2.5hrs only to get to the edge of Colombo city), so we gave up and asked him to take us to the closer Colombo Fort Station. We couldn't take a train to Galle as seats were sold out, so we had to take a bus which went along the coastal highway and took 4hrs to reach Galle. We left Negombo at 10am and finally arrived at Unawatuna just after 5pm.

    We are both absolutely shattered from today, as well as from 5 out of the last 9 days being travel days. Once we checked into our hotel, we showered, grabbed shwarma for dinner and went for a quick walk on the beach before we went to bed before 8pm (for the 2nd day in a row). We are really looking forward to spending the next 10 days (including Christmas and New Years) resting and relaxing on the beach.

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