Lake McKenzie

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    • Day 15

      Lake McKenzie

      February 14, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Unser erstes Ziel auf Fraser Island ist auch gleich das Highlight des Tages. Der geniale Lake Mackenzie liegt mitten auf der Insel und ist strahlend blau und klar. Der Sand ist weiß rundherum. Ein Bad hier drinnen ist erfrischend und gleichzeitig atemberaubend....... Ein Must See hier in Australien.

      Beim Mittagessen gleich neben dem See bekamen wir dann Besuch.... Von wem? Seht selbst...
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    • Day 44

      Lake McKenzie on Fraser Island

      March 11, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      I had to get up once again at 5:00 am. At 6:00 am I was picked up for a tour to Fraser Island. We were about twelve people in the van. The drive was quite scenic, mostly on a small road, partly even a dirt road. Cheeso, one of the guides, told us we should look for koalas or kangaroos. Anyway, the speed was kind of too high to find koalas in the trees if there were any. However, a kangaroo jumped in front of us on the road and there was another one on the other side. Yeah, I saw a wild kangaroo😁However, it was not possible to take a photo. A little later, there were a few more kangaroos on a meadow about maybe thirty to fifty meters away from the road. At least, I think, it was kangaroos. At about 8:00 am we arrived at Rainbow Beach where six more people joined the group and where we changed the van for a heavy and huge four by four vehicle. Fraser Island is the largest sand island of the world and you need a respective vehicle to drive on the sand and dirt roads as well as on the well-known 75 mile beach. At Inlet Point we had to wait for the ferry. There is no harbor, it is just a beach where the ferry stops for loading and then goes back to the island. While we waited we could watch a lot of seabirds. On the short ferry transit, I shortly saw two or three dolphins. They were not very visible - no comparison to the dolphins in New Zealand. On Fraser Island the ferry just stopped on the beach again. Then we went for a long drive through the bush of Fraser Island. Honestly, I got a little annoyed from all the driving because you just see the landscape flying by. Furthermore, I got pretty tired. Part of the trip to Lake McKenzie was also on the 75 mile beach. By the time we arrived at the lake we had been driving for almost five hours from Noosa. On Fraser Island there live wild dingoes and you need to be cautious and are not allowed to take food with you when you go to the lake. My mood was not that good after the long drive, but that changed when I saw the lake. It is so beautiful😊 What a blue and turquoise color! I also went for a little swim; crystal-clear fresh water! The "white" of the beach was also amazing. After the beach- and swimtime we had lunch (sandwich and soft drink) in a fenced, dingo-safe area. After lunch, I watched two birds - I guess a female and a male - who were "flirting". At least, it looked like that🙃Read more

    • Day 68

      Day 68 - K'Gari Part 3

      April 16, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Our final day started again with a didgeridoo wake up call at 6.30am as Dave was keen to us to get to Lake Mackenzie before the hoards. Matt is convinced a dingo was sniffing around our tent in the night (the tents aren't inside the dingo electric fence perimeter). I slept through obviously.

      Lake Mackenzie is stunning. The water is so clear and blue and the sand so white. The water is so clear as unlike most other lakes there is no water flow in from another stream/river/creek, its completely closed, so all the water is rain water. There's also aluminium in the water which binds to all organic material and sinks it to the bottom. This is why the middle of the lake is darker blue and the organic material can settle in the deep part without being kicked around by human feet. The sand is so white as the surround plant life pulls any nutrients out leaving mostly silica. It's apparently a great exfoliant so we were all rubbing it in our hair (well apart from Matt) and on our skin. In fairness my face did feel very smooth afterwards. Lots of comedy sand photos ensued. This is also where Dave lifted anyone who wanted to be Dirty Dance lifted. I'm not sure my travel insurance covers injuries caused by film re-creations so I passed on that. Matt and two of the others decided to swim to another beach around the lake which I very much advised against as it was far but they cracked on and came back exhausted from the lake currents. I preferred watching from the sand and enjoying the amazing scenery with all the other sensible people (note from Matt - it was so tiring we had to walk back rather than swim and there was a point when we were swimming against the current when I thought I might be end up with the organic matter but we did see an eagle).

      I was back in the Lead Car for the final day as some people wanted to switch out of it (more about the sideways seats in that one than the playlist from Dave's iPod I think) so I was back to sing-a-long songs. Matt stayed in the car from day 2 as a slight hangover and sideways travelling/loud tubeless singing do not mix. Being in the lead car also meant I learnt about the back catalogue of a band called The Beards who have 4 albums of songs about, you guessed it, beards. Very weird but kind of amusing. Look them up if you need a laugh (though some of the songs are a bit sweary and crass).

      Our very final trip stop was at Central Station, a place on the island where bush meets rainforest. We had lunch there and Dave gave us a tour around. This is where he dead lifted a 250kg tram wheel axle. He also showed us what berries we could eat - always best done with advice - and we checked out a board walk over a creek where Butchulla women would give birth (and still could now if they so chose to). Sadly it was then time to leave and we travelled back to the barge home.

      We had a bit of a queue for the barge so stood on the beach. I had a tiny jelly fish put on my shoulder though luckily not all jelly fish sting! We also spotted dolphins and another dingo before boarding our barge homewards and having to say goodbye. We had an incredible time on our trip to K'Gari. It was an expensive group tour but worth every penny. Better start saving to go back!

      We had a quick drink in Rainbow Beach before heading to Noosa. It's supposedly an hour and a half drive but we hit a gravel road which slowed us down. We pulled over to check for a better route and luckily a helpful farmer was putting his bins out with his dogs (/saw us across his driveway and came out to investigate under the pretence of putting bins out) and helped us out with a route. We were very glad to arrive at the camp site as we were exhausted. The site is absolutely chocca with kids on scooters everywhere to try and dodge with the Sweat Box. We couldn't even muster the energy to go out for dinner so I cooked tuna pasta and pesto, the classic student dish, and we pretty much passed out after a shower. I pretty much emptied half the sand contents of Lake Mackenzie into the shower as post exfoliation it was all in my swimsuit. Whoops.
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    • Day 21

      Fraser Island - Tourtag 1

      November 6, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute konnten wir noch mal entspannt ausschlafen und frühstücken, denn unser Shuttle fuhr um 9.20 Uhr zum Stand rubter, wo wir auf unseren Tourguide Tom trafen und die anderen Mitreisenden, die nicht das Vergnügen einer pre-night hatten😜. Und das war auch nötig, denn irgendwelche Typen haben die letzte Nacht Party in unserer Lodge gemacht. Wie wir heute morgen erfahren haben, ware auch Koks mit im Spiel, welches im Männer-Bad "versteut" war. Zum Glüchk reisen die heute ab!!

      Tom hat uns als erstes "Miss Piggy" vorgestellt - den Bus, mit dem wir die nächsten Tage von Ort zu Ort reisen sollten.

      Unser erster Stopp heute war "Lake McKenzie"; kristallklares Wasser, fast so weißer Sand wie am Whitehaven Beach - perfekt für eine Abkühlung. Hier hatten wir ca. 1,5 Stunden Zeit, bevor es in der Picnic-Area Lunch gab.

      Nach einer weiteren kleinen Fahrt, ging es ca. 10 Minuten zu Fuss weiter zum "Lake Basin". Der See ist aufgrund der Algen sehr grün. Schwimmen ist hier verboten, damit Algen nicht durch die Menschen gestört werden und der See seine Farbe verliert. Außerdem sind hier vor ein paar Jahren viele Fische und Schildkröten gestorben, was trotz der Entnahme von Wasserproben nicht erklärt werden konnte.
      Danavh ging es für uns ca. 1,2 km weiter zu Fuss durch den Wald, während Tom den Bus umgeparkt hat und dann später zu uns gestoßen ist. Nach einem kurzen Stop an der Central Station (Badpause+Wasser aufüllen) ging es auf dem "Rainforest Boardwalk" weitere 1,8 km durch den Regenwald. Hier wächst ein ca. 600 Jahre alter Satinay Tree oder auch Fraser Island Turpentine genannt. Man braucht fünf Leute, um den Baum zu umarmen!
      Nach dem Walk gab es eine Tee/Kaffee/Cookie-Pause, bevor es zurück zur Sunset-Bar ging , um den Sonnenuntergang anzuschauen.

      Abends saßen wir noch länger in der Dingo-Bar (wo es u.a. Essen gab), so dass wir zur Abendunterhaltung noch da waren. Es wurden "Bingozahlen" verteilt! Meine war die B98. Und als erstes wurde tatsächlich die B98 aufgerufen - gewonnen😃 ich hatte die Wahl zwischen einem Hut, einem Shirt und einem Cocktail! Ich habe natürlich den Cocktail genommen und gedacht, ich bekonme nur ein Glas aber dann hat die Barkerperin mir eine ganze Karaffe in die Hand gedrückt 😆 Yeah!
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    • Day 190

      Fraser Island

      October 9, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We had to be at breakfast at 7am to get our ration of 2 small pancakes. They were pretty yummy though. After breakfast we checked out, had a drivers briefing and then headed out to the cars. Here we were joined by the final 2 members of our group, Daisy and Ellie. Daisy has made the team slightly more cultural as she is from Wales. Before we headed out we picked up our food supplies for the next few days and put the goon on ice.

      Our lead driver Brendo will be looking after us on Fraser Island. He is an Aussie with a very dry sense of humour so it's going to be an entertaining few days. Brendo took the lead in car one and then the rest of us followed. We were in car 4 so were last in the convoy. Each car has a radio so we can all talk / heckle each other. Simon took the first driving shift over the ferry and across the island to our first stop for lunch. There was some tough driving in deep sand so fair play for going first, I wasn't brave enough for that. Frazer and Sam were hungover or maybe even still drunk so there was no way they were driving anytime soon. For lunch we had ham salad wraps which we made together as a car. They don't cook for you on this trip and instead just give you the ingredients and then you cook together as a car (not that a lot of cooking goes into ham salad wraps).

      After lunch we headed up to Lake McKenzie. This was around a 45 minute drive inland where Jess took the wheel. Lake McKenzie is a stunning fresh water lake with a white sandy beach not too dissimilar to Whitehaven. Supposedly you can even drink the water although I didn't really fancy that. We had a good hour and a half here to swim and chill before we headed out.

      Back in the cars it was my turn to take the wheel. I was pretty nervous and everyone had done a really good job so far so I didn't want to be the first one to make a mistake. Once I got the hang of it though and figured out where the wheels were it was fine and really fun. With a quick toilet break and driver swap we headed to the campsite for the evening where we will be staying for the next 2 nights. The camp is quite large with lots of 2 man tents, kitchen, showers and toilets. It's also got a fence around the outside of it with an electrified grate to stop the dingoes from getting in. Fraser Island is home to the purest dingoes in Australia at around 98% as unlike everywhere else they haven't cross bred with domestic dogs. We did spot our first dingo on our drive today chilling on the beach. They are really cute and look a bit like a cross between a dog and a fox. When leaving the campground we have to take a dingo buddy and a stick with us just in case we run into them.

      On the menu this evening we have Asian chicken stir fry with rice noodles. We even had fresh vegetables with peppers, courgette, onion, mushrooms (we picked those out) and carrot. Sam took on the role of head chef and served us up a treat. They give you loads of food so there is no chance of us going hungry.

      After dinner we wandered down to the beach and hung out there with some music. The stars are meant to be amazing from here but it was a bit of a cloudy night so not the best for stargazing. There was however a gorgeous burnt orange moon.
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    • Day 37

      Tag 43/Australien

      August 21, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      So nach langer Abstinenz folgt mal wieder ein weiterer Beitrag. In der Zwischenzeit ist jedoch viel passiert. Alles fing an mit einer 3 tägigen Insel Tour auf Fraser Island, einer riesigen Insel die hauptsächlich auf einem Sand Fundament steht. So fuhren wir also als Teil einer Gruppe, Alter zwischen 18 und 27 , aufgeteilt in Autos auf diese Insel. Zu unserem Glück befanden wir uns mit 4 weiteren Jungs im Auto die ebenso wie wir aus Deutschland kamen, in unserem Alter waren und auch nach Cairns fuhren. So wurden allein schon die Fahrten zu unseren jeweiligen Zielen immer zur Gaudi. Wir schwammen in türkis Blauen Seen , trieben in einem Reifen auf einem Fluss quer über die Insel und Surften auf den Dühnen. Am ersten Abend hatte sich schon unsere Gruppe bestehend aus den 4 Jungs und 2 weiteren Nädchen gefunden und wir verbrachten unseren Abend anfangs damit den Sonnenuntergang von einer gewaltigen Düne zu beobachten und dort Dünen zu Surfen und Volleyvall zu spielen und später im Camp mit verschiedenen Spielen und ein paar alkoholischen Getränken. Am zweiten Abend beobachteten wir von Strand aus den Sternenhimmel, welcher aufgrund des fehlenden Lichtes und der Tatsache das wir uns perfekt unter der Milchstraße befanden, atemberaubend war. Mit neuer Motivation ging es am darauf folgenden Nachmittag wieder mit einem weinenden Auge zurück nach Rinbow Island und für uns weiter in Richting Cairns. Jedoch wurde unsere Motivation schnell von unserer ersten Panne getrübt . Startermotor schaden . Mühevoll und mit Hilfe der Roadassistance schafften wir es zumindest zu unserem nächsten Ziel Harvey Bay an dem wir Notgedrungen von Freitag bis Dienstag einen Zwischenstop machen mussten weil erst Montag Abends der Mitor repariert werden konnte. Nachdem dieser Schovk überstanden war ging es nun an die erste etwas längere Tour nach 1770 . Ein Ort der vollkommen abgeschottet am Wasser liegt (und fast schon an ein Paradies erinnert) ohne Empfang oder ähnlichem. Ein wunderschöner Sonnenuntergang und eine fantastische Aussicht erwarteten uns. Von dort aus fuhren wir an unseren jetzigen Aufenthaltspunkt Rockhampton weiter , indem wir für 3 Tage verweilen werden und uns die Umvebung anschauen werden.
      Bis zum nächsten mal !
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    • Day 731

      Fraser Island Day III

      February 10, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Bevor wir die Insel wieder verließen machten wir einen letzten Stop beim Lake McKenzie. Ich habe noch nie so ein klares Süßwasser wie hier gesehen und mit seinem weißen Sand könnte man hier eine Ewigkeit verweilen. Man sagt, dass das Einreiben mit dem Sand auf der Haut & Haare waschen richtige Wunder bewirken soll.
      Natürlich hab ich das ausprobiert, aber was soll ich sagen, mehr als Sand in den Haaren (den ich nicht mehr richtig raus bekommen habe), habe ich nicht wirklich was gemerkt. Ein Versuch war es ja wert.
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    • Day 11

      Day 11

      February 12, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Fraser Island day 1... 8 car Jeep the girls, Gabby (Canada) and James and Phil (made in Chelsea). Overstocking of our drink noted by all (emergency goon)!! 🍷Met Joel camp leader (marital issues😂)Had lunch in Euron (ham gate with avocado girl 🥑) Went to lake McKenzieRead more

    • Day 12

      Fraser Island

      September 22, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Fraser Island, declared as world heritage, is an unique place to travel to. We had the crazy idea to do a three days hike carrying all of our gear so we could camp at desolated sites. We got dropped off with a 4x4 at the East side of the island and hiked 44km to the West. Lake Wabby, lake Basin and Lake McKenzie where all beautiful in their own way. We didn't see any dingos but instead we saw a echidna, very rare to see, and some huge Goanna lizards. We ended our hike with a beer and a burger.Read more

    • Day 34

      Lake McKenzie

      December 17, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach eine langen Autofahrt (11km, für man eine halbe Ewigkeit gebraucht hat) durchs Inland der Insel über Hügel, Wurzeln und Steine, sodass man komplett durchgeschüttelt würde, erreichen wir den Lake McKenzie.
      Der See besteht zu 100% aus Regenwasser, hat weder einen Zu- noch Ablauf und ist kristallklar! Man könnte sogar das Wasser während dem Baden trinken! 😅
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lake Mckenzie, Lake McKenzie

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