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    • Day 76

      Launceston - Markt und City

      January 27 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Es ist wieder Samstag, da ist wieder Markt. Der Markt in Launceston ist ohne Kreuzfahrttouristen, nur für die Einwohner der Stadt. Es werden ausschließlich feine Sachen von den Farmen rundum, von den lokalen Bäckern, Metzgern und Fischern angeboten. Unser Frühstück mit frisch gebrautem Kaffee und einem Sandwich mit Spiegeleier, Speck und Käse ist sehr köstlich.
      Anschließend laufen wir noch durch die Stadt, schauen uns die historischen (!?) Häuser an und besorgen ein paar Dinge.
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    • Day 49

      Still in Tassie 😇

      February 4 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I actually intended to leave Tassie today but decided to extend my stay here for another week 😊 I'm just not ready to go yet, so I organized everything needed within the last 2 days 😀
      Thus I was in no rush at all this morning, took my time and enjoyed the brakfast at my cozy homestay 🍵🍞🥣🍌
      My host gave me the tipp to go to a fleamarket in a village nearby, which I did. The village itself was really cute with a lot of really nice cottages. 🏡
      The fleamarket was fun, anything from books, second hand clothes, jewelry to antique flatirons was available. Had a really good time there - and made a bargain by buying a dress and a blouse for just 10$ 🙌🏽
      Shortly after noon I had to exchange my rental car, as I had only rented it until today and wanted to get a smaller one anyways - the one I had just needed way too much gas and didn't have enough PS for it's weight 😅 so now I'm cruising around a nippy little car, which is actually way more fun 🤭
      In the evening I went north to George Town, where I did a penguin watching tour that I spontanously booked only a couple of hours before. 🙂
      Tasmania is home to several colonies of Little Penguins which, at just around 30cm tall, are the smallest penguin species in the world. 🐧🐧
      We got to watch them coming out of the water & going on land, where they stay during the night.
      They were just so cute!! It totally paid off going there! 🥰 So happy I stayed in Tassie 🥳

      Soundtrack of the day:
      Penguin - OdjBox…
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    • Day 36

      Ab in den Süden...

      January 13, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Hüt morgä hets bi Zytä gheissä ufstah, fertig packä u när abfahrä richtig Flughafä. Obwouhs rächt viu Vercher dür Melbourne dürä gha het, si mir gliich rächt schnäu dert aacho u hei z Mietouto 🚘 chönnä abgäh.
      Bir Gepäckufgab hei mir chli müeh gha, wüu am Christian si Koffer übergwicht gha het 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ (nach 3mau umpackä hei mirs de aber gliich nu gschafft 😅) aber drfür isches när tiptop gangä, bis mir bim Gate gsi si. Dert hei mir när ewigs gwartet bis d Cabin Crew cho isch, drum si mir när mit überer haubstung Verspätig ersch abgflogä.

      Nachem landä z Launceston het dr Zoll-Hund 🐶 rächt fröid am Christian gha u ischem grad nachägloffä 😅 aber da är nüd aagäh het, hets dr Zöllner aber nid gross interessiert 😊

      Wo mir äntlich z Outo hei chönnä holä, isches o scho wiiter richtig Unterkunft für di nächscht Wuchä gangä. Isch wunderschön u mir hei sogar scho äs paar Wallabies gseh 😍

      Jetzt gah i de nu dr Tag im Whirlpool gah lah usklingä 😊
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    • Day 39


      January 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Das mir ke Heiweh bechömä, si mir hüt vorsorglich uf Grindelwald iz Swiss Village. D' Hüsli si würk schön im Chalet Style gsi u äs het einigi Subarus umä gha, aber süsch isches jetzt nid ganz so speziell gsi. Nid mau Fondue oder Raclette het mä dert becho 🤷🏼‍♀️. Drfür hets ä mega quuli Mini-Golf Bahn gha, wo mir natürlich grad usprobiert hei 😁

      Statt direkt wieder zrüg, hei mir ä chliinä Umwäg zur Hillwood Berries Farm gmacht. Das isch ä riesigi Beeri Farm mit Erdbeeri, Himbeeri, Brombeeri u Heidelbeeri. U da mä dert Pancakes mit früschä Beeri het chönnä ässä, hei mir üs das natürlich nid lah entgah 😋

      Am Namittag si mir nu mau chli iz Stedtli vo Launceston. Drbi hei mir festgesteut, dasses dert ja sogar Affä 🐒 im Park het 😅.
      Zum Abschluss vom Tag hei mir nu ä churzä Spaziergang am Seaport wöuä machä. Schlussändlich si mir aber einisch schier rund um d Stadt gloffä u ersch churz vorem iidunklä wieder zrüg id Wohnig cho.
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    • Day 51

      Wed 24 Jan. Launceston Tasmania

      January 24 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We arrived in Hobart Tuesday afternoon and had an overnight stop in New Norfolk. The b and b was old fashioned but there was a lovely pub nearby. From the front it didn't look great but had a good restaurant at the back with lovely views over the Derwent Valley.

      Drove to Launceston today, with a stop at a fruit farm for a very nice raspberry and boysenberry ice cream.

      We had high hopes for this Airbnb and it hasn't disappointed, a beautiful apartment in the Tamar Valley nestled in a vineyard with an absolutely amazing view off the balcony and a wallaby or two that visit at 5pm to be fed. She said if you shouted Wally they come hopping out and to feed them bread, so that kept us amused for a good while. This one will linger long in our memory I think.

      Joy had a lesson in how to pronounce the names of the towns we are visiting by the amused friendly butcher we bought our steak from, as we were saying them all wrong. Then barbie Ken cooked them .
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    • Day 15

      Launceston - we had a problem

      February 27 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So the electrics issue may have been a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but getting it sorted was a major headache. I said a company shows their true colours when they have to fix an issue. I could rant, rage and weep* on this post over the way THL, who oversee the vans, dealt with our issue, but I’ll save that for my complaint comms 🫤

      It took 24 hours for an angel, real name Steve from LES to arrive and fix the fault. LES’s efficiency have been the polar opposite of THLs 😠

      Our new best friend was able to switch out the errant thingymajig and we’re up and running again. It took him 20 mins.

      Col, an excellent problem solver himself, worked out the issue earlier, so was able to point Steve in the right direction.

      Hopefully that’s our drama done and dusted for this trip😬🤞🏻🫤

      * have done all three today
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    • Day 121

      Lavender overload

      January 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Mole Creek --> Bay Of Fires

      Früh am Morgen sehen wir, wie dutzende Wallabys auf unserem Campingplatz rumhüpfen. So wacht man gerne auf. Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang zum naheliegenden Wasserfall von Lilydale machen wir uns auf zur Lavendelfarm von Bridestowe.
      Der Lavendel befindet sich gerade in voller Blüte und es ist ein wunderschöner Anblick, als wir die bis an den Horizont reichenden Lavendelfelder erblicken. Insgesamt sind die Blütenreihen mehr als unglaubliche 200 km lang und es fühlt sich ein wenig so an, als würde man gerade mitten in der Provence stehen. Natürlich holen wir uns alle möglichen Lavendel-Süßigkeiten inklusive dem obligatorischen Lavendeleis. So viel ungesundes haben wir seit Monaten nicht gegessen und uns ist auch direkt etwas schlecht :D Aber das war es wert!
      Weiter geht es zur Bay of Fires. Als wir dort ankommen sind wir ein weiteres Mal völlig aus dem Häuschen, was für einen traumhaften Strand wir hier schon wieder entdecken – viel schöner geht es nicht. Und das Beste ist, wir können direkt am Strand für umsonst campen. Hach Tasmanien <3
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    • Day 51

      Launceston, TAS

      January 31 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 75 °F

      One of the reasons we’ve been traveling such short distances on the road in Tasmania is the descriptions we read about spectacular scenery along what is described as the Eastern Drive.

      The scenery is indeed breathtaking in many places. But you only see it if you go off the road. Yes, we’ve done that … and enjoyed every bit of it. But driving through bushland in between those sights has meant that we’ve not dallied as much on the road. Especially today.

      Yes, we could have stayed in St Helens as we had originally planned. Instead, once we left the Bay of Fires earlier than anticipated, we decided to continue on to our next stop to give ourselves a two-night stay in one place instead of two one night stays on the road. Even better, the new plan would give us more sightseeing time in the Launceston area … with the possibility of adding a few places that we had to drop from our original itinerary.

      Thus we took the Tasman Highway to the Midland Highway to drive through the heartland of Tasmania. Arriving around 4:30p, we got ourselves settled into our room at the hotel at Country Club Tasmania in Prospect Vale … a rural/residential locality of Launceston … conveniently located for our sightseeing needs … and not in need of a “refresh” like some of the hotels we’ve stayed in recently.

      Launceston is a UNESCO City of Gastronomy … one of 50 around the world. It has been recognized as such for “… Northern Tasmania’s unique paddock-to-plate culture” and the city’s “… role as the region’s gourmet hub.”

      That, of course, set the bar high for tonight’s dinner at the Terrace Kitchen, the restaurant at the Country Club.

      We were not disappointed. It was all delicious — from the Tasmanian Oysters Kilpatrick … wrapped in crispy pancetta and served with a Worcestershire dressing; to the prawn & ginger dumplings … with kimchie kewpie mayo; to Wagyu beef ravioli fritti … with red capsicum salsa, chili oil, and parmesan shavings; to Tasmanian trout … served on a bed of pearl barley and summer pea risotto with a drizzle of burnt butter sauce. No room for dessert, I’m afraid!

      Now to get a goodnight’s rest.
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    • Day 74


      March 19 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Wir sind bei sehr schlechtem Wetter Richtung Launceston gestartet und es wurde eigentlich nicht besser. Dann nutzt man den Tag am besten zum shoppen, im Kaufhaus regnet es ja nicht. Immerhin hat Crocodile jetzt einen Rückenkratzer und einen zweiten Hut. 🤠🐊
      Danach wieder zum Campingplatz. Alles wirklich sehr trist und nass. Es wird wohl langsam Zeit, wieder Richtung Heimat zu fahren, denn schon zum zweiten Mal ist das Wetter daheim besser, als im Urlaub. Das letzte Foto spiegelt den Tag gut wieder.
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    • Day 52

      Launceston: Cataract Gorge

      February 1 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 75 °F

      After lunch at a place recommended by one of the staffers at the QVMAG, we headed off to the Cataract Gorge Reserve.

      The gorge — which is 65-million-years-old — can best be described as “urban wilderness.” An oasis in the midst of the city. One can walk to it from the CBD … a zig zag trail that I understand is fairly steep. We drove there instead … steep roads, too.

      The dolerite features of the Cataract Gorge — some 200-million-years-old — date back to the Jurassic Period … to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Signage in the reserve explained that Tasmanian Aboriginals tell of ancestors who were transformed into stone monoliths. They, in fact, consider the boulders along the river to be sentinels who care for the area.

      I was hoping to see something like what was portrayed in the paintings I’d seen at the art gallery. Nope, nothing like it. The scenery was peaceful and beautiful, but I must admit that the swimming pool on the lawn was an eyesore … at least it was for me. I didn’t much care for the chairlift that stretches across the basin either. Just seemed a bit too commercial to me. But others seem to enjoy both of these features, so who am I to quibble.

      Having spent most of the day slow-wandering at the QVMAG, our feet refused to consider a long hike into the gorge. Instead, we followed a short trail to the Alexandra Suspension Bridge to cross the gorge and do the basin walk that encircles the water.

      Our visit took to the Gorge took an hour in all. Then, back to the hotel to rest up. Tomorrow we’re on the road again.
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