Port Macquarie-Hastings

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Port Macquarie-Hastings
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    • Day 260

      6hr hike

      June 11, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Berber and I had only a 30min shift again today thanks to the big group staying all weekend. So we decided to make the most of the day and do the coastal walk again. Today we did the way there and back.

      It took around 5.5hrs all in all. We did a little stop for a sandwich part way. We did a few photo shoots along the way and arrived back at Town beach around 4,15.

      Berber decided to go back to the hostel but I stayed. I bought an icecream to watch the sunset. I got chocolate coconut, it was back, I loved it.

      Back in the hostel we played some drinking games and chatted all evening. They decided not to go out and just sat around our house together.
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    • Day 48


      November 4, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Hi everyone! It’s been 3weeks, since the last post. The days go by really fast. 😅
      We have been working, but then we spend the last week on the road, up to the Gold Coast. The weather is spring like, it’s been raining a bit but when the sun is out it’s really hot.
      We visited another koala hospital, where we got to learn about their habits.🫶🏼
      Spend some time at the beach, Adam went for a quick snorkeling trip, the ocean has approximately 20 degrees, it’s way too cold for me. We visited the blue mountains national park, it was really nice.
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    • Day 948

      Koala Krankenhaus

      August 3, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute stand etwas besonderes an, vorher ging es aber noch zu verschiedenen Aussichtspunkten. Einer davon mit dem etwas seltsamen Namen, North Brother Mountain.

      Koalas gehören fast entlang der gesamten Ost- sowie der östlichen Südküste Australiens zum täglichen Bild. Manchmal laufen sie auch durch Straßen, auf der Suche nach Wasser. Neben Krankheiten sind dies Ausflüge die oft leider schlimm enden.

      Attackiert von Hunden oder von Autos angefahren werden sie schwer verletzt, bestenfalls. Um hier einen kleinen Unterschied zu machen gibt es das Koala Krankenhaus in Port Macquarie. Hier werden sie aufgepäppelt um sie wieder in ihren eigentlichen Lebensraum zu entlassen.

      Teilweise leben Koalas aber auch schon seit Jahren hier und es dient sogar als eine Art Altersheim wo ein Koala einen schönen Lebensabend genießen kann.
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    • Day 236

      Walks to Koalas

      May 18, 2023 in Australia

      After work today we decided to do something with our afternoon. Olivia, Camila and I walked through town to the Koala hospital.

      Our first stop was the bats. In the middle of the city is a little strip of greenery full to the brim with bats. It was the most unnerving thing. Extremely loud, kinda creepy and massive. They hung above our heads, probably thousands of them. We did not enjoy the walk through, far too creepy.

      After the bats we reached the Koala hospital. It is a nice idea but I was expecting a bit more. Not to be rude, but it was just a handful of cages with Koalas in. There wasnt much info on them and there wasnt that many so I was just expecting more. But I guess it's good there arent many sick Koalas.

      We walked back to the hostel and decided to go out tonight. One of the bars does a backpacker night meaning that the beer is cheaper than a coke. I wasnt best please but there we go. They also do cheaper food and I got the vegan nachos. Now they were good. Breaded cauliflower nuggets, melted cheese and enough salsa to drown a person. Top tier.

      They also had a big fire and the workers gave us some free marshmallows to cook over the flames. We all felt like little kids gone camping.

      Me and Femke decided to dip around 8pm. It was super cold and the guy we had been gossiping about had just arrived so we felt a bit awkward. The others arrived back a little while after us as the bar closes at 8,30 anyways. Why it closes so early I'm not sure, but probably cause the place was empty except for our backpacker group.

      Back at the hostel I played Femke at pool, she won. Then we did some articulate, a very strange game, but I did win. Then the others decided to go out out and I went to bed.
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    • Day 241

      Finally surfing

      May 23, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      I woke pretty early before work and enjoyed the morning rays warming me up. Work was fine.

      After I spoke to Amelia, a long termer in the hostel and also the one with a car. She was going surfing with Jack, another volunteer. I decided it was finally time I went surfing.

      The board I got was a lot thinner than the one I am used to and I didnt enjoy it so much. Couldn't find the balance on the different size board. But got there eventually and enjoyed riding the weaker waves in. The waves were either really weak and tiny or massive today, no in between. But we had fun regardless and thanks to wetsuits werent cold.

      Back at the hostel I changed and grabbed my cvs. I found out this morning that after all of my work with the paperwork and getting my vaccine done, I cannot get the job. I had to do a final check and I dont have the correct paperwork to do that check. You have to have Australian papers, foreign ones arent excepted. Sometime there are exemptions but I dont qualify for those so I cannot get the job.

      So I hit the town once more and handed my cv into a few restaurants and bars in town. Noone is really hiring currently as it is winter but hopefully something will happen.

      I decided to stay out and watched the sunset again. Read my book for a bit while it went down before I got too cold and went back to the hostel. The sunsets here are nice but without any clouds in the sky, they lack some of the usual pinks and purples.
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    • Day 158

      Angekommen in Port Maquarie!

      March 5, 2023 in Australia

      Was für eine doofe Nacht, aber so ist das als Backpacker halt mal. Im Hostel noch nen Spiel gespielt mit Paula und Colin und dann in Bus.
      Um 4 Uhr nachts waren wir also beim Hostel, welches vorne zum Glück ein Sofa und Sessel hatte. Da haben wir es uns gemütlich gemacht und von 4:30 Uhr - 9 Uhr oder so geschlafen. Es war echt super gemütlich muss ich sagen, irgendwann war es nur sehr warm, da wir noch dicke Klamotten vom Bus und der Nacht anhatten.
      In Zimmer konnte ich dann noch nicht, aber ich konnte das Hostel schon benutzen und habe in der Küche etwas gefrühstückt.
      Dann ging es zum Pool in die Hängematte :)
      In meinem 6er Zimmer habe ich mir dann gleich das Bett unten reserviert hahaha.
      Ich war den ganzen Tag sowas von müde. Bin zum Supermarkt gegangen, um die nächsten Tage nicht zu müssen und freue mich dadurch sehr auf mein Frühstück morgen. Ich habe mir nämlich den guten Joghurt gegönnt und auch Erdbeeren :D
      Dann habe ich schnell den Bikini angezogen und habe mich gesonnt, war im Pool und habe meine Augen in der Hängematte nochmal zu gemacht.
      Nachmittags gab es ein BBQ im Hostel, Getränke und Essen musste man aber selbst mitbringen. Dann habe ich mich mit zwei aus meinen Zimmer und zwei weiteren Mädels unterhalten, das war echt ganz schön, denn wir saßen am Pool und hatten die Füße im Wasser. Abends habe ich mir dann meine Nudeln mit Pesto in der Küche gemacht, was auch sonst hahaha, aber solange es noch schmeckt :D
      Danach habe ich mich nochmal in die Hängematte gechillt und habe die Schar von Fledermäusen beobachtet. Das ging ca. 15 Minuten so, richtig spektakulär!
      Jetzt gehts ins Bett und morgen wird auf jeden Fall ausgeschlafen.
      Gute Nacht!
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    • Day 240

      Coastal walk

      May 22, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      After work, Berber, Camila and I decided to finally do the Coastal walk.

      Port Mac has a collection of things to do, we have done them all except the Coastal walk. So we made a packed to finally do it.

      The reason why we havent done it yet, its 2.5hrs long. But we did it.

      The coastline is stunning. All blue waters, black rocks and greenery. I felt like I was back in Bali a little. It gave off a similar vibe. If a little cooler.

      We managed the walk in roughly 2hrs 15 which we were proud of. Especially as we kept stopping to take photos and werent exactly going fast. The trail was paved or steps most of the way so wasnt difficult at all, only long.
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    • Day 234


      May 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I woke up pretty early today. I'm liking having a couple hours before work in the morning. I'm not used to working at the start of the day so it's a little strange but I like it.

      I made a fun breakfast. I'm trying to eat a mix of different things. Anything that's colourful and not bland.

      Work was super easy, not surprising from the last few days. Making beds and cleaning bathrooms is hardly taxing, it is just time consuming. But even then it's only 2 hours a day. Anyone can do that.

      I had lunch with Berber, a girl in my room who is also volunteering. Then got changed and headed to an interview. It went well until I said I worked between 10am and 12pm at the hostel. Unfortunately that put a downer on the interview.

      Back at the hostel I was kind of annoyed. I really want to get a job and the way the interview ended wasnt great. Surprisingly the company called me a few hours later in the afternoon and offered me a different job. I was very relieved and now just need to wait for word from them over the paper work and hours involved.

      Didnt do much in the rest of the evening. Just hung around the hostel with the girls and chilled.
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    • Day 315

      Highlights #1

      August 5, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      A few highlights from August.

      I woke up one morning with a massive puppy in the hostel. It is fascinating how much my mood can boost just by seeing a massive doggo. He was adorable, I was very happy.

      A couple of days later, I decided to fall over. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I ended up busting part of my knee up. I scratched the bottom half open and badly bruised it. I would not recommend it. Thankfuly, it healed nicely but took about 2 weeks before I stopped limping.

      We finally finished a puzzle that we'd been doing for weeks. The colourful part was easy but the blue was near impossible. It was all one shade and high dull to do.

      I spent the first two weeks of August doing the close. My friend Ellie, who usually does it, was on holiday in Europe for 2 weeks, and they asked me to cover her. I can not say it was really fun. The actual closing of the hostel was easy, but having the emergency phone was not. The hostel is usually very quiet, but I got unlucky. I guy called at 3 am asking to check into his room, which he never booked. A day later, a guy was wandering around the hostel on something and destroyed a bunch of plants at midnight. Needless to say I was very pleased to give the emergency phone back to Ellie when she returned.

      As everyone left at the end of July, August was very quiet, and I have spent a few mornings taking myself on solo dates. On highlight was the pancake place. The service here is a little lacking, but the pancakes make up for it. I got the raspberry and white choc stacks and read my book. The pancakes were amazing, and this book is truly incredible. The book is my book club book for this month, and it is one of the most beautifully written stories I have ever read. I highly recommend and will be buying my own copy.

      Due to having more free time to myself, I've taken on reading more again. I have also taken a liking to Matcha iced lattes, and the sun here is the best part. I have spent many afternoons by the beach with a match coffee and a book.

      Alex and I spent the together just before she left. We read on the beach for a bit before going to lunch. We went to a Thai cafe that does Asian and western fusion food. I got a salad, and Alex got a curry. It was ok but far too sweet for me.

      Alex likes to draw, and she created us all these drawings of our star signs and something like us. This was the one she made me.

      On one of the last days Alex was here, we went down the beach and spent almost all day in the sun. Around mid day, a strange looking cloud appeared. By late afternoon, a massive block of smoke was spread across the horizon. A wild fire had started from the forest a few miles north of the port and had spread. The wind was pushing the smoke eastwards and creating a block in the sky. Despite the strange view, we had a lovely day.
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    • Day 333

      Crotchet projects

      August 23, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      I have made a lot of crotchet things the last few weeks.

      I am not in love with the green hat. It is a little too bright for me, so I made a more neutral one in beige. This one I prefer a lot more.

      I made a cute green top. This one took so many days of work, but I think it was worth it. Very cute, I am very happy about it.

      The slippers I made for Alex as a gift for when she left. They were a pain to make and made my brain hurt, but I was very pleased with how they turned out.

      I made a bandana. I had some leftover white wool from my other projects and decided to randomly make it. I saw a photo and decided I wanted it.

      My final project is another top. I had to make a pattern for a pentagon, which took so many tries, but I finally got it right. The top is slowly coming together.
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