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    • Dag 9


      14. januar 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nachdem wir Marios Windsurfmaterial zusammen hatten, erkundeten wir bereits den ersten Surfspot bei Rockingham.
      Leider war es bereits etwas zu spät um noch zu surfen, deshalb genossen wir den Sonnenuntergang am Strand.Les mer

    • Dag 245

      Penguin Island

      9. mai 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we drove up to Rockingham and got the ferry across to Penguin Island - a small, uninhabited nature reserve island. We visited the Discovery Centre, where they have a few rescued penguins - this meant that we finally got to see the Little Blue penguins that eluded us in New Zealand, although they are called Fairy penguins here (same species). They are the smallest species of penguin in the world and they're very cute. Some of the penguins here are able to be treated, rehabilitated and released into the wild but some are not. There were some great stories of penguin life too - like the old female whose partner of 11 years died recently and they expected her to be heartbroken but within 24 hours she had a new mate! There are also a pair of penguins who are both male - they've also been together for 11 years and make a nest every year (which obviously stays empty), but last year the centre had an abandoned egg so they gave it to the male couple and they hatched and successfully raised a chick that has since been released into the wild (very similar to the lovely kids "Tango Makes Three" story of Chinstrap penguins in Central Park Zoo if any of you know that). One of the penguins, Kevin, was particularly vocal and Solana loved talking to him - for such little animals they can be surprisingly loud. Afterwards we went on a walk around the island and tried to see the wild penguins but they are nesting at the moment and we didn't manage to find any... We did see lots of nesting gulls though - who demonstrated their parental protectiveness by flying very low and squawking at us loudly and later by trying to steal our picnic! We also went on a boat trip where we saw Australian Sealions (apparently the rarest species of sealion in the world), pelicans (including some with chicks), osprey and a group of bachelor bottle-nosed dolphins - a great trip.

      This afternoon we went to a nature reserve at Mandurah estuary for a walk. We didn't see as many birds there as we'd hoped but we did unexpectedly see a few kangaroos! We also unexpectedly drove past a few wineries and thought it only polite to call in and do a tasting at one of them - the wines were great and our budget took another hit with a couple of purchases. We think maybe Solana now knows a bit too much about wine for a 4 year old - the other day she asked us for a drink of "cloudy bay apple juice" (she meant cloudy apple juice)!
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    • Dag 78

      Penguin Island

      16. februar 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We both woke up around 7 o'clock this morning, so we decided to ear breakfast early and get going.
      After breakfast, we went to Rockingham to the Information Center there and ask if it's possible to hire a Kayak and driver to Penguin Island with it. First, we walked over the little market that was beside the carpark and bought so vegetables and fruits for a really nice price! Then we ask the lad in the information center and it was possible to just hire a kayak! We got a number and called the guy and he had a double kayak for us!
      We just went fast to buy bread rolls with cheese for a picnic lunch and we drove to the penguin island harbor!
      He was already waiting for us there and we got the kayak and life jackets and some good tips from him where to go first and what to think about!
      So we got ready and off we were!
      It was quite challenging to paddle to Seal Island as the wind and current were pushing us around.
      But we managed and got better and better to handle it the longer we were out!

      Pictures and text about Seal Island come in a different footprint!

      Then we were paddling towards Penguin Island, passing some other small and rocky islands on the way with a lot of shags and seagulls on!
      The closer we came the better we could see the big pelican colony on the island! There are so many pelicans!!
      We then paddled to the beach and went onshore and had our lunch break. After an hour relaxing we went for a walk over Penguin Island and saw a lot of birds and pelicans.
      No penguins unfortunately but it’s too early to see them come onshore. And they close the island at 4 pm for the public to give the penguins the privacy they need, which is really good!!

      After the walk, we decided to stay here a while longer before we return back to the mainland.

      We left around 3.40 pm and had some problems to navigate as the wind was pretty fresh now and the current was pushing us in the wrong direction all the time. But we managed, a bit tired but still more than satisfied with the day. After returning the kayak we went to Herron where we found a beautiful little campground right beside a lake.
      So we had our dinner at the beach, watching the sunset and the pelicans on the lake! It couldn’t be better.

      We went to bed pretty early as we were both very tired from the day!
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    • Dag 78

      Seal Island

      16. februar 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      On Seal Island, we saw a lot of Sea Lions!
      They are sooo huge! 😳
      Most of them were sleeping on the beach, but some of them were actually in the water, playing around with each other and having a good time.

      Some sea lions came pretty close to our kayak to check us out!
      It was so amazing!
      You are not allowed to paddle close to the beach, so Kara looked that we were in a good position moving us around towards the sea lions in the water and I was taking pictures with my underwater camera.

      When we decided to leave and paddle towards Penguin Island one sea lion started to play with a guy that was snorkeling here. So we stayed a while longer and watched their game. The sea lion was really long playing with the guy and seems to have fun with him.
      It was at least fun to watch from the side!
      After a while, we left them behind and went to Penguin Island.
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    • Dag 76

      Penguin island

      15. desember 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Endlich habe ich ihn gefunden... den Pinguin 🐧 😀

      Ganz einfach, auf der Pinguin Insel. Hier leben wilde Pinguine auf der ganzen Insel. Man darf nur einer Runde über den Holzsteg folgen und am Strand entlang laufen. Von dort kann man das Leben der Vögel, Pelikane und Pinguine beobachten.

      Dave hat uns als Gentleman rüber gekayakt zur Insel.
      Das war cool! 🚣‍♂️

      Leider haben wir die wilden Pinguine nicht entdeckt. So habe ich mir die Fütterung der kranken und verletzen Pinguine angeschaut, die in einer Pflegestation auf der Insel versorgt werden.
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    • Dag 185

      WA - Little Pinguine Island

      15. januar 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Unser heutiges Ziel ist eine kleine Insel mit kleinen Bewohnern. Der Name lautet Penguine Island und bewohnt wird die Insel von einer Kolonie der kleinsten Pinguine der Welt.

      Diese kleinen Tiere haben wir bereits bei unserer Tour auf Granite Island besucht. Doch dieser Ausflug war das komplette Gegenteil.

      Mit einer Fähre, Fahrzeit 5 Minuten😂, ging es mit vielen anderen Touristen auf die Insel. Auf der Insel gingen wir dann mit allen anderen in ein kleines Rondell mit einem Schwimmbecken in der Mitte. Hier saßen zwölf Pinguine, die dort für die Touristen gefüttert und vorgeführt werden.

      Anschließend gab es die Möglichkeit über einen Pfad über die Insel zu wandern oder sich an den Strand zu legen. Da es sehr windig war und der Strand mit angespülten Algen und Seegras bedeckt war, entschieden wir uns die Insel zu erkunden.

      Neben jeder Menge Vögel, die Christof unbedingt im Flug fotografieren wollte, fanden wir auch zwei Babypinguine, die sich unter einer Treppe versteckten.

      Ob die ganzen Touristenscharen dieser Insel gut tun ist fraglich.
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    • Dag 11

      Penguin Island

      16. februar 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute haben wir die Vogelinsel "Penguin Island" bei Rockingham, ca. 45 Minuten südlich von Perth, besucht. Es ist möglich diese Insel über eine Sandbank zu erreichen. Diese war heute wegen Wind und Strömung geschlossen. Die Fähre war aber auch schön. Auf der Insel haben wir viele Möwen, Pelikane und auch ein paar Pinguine in der Aufzuchtstation gesehen.Les mer

    • Dag 313

      Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise

      17. august 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Um Thomas' letztes Geburtstagsgeschenk ab zu arbeiten, fuhren wir heute nach Rockingham, um dort die "Penguin Island Wildlife Cruise"-Tour zu machen. Da für die Insel an sich zu dieser Jahreszeit keine Touren angeboten und die Pinguine Brutsaison haben, stand lediglich eine Glasbodenbootstour entlang des Küstenstreifens zur Verfügung. Das war aber auch nicht sooo schlecht. Wir konnten eine Delfinmutter mit ihrem Kalb beobachten, eine ganze Menge Seevögel - insbesondere Pelikane und Kormorane - und Seelöwen. Dazu hatten wir noch bestes Wetter. :) Anschließend gingen wir noch im "Pengo" essen und fuhren dann in die Stadt, um durch den "Burswood Park" zu spazieren. Hierbei nutzten wir die Gelegenheit, um über die im Juli eröffnete "Matagarup Bridge" zu wandern und entdeckten bei unserem weiteren Weg außerdem ein richtig schönes Wohngebiet, das fast ein wenig an Venedig erinnerte. :) Alles in allem ein sehr schöner Frühlingstag und ENDLICH kein Regen mehr. :DLes mer

    • Dag 28

      Perth - Penguin Island

      7. oktober 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Gestern Abend haben wir unsere letzte Etappe zurück gelegt und unser Ziel Perth erreicht, nach 3600 gefahrenen Kilometern! Heute Morgen mussten wir uns dann von Grandpa verabschieden 🙋, er ist wieder zurück nach Sydney geflogen. Wir restlichen fünf haben dann noch einen Ausflug nach Penguin Island gemacht, wo man neben den Zwergpinguinen auch die Brutstätten von Seemöven und Pelikanen bewundern kann.Les mer

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