Wyndham-East Kimberley

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Wyndham-East Kimberley
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    • Day 908

      Lake Argyle

      September 28, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      What an amazing landscape, it is one of these place you never want to leave again. We just relaxed, enjoyed the views and had a swim in the lake.

      Lake Argyle, der größte Süßwassersee auf dem australischen Festland umgeben von den Roten Felsen der East Kimberly Region. Es hat uns hier richtig gut gefallen. Im See leben übrigens ca. 30.000 Krokodile, also sollte man schnell schwimmen können... :DRead more

    • Day 909

      Mirima National Park

      September 29, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      We left the lake and stopped for the night in Kununurra. The city is our only chance to buy cheap groceries before we arrive at the west coast. We also used the day and the phone reception to find out where to go in the next weeks. For the sunset we visited the Mirima National Park just outside the city. Tomorrow we will leave the civilisation again to explore more of the Kimberleys.

      Heute haben wir den See wieder hinter uns gelassen und sind nach Kununurra weitergefahren. Eigentlich wieder nur so eine australische Kleinstadt die man so schnell wie möglich wieder verlassen möchte, weil es nichts zu sehen oder tun gibt. Da Kununurra allerdings die einzige Stadt auf unserer Route ist, mussten wir hier ein bisschen verweilen, recherchieren wo wir in der nächsten Zeit hin wollen und können und unsere Campingvorräte wieder aufzufüllen. Die nächste Stadt wird wohl erst wieder Broome an der Westküste sein und das sind noch weit über 1000km zu fahren.

      Zum Sonnenuntergang haben wir aber noch einen kurzen Abstecher in den Mirima Nationalpark gemacht und morgen geht der Roadtrip dann weiter.
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    • Day 910

      Von Kununurra nach Wyndham

      September 30, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

      Today we continued to Wyndham, which is the northernmost point in Western Australia we go to on this trip. We weren't sure which road we should take because there is the sealed Great Northern Highway which crosses the Ord River by bridge in the south of Kununurra or there is the old "highway" which crosses the Ord River at Ivanhoe Crossing without a bridge in the north of Kununurra. Of course we checked out Ivanhoe Crossing first, but then decided to turn and take the sealed way. We would probably have made it through, but we weren't 100% sure about it and didn't want to risk it.
      Next stop was The Grotto a small Gorge with a 100 meter deep swimming pool. A lovely place for our lunch break before we continued to to Wyndham and the five river lookout. Because of the dry season we couldn't see all five rivers right now, but the view was amazing.

      Heute ging es weiter nach Wyndham, unserem nördlichsten Punkt in Western Australia. Es sind lediglich 100km von Kununurra bis Wyndham und doch gibt es zwei mögliche Routen. Einerseits gibt es den Great Northern Highway (die einzige asphaltierte Fernstraße) im Süden von Kununurra und dann gibt es den alten Highway, der natürlich größtenteils nicht asphaltiert ist. Während man den großen Ord River auf Great Northern Highway ganz einfach über eine Brücke überquert, führt der alte Highway mitten durch den Fluss (Ivanhoe Crossing). Wir haben uns Ivanhoe Crossing mal näher angesehen und uns dann entschieden die Brücke zu nehmen. Wahrscheinlich hätten wir es geschafft, doch getraut haben wir uns dann doch nicht.
      Weiter ging es danach zu "The Grotto", zurzeit ein kleiner bis zu 100 Meter tiefer Pool in einer Schlucht und zur Regenzeit ein großer Wasserfall und ein teilweise reißender Fluss. Für uns eine gute Chance auf ein kleines Picknick in der Schlucht bevor es weiter nach Wyndham ging. Highlight von Wyndham ist der Five Rivers Lookout. Fünf Flüsse treffen sich hier bevor sie zusammen in den Indischen Ozean münden. Durch die Trockenzeit sind es zurzeit allerdings keine fünf Flüsse die wir sehen konnten, dennoch war die Aussicht atemberaubend.
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    • Day 47–54


      May 23 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Well, now it's Thursday, and we've been here 7 nights already. Time flies ....
      We've been doing all things Kununurra. Seen Ivanhoe Crossing, lookout from "The Knob," walked thro the "Mini Bungles" close to town.
      One day, we drove out to the "Sandlewood Factory," which, unfortunately, is closing down as is their factory in Albany. Very sad. Everything was half price so I bought a few things.
      Then it was on to "The Hoochery" for lunch & a tasting.
      Another day, we drove to the Pumphouse, and even though it's not functioning now, it has history. There is a nice restaurant there and they have pizzas at the weekend. May go there on our last night.
      The weather has cooled a bit now, around 29-30° most days and the nights much cooler.....around 14° last night. We had the quilt up for most of last night.
      The concert on Saturday was really good. " The Screaming Jets" were good, but the lead singer was pretty high on " something." Apparently, he fell over a couple of times trying out his normal antics on stage.
      Bob Evans was also very good. ( 27 Club ).
      We liked Sarah McLeod, who was also heavy rock & lead singer with " Superjesus." She's 51 years old but really good.
      The main act was " Rogue Traders " with Natalie Bassingthwaighte as lead singer. I really had no idea she was heavy rock as well!! It's not really our genre in music, but we can appreciate talented musicians. ( Thanks Will for exposing us to hard rock!!! )
      Last night, we attended " The Comedy in The Park " at the Muster, featuring Jimeoin and three other comedians. The first two we enjoyed and Jimeoin was very good. We expected a lot more expletives but he was quite tame in that regard. Very funny. 😁
      After a busy last Saturday with seven haircuts, it's been just one or two a day; perfect for me!
      I think that's about it for now. We leave here on Sunday and have a week to get to Broome. There are a couple of places we'll stop off on on the way to our first overnighter: somewhere in the great outdoors!!!
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    • Day 51

      Kununurra, Molly Springs, Emma Gorge

      May 27 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Funny! We only had that one cold night when we were at "The Comedy Night," and since then, it's been quite warm at night. Just a sheet on with the fan going.
      On Saturday night, Doug and Pauline invited us to dinner at the place they were staying just a few km out of Kununurra. It's a nice property, very peaceful, and we had a lovely dinner (Coral Trout) . I took the wrong turn to head home, and we ended up on somebody's property. ( he didn't seem amused when he came out with the big dog to see who was trespassing) We got home eventually!
      Sunday was spent packing up and last-minute washing, etc.
      Sadly, we watched the Eagles' disastrous performance & then turned TV off during the last quarter.
      We were up early this morning and on the road by 7am. Drove the 30km to Molly's Spring to have a look, as we loved it last time we were there.
      The 3km track in to Molly Sring was so rough!!! We couldn't remember it being so bad last time, and this time, we had the van on. WRONG!!! Never mind, fortunately, no damage. I had a dunk there as it was quite warm. Very pretty place with plenty of water flowing.
      Then it was on to Emma Gorge, about 30km to the Resort along the Gibb River Rd, and with about 4 water crossings ( not deep) to get there and then to have a great coffee and muffin! ( energy for the long walk-into the Gorge).
      It took us an hour to walk in (3.5 km return walk). It was hard walking over rocks and big bolders, but it was so worth it. I really had to watch that my ankle and knee were aligned as I placed my feet between rocks, but all good. John just surged ahead as you would expect of him.
      Once we eventually got to the Falls, we had a swim ( freezing) and then got under the warm spring, which was delightful 😊
      We spent 45 mins here, before the nearly one hour return trip.
      Back to the resort for a beer and burger for lunch. Took our time there and eventually left for our overnighter at Dunham River just 50km down the road. It's pretty hot now, as I write this because the breeze has dropped. 34 degrees.
      Enjoy the photos. I took lots of the magnificent ranges, but the photos don't capture the sheer beauty of them!
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    • Day 12

      Lake Argyle

      October 25, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Traumhafter Campground mit Blick über den Lake Argyle. Der Infiniti-Pool läd zur Abkühlung ein. Das Klima ist trockener und es ist sehr heiss. Hier unbedingt 1,2 Nächte mehr einplanen und zu fuss oder zu Wasser die Gegend erkunden.Read more

    • Day 238

      Kununurra, AUS

      April 25, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Die vergangene Woche war sehr ruhig und wir sind viel gefahren.

      Heute stand jedoch ein ganz besonderer Besuch an. Wir haben Mandy und ihre Waisenkinder-Kängurus besucht und durften ihr sogar helfen sie zu füttern 😊.

      Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, dass es heutzutage noch solche Menschen wie Mandy gibt. Sie steckt sehr viel Zeit (neben einem Vollzeitjob) und Geld in die Beherbergung der Tiere und bekommt keine finanzielle Unterstützung (außer von uns Touristen für die sie sich aber auch Zeit nehmen muss). Wir haben gespürt wie sehr sie ihre Tiere liebt und wie glücklich die süßen Kängurus sind. Die waren echt zum knuddeln!!! Max hat neben ein paar zärtlichen Bissen auch ein Bussi von einem bekommen 😂.

      Wir haben Mandy eine kleine Spende hinterlassen über die sie sich sehr gefreut hat. Wir wünschen ihr alles Gute und sind so erstaunt was sie alles für ihre Tiere (sie hat auch noch Vögel mit gebrochenen Flügel usw.) tut. Vor solchen Menschen kann man wirklich nur den Hut ziehen!
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    • Day 22

      Lake Argyle

      September 26, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Lake Argyle stellt gemessen an der Oberfläche den grössten Stausee dar. Dieser wurde aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen angelegt, damit die Farmer immer Wasser zur Verfügung haben und dies zu einem günstigen Preis. Heute wird der Staudamm zusätzlich zur Stromgewinnung verwendet und speist die gesamte Gegend mit Strom.

      Am Morgen ging es auf zu einer 2 Stündigen Bootstour durch den See, dabei sahen wir sehr viele Tiere, wie das Woleebee, verschiedene Fische und Krokodile.
      Kurz vor dem Ende bekamen wir noch die Möglichkeit zu Schwimmen und von höheren Felsenvorsprüngen zu Springen.
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    • Day 272

      Finally back in WA

      October 7, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      Seit zwei Wochen sind wir nun endlich wieder in Western Australia angekommen und hängen hier seitdem in Kununurra fest. Eigentlich wollten wir schon längst in Broome sein aber wir müssen​ noch auf ein Teil für unseren Camper warten, damit wir weiter fahren können. Die Wartezeit haben wir aber schon sinnvoll genutzt und den Camper nun endlich auch von außen fertig angestrichen. Nun im neuen Glanz ist er kaum noch zu erkennen! :D

      Two weeks ago, we finally arrived back in Western Australia and since then we're stuck in Kununurra. Actually we wanted to be in Broome by now but we need to wait for a part for our campervan, so we can go further. The waiting time we spent very well and eventually painted the campervan from exterior. Now in a new glamour it's almost not recognisable anymore! :D
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    • Day 38


      May 16, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Kununurra is the Eastern gateway to the Kimberlys and our last stop for the day. Before we were at Wyndham, an unspectacular but charming port town which hasn't too much to offer. These few things are presented well so it feels bigger.
      The main reason why we made the 50km detour was to spot crocodiles in the wild. There are some locations nearby that are promising but we weren't lucky today. Instead we visited a lookout and the "biggest Baobab in captivity". We continued the search for crocs at Kununurra in the evening but still without any success.
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